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Rukan Taman Meruya Blok M no. 75

Meruya Ilir Jakarta Barat

Standing wave
1. A standing wave has a 5 loops how many nodes and antinodes present
2. The 7 harmonic of the standing wave is 289 Hz. What is the frequency of the 4 and 8 harmonic
3. The wavelength of a standing wave with one loop is 12 m, find wavelength of the first five harmonic
4. A 2 meter string produce a standing wave with 3 loops
a. What is the wavelength
b. What is the frequency if the speed 335 m/s
c. What is the wavelength and the frequency of the first harmonic

5. The travelling wave is directed at the open end of a tube of length 1.20 m. The other end of the
tube is closed. Describe how a standing wave is formed and wavelength
6. The distance between successive nodes in a vibrating string is 0.17 m. If the frequency of the source is 120
Hz, what is the speed of the waves?
7. A standing wave with a speed of 30 m/s and 5 loops has a frequency of 250 hz
a. What is the length of the string in cm
b. If the string has a mass of 40 gram what is the tension force is required to produce such a wave
8. A pipe of length 8.0 m is open at one end and closed at the other. The speed of sound is 320 m/s. What
the lowest frequency of a standing wave that can be established within this pipe?
9. A tension force of 300 N was applied to a 0.75 kg string that is 5 m long. A standing wave with 5 loop was
produced. Calculate the :
a. Speed
b. Wavelength
c. Frequency
d. Fundamental frequency
e. The first three overtone
10. The frequency of the 4 harmonic is 300 Hz and the wavelength of the 2 harmonic is 2.3 m what is the speed
of the wave

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