MATH Ea and Lab

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ENABLING ASSESSMENT: This is graded so DO your BEST!!!

Direction:  Solve each problem showing all the necessary steps and computations.
1. The quality control officer of Paumbong Food Industry, in milliliters (mL)randomly select 16 identical bottles of Sukang
The measurements are as follows: 350, 357, 352, 360, 348, 355, 349, 363, 361, 355, 352, 357, 355, 350, 356 and 346. A
          a. The 95% CI for the mean contents of all the bottles of Sukang Paumbong. 5 points
          b. The length of the 95% CI Interval for the mean contents of all the bottles of Sukang Paumbong. 5 points

357 Mean 354.13
352 Standard Error 1.21749401
360 Median 355
348 Mode 355
355 Standard Deviation 4.87
349 Sample Variance 23.7166667
363 Kurtosis -0.7231537
361 Skewness 0.1468156
355 Range 17
352 Minimum 346
357 Maximum 363
355 Sum 5666
350 Count 16
356 Confidence Level(95.0%) 2.59502706
1.Identify the given information such as the sample mean, the sample size and the variance/standa
x ̅ = 354.13 354.13
n=16 16
s = 4.87 4.87
CL= 95%` 95%

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α.

CL=.95 0.95
α=.05 0.05

3.Determine the value of the Zα/2 using the T-table.

0.025 2.131

A 4.Compute for the confidence interval using the formula.

In calculator: 351.54 356.72
Using x ̅-CL (354.13-2.595)= 351.53 356.73

The length of the interval - with the CI derived in calcu using the formula:
The length of the interval - with the CI derived using x ̅-CL (354.13-2.595):

2. A group of consumers conducted a research entitled, “Expenditures of Households in Class C Municipalities”. The grou
          a. Construct a 99% CI for the average grocery expenses per week of all households. 5 point
          b. How large a sample is needed so that we can be 98% confident that true average grocery expenses per week of a

1.Identify the given information such as the sample mean, the sample size and the variance/standa
x ̅ = 3755 3755
n=360 360
s = 1112 1112
CL= 99% 99%

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α.

CL=.99 0.99
α=.01 0.01

3.Determine the value of the Zα/2 using the Z-table.

0.01 2.576

A 4.Compute for the confidence interval using the formula.

In calcu: 3,604.03 3,905.97

5.Interpret the result.

We can be 99% confident that the average grocery expenses per week of all households is betwe

B Formula: n=((z_(α⁄2) σ)/e)^2 ((2.576*1112)/100))^2

In calcu: 820.54 820.54
n=820.54 ≈821 samples

 3. A study aims to determine the incidence of malnutrition among grade-1 students in Cavite. Of the 10 randomly select
          a. Find the 96% CI on the true proportion of all underweight grade-1 students in Cavite.5 points
          b. What is the length of the interval. 5 points

1.Identify the given information such n, p ̂ and q ̂.
n=3660 3660
𝑝 ̂= 240/3660=0.06557377≈0.066 0.066
q ̂=1-p ̂=1-0.066=0.934 0.934

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α

CL=96% 0.96
α = 1- 0.96 = 0.04 0.04
3.Using the z-table, determine the value of the zα/2.
Since α = 0.04, then α/2 = 0.02

A 4.Compute the confidence interval using the formula:

In calcu: 0.058 0.074
in percent: 5.76% 7.44%

The length of the interval is 0.017. 0.017

in percent: 1.69%
t 16 identical bottles of Sukang Paumbong and measures their contents in ML.
2, 357, 355, 350, 356 and 346. Assuming the contents is normally distributed, determine the following:

ng Paumbong. 5 points

ple size and the variance/standard deviation.


lass C Municipalities”. The group asked 360 randomly selected households and found out that the average grocery expenses per week is P

grocery expenses per week of all households will not be off by Php 100.00. 5 points

ple size and the variance/standard deviation.

eek of all households is between 3,604.03 and 3,905.97 pesos.

vite. Of the 10 randomly selected elementary schools in Cavite, 240 out of the 3660 grade-1 students are underweight.
ite.5 points
rocery expenses per week is Php 3,755.00 with a standard deviation Php 1,112.00. Assuming a normal distribution.

1.        Compute and interpret the point and interval estimates of parameters.
2.       Compute and interpret the length of the interval formed.
3.       Solve each problem using Microsoft Excel.

Read and understand each item carefully. Identify the appropriate probability distribution and use Microsoft Excel as a tool to
1. The contents, in milliliters (mL), of 16 similar bottles of Bignay Wine are as follows: 498, 490, 502, 500, 500, 492,
a. The 95% CI for the mean contents of all the bottles of Bignay Wine.
b. The length of the 95% CI Interval for the mean contents of all the bottles of Bignay Wine.

Contents of Bignay wine (mL) Contents of Bignay wine (mL)

498 Mean 498.06
490 Standard Error 1.266454204
502 Median 500
500 Mode 500
500 Standard Deviation 5.07
492 Sample Variance 25.6625
493 Kurtosis -0.79461466
501 Skewness -0.41797587
503 Range 17
489 Minimum 489
495 Maximum 506
504 Sum 7969
500 Count 16
500 Confidence Level(95.0%) 2.699383237

1.Identify the given information such as the sample mean, the sample size and the variance/s
x ̅ = 498.06 498.06
n=16 16
s = 5.07 5.07
CL= 95%` 95%

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α.

