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RGETASIOS/S RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY-2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPERJV: INSURANCE LAW (BUSINESS ‘LAW GROUP) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & Eand each question carries 15 marks. Secti 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. What is the meaning of subrogation and assignment in the insurance c b, Gautam has taken a Medical policy with National AssuranceCompany(NAC) in 1988. Till 1992 he maid payment of premium and policy was renewed. Gautam was hospitalized many times in between 1993-1995 for his cardiac treatment and NAC reimbursed all the claims for medical expenses of Contda.P2 Qe that period, butin 1996 NSC refused to renew the policy on He round of High Claim Rate’ because. Whether NACean refuse to Fenew the policy, decide with reason? ‘Nature and seope of Crop Insurance in India. “Write a short note on fimctions ofIRDA. Section -B Karan insured hishouse against "such loss or damage as shoul OF ‘right be occasional by Se”. There was an explosion of gum-poWeCe Tmnignionina factory situated 30 feet away fromteinsured hose Thich caused damageto windows and window ames. But house Wich pet on fire. Whether insurers liebe forsuch damage caused totheinsured? “With the help ofrelevant judicial pronounoements, explain the const of Proximate Cause’ in reference to fire insurance. With the help of relevant cases laws diseuss the principle of Insureblelnterestin the lfe insurance contracts. Section=C ‘Mr X took a fire insurance policy of Rs. 500000/- for his shop. ‘Cevain goods were purchased rom unauthorized dealer withovt any bland the shopkeeper was also selling inflammable goods without any license. These information was not disclosed. “The fire tookplace in the shop and Mr. X- filed a claim of Rs. 400000/-. ‘Withrference to above fc of ire insuanoe policy, explain he impart Nrponisclosure of material fact ormisrepresentation inreation ‘0 principle of utmost good faith. ‘Write Short note on: a ‘Nature and concept of travel insurance in India. bb. Objectand purpose of medical insurance policy. Contd.....P.3 Section -D 6. _ Aship of DLF Company was covered under a marine policy Sbiained from Global Insurance company with additional manson ‘coverage for one month from the date fpoticy. The policy issued butnot received by the DLF Company. The ship and the goods ‘were destroyed due to bad mansoon while it was in transit, The ‘company took the plea that the contract was not concluded. ‘Whether the Global Insurance Company is liable. “With the help of above facts explain the excluded and included seth nema’ volcy 71, Write Shortnote on: a. No fault ability under Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy. >. Nature of lability under Transit Insurance. Section 8, Kanika fashion showroom acloth shop was insured. Where the thet took placein the night of23.22018, the complainant claimed alossofaboutRs. 3.5 lakhs. The complainant had given evidence fs stock verified by bank, receipts, bills, account details, etc. the surveyor also verified and confirmed the stock. Despite it, the ‘laim was repudiated on the ground that the complainant had tried to get higher benefit which cannot be realized with such supporting documents. Decide. On the basis of above facts explain the burglary and theft insurance policy interpretations with the help of relevant cases. Q9. Write Shortnote on: a, _ Objectand scope of Public Liability Insurance Act of 1991. b. Powerand functions of Insurance Ombudsman. Roll no. RGETISIOS/18 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPERII: TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED ‘CRIMES (CRIMINAL LAW GROUP) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and cach part carries Smarks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section - 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. Organised Crime in modern manifestations. b. Digtraflicking ec. Terorism 4. Offence of money laundering Contd...PR.2 2 Section -B Ehncidate main features of organised crimes. How organised crimes are emergingas an international challenge in modem globalised and liberalized economy? ‘Examine various legal measures to combat organised crimes. Whatare themain obstacles in combating organised crimes? Section -C Corruption is a worldwide problem. Suggest viable measures to curb comuiption at international level. Drugtraffickingis posing serious threat to social health of nia. How far DPS Act 1985 s effective to combet trafficking in narcotic drugs? Section -D. India faces problem of human trafficking in dangerous dimensions. Discuss legislative framework fo curb human trafficking. ‘Terrorism is posing potent threat tothe survival of democratic system of India. What is State sponsored terrorism? Outline measures to control terrorism through Therapeutic therapy. Section E Elucidate the concept and scope of money laundering with special reference the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering ‘Act,2002. Examine the role of Directorate of Enforcement and National Investigation Agency to combat the menace of money laundering, Refer to recent scams to explain your point of view. Roll