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Fluidity in Architecture proves to be one of the most ultra-modern approaches towards design,
engineering, and construction. It is intricate yet clean and minimal to the eye. Challenging the ever-
evolving Architectural design, fluid designs use most technologically advanced and accurate
calculations in building its form on all levels.

The free- form design approach is challenging compared to the rigid and edge facades in mainstream
structures. To understand the fluidity of curved surfaces and its execution, it is primarily important to
understand its natural stability in reference to materials.While defining fluidity, it is important to
understand the zero-edge patterns on a modular level. For instance, a cloth randomly thrown on a
platform acquires a stable form and it can be arranged in a hundred different ways to create various
fluid patterns.

On a human scale, fluid structures demand stability and weightlessness. It could be achieved by
digitally processing all dimensions of the form and calculating the structural systems to execute it.
Architecture has genetically formed its own definition of fluid forms and the capacity to generate
never-seen-before experiences. There is a new curiosity factor with each step taken in these
buildings! Technically, fluids are referred to as the liquids and its properties manage to differ in every
perspective. In Architecture and design, fluidity is given a solid form to stand across the environmental
barriers and functional demands. It can be achieved in a small piece of furniture or can be spanned
across huge public spaces.

The principles may be based on natural forms or maybe mimicked so that features in fluidity remain a
continuous form. One element inspires the next and the fluid chain, while designing, automatically
establishes itself as a continuous flow of lines in varied dimensions. It challenges the engineering
aspects of designing buildings to create more experiential journeys. On one level, fluidity could be a
resemblance of flexible spaces, continuously and organically moving forward without barriers.Neo-
futurism explains these fluid structures best rather than any other style of Architectural design as they
do not follow any solid pattern of similar elements and therefore, it stands out as an idea in physical

Figure 1 3D showing computer generated form for the restaurant counter area;
Figure 2 Showing the aesthetic and visual values of the concept of fluidity; the need to clarify the possibility of
using the concept of fluidity; and the benefit from it in designing visual compositions that can be used in the
formation of innovative theatrical scenes


Figure 3 The Trans World Flight Center; Observing the fluidity of exterior roof shell;
The fluidity of the terminal’s exterior was carried faithfully through its interior, as well. The vaulting of
the roof shell allowed for a spacious and free-flowing interior layout, almost entirely devoid of spatial

Figure 4 The Trans World Flight Center; Observing in terms of structural flowing the circulatory;

Every element, whether structural or circulatory, was carried out in this fashion; staircases all curved,
and even the columns supporting upper walkways were seamlessly melded into both the ground and the

Figure 5 The Trans World Flight Center; Observing the fludity structural ,circulatory, openings;
Visitors entered the space under a cantilevered marquee, progressing from the ticketing spaces at
ground level to the restaurants and meeting rooms above. A sunken waiting area offered a view
of airport operations through its immense window, while; two tubular corridors led off toward the
boarding gates.

Figure 6 The Trans World Flight Center; Observing the continuity of Enquiry desk from the structural element ;


 Free- form design approach is challenging compared to the rigid and edge facades.

 To understand the fluidity of curved surfaces and its execution, it is primarily important to
understand its natural stability in reference to materials.

 On a human scale, fluid structures demand stability and weightlessness.

 Fluidity is given a solid form to stand across the environmental barriers and functional
demands. It can be achieved in a small piece of furniture or can be spanned across huge public

 Fluidity could be a resemblance of flexible spaces, continuously and organically moving forward
without barriers.

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