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SHELL STRUCTURI Shell: Shell structures are also called plate structures. They are lightwei constructions using shell elements. These elements, typically curved, | assembled to make large structures. Typical applications include aircr fuselages, boat hulls, and the roofs of large buildings. A thin shell is defined as a shell with a thickness which is small compared to other dimensions and in which deformations are not large compared thickness. A primary difference between a shell structure and a plate structure that, in the unstressed state, the shell structure has curvature as opposed to 1 plates structure which is flat. Membrane action in a shell is primarily caused in-plane forces (plane stress), but there may be secondary forces resulting fr flexural deformations. Where a flat plate acts similar to a beam with bending a shear stresses, shells are analogous to a cable which resists loads through ten: THE TERM “SHELL” IS USED TO DESCRIBE THE STRUCTURES WHICH POSSESS STRENGHT AND RIGIDITY DUE TO ITS THIN, NATURAL AND CURVED FORM SUCH AS SHELL OF EGG, A NUT, HUMAN SKULL, AND SHELL OF TORTISE. ais Shel The most popular types of thin-shell structures are O Concrete shell structures, often cast as a monolithic dome or stressed ribk bridge or saddle roof. The thin concrete shell structures are a lightweight construction composed of a relatively thin shell made of reinforced concrete, usually without the use of internal supports giving open unobstructed interior. The shells are most commonly domes and flat plates, but may also take the form of ellipsoids or cylindrical sections, or some combination thereof. Most concrete shell structures are commercial and sports buildings or storage facilities. >There are two important factors in the development of the thin concrete shell structu The first factor is the shape which was was developed along the history of these constructions. Some shapes were resistant and can be erected easily. However, the cp Pee ies a ee ee ee ee Shel Advantages of Concrete Shells: > The curved shapes often used for concrete shells are naturally strong structures. » Shell allowing wide areas to be spanned without the use of internal supports, giving open, unobstructed interior. » The use of concrete as a building material reduces both materials cost and the construction cost. > Asconcrete is relatively inexpensive and easily cast into compound curves. Disadvantages of Concrete Shells > — Since concrete is porous material, concrete domes often have issues with sealing. If treated, rainwater can seep through the roof and leak into the interior of the building. On other hand, the seamless construction of concrete domes prevents air from escaping, and lead to buildup of condensation on the inside of the shell. Shingling or sealants are comm: Shel Advantages of Concrete Shells: > The curved shapes often used for concrete shells are naturally strong structures. » — Shell allowing wide areas to be spanned without the use of internal supports, giving Open, unobstructed interior. > The use of concrete as a building material reduces both materials cost and the construction cost. > Asconcrete is relatively inexpensive and easily cast into compound curves. Disadvantages of Concrete Shells > — Since concrete is porous material, concrete domes often have issues with sealing. If treated, rainwater can seep through the roof and leak into the interior of the building. On other hand, the seamless construction of concrete domes prevents air from escaping, and lead to buildup of condensation on the inside of the shell. Shingling