no, _| RGIETISIOSN8 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS,) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY -2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-IL: SERVICE LAWS: (CONSTITUTIONAL LAW GROUP) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & Eand each question carries 15 marks. Section A 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. ‘Scope of Equality’ enshrined in Article 14 of the Constitution offindia, b) Define Compulsory Retirement. Is ita punishment? Comment, ©) Whatistheeffect of following: ') Retirement While under Suspension. i) Death while undersuspension. d) — What are requisits ofa Valid Charge. Contd...P2 -2- Section -B ‘Me X an Inspector with Punjab Police died while on active duty. His wife Mrs. Y who was around $0 years claimed compassionate appointment after his death. She was denied appointment as she -was over age. Advice Mrs. Y? Also explain the various aspects of compassionate appointment. “Write a detail explanatory note on Administrative Tribunals setup under the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985. Section-€ ‘What is Doctrine of Pleasure? What are the implications of the “Doctrine of Pleasure’ under Article 310 of Constitution of India. ‘Also explainthe limitations imposed onthe Doctrine of pleasure under ‘the Constitutional framework. ‘Mr Ashok, who wes the principal of Govemment School resigned without intimating any higher Authority. Owing toa sudden vacancy, a walk-in- interview was held and Mr. Bipin wes appointed as an adhoc principal till aregular principal was appointed. Mr. Bipin continued as adhoc principal till 2017: for fouryears. Now he has written to the authorities ‘claiming regularization ofhis services. Advice Mr. Bipin of the various aspeetsofadhoc services and whether he can claim regularization ofhis service. Section -D For post of inspector in Income Tax Departinent, the reeruiment for filing vacancy is from tw. channels Le. by promotion and by Direct Recruitment in the ratio of 60:40. In the Year 2015, 10 posts were advertised, however no post ‘of Direct Recruitment was filed and all the quota seats for Direct Recruits remained vacant for next year also i.e. 2016 out of the 10 vacancies advertised, only vacancy of promoters was filled. However, as more promoters were available, hence they were also promoted as Inspectors in excess oftheir quota, Inthe light of tis situation please comment. a) Can appointments in excess of quota be made? b) Whatare the various principles to be followed for obedience of quota rule and fixation of seniority? wee 3 ‘Mt. Ramesh, a Superintendent in Department of Primary Education Goverment of Punjab went on deputation to department of Technical Education, Government of Punjab. He worked on deputation for 6 years and then when in.2018, promotions were made from ‘superintendent to Inspector in Department of Pirmary Education, Govt. of Punjab, his name was not included as he was on deputation. Mr. Ramesh intents to filea writin the High Court. Advice Mr Ramesh ofhis various rights as a deputationist. Will he sucoeed? Give reasons in support of your answer. Section-E “Write a detailed explanatory note on the procedure of conducting Disciplinary Departmental Enquiries. Explain in detail Major and Minos penalities. Also write anote on the authorities competent to impose punishment under the CCS (CCA) Rules? a RGETQOSI8 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER SUBJECT: CRIMINALJUSTICE AND FUNDAMENTALRIGHTS (FOR RE-APPEAR CANDIDATES) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and ezch part carries 5 marks. Attempt one question cach from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section -A 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a, _ Examine the Constitutional perspective of Euthanasia, with special reference to right to die with reference to Article 21 b. Briefly explain the provisions dealing with child abuse. ©. Write anote on contributionof human rights commission for protection of under trial prisoners, d. _ How the Indian Constitution deals with Bonded Labour, Contd....P2 pas Section -B "The only justification for depriving a person of is personal liberty and sending him to jail is thatthe course of imprisonment would be helpful in rehabilitating him after hisrelease. Ifthe jail conditions are such that he comes out in a worse form with alotof vengeful feelings against the society and the social system, the whole purpose is defeated and the incarceration becomes unjustified and flawed’. Inthe light of above statement, explain the expending horizon of article 21 as interpreted by the apex court for the protection of Prisoners! Rights. With the help of judicial pronouncement evaluate the fundamental Right against Sef'ncriminationinrelation to involuntary administration of Naroo- analysis, polygraph tests and the Brain mapping. Section -C ‘Write short note on- a) Human Trafficking of the Children b) Rightto Education " With rapidarbanization and industrialization of the country.exploitation of women in recent years had been a serious menace to our society"Examine the statement in the light of sexual offences against ‘women and the laws in India. Section -D “The concept of reasonableness