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It refers to the techniques by which
quantitative data are collected,
presented, organized, analyzed and
interpreted. The focal point of
modern statistical analysis is
decision making.

Types of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics Inferential Statistics
- Statistical method - Statistical method
concerned with the concerned with analysis
collection, organization, of sample data leading to
presentation and prediction, inferences,
description of sample interpretation, decision
data or conclusion about the
entire population

Descriptive Statistics

1. Collecting, organizing and summarizing data using numbers and


2. Data Summary:
Bar Graphs, Histograms, Pie Charts, etc. Shape of graph & skewness

3. Measures of Central Tendency:

Mean, Median & Mode

4. Measures of Variability:
Range, Variance, & Standard Deviation

Inferential Statistics

1. Using sample data to make an inference or draw a conclusion of

the population

2. Uses probability to determine how confident we can be the

conclusions we make are correct

Population - it is the totality of all the actual or concealable
objects of a certain class under consideration. It is a complete set
of individuals, objects or measurements having some common
observable characteristics.

Sample - it is a finite number of objects selected from the


Variable - it is a characteristic or phenomena which may take on

different values.
Examples are weight, 1.Q. and sex.

Data – the statistical facts, historical facts, principles, opinions and
items of various sources like scores, ages. L.Q.. income, etc.

Parameter. It is the characteristics of a population which is


Statistic – it is a measurable characteristic of sample.

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