or sealants are comm: Shell: Q Lattice shell structures, also called grid shell structures, often in the form o geodesic dome or a hyperboloid structures. OQ Membrane structures, which include fabric structures and other ten: structures, cable domes, and pneumatic structures. > NATURAL SHELLS > INTERSECTING SHELLS > CHAPEL LOMAS DE CUERNAVACA » PIER LUIGI NERVI PALAZZETTO DELLO SPORT > BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON BY NORMAN FOSTER > LOTUS TEMPLE, INDIA SHELLS SINGLY CURVED DOUBLY CURVED (DEVELOPABLE SHELLS) (NON DEVELOPABLE SHELLS) SURFACES OF SURFACES OF SYNCLASTIC ANTYNCLASTIC REVOLUTION TRANSLATION) - suancvunpen RULED SURFACE a SURFACES OF SURFACES OF teent) ECU OR REVOLUTION TRANSLATION/ NON CIRCULAR CYLINDER RULED SURFACE a iene SunFAcESoF sunracesor —-_"YOLWTONOF REVOLUTION TRANSLATION/ Sate daar ee rhe SINGLE OR DOUBLE CURVATURE SHELLS + SINGLE CURVATURE SHELL: ARE CURVED ON ONE LINEAR AXIS AND ARE A PART OF ACYLINDER OR CONE IN ‘THE FORM OF BARREL VAULTS AND CONOID SHELLS. + DOUBLE CURVATURE SHELL: ARE EITHER PART OF A SPHERE, OR A HYPERBOLOID OF REVOLUTION. ‘+ THE TERMS SINGLE CURVATURE AND DOUBLE CURVATURE DO NOT PROVIDE A PRECISE GEMOETRIC DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE FORM OF SHELL BECAUSE A BARREL VAULT IS SINGLE CURVATURE BUT SOIS A DOME. + THE TERMS SINGLE AND DOULBE CURVATURE ARE USED TO DISTINGUISH THE COMPARITIVE RIGIDITY OF THE TWO FORMS AND COMPLEXITY OF CENTRING NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THE SHELL FORM FORMS OF CURVATURE: SURFACES OF REVOLUTION: ‘SURFACES OF REVOLUTION ARE GENERATED BY THE REVOLUTION OF A PLANE CURVE, CALLED THE MERIDIONAL CURVE, ABOUT AN AXIS, CALLED THE AXIS OF REVOLUTION. IN THE SPECIAL CASE OF CYLINDRICAL AND CONICAL SURFACES, THE MERIDIONAL CURVE CONSISTS OF A LINE, ‘SEGMENT. E.G. : CYLINDERS, CONES, SPHERICAL OR ELLIPTICAL DOMES, HYPERBOLOIDS OF REVOLUTION, TOROIDS. -™. rn a Pi FORMS OF CURVATURE: RULED SURFACES : RULED SURFACES ARE GENERATED BY SLIDING EACH END OF A STRAIGHT LINE ON THEIR OWN GENERATING CURVE. THESE LINES ARE NOT NECESSARILY AT RIGHT ANGLE TO THE PLANES CONTAINING THE END CURVES. COOLING TOWER, GENERATED BY STRAIGHT — CONOID, GENERATED BY STRAIGHT LINE TRAVELING ALONG ANOTHER, DEVELOPABLE SURFACES (SINGLY CURVED) : DEVELOPABLE SURFACE IS A SURFACE THAT CAN BE UNROLLED ONTO A FLAT PLANE WITHOUT TEARING O STRETCHING IT. IT IS FORMED BY BENDING A FLAT PLANE, THE MOST TYPICAL SHAPE OF A DEVELOPABLE SHELL IS A. BARREL, AND A BARREL SHELL IS CURVED ONLY IN ONE DIRECTION. BARREL: ARCH ACTION & BEAM ACTION TOGETHER MAKE A BARREL THERE ARE MAINLY TWO TYPES OF BARREL: -LONG BARRELS , ARCH ACTION IS PROMINENT -SHORT BARRELS, BEAM ACTION IS PROMINENT STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR OF SHORT BARREL SHELLS: rs iy CENTERING OF SHELLS CENTERING IS THE TERM USED TO DESCRIBE THE NECESSARY ‘TEMPORARY SUPPORT ON WHICH THE CURVED R.C.C SHELL ‘STRUCTURE IS CAST. ‘THE CENTERING OF A BARREL VAULT, WHICH |S PARTOF A, CYLINDER WITH SAME CURVATURE ALONG ITS LENGTH; IS LESS COMPLEX. THE CENTERING OF CONOID, DOME AND HYPERBOLOID OF REVOLUTION IS MORE COMPLEX DUE TO ADDITIONAL LABOUR AND WASTEFUL CUTTING OF MATERIALS TO FORM SUPPORTFOR SHAPES THAT ARE NOT OF UNIFORM LINEAR CURVATURE ‘THE ATTRACTION OF SHELL STRUCTURES LIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT ‘THE BARREL VAULT IS THE MOSTSTRAIGHT FORWARD SINGLE CURVATURE SHELL CONSTRUCTION. ITS THE PART OF ACYLINDER OR BARREL WITH SAME CURVATUREALONG. ITS LENGTH. ANY NUMBER OF CONTINUOUS BARRELS OR CONTINUOUS SPANS ARE POSSIBLE EXCEPT THAT EVENTUALLY PROVISION IS