must be projected in the procedure contemplated by article 21 having regard to the impact of Article 14 and 19 on Article 21." Critically examine the above statement. With reference to Constitutional perspective and amendments, critically evaluate the status of preventive detention and the law, which authorize and regulate preventive detention in India Conta....P3 Sect n-E Minorities in India are protected and promoted within the Constitutional framework. In the light of above statement examine the rights of minorities enshrined under Indian Constitution. ‘What do you mean by atrocity? Explain the provisions of legal framework prevailingin India for protection of under privileged community agains atrocities. Roll no. RGIANISNS/I8 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-V: LAWOF SEA/MARITIME LAW (OPTIONAL) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & Eand each question carries 15 marks. Section =A 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a b. Principle of “Canon shot” and “ Common Heritage of Mankind” Develpoment of the Concept of Contiguous Zone. International Sea Bed Area and claims of States over Sea Bed Area Pollution from dumping of old ships and on its control. Contd...P2 2 Section - B- ‘Define ‘Law of Sea”. Explain historical Perspective of the Law of Sea. ‘Explain ‘Innocent Passage’ with Case Law and also Explain the Legal Sehus of Temtonal water unter 1982 Convention ontie Law ofS Section -C Define'Exclusive Economic Zone’ Explain rightsand dutiesof Coastal states and land-locked states over Exclusive Economic Zone.How ‘you can differentiate the Contiguous Zone from Exclusive Economic Zone. Define “High Sea’ and freedoms of High Seas. Explain therestrictions onthe exercise of freedoms of High Seas. Section -D Explian the Intemational Tribunal forthe Law of Sea(ITLOS). Also Refer the Cases decided by ITLOS(the M/V. Saiga Case,1997 and the M/V), Saiga Case, 1998) in the shadow of UN Convention on. the Law of Sea,1982. Define the ‘Ocean Governance’, Explain the relevance of UNCLOS, 1982 related to ocean Governance, Section-E Define ‘Marine Poltution’. And also explain obligations of states to protect and preserve the Marine Environment accordance with UNCLOS, 1982 Land based Sources are becoming dangerous threat to the marine environment”,Comment. Also Explain the legal Control over marine pollution. Rol RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB ae B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY -2018 EIGHTHSEMESTER PAPER-IV: CITIZENSHIP AND EMIGRATION LAWS: (INTERNATIONAL LAW GROUP) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part caries 5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from SectionB,C, D & E and each question carties 15 marks, 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. Domicile b) Dualcitizenship ©) Allegiance d) Burden of proofunder Fore'gner's Act, 1946 Contd....P2 5a) vb -2- Section -B Discuss in detail how ancient civilizations of the world looked at the ‘concept ofcitizenship. In what waysdo you think thattheirideas and ideals affected our understanding of citizenship as an idea? Briefly outline treads of continuity and change. Citizenship is thoughtto presuppose a terrtorially bounded political ‘community, whichextends over tire andisthe focus ofa commonidentity. Doyouthink that this understanding of citizenship theory isundera severe stress on account of globalization in 21 stcentury? Ifso, why? ~ "Section =C Discuss in detail the constitutional provisions regarding Indian citizenship. Howdo you think that legacy of partition ofIndia affected ‘their franiing? ‘What ae the verious statutory provisions for acquisition of citizenship under Citizenship Act, 1955? (40 Marks) “Anusha Voskanyan isan Armenian national living pursuing her studies ‘atDelhi University. She had been in india for? years when she martied Shri Varun Dhawan, an Indian actor, on 02-02-16. They are blessed ‘withadaughternamed Amita. Advice Anusha and Amitato obtain Indian citizenship. (6 Marks) Section - D ‘What is emigration? Discuss in detail the various factors for emigration. Also provide an outline of the Indian law regulating gra Howeffective is International Lawasa tool in combating instances of discrimination against the emigrants? What reform can bemadeto international law to make itmore effective. Comtd....P3 b) Section -E “What is a passport? Disouss its importance under Indian law. Briefly outline the statutory provisions for variation, impounding and revocation of the Indian Passports. (10 Marks) ‘Doyou think that Passport Act, 1967 empowers the government to {issue a special and a separate passport for those who have not finished the High School or equivalent examination? (Marks) 9, a) Whoisa foreigner? Write an exhaustive note on Indian law relating b) to presence and registration of foreigners in India. (10 Marks) ‘Saurav is a national of US and Sweden. He was born inNew York and his parents were US citizens. Heis currently employedin Sweden and owns a house there. He travelled to India on an American passport. How would government determine his nationality inthe said case. (6 Marks) : RGETIOOS/I8 | RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB Roll no. B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018, EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER: LABOUR AND INDUSTRIAL LAW-II TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part caries marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks, Sectio 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. What are main features of Industrial disputes Act,1947? b. Discuss the objectives and feaures of Unorganised workers” Social Security Act, 2008. c. Describe the procedure for fixation of the minimum wages. 