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The teacher will call out an equation.
Students will preform the operation on their
calculator, the answer is where they will place
the bingo marker. In order to make Bingo the
answers will be checked against the called
equation to ensure the student used the
calculator correctly.
During this activity, students will only be able to use the
highlighted numbers and operations to reach the answer in
the window. If the calculator shows a + then use the provided
numbers to add up to then answer in the window. If the
calculator shows a - then use the provided numbers to
subtract from the answer in the window.

For the purpose of our calculator unit students will use

calculators to complete their computations, but this activity
could be used for paper-pencil practice as well.

If you want to make this more difficult try these this:
Must use all the numbers shown, not just some.
During this activity students will complete the
equations on the riddle cards using their calculators.
Once they have found the answer to the equation,
students will turn their calculators upside down to
reveal the answer to the riddle.

Don't forget to press the = in order to see the answer
to the equation.
This will be the main activity of our calculator unit.
During this activity students will utilize the skills they
acquired from doing the 3 previous, smaller activities.
Students will complete equations using their
calculators. They will then use the answers to those
equations to fill in the blanks of a story. If they
complete all the equations correctly, the sotry will
make sense when they read it.

Lawton, R. (n.d.). Upside Down Calculator Story . Beecroft Academy - Year 6_copy. Retrieved March
5, 2022, from

Lawton, R. (n.d.). Upside Down Calculator Story . Beecroft Academy - Year 6_copy. Retrieved March
5, 2022, from
This will be the main activity of our calulator unit.
During this activity students will utilize the skills they
aquired from doing the 3 previous, smaller activities.
Students will complete equations using their
calculators. They will then use the answers to those
equations to fill in the blanks of a story. If they
complete all the equations correctly, the sotry will
make sense when they read it.

Story Answer:
It was a dark and stormy night. BILL, BOB and LIZ were
playing inside. They were playing ‘Duck, Duck, GOOSE’.
BOB got out and began to cry because HE didn’t like to
LOSE. “BOO hoo” wailed BOB. Then BILL hurt HIS HEEL SO
they stopped playing and HE took off his SHOE. Mum
said “Who wants to help me BOIL an EGG for dinner?”
LIZ felt ILL at the thought of it because SHE doesn’t like
EGGS. The boys quickly ate their dinner. “BE careful not
to eat the SHELL!” laughed mum. After dinner the
children played LEGO. BOB made a yellow and black
BEE and it made LIZ GIGGLE.

Lawton, R. (n.d.). Upside Down Calculator Story . Beecroft Academy - Year 6_copy. Retrieved March
5, 2022, from

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