MADE FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE JOINTS IN ALARGE STRUCTURES. ‘THE BARREL VAULTS ARE USED AS PARKING, MARKET PLACE, ASSEMBLY HALL ETC. EVOLUTION mane CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT SHORT SPAN BARREL VAULT SHORT SPAN BARREL VAULTS ARE THOSE IN WHICH SPAN IS SHORTER THAN ITS WIDTH. IT'S USED FOR THE WIDTH OF ‘THE ARCH RIBS BETWEEN WHICH THE BARREL VAULT SPAN, LONG SPAN BARREL VAULT LONG SPAN BARREL VAULTS ARE THOSE IN WHICH SPAN IS LARGER THAN ITS WIDTH, STRENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE LIES AT THE RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CURVATURE TO THAT SPAN IS LONGITUDINAL TO THE CURVATURE. USUAL SPAN OF THE LONGITUDINAL BARREL VAULT IS CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT: STIFFENING BEAMS AND ARCHE: UNDER LOCAL LOADS THE THIN SHELL OF THE BARREL. VAULT WILL TEND TO DISTORT AND LOSE SHAPE AND EVEN COLLAPSE IF THE RESULTANT STRESSES \WERE MORE, TO ‘STRENGTHEN THE SHELL AGAINST THIS POSSIBILITY, STIFFENING BEAMS OR ARCHES ARE CAST INTEGRALLY Upetand Downstand WITH THE SHELL. aveh vib ach vib ‘THE COMMON PRACTICE |S TO PROVIDE A STIFFENING (MEMBER BETWEEN THE COLUMN SUPPORTING THE SHELL. DOWNSTAND STIFFENING RCC BEAM IS MOST EFFICIENT BECAUSE OF ITS DEPTH, BUT THIS INTERRUPTS THE LINE OF CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT: EDGE AND VALLEY BEAMS: DUE TO SELF WEIGHT AND IMPOSED LOAD THE THIN SHELL WILL TEND TO SPREAD AND ITS CURVATURE FLATTEN OUT. TO RESIST THIS RCC EDGE BEAMS ARE CAST BETWEEN COLUMNS. EDGE BEAMS MAY BE CAST AS DROPPED BEAMS OR UPSTAND BEAMS OR PARTIALLY AS BOTH. IN HOT CLIMATE THE DROPPED BEAM IS USED WHEREAS IN TEMPERATE CLIMATE UPSTAND BEAM IS USED TO FORM DRAINAGE CHANNEL FOR RAIN WATER. IN MULTI-BAY STRUCTURES, SPREADING OF THE VAULTS IS LARGELY TRANSMITTED TO THE ADJACENT SHELLS, SO DOWN. a7) STAND AND FEATHER VALLEY BEAM IS USED. Nn ae On CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT: EXPANSION JOINTS: ‘THE CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE CAUSES THE EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES, WHICH CAUSES THE STRUCTURES TO DEFORM OR COLLAPSE. TO LIMIT THIS CONTINUOUS EXPANSION JOINTS ARE FORMED AT THE INTERVAL OF ABOUT 30M, ALONG THE SPAN AND ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE MULTLBAY AND. MULTI-SPAN BARREL VAULT ROOFS. LONGITUDINAL EXPANSION JOINTS ARE FORMED IN A UP STAND VALLEY. CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT: ROOF LIGHTS: TOP LIGHT CAN BE PROVIDED BY DECK LIGHT FORMED IN THE CROWN OF VAULT OR BY DOME LIGHT. THE DECK LIGHT CAN BE CONTINUOUS OR FORMED AS INDIVIDUAL LIGHTS. ROOF LIGHTS ARE FIXED TO AN UPSTAND CURB CAST INTEGRALLY WITH THE SHELL. ADVANTAGE OF THE SHELL IS THAT ITS CONCAVE SOFFIT REFELECTS AND HELPS TO DISPERSE LIGHT OVER AREA BELOW. DISADVANTAGE IS THAT TOP LIGHT MAY CAUSE OVER HEATING AND GLARE. ROOF COVERING: SHELLS MAY BE COVERED WITH NON-FERROUS SHEET METAL, ASPHALT, BITUMEN FELT, A PLASTIC MEMBRANE OR A LIQUID RUBBER BASE COATING. ROOF INSULATION: CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C BARREL VAULT: FORMS OF CURVATURE: (DOUBLY CURVED) : E.G., SPHERE OR HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID. ‘THEY ARE MAINLY CLASSIFIED AS :4) SYNCLASTIC. 