4. Standing Committee under ESI-Act,1948. a Section -B Discuss the functions of Labour Court and Industrial Tribunal. Define Retrenchment. How retrenchment is different from Lay-Off? Explain about the compensation forrentrenchment of workmen on. ‘transfer ofbusiness ofclosing ofindustial unit. Seetion-C Define ‘Standing orders’. what are condition for Certification of standing orders? How standing orders can be modified? Explain. Why Industrial Employment (stending orders)Act, 1946 was ‘enforced? What are special features ofAct? What are Powersand Duties of Cetifyingofficer? Section -D Discuss the responsibility ofemployer for payment of wages. Explain deductions which can be made from wages. ‘What are main objects and features of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972? Explain about the payment and determination of gratuity. Section-E Describe main object of Employee's Compensation Act,1923. What are Rules for the employee's compensation? ‘Write detailed note on various types of ‘Benefits’ under Employee State Insurance Act,\948. Roll no, RGET/A9O58 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-V: CORPORATE TAX LAWS (FOR RE-APPEAR CANDIDATES) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries S marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section-A 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. Residential status ofa Company b. Unilateral relief fiom double taxation Kinds of international tax agreements d. Basis of charge under service tax Contd....P2 Section -B Explain the provisions relating to minimum alternate tax and dividend distribution tax. Discussthe provisions relating to collection of tax. Section -C Critically evaluate the provisions of section 9 of the Income Tax Act,1961 in light of recent amendments. Discuss the role, procedure and composition of Authority for Advance Ruling. Section -D Discuss the basic features of doubletaxation avoidance agreements, Discuss the role played by dovble taxation avoidance agreements in prevention of tax evasion. Section-E Explain the present scenario and applicable provisions relating to indirect taxation in India. ‘Write shortnotes on: 1. Service Tax 2.NAT Roll no. RGETASOSINS RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B, (HONS) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-V: JUDICIALPROCESS AND JUDICIAL REVIEW (OPTIONAL) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & Band each question carries 18 marks. See A 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a. Meaning of Judicial Process b. Doctrine of Precedent in India ¢. WritofMendamus 4. Principle of Judicial Selfresiraint Contd...P2 Section -B Judicial Process grants dynamism to law. Discuss Explain the structure of Courts in India and compare it with U.S and UK Section-C ‘The Apex Courthas Contributed tremendously in the development ‘of Rule of Law in the modem times. Discuss. “Separation of Powers’ has not been recognised in India in its absolute rigidity Elaborate with the help of suitable case law. Section -D Judicial Reviewis one of the component of constitutionalism. Discuss. ‘What are the grounds on which power of judicial review can be exercised? Explain with the help of decided cases. Section-E Social Action Litigationis encouraged as well as controlled by the judiciary through judicial activism. Discuss. Judicial Legislationis the outcome of judicial activism. Discuss. Roll RGIETITIOS/NE RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY-2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-IV: CITIZENSHIP AND EMIGRATION LAWS: (INTERNATIONAL LAW GROUP) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carties5 marks. Attempt ‘one question each from SectionB,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Ss 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a ») °) ad Domicile Dual citizenship Allegiance Burden of proof under Foreigner’s Act, 1946 Contd..P2 Section Discuss in detail how ancient civilizations of the world looked at the concept of citizenship. ‘In what ways do you think that their: ‘ideas and ideals affected out understanding of citizenship as an idea? Briefly outline treads of continuity and change. Citizenship is thought to presuppose a teritorially bounded political ‘community, which extends over tine andisthe focus ofacommonidentity. Doyouthinkthatthis understanding of citizenship theory isunderasevere stress on account of globalization in 21st century? Ifso, why? Section -C Discuss in detail the constitutional provisions regarding Indian citizenship. Flow do you think that legacy of partition of Indiaaffected 5 8) Whatare the various statutory provisions for acquisition of citizenship under Citizenship Act, 1955? (40 