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Business Management Techniques

The following areas can be considered for ISO certification. The below mentioned are crucial for
a company to improve and sustain its performance. These areas need to be looked into in
detail and used as factors to award ISO certification to companies.


Leadership is Establishing vision, direction and shared values. Leaders are not born they are
made. He must give persuasive powers to make people understand they work they do will
ultimately help them as well the organization. He should also set challenging goals and
implement strategies to achieve to achieve them. Swiftcom has a CEO to lead the company to
success, apart from that each department has department heads and managers to give correct

Then comes Team Sprit and the importance of building a team to work towards attaining the
goals set by him. He or she should ensure that all his team members are working in harmony
and tandem to pursue the targets. The CEO should be a person of high capacity to face all the
challenges and steer the company to great success.

Factual Approach to Decision Making

In order to maximize productivity and to minimize wastage and rework, is based on Decisions
and actions from the analysis of data and information. In order to make correct decision the data
and the information must be accurate and reliable. The New Product Development Department
must have a proper computerized system to maintain updated records of customer feed backs
and important past records. New Product Development Department has a big role in the
decision making because data analysis will be done by this department and this department
should be computerized so that records could be maintained and upgraded. Analyzing the
gathered data is important, so to over come this purpose analyzing tools must be used, more
advance the analyzing tool the more greater the scope of the data

Customer Focused Company

Address customer loyally and measure customer satisfaction and act accordingly, also
understand the current and future customer needs and expectations. The best way to
understand the customer requirement is to get their comment on the product via post, email or
by assigning various fun activities and taking the company into the customer and understanding
their requirements.

Business Management Techniques

Swiftcom’s New Product Development Department should do innovations which is needful to

the customers. Develop a customer feedback system. Ask your marketing people to develop
and maintain a feedback system.
Such a system should:
 Provide a basis for improving the quality of your products and services.
 Monitor customer experiences, comments, expectations, and problems.

Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships

Ensuring early involvement and participations, establishing strategic partnerships then defining
the requirements for joined development and improvement of products, processes and systems.
The company should always be well aware of the suppliers and identify the key suppliers.
Develop mutual trust, respect to the customer and continual improve.

That is for example: If the company pays its suppliers well for the material supplied, in return the
suppliers will provide good quality material for the company.

Also may be most importantly the company should maintain clear and open communication with
its suppliers.

Continuous Improvement

In order to contribute to the success of the company, the company must always set realistic and
challenging goals with necessary tools and encouragement. Ideas from the workers must be
respected and should be considered they are less likely to be radically different. As the moral of
the workers improve and they tend to think success of the company. Improvements which are
small must be done immediately as they are less likely to require major capital investment that
major process changes.


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