2) ANTICLASTIC. SYNCLASTIC SHELLS: ‘THESE SHELLS ARE DOUBLY CURVED ‘AND HAVE A SIMILAR CURVATURE IN EACH DIRECTION. E.G. DOMES ‘ADOME IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A SYNCLASTIC SHELL, IT IS DOUBLY CURVED AND CAN BE FORMED BY ROTATING A CURVED LINE AROUND AN AXIS. ADOME-CAN BE SPLIT UP INTO TWO DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS; VERTICAL SECTIONS SEPARATED BY LONGITUDINAL ARCH i a - ié—pAAme i ww FORMS OF CURVATURE: (DOUBLY CURVED) : ANTICLASTIC SHELLS : ARE DOUBLY CURVED BUT EACH OF THE TWO CURVES HAVE ‘THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION TO THE OTHER. E.G. SADDLE POINTS, ANTICLASTIC CONOIDS, HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID AND HYPERBOLOIDS ARE ALL CONSIDERED TO ‘THE ANTICLASTIC SHELL BECAUSE THEY ARE SADDLED SHAPE WITH DIFFERENT CURVATURE IN EACH DIRECTION AND STRAIGHT LINES CAN BE DRAWN OF THE SURFACE. CONOIDS: FORMED BY MOVING A ONE END OF A STRAIGHT LINE ALONG A CURVED. . PATH AND THE OTHER ALONG A STRAIGHT PATH. FORMS OF CURVATURE: (DOUBLY CURVED) : HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID: FORMED BY SWEEPING A CONVEX PARABOLA ALONG A CONCAVE PARABOLA OR BY SWEEPING A STRAIGHT LINE OVER A STRAIGHT PATH AT ONE END AND ANOTHER STRAIGHT PATH NOT PARALLEL TO THE FIRST. ‘STRUCTURAL BEHAVIORS: DEPENDING ON THE SHAPE OF THE SHELL RELATIVE TO THE CURVATURE, THERE WILL BE DIFFERENT STRESSES. SHELL ROOFS, HAVE COMPRESSION STRESSES FOLLOWING THE CONVEX CURVATURE AND THE TENSION STRESSES FOLLOW THE CONCAVE ‘CURVATURE os ana CHAPEL LOMAS DE CUERNAVACA THIS HYPERBOLOID STRUCTURE IS THE KOBE TOWER IN JAPAN. VLADMIR SHUKHOV TOWER (1922) ROYAN CENTRAL MARKET Built in 1955 by the chitects L. Simon a In. Morisseau and t engineer René Sar Itis @ round shell c structed of concret eight centimetres ti B it rests on thirteen ripheral support po without any interna pillar, It is 52.40 m (171.9 ft) in diamet and its height in the center is 10.50 met (34.4 ft). It served : model for the conc tion of the market c Nanterre and as th FORMS OF CURVATURE: Done TENSION TIE: FIG. (A) REPRESENTS A DOUBLY CURVED SHELL WITH NO AXIS OF SYMMETRY, SHOWS A SPHERICAL DOME SUPPORTED ON A WALL. Tension Ring WHENEVER THE SHELLS ARE SUPPORTED VERTICALLY AT THEIR EDGES, A TENSION TIEIS REQUIRED AROUND THE PERIMETER AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE DOME AND THE WALL HOWEVER, IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THE TIE WILL BE FUNICULAR FOR ANY SHAPE OF EITHER THE PLAN OR ELEVATION. Arbitrary Doubly Curved Surf But Must Be Posttive Curva tu FORMS OF CURVATURE: TENSION TIE: - ere Sa T canes and bee ‘THE SUPPORT MAY BE A CONTINUOUS WALL OR STIFF BEAMS BETWEEN ADEQUATELY SPACED COLUMNS. (TIS INTERESTING THAT evan ‘THE STRAIGHT PARTS OF THE TIE IN FIG. (C) DO NOT REQUIRE TIES %. ‘ACROSS THE BUILDING. { There is mo th | Bela 7 ‘THE THRUSTS ARE TAKEN BY SHEAR FORCES THROUGH THE WIDTH soa A OF THE SHELL, AND ONLY TENSION FORCES EXISTIN THE TIE, ae CYLINDRICAL SHELL COMBINED WITH SPHERICAL S TYPES OF SHELL STRUCTURES: FOLDED PLATE SHELLS: ‘THE DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF THE FOLDED PLATE IS THE EASE IN FORMING PLANE SURFACES. A FOLDED PLATE MAY BE FORMED FOR ABOUT THE SAME COST AS A HORIZONTAL SLAB AND HAS MUCH LESS STEEL AND CONCRETE FOR THE SAME SPANS. ‘THE PRINCIPLE COMPONENTS IN A FOLDED PLATE STRUCTURE CONSIST OF: 4) THE INCLINED PLATES 2) EDGE PLATES WHICH MUST BE USED TO STIFFEN THE WIDE PLATES 3) STIFFENERSTO CARRY THE LOADS TO THE SUPPORTS AND TO HOLD THE PLATES IN LINE 4) COLUMNS TO SUPPORT THE STRUCTURE IN THE AIR. WS Folded Plates system Folded-Plate Hut in Osaka Folded Plates Library TYPES OF SHELLSTRUCTURES: _- CYLINDRICAL BARREL VAULT: BARREL VAULTS ARE PERHAPS THE MOST USEFUL OF THE SHELL STRUCTURES BECAUSE THEY CAN SPAN UPT 0 150 FEET WITH A MINIMUM OF MATERIAL. THEY ARE VERY EFFICIENT STRUCTURES BECAUSE THE USE THE ARCH FORM TO REDUCE ‘STRESSES AND THICKNESSES IN