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Ex. Letter
Letter of Andres Bonifacio
* Diary
* Fossils
-Carbon 14 days
* Artifacts
-Tools and equipments
Wear by human

Ex. Enrile

Theories of the Earth

1. Biblical - song lyrics, 6 days created God the world

2. Scientific
Uniformatarian theory - doctrine, volcanic erruptions, identified uniformatiry
Catastrophim theory - the earth formation is due the occurence of this
catastrophism, PANGEA(single mass of land)
-the formation of 7 continents
-Abraham Ortelius(publish the first aklat)

Evidence of Alfred Weggener

* Pangea(one big mass of land)
* Fossils

3. Big bang theory - collision of formation of the world includes earth

Giant animals( dinosaur)

Earth composed 3 layers
*Core - volcano

4. Myths and Legends

Manaol - bird
Malakas and Maganda
Sky and sea

Names given of the Phil.

1. Mayi- land of gold by a chinese named Chau ju Kuan
2. Islas de san lazarus
3. Felipinas- Villarobos died of his illness and named after King Philip the which
is Philipines
4. Pearl of orient - giant clamp
5. Rizaline Island
6. Maharlika - noble people

Geography of the Phil

- globe devided by northern and southern (equator)

* symbolize the filipino people

Philippine eagle
* found in Mt. Apo

* time of the farmer is important

Deadening activity
*black sand

The Filipino People

*Philippine the crossroads or international port

Diff Filipino Indi.

Indigent- economic population and location
2. Bajoas - boat or landless people

Character Traits
1. Taglish people
2. Close family ties - friendship ends when business begins, extended family
3. High respect - western country
group of american -donates books to the csu sm, culture shocks
4. Fatalism - filipinos relies to much, man is the architect of his own destiny

Middle east - muslim countries
Spain and purtugal

The real name of lapu lapu -

Legaspi - Cebu but not in Mindanao. Strategy - he establish the first settlement of
Juan de salcedo - arrived in Manila back to Cebu. He built Spanish Manila Bay
The first spanish settlement in lallo Cagayan- Nueva.Sagobia
Villa fernantina ilocos
Mindanao remain conquered

Monarcial Government
Unity of church and government - Colonia
Bandala - associate with monopoly

Boleta - is a royal ticket
Maltreatment - abuses committed women
Injusticies -

Struggle for rights and freedom

More than 100 apprising
1. Revolve of lakandula
Dagohoy revolve - the refussal of spanish to give a burial to his brother

Reason of Filipino Defeat in the Diff uprising

1. Quarrel to each other
2. Lack of unity and cooperation -
Nationalism - love of country

The rise of Filipino

Manual labor to machine work
Womens liberation
Western people -

Importance of sedula
* this signify tge loyal of the Fil.
Bulacan, pampangga, Zambales - 8 provinces birth of Rizal

Liham- utos of council of war for killing the two brothers

Spaniards are the first suspect for the bombing

Jose martin of cuba - tumatayo bilang isang grupo

Dec 10 198


First military gov during american - Wesley Merrit
Florence title
Cooper act
Phil. Assembly is the legistative government

1. Sedition law -
2. Flag law - bawal magwagay ng flay ng Pilinas
3. Brigandage act - no groups allowed
4. Recobcentration act - you will be exile to a particular plate.

Galbadob Law - gabaldon elem. School seen in Manila

First 2 fil. Commisioners

Benito legarda and Pablo Ocampo

Manuel Quezon leads the Provision

More than 100 is elected

Cayetano first of the supreme court

Japan went to washington

Japan declared a war for US
Japanese first landing in Aparri and Vigan etc.
War plan called rainbow 5

Japanese Res.
1. Radio transmitter
2. Maintenance - 5 to 6 am curfew
4. Martial law

Senedu - Propaganda
Fil status same as other country

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