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Quarter 3–Module 7:
Writing a Four-Paragraph Composition
Showing Comparison and Contrast

Development Team of the Module

Writer:Alice G. Magtoto
Editor: Osmer V. Vergara
Reviewer: Bernabeth B. Manio
Illustrator: Roderick S. Sibug
Layout Artist: Roderick S. Sibug
Management Team: SDS Zenia G. Mostoles, EdD, CESO V
ASDS Leonardo C. Canlas, EdD, CESE
ASDS Rowena T. Quiambao, CESE
CID Chief, Celia R. Lacanlale, PhD
SGOD Chief, Arceli S. Lopez, PhD
June D. Cunanan, EPS-I, English
Ruby M. Jimenez, EPS-I, LRMDS
Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of PampangaOffice
Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando,
PampangaTelephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address:
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the English 6 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Writing a Four-
Paragraph Composition Showing -Comparison and Contrast!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from
public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will
help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the English 6 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Writing a

Four-Paragraph Composition Showing -Comparison and Contrast!

One of the fundamental tasks of developing the writing skills of a learner can be
developed on how the learner perceived things using his/her critical analysis of situations by
depicting it with comparison and contrast where writing skills and expressing his perception
based from the competency to be mastered by the learners themselves.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know

This module will assist you in encouraging the learners to share their personal
experiences, feelings and emotions using English in Writing a 4-Paragraph
Composition Using Comparison and Contrast.
Please help the learners in sharing their ideas and knowledge from their
experiences so that there will be collaboration and learning will be easy.
Answers are written at the back of this module. Learners will be able to assess
themselves on how far they have learned upon answering the module.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. identify paragraphs developed through comparison and contrast;
2. use transitional words/devices in writing; and
3. compose a four- paragraph composition using appropriate transitional words
in comparing or contrasting elements.

What I Know

A. Read the following statements. Then choose the letter of the correct answers.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. It is a mode of paragraph development which explains an unfamiliar idea or
object by giving the similarities or differences.
A. Narrative C. Cause and Effect
B. Definition D. Comparison and contrast
2. When we compare, we simply give the __________ of ideas or objects.
A. Differences C. Uniqueness
B. Similarities D. Similarities and differences
3. The following are transitional words used to show contrast except __________.
A. Although C. Unlike
B. Both D. Whereas
4. In comparing objects and things, we may use any of these transitional words
except __________.
A. Also B. However C. Likewise D. Similar
5. The paragraph may be structure this way when using comparison and contrast
A. Topic Sentence – Compare and Contrast – Closing Statement
B. Compare and Contrast – Topic Sentence – Closing Statement
C. Topic Statement – Closing Statement – Compare and Contrast
D. Compare and Contrast – Closing Statement – Topic Sentence

B. Write a four-paragraph composition using the topic below. The first sentence
for each paragraph are already provided for your easy work. Write your answers
in your answer sheet.

Topic: Compare and Contrast things you do in the Old Normal and New

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed, and will continue to change, the
world and the way we work, rest and play. Life adjustments often come with a
wide range of experiences and emotions.

Life in the old normal and new normal are different in many ways. ____
Both life in the old normal and new normal _______________________
. In contrast _____________________________________________________
By comparing __________ to __________, we learn that __________..

Writing a Four-Paragraph Composition
7 Showing Comparison and Contrast

Comparing and Contrasting is necessary for interaction with the

environment. Finding differences and/or similarities helps students organize both new
and known information. Students will be able to: Note differences and similarities
between or among objects, ideas, entities, concepts, events, or other subjects.
This module will help you identify and use contrast and comparison in writing
sentences in a 4-paragraph composition and differentiate each according to what they

What’s In

To contrast something is to look for differences among two or more elements.

To compare is to do the opposite, to look for similarities.

Analyze the pictures and identify their similarities and differences. Draw the
graphic organizer (Venn diagram) in your answer sheet, then write the similarities in
the intersecting circles and the differences on the outer circles.


What’s New

Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar, while contrast in

writing discusses elements that are different. A comparison and contrast paragraph
analyzes two subjects. In comparing and contrasting, transition words help the learner
identify the similarities and differences between the subjects presented. They also
enable the reader to move from one idea to the next idea. Transitional words and
phrases such as although, however, on the other hand, while, and but are used to
contrast while both, same, like, also, and as well as are used to compare.
Now, let’s read the story below and let’s try to figure out how we can compare
and contrast the subjects presented.