THE TRANSVERSE DIRECTION. TYPES OF SHELL STRUCTURES: DOMES OF REVOLUTION: ‘ADOME IS A SPACE STRUCTURE COVERING A MORE OR LESS SQUARE OR CIRCULAR AREA. THE BEST KNOWN EXAMPLE IS THE DOME OF REVOLUTION, AND IT IS ONE OF THE EARLIEST (OF THE SHELL STRUCTURES. EXCELLENT EXAMPLES ARE STILL IN EXISTENCE THAT WERE BUILT IN ROMAN TIMES. THEY ARE FORMED BY A SURFACE GENERATED BY A CURVE OF ANY FORM REVOLVING ABOUT A VERTICAL LINE. THIS SURFACE HAS DOUBLE CURVATURE AND THE RESULTING STRUCTURE IS MUCH STIFFER AND STRONGER THAN A SINGLE CURVED SURFACE, SUCH AS A CYLINDRICAL SHELL. 4 bedi | PIER LUIGI NERVI PALAZZETTO DELLO SPORT A GEODESIC DOME DESIGNED BY BUCKMINSTER FULLER (A NEO FUTURISTIC ARCHITECT) SN TOA A SY MOST SUITABLE MATERIAL ‘THE MATERIAL MOST SUITED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SHELL STRUCTURE IS CONCRETE BECAUSE IT 1S/A HIGHLY PLASTIC MATERIAL WHEN FIRST MIXED WITH WATER THAT CAN TAKE UP ANY SHAPE ON CENTERING OR INSIDE FORMWORK. SMALL SECTIONS OF REINFORCING BARS CAN READILY BE BENT TO FOLLOW THE CURVATURE OF SHELLS, ONCE THE CEMENT HAS SET AND THE CONCERETE HAS HARDENED THE R.C.C MEMBRANE OR SLAB ACTS AS A STRONG, RIGID SHELL WHICH SERVES AS BOTH STRUCTURE AND COVERING TO THE BUILDING. BRITISH MUSEUM , LONDON Designed by Foster and Partners, the Queen Elizabeth II Great Court transformed the Museum’s inner courtyard into the largest covered public square in Europe. It is a two- acre space enclosed by a spectacular glass roof with the world-famous Reading Room at its centre. The court has a tessellated glass roof designed by Buro Happold and executed by Waagner-Biro, covering the entire court and surrounds the original circular British Museum Reading Room in the centre, now a museum. It is the largest covered square in Europe. Since the circular structure is not set precisely in the middle of the courtyard, the glass roof has a complex geometric form. The double-curved steel framework was delivered in segments and welded together on site. To avoid applying any sideways load to the quadrangle buildings, the roof is supported on sliding bearings. These allow the structure to move naturally. SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: SYSTEM SPANS AND EFFECTIVE SPANS: ‘THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE SPANS UPTO 164 FEET. ‘THE ARCHES ARE SUPPORTED BY OVER 350KM OF TENSIONED STEEL CABLE. THE SHELL THICKNESS GOES FROM 3 TO 4 INCHES. ALL SHELL WEIGHT A TOTAL OF 15 TONS. THIS INVOLVED LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS AND BUILDING A PODIUM 82 FEET (25 M) ABOVE SEA LEVEL. MORE THAN 39,239 CUBIC FEET (30,000 M:) OF ROCK AND SOIL WERE REMOVED BY EXCAVATORS. SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: SYSTEM SPANS AND EFFECTIVE SPANS: THE "SHELLS" WERE PERCEIVED AS A SERIES OFPARABOLAS SUPPORTED BY PRECAST CONCRETE RIBS. THE FORMWORK F USING IN-SITU CONCRETE WOULD HAVE BEEN PROHIBITIVELY EXPENSIVE, BUT, BECAUSE THERE WAS NO REPETITION IN A OF THE ROOF FORMS, THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRE-CAST CONCRETE FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL SECTION WOULD POSSIBLY HA BEEN EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE. ‘THE DESIGN TEAM WENT THROUGH AT LEAST 12 ITERATIONS OF THE FORM OF THE SHELLS TRYING TO FIND AN ECONOMICALLY ACCEPTABLE FORM (INCLUDING SCHEMES WITH PARABOLAS, CIRCULAR RIBS AND ELLIPSOIDS) BEFORE A WORKABLE SOLUTION WAS COMPLETED. IN MID-196, THE DESIGN TEAM FOUND A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM: THE SHEL ALL BEING CREATED AS SECTIONS FROM A SPHERE. THIS SOLUTION ALLOWS ARCHES OF VARYING LENGTH TO BE CASTIN / COMMON MOULD, AND A NUMBER OF ARCH SEGMENTS OF COMMON LENGTH TO 8E PLACED ADJACENT TO ONE ANOTHER TO FORM A SPHERICAL SECTION. a SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: CONSTRUCTION: SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: FINISHES: ACTUAL CLAY, BRICK, AND STONE VENEER GRANITE OR MARBLE CLADDING EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH ‘SAND BLASTED FINISH FORM LINER PATTERNS. ‘THE SVDNEY OPERA HOUSE USES \WHITE GLAZED GRANITE TILES. 