Journal of 5-3 DR Kornelius Girsang

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Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

Name : Kornelius Girsang (5-3)

Company : Primaya Hospital as Outpatient Manager

Journal 1 – Self Introduction

 Personal motivation why you are taking this course?
I taking this course because of as a manager of a hospital, I really need the skill to know how to
have identify myself better and find my real strength and weakness while also understanding my
personality better. I also have to become a leader for a lot of staffs and I need to know the real
definition working as a team and how to be a good leader in doing so.

 What are your expectations from this course?

My expectation after taking this course is that I can understand more about my self and my
potential while also becoming a good leader for my team that understands how to
coordinate with every unique personal.

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

Journal 2 – Reflections

Topic Significant Learning Application

 Paradigms From what I learn paradigm is a set of As a manager right now, I have a
patterns that have been lots of old paradigm which is not
implemented since the beginning of a bad for itself but should be
human start to learn about himself modified to create a better
and their surroundings. Its create a understanding and adaptability in
way of thinking that provide the basis every environment. I use to think
for a framework of behaviours and that results is the chief end of
beliefs. everything but didn’t see that
process is what should be
It is not a bad thing and it could be considered 1st to create a better
modified to let the person having a result. I learned that during
better value of himself and others. managing my staff and works, I
Trying to shift from the old paradigm should always be part of a
to the new paradigm could be hard teamwork and empower others so
and uncomfortable but it gives a the process could be much
rewarding results. approachable and give better
 MBTI MBTI assessment is very helpful to From the test I leared to be
understand my personal preferences - Share more to others. By
and here is a bit of the desription talking my problem I could
o Introversion: I really dislike to talk release a bit of my weight
much and I prefer to listen. I and feeling more free.
always try to stay quite about my - I should try to adapting to
problems and Im not an easy my environment more
person to swing to what other better and less of being
people way of thinking. selfish from my
o Sensing: Im a man of science, I judgement. Try to see
like it when peoples talk and thing from 2 side.
teach thing with fact backing up
what their trying to say. I like data
and real life fact more than
imagination and luck.
o Thinking: From the result, the
difference between T and F only
by 1. I always try to balance how I
think about other by not also
leaving their emotion bare.
o Judging: I like to decide things the
way I want it to be and I will finish
it with quality as high as I could
and I don’t compromise flaw.
 Wheel of Life Health 5/5 The top priority in life my life as

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

I want to have a healthy life and God servant. By doing so I learn

maintaining a good portion of my to do thing for the Glory of the
life feeling fit and not acquiring God. Doing things to my
any diseases at all. maximum because I realized
Career 4/5 that when people see me
I want to dedicated my life to working and doing my life, they
become a servant leader which is could see the image of God. I
to create a hospital or become the too focus on keeping my health
leader of a hospital and serving in check and make sure my
other people where I can be a family having the best of their
blessing to them. life.
Family 5/5
I want to have a good and warm
family with my wife and children
after I get married. I also want to
be a good father and husband to
Spiritual 5/5
My purpose of life is always been
“ Man's chief end is to glorify God,
and to enjoy him forever.” I
dedicated my life to always be the
light to others and remember Him
every time I do anything.
Finance 4/5
I want to have a good financial to
support my family and other
people in need.
Growth 3/5
I want to have a respectable
growth in everything I have and I
do. I want people to recognize
what Im capable of doing.

 IKIGAI o Skill: I have the capability as a I learned that I should become

doctor while also being a as high as possible while not
manager of a company. I forgetting myself as an Image of
combine both skill to run a God. By doing my best, I will
achieve my dream and become
o Interest: I am interested in
managing stuff so it can be tidy a God servant while doing so.
and work flawlessly. Create a charity from my
o Passion: I want to work where I success .
can manage something.
o Need: Hospitals need a

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

manager who can manage the

company well, utilize resources
efficiently and make detailed
plan. The people inside it need
a manager who can empower
them and also listen to and
appreciate their opinions.
o Mission: Become a servant
leader as a CEO of a company (
hospital group )
o Paid for: Working as leader
and having a business on my
o Vocation: Working as hospital
o Profession: I have the
competency to become a great
leader in managing,

MBTI Self Assesment Qustionnare

a b a b a b a b
1  2  3  4 
5  6  7  8 
9  10  11  12 
13  14  15  16 
17  18  19  20 
21  22  23  24 
25  26  27  28 
29  30  31  32 
33  34  35  36 
3 6 6 3 5 4 7 2

