Boston National Historical Park Script

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The Historical site that Alexandar and I chose to do was the Boston National Historical

Park. ( Go to Slide number 2)

Here on the map you can see that it is located in the Charleston Navy Yard in Boston

(Slide number 3) The start of the park came from the purchase of land to start the Navy
yard that was bought to start the U.S. Navy. Here you will see the documentation of the
purchase of the land used for the Navy. (Primary Source 1)

GO TO SLIDE 4: The park is home to national monuments that have not been changed
to make sure that when you go through the park you are experiencing what it was like to
be there “back in the day”. The changes to the park have been to visitor centers and
paths to guide you through the park. Ranger Nate Fullmer said “ There is a large
attempt to keep the ground as accurately as possible. There is more grass and signs
but the buildings have undergone minimal changes, the largest difference you would
see is the surrounding buildings and the ground will be smoother to walk on now then it
would have been “back in the day””

GO TO SLIDE 5: On this slide you can see part of a document notating the work that is
done to the park to make sure that it is accurate and that the up keep is done in a way
that preserves the buildings and the land. (Primary Source 2)

GO TO SLIDE 6: This 43-acre national park, which opened in 1974, contains eight
historically significant sites that depict the events leading up to the American Revolution
in 1776, as well as the creation and growth of the United States. The Old South Meeting
House, the Old State House, the Paul Revere House, and the Old North Church are
among the historic properties in Downtown Boston; the Bunker Hill Monument is in
Charlestown; a portion of the Boston, Charlestown Navy Yard, including the USS
Constitution is in South Boston; and Dorchester Heights is in South Boston. With the
exception of Dorchester Heights, the National Park Service collaborates with a variety of
partner organizations at this park, and all of these historic resources are also included in
Boston's 2.5-mile Freedom Trail. Unlike the Freedom Trail, however, Boston National
Historical Park is entirely made up of National Historic Landmarks.

GO TO SLIDE 7: The Boston National Historical Park is about the American Revolution.
The American Revolution took place in 1775-1783 at this time nationally the second
Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia, Congress created a Navy, Congress
also started searching for Foreign Aid, Thomas Paine had written the pamphlet called
“Common Sense and Congress Declares Independence. Internationally New England
passed the restraining act, America becomes allies with France, the British attempts to
make peace, the Treason of Benedict Arnold and peace negotiations that begin in
Paris. All of these events happened at the same time as the American Revolution was
on it’s way to help create the America that we know today.

SLIDE 8: The tale of the events that led to the American Revolution and the Navy that
kept the country strong is told in Boston National Historical Park. Boston National
Historical Park contains a number of historic sites. The Freedom Trail connects many of
the historic sites that make up Boston National Historical Park. Some important
historical sites include the Old South Meeting House, Old State House, Faneuil Hall, the
Paul Revere House, and the Old North Church. The American ideals of freedom of
speech, religion, governance, and self-determination are brought to life in downtown
Boston and became reality because of the places I just mentioned. One more major
place is the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown, which marks the site of the American
Revolution's first major combat.

SLIDE 9: The Boston National Historical Park is historically important because it shows
those that visit what was sacrificed and what it took to create the America that we live in
today. Nearby is the Charlestown Navy Yard, which was one of the country's first naval
shipyards and is home to the USS Constitution, and the world's oldest commissioned
warship. Dorchester Heights, located in South Boston and across from the Freedom
Trail, is notable for its involvement in the British evacuation of Boston during the
Revolutionary War.The Boston National Historical Park is still historically important
today because it not only tells the story of the U.S. Navy and the American Revolution
but it also tells the story of how the American people fought for the freedom we know
today. The park has the history of the war and the city and so much more to offer those
that visit. It gives the visitor a chance to dive into the past.

SLIDE 10: This part of a document records the effects building the Navy Yard had for
the colonist in the labor force as well as in the protection of their lands and freedom. In
this document it notes the difficulty in building a navy and the challenges that they faced
in making the land work for their needs. (primary source 3)

SLIDE 11 :This site is all about the American Revolution, the American Revolution
started and was fought for because of economic factors. The taxes placed on the
colonists caused rebellion since the taxes were used to pay off debts that were
collected throughout a war that most colonists didn’t agree with in the first place. This
lead to the fight for the colonist freedom and the principle that there needs to be
causation for taxation. As you can see in this graph the free colonist were not wealthy
and taking money away from them jeopardized their livelihoods while the rich being
taxed did not affect them as greatly.The taxation was for something the colonist did not
want in the first place and that rage came out as a rebellion leading to the American

SLIDE 12: The Boston National Historical Park is a place to care about to see how one
city became the Cradle of Liberty, the location of the first major fight of the American
Revolution, and the home of people who believed that liberty should be given to all. It is
the heart of the war fought for many years so that people can be free and have
something of their own to fight for. The piece of history about this site that is the key to
this area is that the monuments show the fight and this history of everything that
happen. The lessons behind the monuments show why having something that is yours
to fight for is important.

SLIDE 13: During the colonial period ‘boston was one if not the most important sea port
for America but after the American Revolution the country went into a dire economic
decline and that is when they opened up the park to create more jobs for the economy
and have a place for people to go and learn about American History.” The park was not
just a place that opened up for tourism but a place where people could go to learn and
see American history right in front of them. The obelisk to the side of me is to remember
the Battle of Bunker Hill. We ended up doing a tactical retreat and gave up the hill but
were able to win the battle shortly after. This 221 foot obelisk was built in remembrance
of the battle that happened there.

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