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“Sustainable development is development which meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
(United Nations Brunt land Commission Report)

Modular architecture is the design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules.

Sustainable home is an efficient home that’s built or retrofitted in a way that respect resources,
optimizes energy and water use and will last longer with quality systems.

Modular homes are built in an assembly line process in factory, trucked to the site in sanctions, set in
place with a crane, and then joined together.

Modular constructions are less expensive, faster construction and energy efficient.

• Cost:

- Costs of prefabs are typically cheaper than stick built homes by an average of 20%.

-Faster than tradition construction.

- Generally it takes one to four months lonfer to build a traditional home than to construct a

Sustainable homes require less energy to heat and cool, enhance occupant comfort and are more
resilient to climate and weather extremes.


- People feel comfortable and become better at home with less money.

- The benefits of adopting prefabrication in building construction quality and safety can be
increased with prefabrication, while time spent for construction completion, overall costs,
material waste , and the impact on the environment can be reduced.
- The aim of sustainable development is to balance our economic, environmental and social
needs, allowing prosperity for one and future generation.


- Be affordable

- Be a good quality

- Be able to cope with a shortage of skilled labour

- Be available in quality

- Be capable of responding to changing construction regulation

- have a good environment
- energy efficiency

• The sustainable development objectives cover different aspects of social development,

environmental protection and economic growth. And the eradication of poverty and hunger so as
to ensure a healthy life.


• Sustainable development broadly focuses on the following, like the use of various resources,
preservation, identification of sustainable usage.

• Planning of economic growth to ensure least environmental impact.

• Sustainability represents a balanced interaction between the human built and natural words.

This interaction is often expressed as having components: environment, social equity, and

Submited by,

Mihika Patel




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