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Wrap-up Quiz 4 - Session 5

Feb 20 at 11:59pm
Feb 14 at 3:15pm - Feb 20 at 11:59pm
6 days
Time Limit
20 Minutes
Allowed Attempts

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Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1
18 minutes 23 out of 25

Correct answers will be available Feb 28 at 12am - Apr 29 at 12am.

Score for this attempt:

23 out of 25
Submitted Feb 20 at 11:11pm
This attempt took 18 minutes.

Question 1 1
/ 1 pts

The ________ section in a Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

focuses on planning and information-processing activities.

work output

mental processes

job context

relationship analysis

information input

The mental processes section in a Position Analysis

Questionnaire (PAQ) focuses on the reasoning, decision-making,
planning, and information-processing activities that are involved in
performing the job.

Question 2 1
/ 1 pts

Unlike the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), the Occupational

Information Network (O*NET) relies on fixed job titles and narrow task



Instead of relying on fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions,

the O*NET uses a common language that generalizes across jobs
to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work
context required for various occupations that are more broadly

Question 3 1
/ 1 pts

When it comes to examining and understanding skill levels for a

particular job, ________ may be the best source.

in-house quality analysts

internal efficiency experts

external job analysts


job incumbents

When it comes to analyzing skill levels, external job analysts who

have more experience rating a wide range of jobs may be the
best source.

Question 4 1
/ 1 pts

The motivational approach views attitudinal variables and behavioral

variables as the most important outcomes of job design.



The motivational approach views attitudinal variables, such as

satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, job involvement, and behavioral
variables such as attendance and performance, as the most
important outcomes of job design.

Question 5 1
/ 1 pts

Adding more decision-making authority to a job to increase its

motivational potential is known as

job enrichment.

job rotation.

job engagement.

job enlargement.

job involvement.

Job design interventions emphasizing the motivational approach

tend to focus on increasing the meaningfulness of jobs. Adding
more decision-making authority to a job to increase its
motivational potential is known as job enrichment.

Question 6 1
/ 1 pts

The final stage in work-flow analysis is to identify the work ________ in

the development of the work unit's product.






The final stage in work-flow analysis is to identify the work inputs

used in the development of the work unit's product. These inputs
can be broken down into the raw materials, equipment, and
human skills needed to perform the tasks.

Question 7 1
/ 1 pts

The perceptual-motor approach generally increases the job's cognitive



Similar to the mechanistic approach, the perceptual-motor

approach generally decreases the job's cognitive demands. In
designing jobs, one looks at the least capable worker and then
constructs job requirements that an individual of that ability level
could meet.

Question 8 1
/ 1 pts

Which stage in a work-unit activity analysis focuses on the product,

information, or service provided?




Human resource input

Raw inputs

The output stage focuses on what product, service, or information

is provided. It looks into how the output can be measured. 

Refer To: Figure 4.1

Question 9 1
/ 1 pts
The ________ section in a position analysis questionnaire (PAQ)
focuses on the physical activities, tools, and devices used by the worker
to perform the job.

information input

job context

data input

work output

mental process

The work output section in a Position Analysis Questionnaire

(PAQ) focuses on the physical activities, tools, and devices used
by the worker to perform the job.

Question 10 1
/ 1 pts

The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) covers only the work

context, leaving out the inputs, outputs, and processes involved in the



The PAQ is a standardized job analysis questionnaire containing

194 items representing work behaviors, work conditions, and job
characteristics that can be generalized across a wide variety of
jobs. An advantage of the PAQ is that it covers the work context
as well as inputs, outputs, and processes.
Incorrect 0
/ 1 pts
Question 11

When compared to divisional structures, managers in functional and

centralized structures

are more sensitive to individual differences between workers.

equate outcomes with fairness.

need to be more experienced.

need to be high in cognitive ability.

are less sensitive to individual differences between workers.

The nature of the structure has implications for relationships.

Managers of divisional structures often need to be more
experienced or high in cognitive ability relative to managers of
functional structures. The relatively smaller scope and routine
nature of jobs created in centralized and functional structures
make them less sensitive to individual differences between

Incorrect 0
/ 1 pts
Question 12

The goal of the biological approach to job design is to

increase the meaningfulness of jobs so that only specialized individuals
can work on them.

make the work simple so that anyone can be trained quickly and easily to
perform it.
reduce the physical demands of certain jobs by improving the physical
work environment.

distribute jobs only to specialized individuals who have the physical
abilities for those tasks.

improve employees' physical capabilities so that they can perform
demanding tasks.

The biological approach to job design comes primarily from the

science of biomechanics, the study of body movements. Job
redesign is often aimed at reducing the physical demands of
certain jobs so that anyone can perform them.

Question 13 1
/ 1 pts

Feng shui can be an argument to examine the ergonomics of an

employee's workstation.



Ergonomics is concerned with examining the interface between

individuals' physiological characteristics and the physical work

Question 14 1
/ 1 pts
The most common source of error in the job analysis process results
from job descriptions being






Although there are numerous sources for error in the job analysis
process, most inaccuracy is likely to result from job descriptions
simply being outdated. Hence, in addition to statically defining the
job, the job analysis process must also detect changes in the
nature of jobs.

