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York Central School

David M. Furletti, Superintendent Lindsey M. Peet, Middle/High School Principal

Paul J. Liess Jr.,School Business Official Danielle M. Hoch, Elementary School Principal

Aubrey L. Krenzer, Director of Curriculum & Ameigh J. Coates, Pupil Personnel Services Director

January 21, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

I had the privilege of working with Ashley Maynard, a School Psychology practicum
student from Roberts Wesleyan College at York Central School from September 2020 to June 2021. It
is my pleasure to share this letter of recommendation with you.

Miss Maynard was an absolute joy and welcome addition to our mental health team. She exhibited a
proactive and positive approach to assisting students, families and faculty. Her willingness to go the
extra mile with a can do attitude was beyond refreshing. Miss Maynard rises to every occasion,
challenge and request with energy and enthusiasm.

Miss Maynard exhibited strong interpersonal communication skills. She corresponded with all of the
key players in the York Central School District through one on one contacts, team meetings, email
correspondence and phone conversations. She also readily accepted feedback and strived to increase her
knowledge base and level of expertise on a daily basis.

Miss Maynard provided her students with a winning combination of highly effective
interventions and strategies to ensure academic success as well as unconditional concern and
support through counseling services. She is the definition of a team player and took on
many projects which highlighted her creativity, organization and time management.

In summary, I highly recommend Miss Maynard to any position that she seeks. She will indeed
be an asset to the students, families and staff in the community that she serves. I would be happy
to discuss her qualifications with you further at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me
at 585-243-1730, ext. 2258.

Sheri Nevinger, LCSW-R
Social Worker
York Central School

PO BOX 102 Ÿ 2578 Genesee Street Ÿ Retsof, NY 14539 Ÿ Phone: 585-243-1730 Ÿ Fax: 585-243-5269 Ÿ
The York Central School District rises to the challenges and provides opportunities for
empowerment, exploration, growth and success.

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