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In this section, you will learn how to :

 Use expression for predicting or speculating

 Perform a dialogue by using prediction or speculation

Speaking : Predicting

Activity 1 (Building Knowledge of Field)

Answer the following question orally

1 What will you say when you have an idea?

2 If you are not sure, whether to accept or to reject somebody’s idea, what
will you say?

Activity 2 (Modelling of Text)

Practise the following dialogue, and then observe the expression of predicting

Andy : What do you think about the economic situation in our country today?

Billy : Well, I think it is not so bad. What’s on your mind?

Andy : The prices of our basic needs keep on increasing. The people’s buying
power is getting weaker and weaker.

Billy : That’s right, but our rupiah is getting stronger.

Andy : It is really a controversy, isn’t it?

Billy : Yeah. I wonder what the cause of the increase is.

Andy : The government, as a matter of fact, has been working hard to improve
the situation by doing market operation, selling rice in cheap price to the
needy. I believe it is mainly caused by the increase of petroleum price in
the international market.

Billy : You’re right, but there are nasty traders who take a great advantage from
this situation. They buy our basic needs as much as they are able to, but do
not sell them in the market.

Andy : Are you talking about speculators ?

Billy : That’s right. I think if they are known to do this kind of speculation, there
must be a punishment.

Andy : I agree with you. What is your prediction about our economic situation
next year?

Billy : I think it will be improving. Just wait and see.

Activity 3 ( Joint Construction of Text )

Work in pairs, complete the following exchanges with the proper expressions
you have already learned.

1. Pretty : ?
Daisy : I have no doubt about it.

2. Roger : What do you think of our president?

Tommy: .

3. Harry : Do you think providing a special lane for the Transjakarta is the
best solution to Jakarta traffic problem?
Cloe : .
Activity 4 ( Independent Construction of Text)
Answer the question based on the dialogue above.

1. What do Andy and Billy talk about? Do they have the same opinion about
the economic situation in their country?
2. “There is a controversy in our economic situation.”
What does it mean?
3. What has the government done to help the needy?
4. What do they say about speculators?
5. According to Billy, how will the economic be next year?

What to Say
Study the following expressions for speculating or predicting/Language

 He must come up as the winner of the competition.

 Having held various positions in the government, he can be nominated as
our governor in the coming election.
 Being appointed to hold such a strategic position proved that he must be
the right person for that position.
 In my opinion, she has done a good job.
 The political analysts believe that Mr. Brown is the right person for that
The answer key

Activity 4

1. They talk about the economic situation.

Yes, they do.
2. It means there two sides, they are pros and cons.
3. The government, as a matter of fact, has been working hard to improve the
situation by doing market operation, selling rice in cheap price to the
4. Speculators are nasty traders who take a great advantage from the
economic situation.
5. Billy thought that the economic situation would improve.

Bibliography: Widiati, Utami, Ed. 2009. English. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara


Personal Identification:

Sure Name : Ricky Fernandes

Sex : Male
Date of Birth : On August 16th, 1992
Place of Birth : Pekanbaru
Occupation : English Student (The Islamic University of Riau)
Religion : Islam

English Student at The Islamic University of Riau 2010 - present
Setia Dharma Private School in Pekanbaru, Riau 2007 - 2010
3 State Junior High School in Pekanbaru, Riau 2004 - 2007
002 State Primary School in Pekanbaru, Riau 1998 - 2004

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