Brilliantly Blessed Training Notes

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Brilliantly Blessed

Trauma Training
March 21, 2022

*F.E.E.D the Adults so they Don’t Eat the Children

*Fuel Engagement EveryDay
 Types of Trauma:
o War, abuse or neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, grief and
loss, medical interventions, violence, cultural/historical trauma, accidents, and
natural disasters.

 Trauma-Mindful Approaches
o 70% of adults are exposed to recognized trauma in their life
o Trauma is experienced through the five senses
 Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch
o Our brains are always between learning, emotional, and survival phases. Those
impacted by trauma spend much of their time in survival brain.
o Trauma scatters memones within the brain so that the past is always present.

 How trauma is exhibited:

o Intrusion
o Avoidance
o Hyperarousal
o Anxiety/Depression
o Recreation (Re-enactment)
o Regression
o Shame (Humiliation)

 Academic effects of Trauma

o Disengagement
o Low academic performance
o Defiance and non-compliance
o Explosive/aggressive reactions
o Increased disciplinary referrals
o In and Out-of-school suspensions
o Increased likelihood of dropout

 Intervention Strategies
o Enjoy working with children and their families
o Make time to learn children- be relational
o Restorative Framework Approaches
o Model the behavioral standards
o Provide a reset space
o Remain consistent in your communication of expectations
o Ask for help when needed from other colleagues
o Practice authentic self-care (take care of you)
 Restorative Practices
o When harm is done
 What can you do to fix this?
 How can you demonstrate that you are sorry?
 Is there anything you want to say?
 What can help ______ feel better?
 If this happened to you, what would you like to be done?
o For those who are harmed
 What did you think when you realized this happened?
 What impact has this incident had on you?
 What has been the hardest thing for you?
 What do you think needs to happen to make things right?
 Continuum
 Affective strategies
 Affective Questions
 Small Impromptu Conference
 Group Processing
 Formal Conference
 Social Discipline Window
o Shame occurs when harm is done

Punitive Restorative

Neglectful Permissive
 Authentic Self-Care
o Begins with acknowledging and caring for YOUR whole self
 Rest, Diet, Activity, and Proper Medical Care
o CHOOSE to see humanity in others
o Identify and build a support network
 Which colleagues model authentic self care?
 Connect with a mental health professional
 Avoid negative conversations about students, families, and other
 Develop a support group (share best practices and celebrate successes)
 Build meaningful transition time into your practice
o “Catch you Breath”
o Mindfulness
o Breathing
o Yoga
o Joy
**Comparison is the thief of joy!

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