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Prepare Lesson – La (Sol La Mi)

Teacher Name: Ms. McCabe Target Grade Level: 1st Grade

Musical Concept of Focus: La

Standards Being Addressed:

Materials of Instruction:
● Slide Whistle
● White Board
o Expo Marker
o Eraser
● Snail, Snail Sheet Music

● Apple Tree Sheet Music

o Apple Shaker for game\

Lesson Sequence:
Entry Activity/Transition: “Good afternoon amazing musicians! We will be doing a lot of
singing today. Lets work together by warming up our singing voices with the slide whistle
exercise.” T leads slide whistle exercise.

Activity #1 Objective: Students will review the game “Snail, Snail” with an emphasis on
performing sol and mi on the correct pitch.
Step 1. Students are standing up on dots in an arc around the room.
Step 2. Students grab hands.
Step 3. Teacher reviews rules of holding hands: “No squeezing hands, no pulling arms, no
swaying arms.”
Step 3. Students follow Teacher around the room in a snail formation as they sing the song,
“Snail, Snail.” They have played this game several times and know the routine. We will play

Assessment: Did majority of students correctly play the game and sing “Snail, Snail?” If no,
review the song and revise.

Transition: T: “That game is so fun. Lets all try and hum the song as we find a seat in front of
the board here.” S will hum the song as they move to their new seats.

Activity #2 Objective: Students will review the game “Apple Tree” with an emphasis on
performing sol and mi on the correct pitch.
Step 1. T: “Amazing snails, lets all move our snail chain to the carpet and make a circle.” T and
S make a circle around the carpet. T: “Everyone drop hands… and sit down cross cross apple
sauce. Hands in your lap..” S: “Taking a nap!”
Step 2. T: “I’m going to sing the song Apple Tree since its been a while since we have sung this
one. Listen to me.” T sings Apple Tree.
Step 3. Echo:
T: “Apple Tree, Apple Tree”
S: “Apple Tree, Apple Tree”
T: “Will your apples fall on me?”
S: “Will your apples fall on me?”
T: “I won’t cry and I won’t shout,”
S: “I won’t cry and I won’t shout,”
T: “If your apples knock me out!”
S: “If your apples knock me out!”
Step 4. Review game rules by modeling
Similar to Duck, Duck Goose!
Step 5. Students will play game 5-6 times.

Activity #3 Objective: Students will review sol and mi concepts by reviewing songs such as
“Apple Tree” and “Snail, Snail”

Step 1. T: “Let’s go ahead and write the first four beats on the board. Is “Apple” a sol or a mi? S:
“SOL!” T: “What about Tree?” S: “MI!” T: “Lets sing the sol and mis, ready, go!” T and S sing
“Sol Sol, Mi, Sol Sol, Mi”
Step 2. T: “Let me sing the next part of the song. ‘Will your apples fall on me?’ How many beats
did I just sing?” S: “FOUR!” T: “Great. Clap with me this time and lets figure out which beat has
the highest note -1, 2, 3, or 4.” T sings again. T:”Which beat was the highest?” S: “2!” or “The
second one!” T: “YES! Now, was that note sol? Or was it higher than sol?” S: “Higher!” T:
“You’re all so right. Lets call this note “high” for now, since we know its higher than sol.”

Repeat process with “Snail, Snail”

Assessment: Do majority of students understand that la (high) is higher in pitch that sol? If yes,
are they executing the hand signs? If not, review and re-address.

Transition: If there is extra time, allow students to decode “Doggie, Doggie”

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