Marks) ) Anusha Voskanyan isan Armenian national living pursuing her studies at Delhi Univessity. ‘She had been in India for 2 years when she married ‘Shri Varun Dhawan, an Indian actor, on 02-02-16. They ate blessed vwithadaughternamed Amita. Advice Amushaand Amitato obtain Indian, citizenship. (5 Marks) Section- D What is emigration? Discuss in detail the various factors for emigration. Also provide an outline of the Indian law regulating emigration ‘How effective is International Law as atool in combating instances of discrimination against the emigrants? What reform can bemade to international law to make it more effective. Contd....P3 b) 3 Section -E ‘What is a passport? Discuss its importance under Indian law. Briefly outline the statutory provisions for variation, impounding and revocation of the Indian Passports. (10 Marks) Do you think that Passport Act, 1967 empowers the government to jsgue a special and a separate passportfor those who have not finished the High School or equivalent examination? (6 Marks) 9. a) Who isa foreigner? Write an exhaustive note on Indian law relating to presence and registration of foreigners in Indi. (10 Marks) b) Saurav is anational of US and Sweden. He was born inNew York and his parents were US citizens. Hes currently employedin Sweden ‘and owns a house there. He travelled to India on an American passport. How would government determine his nationality in the said case. (6 Marks) ee RG/ET/I7I05I8 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.ALL.B. (HONS)FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY -2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-IV: INTERNATIONALECONOMIC AND TRADE LAW (INTERNATIONALLAW GROUP) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries § marks. Attempt one question cach from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a, Rights of Aliens in Intemational Economic Law. b. UNconference on Trade and Development. ©. Trade Dispute settlement Mechanism priorto 1994, 4. Problems of State responsibility in Intemational Economic Law. Contd....P2 2 Section, ‘What is International Economic Law? What areas can be classified as subjects of Intemational Economic Law today? ‘Market, Labour and Capital, influence the globel Trade. "Is this statement ‘tuein case ofindividuals inrelationto Intemational Economic Law? Section -C (Can all the trade be termedas Liberal Trade? What are the advantages of Liberal Trade? Briefly discuss the working and significance of Intemational Monetary Fund. Whatis the contribution of World Bank in the working of IMF? Section -D (Comment upon the significance of Doctrine of Free Trade in light of procedures Governing the settlement of Disputes. “WTO functions as the World Trade controller and executor’. Evaluate this statement in light of recent happening in the area of International Trade, Section -E ‘The Most favoured Nation theory has been successful in. achieving its goals or not? How far have the various nations succeeded in awarding National treatment to the foreign investors? What are the various Escape Clauses? Explain with help of relevant examples. Roll no. RGET205/18 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B.(HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY -2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-VI: EMERGING TRENDS IN LAW- MEDIA LAW, RTI AND RTS: (OPTIONAL) TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries S marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section - A. 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a Isittrue to state that media has exposed the individuals to the risk of invasion on their privacy? Role of Advertisements Standards Council of India. Right to information and Intemational dimensions. ‘Meaning and significance of right to service. Contd....P2 Section -B Freedom of speech and Expression cannot be exercised in order to commit contempt of court which isa ground for imposing reasonable restriction and for upholding the dignity of the courts. Discuss ‘Media trial should not be an obstruction in the way of fair trial. Discuss Section -C Examine the role and significance of Press Council of India. Discuss the regulation of Social Media inthe light of Shreya Shighal v. Union of India. Section Freedom of speech and Expression cannot the exercised without right o information. Discuss. ‘To what extent right to information can be restricted? Explain with the help of decided cases. Section -E, Right to service will remain a paper promise unless there is effective enforcement mechanism, Explain the nature and scope cf Right to Service Act. Roll no. RGETIZOS/I8 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY.