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(Distance Learning Program)



Total Marks:

NOTE : Answer all Questions.

Credit will be given for conciseness, relevance, illustrations and
quotation of applicable law.

1. Define Contract. Give essential elements of a valid contract.

2. What are the remedies for breach of contract?
3. Explain and illustrate the doctrines of :-
Lifting / Piercing the Corporate Veil
Ultra Vires

4 Describe the kinds of Resolutions passed by the Board Directors

under the companies Act, 1956.
5 Define “goods”. Explain the conditions and warranties implied by
law in a contract for sale of goods.



Total Marks:

NOTE : Answer all Questions. Credit will be given for conciseness,

relevance, illustrations and quotation of applicable law.

1. Explain the consequences and remedies for dishonor of a

2. Give the kinds and characteristics of different insurance
3. Enumerate the duties of an Arbitrator; Differentiate domestic
and foreign awards.

After going through the Case Study, answer the questions given at the
end. Substantiate you answers with the applicable law, where necessary.

“Twenty Four year old Vijay Kumar suddenly complained one morning in
June 1992 at 4.30 a.m. of pain of legs and his inability to move them. His
father called a local doctor, and on his advice took him to a private
hospital at about 6.30 a.m. By then the patient was complaining of
extreme weakness and decreased power in the upper limbs. Even as he
was being examined by a cardiologist and neurologist, he complained of
difficulty in breathing, following which he was moved to intensive Care
Unit (ICU) and then to the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU).

Subsequently, a senior consultant neurologist who examined him at about

9 a.m. said the probable diagnosis was Acute Infective Polyneuritis or
Hypopotassemic paralysis or Acute Myasthenia Gravis. He suggested
Aurther Tests, immediate line of treatment including intubation and also
informed the parents that since a new mode of treatment, plasmapherasis
was not available at the hospital, it was advisable to move him to a
‘Speciality’ Hospital.

He also gave a letter to the concerned doctor at the ‘Speciality’ Hospital,

but the young man died at 12.10 hours before he could be moved there.

The nurse on duty also failed to notice that the oxygen tube had been
pulled out by the patient, who was extremely restless, till it was brought to
her notice by the ‘Patient’s mother’.

Questions :-

1. What is the appropriate law for handling the case?

2. Where does Mr. Vijay Kumar’s remedy lie?
3. Is there any negligence on the part of the doctors?
4. Was the Hospital Staff that was required to carry out the
directions of the doctors, negligent?
5. Was the delay of two hours in intubating the patient an act of
6. What, if any, was the nature of lapse on the part of Hospital staff
in respect of the oxygen tube pulled out by the patient?
7. By whom should Mr. Vijay Kumar’s parents be compensated?
8. What was the nature of Mr. Vijay Kumar’s condition in this case?
9. Is the private hospital liable for lapses in the case?
10. Name the major lapses.
11. What, if any, is the limitation period for filing the case by Mr.
Vijay Kumar’s parents?


Total Marks:

All Question Carries Equal Marks

Answer True or False:

1. An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void.

2. An agreement enforceable by law is contract.
3. The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to
the knowledge of the person to whom it is made.
4. In order to convert proposal into a promise the acceptance must
be conditional and qualified.
5. All agreements are contracts.
6. A company is a voluntary association of persons.
7. A company is an artificial person having no body or soul.
8. A company the only limited shares.
9. A company may be with unlimited liability.
10. On registration a company becomes a distinct legal entity, has
perpetual succession and its property is not the property of
11. The Memorandum of Association of a company must be printed,
divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively and signed by
the subscribers.
12. A company can have any name
13. ‘Goods’ means every kind of movable property including action
able claims and money.
14. The doctrine of Caveat Emptor has been modified by consumer
protection legislation.
15. A lien is the right to hold the property of another as security for
the performance of obligation.
16. Lien is not a possessory right.
17. A contract for sale of goods may be made in writing or by word
of mouth bet cannot be implied from the conduct of the parties.
18. A contract of sale of goods is through immediate delivery only.
19. A negotiable instrument is a document of title.
20. A particular form is necessary for delivery of a negotiable
21. A person taking a bill of exchange can take a better title than
the person from whom he took it.
22. A bill of exchange with the words written ‘Not negotiable’ across
it is still negotiable.
23. ‘Choser – in – action’ is a term used in Negotiable Instruments.
24. A drawer of a dishonoured cheque shall be deemed to have
committed an offence.
25. A blank signed paper give to another party cannot be made a bill
of exchange.
26. A life insurance policy in India can be avoided on the ground of
27. An LIC life insurance policy contains ‘Suicide Clause’ for the
entire currency of the policy.
28. There is no difference between assignment and Nomination in so
far as insurance is concerned.
29. All Insurance policies have a surrender value.
30. An Insurance Policy is with nature of a contract.
31. An arbitration agreement need nor be in writing.
32. Matrimonial matters can be referred to arbitration in India.
33. Parties are free to agree on the place of arbitration.
34. An award is in the nature of Individual verdict.
35. Indian Arbitration law does not comprehensively cover
international commercial arbitration.
36. Consumers Protection Act 1986 is the judicial machinery for
speedy redressal of consumer disputes.
37. Consumer Protection Act 1986 deals only with defects in relation
to goods.
38. Any affiliation by a consumer in any form is a complaint.
39. The provisions in Consumer Protection Act, 1986 are in addition
to and not in derogation of any other law for the time being in
40. There is no provision for the right to consumer education in the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Post Box No. 503, Sector 44,
Noida 201 303


Subject Name & Code : Business Laws

Study Centre : Janakpuri

Enroll No. :

Date :

a) Total weightage given to these assignments is 30%.
b) All assignments are to be completed in your own hand writing.
c) All questions are required to be attempted.
d) Three assignments i.e A, B & C are to be answered.
Assignments A will carry Five subjective questions (10
marks). Assignment B will carry three subjective questions
with a Case Study (10 marks) and Assignment C will carry
Forty objective type questions (10 marks)
e) All the three assignments are to be completed by due dates
(specified from time to time) and mailed / given by hand for
evaluation at the ASoDL office Noida / your Study Centre.

Signature :

Name :

Date :
() Tick mark in front of the assignments submitted
Assignment “A” Assignment “B” Assignment

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