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English III

Prof. Tamara Leibur

Worksheet: Test Preparation

I. Circle the correct option to complete the phrase.

1. I …………. a terrible headache.

a) Have
b) Feel
c) Get
d) A) and C)

2. I hardly ever ……… sick.

a) Have
b) Feel
c) Get
d) A) and B)

3. I ……….. healthy because I go swimming every Sunday morning.

a) Feel
b) Be (am/is/are)
c) Stay
d) B) and C)

4. I don’t feel well today, I think I ……… stressed.

a) Feel
b) Be (am/is/are)
c) Have
d) A) and B)

5. In Spring, I usually ….. allergies.

a) Get
b) Be (am/is/are)
c) Have
d) A) and C)
II. Look at the picture. What’s the health problem of each person? Write the answers

1. Joe _________________________________________________
2. Taro ________________________________________________
3. Chad _______________________________________________
4. Amy ________________________________________________

III. Answer the questions using “when” or “if”.

1. What do you do when you have a backache?


2. What do you do if you get the flu?


3. What do you do when you have a stomachache?


4. What do you do if you feel sick?


IV. Answer the question. Include 3 reasons.

1. Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Why? Why not?


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