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Bogotá, March 11, 2020

Cordial greeting:
 Sir (s):

This is to address you respectfully commenting on the pollution that your company
generates to the environment since the air we all breathe and the hospital system
overflows for this cause.

This company is one of many that most generate pollution due to the use of
harmful, toxic or dangerous substances, they are released into the environment
and accumulate in the air, water, soil and food, and even in our tissues.

I invite you to dialogue and take measures to avoid this problem that hurts the
environment; otherwise I will take legal measures to report this situation to a judge
who will do their respective work and follow up to take drastic measures, to avoid
this an agreement should be reached between the two parties.

Thank you for your attention, I await your prompt response

Deisy Moreno Chaparro

Systems engineer student

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