1,056,000 TILES WERE USED TO COVER THE MASSIVE STRUCTURE. Introduction: * Baha’i Faith « A temple in the capital city of India + Architect Mr. Fariborz Sahba was selected by the world governing body of Baha’i faith, “ The Universal House of Justice” in the year 1974 + Flint & Neill partnership of London was the consultancy + ECC construction group of Larsen & Toubro Ltd. were the contractors + Design process for the structure began in the year 1976 Components of the structure: ¢ Main building consisting of \. dome \\ribs \xinterior dom: \shells Analysis & Design of Structural components: * Spherical surfaces for the Entrance & Outer leaves + Arch soffits have a Parabolic cone shape * Spheres, cylinders, toroids & cones for Inner leaves + Nine intersecting spheres form interior dome + Final geometrically converted shapes were so complex that it took the design over two & a half years to complete the detailed drawings of the temple. + In-situ Reinforced Concrete construction * Interior dome is 28 m in height and 34m in diameter * Inner leaves are of 200 mm thick and of 33.6 m in height + Outer leaves are of 135 mm from their cusps to the line of glazing, beyond which they thicken to 250 mm and of 22.5 m in height « Entrance leaves are of 150 mm at center to 300 mm thick at their edges and Cladding: * Shells & arches are clad in white Greek marble panels, preformed in Italy to the surface profiles and to patterns related to the geometry by Marmi Vicentin S.P.A Company. * The panels are fixed by means of stainless steel brackets secured by bolts in holes drilled after concreting and the joints were filled with molded rubber cordon & silicon sealant was applied over it. + Floor finishes were also of white marble + Balustrades, stairs were precast « Stones used for stairs were made of red sandstone. PNUEMATIC STRUCTURES An air-supported or air-inflated structure which consists of internal pressurized air i.e. structural fabric envelope. Air is the main support of the structure, and where access is via airlocks. It is usually dome-shaped, since this shape creates the greatest volume for the least amount of material. The materials used for air-supported structures are similar to those used in tensile structures, namely synthetic fabrics such as fibre glass and polyester. PNEUMATIC STRUCTURES PNEUMATIC STRUCTURES Advantages: * Considerably lower initial cost than conventional buildings « Lower operating costs due to simplicity of design. * Easy and quick to set up, dismantle, and relocate . * Unobstructed open interior space, since there is no need for columns * Able to cover almost any project * Custom fabric colours and si s, including translucent fabric, PNEUMATIC STRUCTURES Disadvantages: * Continuous operation of fans to maintain pressure, often requiring redundancy or emergency power supply. * Dome collapses when pressure lost or fabric compromised ¢ Cannot reach the insulation values of hard-walled structures, increasing heating/cooling costs * Limited load-carrying capacity * Conventional buildings have longer lifespan THANK YOU

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