~2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-VI: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW (QPTIONAL) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each partcarries S marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & Eand each question carries 15 marks. Section -A 1. Compulsory Write shortnote on: a b. c Subjects of Intemational Lavr Apartheid Iragi special Tiibunal for Saddam Hussain ‘Command Responsibility under the Rome Statute Contd...P2 2 Section -B What do yournean by principles of Legality underthe Intemational (Criminal Law Sovereignity of a states is a hurdle in exercising the jurisdiction of Intemational Criminal Court. Explaicthe sovergnity ofsiateinthelightof commission of Intemational Crimes. ‘ection -C Whatdo you mean by Genocide. What isthe criteria to measure the Genocide [sit anumber of people that matter or how will you identify situation of Genocide, Explain in detail “Terrorism isnotathreat to one country. A temoristhasno nationality. Explain the crime of “Terrorism’in detail Section - D What are the similarities and differencesin ICTY and ICTR. Explain indetail Write anoteon following:- 8) special court for Sierra Leona b)The Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals Section-E 8.a) What are the modes of Participation of International Criminal Law. b) Whatare the Grounds for Excluding the Criminal Responsibility under the Intemational Criminal Law 9. a) Explain the Jurisdiction of Intemational Criminal Court.(ICC). ) Ifin any situation the ICC has a Jutisdiction, is it necessary it has admissibility to deal the case? How admissibility is identified in any situation of International crime? Explain in detail. Roll no. RG/ETALOSINE RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY -2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER -I: PROPERTY LAW ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part caries 5 marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & Eand each question carries 15 marks. Section -A 1, Compulsory Write short note on: a. b. c Difference between vested and Contingent Interest Contract of Sale. Kinds of Subrogation. Effect ofnon registerable document. Contd...P2 2 ion -B ‘To What extent the maximum remoteness of vesting canbe postponed incase of transfer tounbom person inruleaginst perpen. Diss itwith relevant illustrations and case laws. ‘X.is the owner of 10 marla house in Patiala. He takes a3 Lakhs loan ‘bymorigaging his house to Y for the marriage of his daughter. After the marriage X sells his house to his nephew Z at the price of one lakh whereas the market price of house was very high. Whether the sale of house is fraudulent transfer or not against Y. Explain it with conditions or exceptions laid down inthe concept of fraudulent transfer in the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Section-C Discuss the difference between Lease and License. Whena licence can be revoked and how Lease can be terminated under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Explain the following: a) A gives his farmhouse to B reserving to himself with B’ assent the right to take back the farmhouse in case B and his legal heirs die before A. B dies without legal heirs in A’s lifetime. Whether A can take back his farmhouse? b) Whether a Muslim donor can make a gift in favour of any non- ‘Muslim? Explain it with provisions relating to Hiba (Gift in Muslim Law). Section -D “Once amortgage, always mortgage”. Explain the relevance of this ‘ansim nthe light ofight to edemtin end clog onredemption with instances and relevant case laws. ‘Marshalling supersedes Contribution. Discuss this rule by elaborating the essentials of marshalling and contribution with illustrations and differences between both of them. Section-E Discuss the documents relating to transfer of propery which is Disrtsonyrepistersble under te Registration Act 1908. iscuss the various refused to reigister What is the process of Registration circumstances where the registering authorities: the documents. Lineal RGET/OSINE RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB BA.LLB. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPER-I: PROPERTY LAW ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks. Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section -A 1, Compulsory ‘Write short note on: a. _ Difference between vested and Contingent Interest. b. Contract of Sale. . Kinds of Subrogation. d. Effectofnonregisterable document. Contd ..-P2 2 Section -B ‘To Whatextent the maximum remoteness of vesting can be postponed ‘incase of transfer to unbo person inrule against perpetuity. Discuss itwith relevant illustrations and case laws. “Xis the owner of 10 marla house in Patiala. He takes a3 Lakhs loan ‘by mortgaging his house to Y for themarriage of his daughter. After ‘the marriage X sells his house to his nephew Z at the price of one lakh whereas the market price ofhouse was very high. Whether the sale of house is fraudulent transfer or not against Y. Explain it with conditions or exceptions laid down in the concept of fraudulent transfer in the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Ses Discuss the difference between Lease and License. Whena licence canbe revoked and how Lease can be terminated under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Explainthe following: a) A gives his farmhouse to B reserving to himself with B” assent the right to take back the farmhouse in case B and his legal heirs die before A. B dies without logal heirs in A’ lifetime, Whether ‘Acan take back his farmhouse? b) Whether a Muslim donor can make a gift in favour of any non- ‘Musliro? Explain it with provisions relating to Hiba (Gift in Muslim Law). Section -D. “Once a mortgage, always mortgage”. Explain the relevance ofthis ‘maxim in the light