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Rangers Public School For Boys

Summer Vacation Homework

Subject: Computer Class: VI
Write the answers of the following questions. Illustrate the diagrams (computer printed or
hand made) wherever necessary to reinforce your answer. Try to write answer in your own
words and avoid copying text from book. Learn and write prescribed spellings on your copies
with meanings.
Chapter#1 The Evolution of Computer
Q1. What is a computer?
Q2. What is information?
Q3. What is data?
Q4. Write the difference between data and information?
Q5. What is an embedded computer?
Q6. What is a dedicated computer?
Q7. What is a general computer?
Q8. Write a note on followings.
a. Abacus b. Napier’s bones c. Pascaline c. Leibniz Calculator
Q9. What is a punched card? How it was earlier used other than in computers?
Q10. Who was Charles Babbage? Describe the contributions of Charles Babbage in the field of
Q11. Who is called Mother of Computer and why?
Q12. Write a note on Herman Hollerith.
Q13. Write a note on followings and give examples.
a. 1st Generation Computer b. 2nd Generation Computer
c. 3rd Generation Computer d. 4th Generation Computer
e. 5th Generation Computer
Q14. What does ENIAC, EDVAC and EDSAC stands for?
Q15. What is a vacuum tube? How it differs from Integrated Circuits?
Q16. Explain the difference between digital and analogue devices with the help of examples.
Q17. What do you know about super computer? Where are they being used?
Q18. Describe the characteristics and uses of main frame computers.
Q19. Describe the characteristics and uses of mini computers.
Q20. Write a note on desktop computers (or personal computers).
Q21. What are laptop computers or notebook computers? Explain.
Q22. What are PDAs? Where are they being used?
Q23. Write the applications of embedded computers.
Q24. Write the uses of computers in our daily life. (Any five).
Q25. Learn the following spellings and write them in your copies.
Important Terminology and Difficult Words
Evolution Fiction Control Information Communication
Data Processing Automatic Electronic Entertaining Input
Understandable Owe Strength Ancestors Contribution
Multifaceted Abacus Calculator Strings Denary
Addition Subtraction Accuracy John Napier Multiplication
Division Blaise Pascal Mechanical Beads Wheels
Strengthening Foundation Complex Automation Gottfried Leibniz
Breakthrough Awaited for Punched Card Strip Develop
Joseph Jacquard Weaving loom Instructions Technology Supermarkets
Kimball tags Barcodes Completely Charles Babbage Modern
Digital Machines Difference Engine Analytical Engine Performing
Sequence Arrangement Lady Ada Lovelace Programmer Emerge
Perfection Herman Hollertih Tabulating Census Storage
Twentieth Century Electrical Rapidly Generations
Vacuum Tubes ENIAC EDVAC EDSAC Transistor
Reliable Integrated Circuit Microprocessor Silicon Portable
Gadgetry Microcontrollers Scientists Machine Robots
Voice Recognition Analog Digital Continuous Thermometers
Discrete Applications Enormous Supercomputers Capacities
Air-conditioned British Meteorological Forecast Automotive
Simulate Oil exploration Department Main frame Expensive
Memories Universities Businesses Colleges Libraries
Desktop Battery Appointments Schedules Stylus
Flexible Embedded Specialized Appliances Automobiles
microwave ovens Factories Entertainment Assemble Televisions
Cartoons Graphics Colourful Advertisements Magazines
Newspapers Medical Professionals Research Entertainment
Enforcement Agencies criminals Artificial Intelligence
Chapter#3 Output Devices.
Q1. What are output devices?
Q2. Name different types of monitors.
Q3. What does following words stand for?
a. VDU b. CRT c. LCD d. HDTV e. ppm
Q4. Differentiate between softcopy and hard copy.
Q5. Describe some characteristics of CRT monitors.
Q6. Write a note on LCD monitors.
Q7. Write the advantages of LCD monitors over CRT monitors.
Q8. Why LCD monitors are being used in laptops?
Q9. What are plasma screens? Where are they being used?
Q10. Define pixels and screen resolution.