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

Journal 3 – Reflections

Topic Significant Learning Application

 5 C’s of Personal As a manager, I learned that For example, being a manager I
Leadership having all the 5 C is important need to show my director that I
to create a leader as a whole. am a capable person to be
Being able to communicate, trusted to run a certain group of
competent, compassion, task and people. Being able to
consistency and commitment manage all the C of leadership
is essential. would really help me in doing so
A leader should know his as a holistic.
vision and mission and being
consistent to what he believe
and commit in doing so. He
should also have the
competency in doing so while
not forgetting to
communicate and have
compassion with people
surrounding hum.
 Circle of Life As a person with should have As a manager of a Hospital, and a
adaptability and learned that young one too, I learned that most
everyone have a choice and of my staff is older than me. I have
preference that we could no the responsibility to manage
control absolutely. While in specialist doctor which is certainly
come cases we could give our higher age than me. I need to
insight to change but learning learned there is a line that I could
that every individual is unique is
not crossed or I could by doing it
essential in doing so. slowly with perfect communication
and compassion.
 The Heart of Communication is the ability to As a manager I Learned that I
Communications listen and to speak. It is should always listen more and talk
important that maintaining both when it is important to doing so.
And Listening in a harmonic way to become a Listening creates more
Skills person that easily understand understanding to problems and by
others and being efficiently speaking create an easy
understandable too. and more approachable task by
those who are being ordered to.
Team work also require such thing
to create a more effective

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang


Journal 4 – Reflections

Topic Significant Learning Application

 5 Levels of As a manager I learned that I I have to never settle and always try
Leadership currently in the 3rd level where to move and push higher. In order
(Maxwell) other follows me because what to reach level 4 I should create
ive done to the company. They change not just to my organization
realize that I have the capability but people that surrounds me.
in doing so. Gaining their trust while also being
someone they can call friends is one
of the achievement from a good
 Situational At the moment I realize that Im a I need to learn a lot from my
Leadership person that needs support from surrounding, my staffs, work that
my director and also try to their doing and finding the goals
becomes a leader that support that I can set for them to achieve. I
others. Having the competency should learn in detail about the
and ability to do my jobs while characteristic each of them and
also relying on my experience trying to improve them by giving
while applicating from what I support in hope they can stand on
learn from the course really help their own in doing their jobs.
my works and my ability to gives
my support to others.
 High The most common team issue is A Team could achieve their goals
Performance role in doing their jobs / works. when they know what is their role
Teams People tend to not knowing in doing so. They need to organized
what is their jobs, there is and efficient without someone
someone doing too many jobs or doing too many jobs or a job being
a job being done by too many done by too many people. An equal
people Each team member must task distribution is important as a
really know what are their role, manager,
job desks, and give their
significant contribution in order
to accomplish the team’s main

 Conflict Styles Based on Thomas Kilman From this course I find it

Conflict Mode Instrument, my flexibility and adaptability is
conflict management style is really preffered in doing our
compromising. I have the
jobs. By doing and having so we

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

preference to see things from have the capability to become

every side while also finding strict while also become a leader
the root cause analysis and that compassion and can be
give my correction and
considered a friend to my staff.
education to Improve the
Being able to compromise while
also giving people lesson that
they could use to improve is
 Motivation High team performance could be As a leader I need to approach
approached by combining ability, my team in a way that inspired
environment and motivation. I them to work as a whole to
realized that a team could not achieve goals together. Having a
work with just having the ability
bit of celebration and
but also having the motivation to
appreciation is important to
the job. The spirit and the zeal to
know that success is a sweet
achieve a goals as a team and
finding a satisfying result in victory.

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

Thomas Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

Leadership Model Questionnaire (Adapted from Kouzes and Posner)

Leadership Factor Rating
Challenging the Process 1 2 3 4 5
1. Seeks challenges 
2. Stays up-to-date 
3. Challenges the status quo 
4. Looks for ways to innovate 
5. Asks “What can we learn?” 
6. Experiments and takes risks 
Its always been my principle. Try to innovate and break the old way. I get bored easily when doing
things that is repetitive and doesn’t challenge my mind in a way I like it to be. I like to create path
and solving underlying problem. Inventing and to take the risk gives me the adrenaline to push
through. I will never settle until I satisfy with my environment. It is one of my weakness to push
things way faster than it should be.

Leadership Factor Rating

Inspiring a Shared Vision 1 2 3 4 5
7. Describes future we can create 
8. Shares future dreams 
9. Communicates positive outlook 
10. Enlists a common vision 
11. Forecasts the future 
12. Contagiously excited about the future 

Leadership Factor Rating

Enabling Others to Act 1 2 3 4 5
13. Involves others in planning 
14. Treats others with respect 
15. Allows others to make decisions 
16. Develops cooperative relationships 
17. Creates atmosphere of trust 
18. Gets others to own the project 

Leadership Factor Rating

Modeling the Way 1 2 3 4 5
19. Practices a healthy lifestyle 

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Kornelius Andriansa Schubel Girang

20. Reflects character & integrity in doing 

21. Able to inspire the team/organization towards 
22. Maintains good relationships & treats others 
with respect
23. Practices and lives out company values 
24. Sets high goals for self & inspires others to 
do the same

Leadership Factor Rating

Encouraging the Heart 1 2 3 4 5
25. Celebrates milestones 
26. Recognizes others’ contribution 
27. Gives praise for job well done 
28. Gives team appreciation/support 
29. Find ways to celebrate 
30. Tells others about group’s work 


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