CL=.95 0.95
α=.05 0.05

3.Determine the value of the Zα/2 using the T-table.

0.025 2.131

A 4.Compute for the confidence interval using the formula.

In calcu: 495.36 500.76

B Length of interval: 5.40

2. The contents of 10 similar containers of sulfuric acid are 9.8, 10.2, 10.4, 9.8, 10.0, 10.2, 8.5, 8.9, 10.0 and 9.6 lite

Contents of Sulfuric acid (L) Contents of Sulfuric acid (L)

9.8 Mean 9.74
10.2 Standard Error 0.190438091
10.4 Median 9.9
9.8 Mode 9.8
10.0 Standard Deviation 0.60
10.2 Sample Variance 0.362666667
8.5 Kurtosis 0.889318733
8.9 Skewness -1.26187911
10.0 Range 1.9
9.6 Minimum 8.5
Maximum 10.4
Sum 97.4
Count 10
Confidence Level(99.0%) 0.618892478

1.Identify the given information such as the sample mean, the sample size and the
x ̅ = 9.74 9.74
n=10 10
s = 0.60 0.60
CL= 99%` 99%

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α.

CL=.99 0.99
α=.01 0.01

3.Determine the value of the Zα/2 using the T-table.

0.005 3.25

Required: 4.Compute for the confidence interval using the formula.

In calculator: 9.12 10.36
Using x ̅-CL (9.74-0.61889248)= 9.12 10.36

Length of interval: 1.23

3. A random sample of 100 automobile owners shows that an automobile is driven on the average 23,500km per y
a. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the average number of km. An automobile is driven annually i
b. What can we assert with 99% confidence about the possible size of our error if we estimate the avera

1.Identify the given information such as the sample mean, the sample size and the
x ̅ = 23500 23500
n=100 100
s = 3900 3900
CL= 99% 99%

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α.

CL=.99 0.99
α=.01 0.01

3.Determine the value of the Zα/2 using the Z-table.

0.01 2.576

A 4.Compute for the confidence interval using the formula.

In calcu: 22,495.36 24,504.64

Formula: n=((z_(α⁄2) σ)/√n)

In calcu: 1,004.64
We can assert with 99% confidence that the possible size of our error will not exc

4. An engineer developed a new concrete hollow blocks (CHB) use for house construction. He tested 15 samples fo
a. Find the 90% confidence interval for the mean compressive strength of the new developed CHB.
b. Compute the length of the interval.
Compressive stength of CHB (in psi)
875 Compresive strength of CHB (in psi)
935 Mean 894
978 Standard Error 11.48456521
830 Median 894
902 Mode 902
961 Standard Deviation 44.48
888 Sample Variance 1978.428571
847 Kurtosis -0.58518831
910 Skewness 0.301363227
902 Range 148
894 Minimum 830
930 Maximum 978
878 Sum 13410
841 Count 15
839 Confidence Level(90.0%) 20.22788111

1.Identify the given information such as the sample mean, the sample size and the variance/s
x ̅ = 894 894
n=15 15
s = 44.48 44.48
CL= 90%` 90%

2.Determine the confidence level and the level of error α.

CL=.90 0.9
α=.10 0.10

3.Determine the value of the Zα/2 using the T-table.

0.050 1.761

4.Compute for the confidence interval using the formula.

A In calculator= 873.78 914.22
Using x ̅-CL (894-20.2278811)= 873.77 914.23

The length of the interval - with the CI derived in calcu using the formula:
The length of the interval - with the CI derived using x ̅-CL (894-20.2278811):
nd use Microsoft Excel as a tool to solve each problem.
ows: 498, 490, 502, 500, 500, 492, 493, 501, 503, 489, 495, 504, 500, 500, 496 and 506. Assuming the contents is normally distributed, det

ottles of Bignay Wine.

the sample size and the variance/standard deviation.

0.0, 10.2, 8.5, 8.9, 10.0 and 9.6 liters. Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean content of all such containers, assuming an approximat

ple mean, the sample size and the variance/standard deviation.


en on the average 23,500km per year, in the state of Virginia, with a standard deviation of 3,900 kilometers.
An automobile is driven annually in Virginia.
our error if we estimate the average number of km driven by car owners in Virginia to be 23,500 km per year?

ple mean, the sample size and the variance/standard deviation.

ssible size of our error will not exceed 1,004.64 km.

struction. He tested 15 samples for compressive strength, in psi, and obtained the following results: 875, 935, 978, 830, 902, 961, 888, 847
h of the new developed CHB.
the sample size and the variance/standard deviation.

calcu using the formula: 40.45

sing x ̅-CL (894-20.2278811): 40.46
is normally distributed, determine the following:
ers, assuming an approximate normal distribution for container contents.
978, 830, 902, 961, 888, 847, 910, 902, 894, 930, 878, 841 and 839.

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