Q11. Write the effect of screen resolution on screen display.
Q12. What is an e-book reader?
Q13. Where are the e-book readers being used?
Q14. What is a data projector?
Q15. Write the uses and advantages of a data projector.
Q16. What are high-definition televisions? How they work?
Q17. Write some characteristics of HDTVs.
Q18. Name different types of printers.
Q19. What does the word “laser” stands for?
Q20. What is a laser printer?
Q21. Why a laser printer called a page printer?
Q22. What is the difference between personal laser printer and shared laser printer?
Q23. What is the printing speed of laser printers?
Q24. Describe some types of laser printers.
Q25. What is a thermal printer? How it work?
Q26. What does the letters POS stand for?
Q27. What is an ink-jet printer? How it works?
Q28. Where the ink-jet printers are being used?
Q29. Describe some characteristics of ink-jet printers.
Q30. How the dot-matrix printers work?
Q31. Why the dot-matrix printers are called character printer?
Q32. Name some printers that are not in used now a day.
Q33. What are line printers?
Q34. What is a plotter? Why is it used for?
Q35. What is speaker? Why is it used for?
Q36. What is speech synthesis? Where is it being used in our daily life?
Q37. What does the word “facsimile” mean?
Q38. What is a fax machine? How it works?
Q39. What is internet telephony?
Q40. What are multifunctional devices? Why they are used in offices?
Q41. Describe some disadvantages of multifunctional devices.
Important Terminology and Difficult Words
Output Devices Human-readable Monitor Soft-copy
Visual Display Unit Cathode Ray Tube Liquid Crystal Flicker Thinner
Consume Plasma Televisions Pixels Screen-resolution
Hand-held Book-sized Graphics Newspaper Magazines
Downloaded Traditional Projector Presentations Classrooms
Audience High-definition Microcomputer Designers Printer
Application Decision Quantities Inexpensive Monochrome
Photocopier Thermal Specially-treated Reliable Ink-coated
Ribbon Printhead Impression Daisy-wheel Plotter
Multicoloured Engineering Development Synthesis Artificially
Educational Fastened Passengers Telephony Microphone
Conversations Multifunctional Capabilities Separate Single-purpose
Chapter#7 Word Processing.
Q1. What is application software? Give example.
Q2. What is a word processing software?
Q3. Explain the difference between the Title Bar and the Menu Bar with the help of diagram.
Q4. What is difference between editing and formatting?
Q5. What is a tool bar? State different types of Tool bars.
Q6. What does scrolling a document mean?
Q7. What is difference between portrait orientation and landscape orientation of a page?
Q8. In how many ways text can be selected in MS word? Explain
Q9. Write the steps involved in “cut and paste” procedure in MS Word.
Q10. Write the steps involved in “copy and paste” procedure in MS Word.
Q11. How the text can be deleted in MS Word.
Q12. What is text alignment? In how many ways, text can be aligned in MS Word?
Q13. Write a note on borders.
Q14. What does indentation means? How indentation is done in MS Word.
Q15. What is bullets and numbering feature of MS Word? How bullets and numbers are
applied in MS Word?
Q16. How text can be bold, italicized and underlined in MS Word.
Q17. What is difference between lowercase, UPPERCASE, Sentence case, Title Case, and
Q18. Write a note on a. Line Spacing b. Change Case c. Borders
Q19. Write a note on spelling and grammar check feature of MS Word.
Q20. What is the difference between header and footer of a document.
Q21. How the headers and footers are applied in MS Word.
Important Terminology and Difficult Words
Microsoft Application Application Computing Editing
Formatting Production Conveniently Mistakes Paragraphs
Alignment Automatically Headers Footers Horizontal
Retrieving Printing Standard Frequently Scrolling
Orientation Portrait Landscape Margin Bottom
Beginning Background Shading Italicized Underlined
Toggle Thesaurus Dictionary Punctuation switch

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