of right to redemption and clog on redensption ‘with instances and relevant case laws. ‘Marshalling supersedes Contribution. Discus this rule by elaborating the essentials of marshalling and contribution with illustrations and differences between both of them. Section-E Discuss the documents relating to transfer of property which is compulsory registerable under the Registration Act, 1908. ‘What is the process of Registration? Discuss the various circumstances where the registering authorities refused to reigister thedocuments. me Roll no. RGIETIS/OS/N8 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. HONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY - 2018 EIGHTH SEMESTER PAPERIH: INTERNATIONALLABOUR LAW (INTERNATIONALLAW GROUP) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries marks. Attempt ‘one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carries 15 marks. Section-A 1, Compulsory Write short note on: a. Define International Labour Standards. b. e Impact of ILO instruments on Indian Labour Laws. Explain Article3 of Worst forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999, Importance of freedom of Association and Protection of Right to Organise under International Labour Law. Contd....P2 Section -B 2. Expalin the historical evolution of International Labour Law. 3. Explain the objectives and scope of International Labour Law. In What extent International Labour Standards protect the rights of Labourers? Section -C Explain the objectives of International Labour organisation (ILO). Aso write about the mechanism that is used by ILO to perform its functions, 5. “Decent Work -A key to sustainable Development”. Explain in detail the dimensions of sustainability under the shadow of the 2030 Development Agenda of LO. tion - D Define ‘Child Rights’ under Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948 and UN Convention on Rights of child, 1989. Also explain the impact of ILO standards on Indian Legislatios relating to children’s rights. 5. Explain the term ‘Child Labour’, Write in detail the principles and recommendations under the Minimum Age Convention, 1973. Section -E 8 “Domestic Workers Convention, 2011-a new standard to fight discrimination and exploitation”. Explain with the help of key provisions of the Convention. 9. Define ‘Collective Bargaining” under Intemational Conventions. Also explain legal boundaries forcollective Bargaining in India a S Roll no. RGIETATIOSIN RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB B.A.LL.B. ONS.) FYIC END TERM EXAMINATION MAY -2018 EIGHTHSEMESTER PAPER-IV: LAW AND PRACTICE RELATING TO PATENT DESIGN AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (BUSINESS LAW GROUP) ‘TIME DURATION: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: EIGHTY (80) Note: Section-A is compulsory and each part carries 5 marks, Attempt one question each from Section B,C, D & E and each question carties 15 marks. Section-A 1. Compulsory Write short note on: a b. ce a Government use of Patents, Voluntary and Non-voluntary Assignment, Interface between Design, Copyrights and Trademarks. Madrid Agreement. Contd.....P2 si) ii) 2 Section -B Fora product that was available inthe market in 1994 but went out ‘of production in 2004, is the goverment eligible to issuea compulsory licence in 2016? The patent was awarded to that product in 1990. ‘Anapplication was filed by Jagmiohan for apatent of electric torches ‘which were self illuminating in the dark. The procedure forcreation of these torches were litle different ftom existing torches. When the petent ‘was granted to the same product in China, the objection was raised to theapplication by Ram Singh & co. sit was prior outand tht Jagmoban should notbe granted apatent. How fis theclaimmaintsinable? Discuss. Section -C Amini van was developed by Ramesh, which was capable of detecting Jost animalsina farm. Itoperated on a software where the chip in the collar of the animal was detected by the moving van. Ramesh applied for a patent on this van, His claim was rejected, He filed a case regarding his claim. Will he be granted the patent? “Bio informatios, as patents ean be granted in India’. How far isthe statement correct? What are the various ethicai issues involved in the grant of Bioinformatics? Section -D Aimug for coffee and a Piano cover have the same design drawn and crafted on them, What is the procedure of registration of these ‘products in India? 4) Briefly Discuss the concept ofnovel and original designs in India. 4) Howisthe protection of Designs is differentin Europe from that inIndia? ‘Section-E How have various treaties contributed in the growth of Geographical Indication as an intellectual property? Contda.P3 3 ‘Marx wines developed a peculiar wine in France. It was made from ‘exotic flowers. They started marketing the wine under the tradename MARX WINES all over the world. They applied for Geographical Indication in India. Their claim was objected to by the M.P. State ‘governmentas they were producingalocal liquor from exotic flowers from past twenty years. This was used for medicinal purposes in case ‘of common cold, fu and fever, Will Marx wines get the GI protection inIndia? Discuss.

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