Question 15 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following questions should be addressed right after the

inputs required for production have been established?

What product, information, or service is provided?

What knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed by those performing the

What materials, data, and information are needed?

What special equipment, facilities, and systems are needed?

What tasks are required in the production of the output?

Once the inputs required for the production have been

established, the next step is to focus on the process. The
question to be addressed is 'What tasks are required in the
production of the output?' 

Refer To: Figure 4.1

Question 16 1
/ 1 pts

Divisional structures are most appropriate in stable and predictable




Divisional structures are most appropriate in unstable,

unpredictable environments, where it is difficult to anticipate
demands for resources and coordination requirements between
jobs are not consistent over time.

Question 17 1
/ 1 pts

A manager has decided to improve the physical work environment in his

office to ensure that incumbents have fewer physical ailments. Which job
design approach would be most helpful to him?

Perceptual-motor approach

Biological approach

Traditional approach

Motivational approach

Mechanistic approach

The biological approach to job design comes primarily from the

sciences of biomechanics (i.e., the study of body movements),
work physiology, and occupational medicine, and it is usually
referred to as ergonomics. The goal of this approach is to
minimize physical strain on the worker by structuring the physical
work environment around the way the human body works.

Question 18 1
/ 1 pts

More and more people use computers to do their work today. As a

result, spelling, grammar, and math basic skills are decreasing.



New software that is capable of analysis and decision-making can

"de-skill" work for employees. Because they become reliant on
the software for certain tasks, employees can over time lose
these capabilities and are unable to execute them effectively,
should the need arise.

Question 19 1
/ 1 pts

Divisional structures are more appropriate than functional structures

the organization competes on costs.

the environment is stable and predictable.

flexible responsiveness is required.

the consumer base is heterogeneous.

demand can be well anticipated.

Divisional structures are most appropriate in unstable,

unpredictable environments, where it is difficult to anticipate
demands for resources and coordination requirements between
jobs are not consistent over time. This type of structure also helps
support organizations that compete on differentiation or
innovation, because flexible responsiveness is central to making
this strategy work.

Question 20 1
/ 1 pts

For teams to be effective, it is essential that the level of task

interdependence is greater than the level of outcome interdependence.



For teams to be effective, it is essential that the level of task

interdependence (how much they have to cooperate) matches the
level of outcome interdependence (how much they share the
reward for task accomplishment).

Question 21 1
/ 1 pts
When Health Above, a startup company, was bought by Above All
Health, the HR department was tasked with assessing the dollar value of
each job and creating equitable pay structures. HR completed a

performance appraisal.

career planning.


job evaluation.

work redesign.

Job evaluation is the process of assessing the relative dollar

value of each job to the organization to set up internally equitable
pay structures. If pay structures are not equitable, employees will
be dissatisfied and quit, or they will not see the benefits of striving
for promotions.

Question 22 1
/ 1 pts

Jamal, an efficiency expert, proposes the "just-in-time" inventory method

to Liza, the CEO of Neptune Inc. If Liza is to accept the proposal, which
of the following changes is he most likely to implement in Neptune Inc.?

He is likely to create a larger storage space for inventories.

He is likely to manufacture mass products well ahead of demand.

He is likely to introduce processes that support lean production.

He is likely to stock a backup of supplies for emergencies.

He is likely to avoid made-for-order method of manufacturing.

Organizations that try to increase efficiency via lean production

techniques often try to minimize the stockpile of inputs via 'just-in-
time' inventory control procedures. In some cases, inventories are
being abandoned altogether. Companies at the edge of the lean
production process do not even manufacture any products until
customers actually place an order for them.

Question 23 1
/ 1 pts

Tami and Deb have worked for Waterfall Springs for more than 20 years
combined. They are a resource to HR when completing a job analysis
because they are


quality analysts.




In general, it will be useful to go to the job incumbent to get the

most accurate information about what is actually done on the job.
Sometimes, supervisors look over the information generated by
the job incumbent.

Question 24 1
/ 1 pts

Caroline has increasingly become more frustrated with her current job.
She visits her HR department to discuss her skills and aspirations as
she does not want to leave the company. HR recommends she complete
work-flow analysis.

career planning.

human resource planning.


performance evaluation.

Career planning entails matching an individual's skills and

aspirations with opportunities that are or may become available in
the organization. This matching process requires that those in
charge of career planning know the skill requirements of the
various jobs.

Question 25 1
/ 1 pts

James, a manager at Brown & Brown (B&B) Inc., a publisher of

academic books, is tasked with identifying the various pieces of work
required to edit, typeset, and publish a fictional book prior to allocating
and assigning them to his subordinates. Which of the following
processes is James expected to perform?

Performance evaluation

Job evaluation

Work-flow evaluation

Job performance

Work-flow design

Work-flow design is the process of analyzing the tasks necessary

for the production of a product or service, prior to allocating and
assigning these tasks to a particular job category or person. In
this scenario, James is performing the work-flow design required
to publish a fictional book.

Quiz Score:
23 out of 25

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