Best of Friends
By: Alice G. Magtoto
Joey and Vince are best of friends since
Kindergarten. Even though they have their own
“baons,” they still share it with each other during
recess time. Joey always makes sure to bring
banana for Vince because it’s his favorite fruit
while Vince picks chico from their backyard to
make sure that Joey does not miss to taste the
sweetness of the fruit. They are industrious as
well. Since they were neighbors, they make sure that their shoes are always clean.
Joey uses shoe polish to keep his shoes shining all the time but Vince uses only a dry
cloth to wipe the dust and dirt of his shoes. However, there are times that they don’t
agree with the kind of TV show they wanted to watch but they settle it through “Jack
and Poy”. They decided to keep their friendship until they grow old.
Guide Questions:
A. 1. Who are the best of friends?
2. What do they have in common? Their differences?
3. How do they settle their differences in the kind of TV show they wanted to
4. What qualities and traits do you like best between the two?
5. Do you have a best friend? Share your experiences with him/her?

B. Determine the transitional words used in the story by filling in the mystery box.

1. Even though they have their own” baons,”

they share it during recess time.

2. However, there are times that both of

them don’t agree with the kind of TV show
they watch

3. Joey uses shoe polish to keep his shoes

shining all the time but Vince uses a dry
cloth only to wipe the dust and dirt to his

What is It


One method of paragraph development is through comparison and contrast.

Comparison shows similarities while contrast shows differences. A compare-and-
contrast analyzes two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both. The
main reason for using this method is to explain an unfamiliar object or idea by
comparing or contrasting it to a familiar object or idea.
The writer may develop the paragraph or essay by first discussion all of one
subject and then fully presenting the second subject, or the writer might discuss one
like or different trait with each subject and then move to other characteristics, thus
discussing both subjects together. A third method might be to present all of the ways
that the subjects are alike and then discuss all of the ways that the subjects are

The key to a good compare-and-contrast writing is to choose two or more

subjects that connect in a meaningful way.

The following are some useful transitional words and phrases that can be used
to show comparison and contrast in paragraphs.

Comparison Contrast
similar to, similarly, in the same way, in contrast, on the other hand, different
like, likewise, equally, again, also, both from, whereas, while, unlike, however,
too, each of, just as . . . so, but, although, however, conversely,

You may use the sentence frames below when planning for your paragraph


• The similarities between ___________ and
Opening/ Topic __________ show __________.
Sentence • By comparing __________ to __________, it is clear
that __________.
• A comparison of __________ and __________
reveal __________.
• __________ and __________ are like in several
• __________ and __________ are alike because
To Compare and __________.
Contrast • Both __________ and __________ have similar
• The differences between __________ and
__________ is __________.
_______________ • In contrast __________ is __________ than the
• One similarity/difference is __________.
• On the other hand, one way they differ is
Similar vs. __________.
• Their common characteristics include __________,
__________, and __________

• By comparing __________ to __________, we learn

Closing Statement that __________.
• The difference between __________ and
__________are important because __________
• Although __________ and __________ are very
different, their similarities __________.

Take the following a 4-paragraph as an example which shows comparison and

contrast between basketball and volleyball.

Basketball and soccer are sports with many similarities and differences. Both
sports are fun to play and each one has many beneficial qualities. Here are some of
the similarities and differences with basketball and volleyball.
Basketball and volleyball are played with a round ball. They both provide a ton
of cardiovascular exercise such as running and jumping; so if you want to get in shape
these are the sports to play. A referee judges each game. When a player breaks the
rules he or she is called for a foul. A soccer player receives a red or yellow card and
a basketball player is called for a foul.
Finally, a score is kept in each game. The team with the highest score wins.
Even though basketball and soccer are similar, differences do exist. Even though an

athlete dribbles the ball in both sports, a basketball player uses it to drop and a
volleyball player must not let the ball to fall. Basketball is played with 5 players and
volleyball has 6.
Lastly, basketball has four quarters and volleyball winner usually takes 3 sets
to win. In conclusion both sports are fun and exciting to play. Each one offers exercise
and competitiveness. Also, they are unique in their own way.

What’s More
Independent Activity 1

Read the paragraph carefully, then answer the questions that follow. Write
your answers in your answer sheet.

The Bahay Kubo and Bahay ng Bato are only two

of those Folk Houses originated here in the Philippines.
Though these two are both used as shelter, they also
have similarities and differences.
A nipa hut is a traditional home that is still used by
Filipinos. Bahay kubo, as they fondly called it, is easy to
take down and put up. In fact, the spirit of Bayanihan symbolizes bahay kubo wherein
it can be carried from one place to another. This is perfect for people who need to
move quickly from one place to the next.
Unlike the bahay kubo, a concrete house cannot be moved. It is permanent and
is meant to stay in one place for a long time. A concrete house is built using bricks,
blocks, steels, and cement.
A bahay kubo, on the other hand, is built using bamboo poles and nipa.
Concrete buildings are perfect for people who live in hot climate. The bricks help the
home to stay cool when it is hot. In contrast, bahay kubo is great for tropical countries
just like the Philippines.

