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Islamophobia and the Existence of Homogeneous Communities in

Oleh :
Dewi Nurazizah (19030994)
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sunan Pandanaran

Since the length of the Polish community has adjusted with the Islamic
Community, long before the wave of Arab immigrants. Even they come before
long Poland is there they are the tribes of coming from the surrounding region of
Islam, they settled and developed with his own culture and language. But over
time, their genuine culture and language fell through various dimasilahs with the
Polish community. Islamic religion to the rest of the tartar community relics.

The Tatar Muslim Community has successfully carried out an assimilation

process with the community non-Muslims in a culturally different area. They
accept the lifestyleand community views and even replace mother tongue with
community languagePoland. All of these processes go hand in hand with the
interaction of the Tatar Muslim community and its environment. One thing that
remains is that they still adhere to religion Islam. 15 As only religion is an
element of differentiating Polish and Tatars, there are not many conflictor
situations. Tatars do not complain of wrong treatment or any signs of
discrimination. 16 Cultural roots that are integrated with the culture of Polish
society have their consequences can be accepted in the midst of society.

During its development, Poland came again with Muslim groups besides
the Tatars. There are two reasons behind the arrival of this group of migrants.
Firsth, is a Muslim group that came to Poland in order to do business and then
settle down. Second, are refugees from the region that is experiencing wars such
as Chechnya, Syria and Iraq. Of the two groups that get opposition from society
is the second which is considered as a threat and "people outside "and is
associated with the killing of Poles, who were soldiers who participated in
military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and who were victims of attacks,
terrorists in several countries outside Poland.During its development, Poland
came again with Muslim groups besides the Tatars. There are two reasons
behind the arrival of this group of migrants. First, is a Muslim group that came to
Poland in order to do business and then settle down. Second, are refugees from
the region that is experiencing wars such as Chechnya, Syria and Iraq. Of the two
groups that get opposition from society is the second which is considered as a
threat and "people outside " and is associated with the killing of Poles, who were
soldiers who participated in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and who
were victims of attacks, terrorists in several countries outside Poland. Muslim
groups who came laterthis is considered unsuccessful to acculturate like the first
group later considered a threat to Polish society.

Maintaining tradition as a homogeneous state becomes an idea made

Polish society sensitive to the arrival of post-Muslim immigrants Tartar
community. Those who have identified themselves with the Roman Catholic
tradition place it not only as a trust, but has evolved as the values of community
life that are considered capable of cohesing the whole element of society. In this
context, the arrival of immigrants is largely from the Arabian peninsula is
considered to be a threat to the social order that is already considered the
established. The arrival of immigrants is considered to damage the
homogeneous social system which is already running. Because these immigrants
are considered the same as the Muslim community affiliated with radical Islamic

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