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BBllooggggeerrss NNootteess

08.09.11 delivery applications (2008-09-11 15:47)

Tags: Zhao Zhao Bailiffs Anteroom WPC Yang Jiangxi Category: Zatan

September 10, 2008, Teacher's Day. Ten o'clock, I (Xu Ye), Road Green, Zhao Zhao, Guo Ke
four, from the pasture to go to Beijing 27 Dong Jiao Min Xiang of China Supreme People's
Court, in person a few days ago by courier returned, addressed to the Yang Jia case on a large
View Write a Wang Shengjun judges judge the application.
Message message
View Add friend Janitor left the door to reach the Supreme, three young armed police received us. We
View Send note expressed to them the purpose of this trip, their answer is "no phone undeliverable mail, we
Visitors just guard, is not responsible for mail delivery receipt, if only to send a letter through the
Blog rating :0 Level
post office." Stalemate for about half an hour, in order not to delay delivery of other

1 of 6 6/2/11 4:10 AM
Ai Ai Weiwei _ Sina blog

Blog points : 0 persons behind the moon cake, we were persuaded to leave the Supreme Court bureau of
Blog visit : 0 information.

11:40 to leave the reception room, we asked the armed police on duty at the door, what
ways can the letter progressive Supreme Court? Armed police gave us a note indicating that we
Content Loading ... are happy to Yongding Road, Fengtai District, No. 18, the Supreme Court liberating room.

CCoommmmeennttss 12:30 After many setbacks, found a black car, took us to the Second Ring Road, opened in
Content Loading ... the South Bridge and Tao Ran Yang South Road, a bridge between the alley, opposite the
WWiitthh BBoo

Liu Shui CClliicckk hheerree ttoo vviieeww tthhee oorriiggiinnaall Comments (0) | Read (0) | Favorites (0) | Share | Report

Chao Gong
Tang grass merchants
Lei Bobo
老财Tukang 08.09.11 H & D (2008-09-11 12:26)
Category: Photos
Dance guy Miscellanies
Shenzhen idlers
Bush students
Wu Di
CClliicckk hheerree ttoo vviieeww tthhee oorriiggiinnaall Comments (0) | Read (0) | Favorites (0) | Share | Report
Shallow Bo
Yong Um monk
Pisces life 08.09.11 exhibit (2008-09-11 12:12)

His house Category: Photos

SophiA Princess
Small steps
Chimes at Midnight
He Kang
CClliicckk hheerree ttoo vviieeww tthhee oorriiggiinnaall Comments (0) | Read (0) | Favorites (0) | Share | Report
Ants on the Tree

2 of 6 6/2/11 4:10 AM
Ai Ai Weiwei _ Sina blog

Edge of the Wizard

Zhao Zhao
08.09.10 god (2008-09-10 09:55)
Category: Photos
White Pro Pro
Ru flower ring ring
Flowers wrapped around the
other side
Mao Ran CClliicckk hheerree ttoo vviieeww tthhee oorriiggiinnaall Comments (0) | Read (0) | Favorites (0) | Share | Report

By Feng Shan
Zhang firing 08.09.10 Works (2008-09-10 09:32)
Category: Photos
High Rock
Dream of God
Life Tung
What tribe dead CClliicckk hheerree ttoo vviieeww tthhee oorriiggiinnaall Comments (0) | Read (0) | Favorites (0) | Share | Report

That Na
Han children
Green grass 08.09.08 Patrick his mother (2008-09-08 18:56)
Tags: Shanghai police Good Lai Power Yang Category: Zatan
Qin Ga
Women's relative Out, ridden chores.
Sang hardly ever
Two things fit. First the Yang Jia case, take the express mail sent before, have all been
returned on the grounds that not to write the recipient's mobile phone number. Because never
Bear shrimp
know the address is the phone number to be accompanied, in the High Court does not indicate
the address published. This is lost in the rules, and re-sent, also sent a registered mail.
Cao Jialun
delayed a few days. If not enough, you can only send someone to send. If someone re-sent, and
remember To attach the phone live. people work hard, are lost in the rules, these rules do not
Firewood Dolls
have a man-made obstacles are not ordinary people can not afford is to take the program. power
Shen night
is strong in autocratic procedures, strong in the unlimited consumption of the weak , this is

3 of 6 6/2/11 4:10 AM
Ai Ai Weiwei _ Sina blog

Satin Silver just the beginning.

No Name Heroes
Second, the mother of Yang Jia, the individual has a mother, a good depends on the individual
made. A Beijing public, in broad daylight, by the Shanghai police control them. Son is going
Jin Le
to lose his head more, but that the audio, only the lawyers and the police in Shanghai can be
Anti slaughtered Union
one-way contact. The blockade of the public, even her sister, and her ex-husband, not knowing
Mody Mody
whereabouts, only reported stolen. This is the world adventures, Beijing is not Iraq,
possessor of hundreds of thousands of armed police and the police, the presence of around the
Wild deer
world face, What can they screw people. What is humanity, which is called humanity.
Sucker angry, young and old
Bullog International Two things, you can see the weakness of state law, power, arrogance and incompetence, the
Lawyer Liu Zilong hypocrisy of the media to see the tragic situation of human rights and civil rights. Yang Jia
case is remarkable and important cases, and yet so opaque, so that slight distortion of Such
disregard for the Constitution and justice. imagine the more remote, more helpless, and no one
knows the plight of the people. there are those brave or whether it is patriotic

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08.09.08 Express and tracing (2008-09-08 18:49)

Tags: Chief Justice Express Aunt Yang Category: Zatan

September 3, 2008, the use FEDEX Federal Express domestic limit, respectively, to the Supreme
Court Chief Justice Yong Wang Shengjun, and a judge issued SHEN representations express the
Yang Jia case. Courier waybill number is 120137978741 and 120137978752. In 2008 September 4
received a call at Express "plane no answer, no phone number, could not find the recipient.
guard to the ground only accept EMS express delivery, express rejection." September 5, 2008
express returned.

September 4, 2008, the use of tact courier, sent to the Supreme Court Chief Justice Wang
Shengjun, Express, Express reply "State agencies can not deliver, they will not pick."

4 of 6 6/2/11 4:10 AM
Ai Ai Weiwei _ Sina blog

September 4, 2008, through the Beijing Dashanzi Post Office, the Chief Justice to the Supreme
People's Court Wang Shengjun sent by registered letter, e-mail numbers XA14473243511.

September 4, 2008, through the Beijing Dashanzi Post Office, the Chief Justice to the Supreme
People's Court Wang Shengjun EMS issued capital, waybill number ET509585555CN. September 5,
2008 received by the Supreme Court Chapter 16 transceiver, has not received any reply.


Missing Person

Wang Jingmei: April 13, 1955 strangers, about 1.56 meters tall, lean body.

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08.09.08 Zurich (2008-09-08 05:08)

Category: Photos

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08.09.08 Wrestling King (2008-09-08 05:00)

Category: Photos

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08.09.08 bridge (2008-09-08 04:54)

Category: Photos

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Sina BLOG feedback message board negative feedback Tel: 95105670 for the tone and press the 2 key (in local market, then the standard billing) welcomed the
criticism correction
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