1. What is the paragraph all about?

2. What two things are compared and contrasted?
3. What specific transitional devices were used to show comparison and contrast?
Comparison: ___________________________________________________
Contrast: ______________________________________________________

Independent Assessment 1

The graphic organizer below shows the comparison and contrasting

characteristics of the two subjects. Now, arrange the ideas between the two and write
a 4-sentence paragraph in your answer sheet based on your analysis. You may use
the template below to start your paragraphs

Local Dogs High Breed


• Eats a lot ✓ Does not * Small dog

• Drools a lot bark a lot *Not a big drooler
✓ Is friendly
• Mid-size dogs ✓ Is intelligent * small eater
• Sleeps a lot *not a lot of shedding

Dogs are our best friends which is why we Filipinos love them the way we love
our family or friends. ___________________________________________________

Dogs, whether local or high breed are interesting to raise as pets at home. Both
Local and high breed dogs are also different in many ways. Local dogs or
AsPins _____________________________________________________________
Meanwhile, high breed dogs _______________________________________


Independent Activity 2

Jimmy and Evelyn have both written about their recent birthday parties. Read
both paragraphs. Then, write a 4-paragraph composition comparing and contrasting
the things they did in their birthday parties. Write your composition in your answer

Celebrating one’s 7th birthday is probably one of the most memorable days in
a person’s life. Comparing __________ and __________ 7th birthdays are alike in
several ways.
Both of them ____________________ and ____________________. They
also ___________________.
On the other hand, Jimmy celebrated his birthday ___________________
while Evelyn ____________________. Another difference is
Although they share ____________________, only ____________________
is the ___________________.

Independent Assessment 2

When you compare two subjects, you look for things that are the same. When
you contrast them, you look for things that are different. Some pieces of writing both
compare and contrast two things in the same paragraph or essay. Writers use
transitional words to suggest whether something is being compared or contrasted.

Think about two buildings that you are familiar with. They can be two different
homes, two different schools, or any combination of buildings. Write a 4-paragraph
composition in your answer sheet which compares and contrasts both two buildings.

Independent Activity 3

Let’s now compare the pictures below by identifying the qualities of both. Use
transitional words in writing a 4-paragraph composition that compares and contrasts
the two subjects.





Independent Assessment 3

From the picture above, write a 4-paragraph composition showing a comparison

and contrast between Lito and Juanito. Write your composition in your answer sheet.




What I Have Learned

Summarize what you have learned from this module by answering the following
activity. Tell whether each statement is a Fact or a Bluff. Write the correct answers on
your answer sheet.
1. A paragraph developed through comparison and contrast presents the
similarities and differences of two objects or things.
2. When we compare, we simply explain the differences of the things or objects.
3. On the other hand, whereas, unlike, and however are transitional words used
in making comparison.
4. Paragraphs developed through comparison and contrast must have topic
5. Transitional words like likewise, equally, again, also, and both too are words
expressing similarities.

What I Can Do

Analyze the two pictures above. Daisy and Tina are happy- go-lucky type
of pupils while Marlyn and Myra are very fond in artworks. Now, write a 4-
paragraph composition that shows comparison and contrast between the two
pictures. Write it on your answer sheet.


Answer the questions below using compare and contrast. Do this in your
answer sheet. Lists the details to compare and contrast the two-subjects. Then, write
a four-paragraph composition.





Additional Activities

We are facing new challenges in the new normal education. Can you now
compare and contrast the “New Normal” kind of education with the previous mode of
education? Write in your answer sheet a four-paragraph composition using
comparison and contrast statements.




Answer Key

Independent Activity 3
Answers may vary
What I Know What’s New
A. B.
1. D Independent Assessment 3
1. even
2. B Answers may vary
2. however
3. B 3. but
4. B What I Have Learned
5. A 1. Fact
B. Answers may vary What’s More 2. Bluff
3. Bluff
What’s In Independent Activity 1 4. Fact
Answers may vary Answers may vary 5. fact
What’s New Independent Assessment 1
A. Answers may vary What I Can Do
1. Joe and Vince Answers may vary
2. They are both industrious Independent Activity 2
and always keeps them Answers may vary
shoes shining. They differ Assessment
on the type of TV programs. Answers may vary
Independent Assessment 2
3. They settle it through Jack n
Answers may vary
Additional Activities
4. They are industrious,
Answers may vary
generous, patient
5. Answers may vary

Essential English 6. 2017 Edition Enhanced Version by Rex Bookstore

Essential English 6. Worktext in English for Grade 6 by Rex Bookstore accessed May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

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