3 Reasons Why Teenage Marriage Happen

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Opinion Writing From Group 2

Regular Banjarbaru Class

Semester 2
Member :
1. Ara Narulyta 2002010002
2. Angelina Eda Kartikasari Madjan 2002010085
3. Annisa Fitri 2002010001
4. Rika Herlina 2002010070


Teenage marriage is defined as early marriage in teenagers (a female and male) ranging
their age between 13 to 19 years old. This commonly happens in ASEAN member countries like
Indonesia which the average of the teenage marriage is the second country of the highest teenage
marriage rate category . I believe there are some factors causing teenage marriage/ early
marriage nowadays such as adolescent pregnancy, economic problem, and match-making from
their parents.
Firstly, I argue that teenage marriage happens because of adolescent pregnancy.
Adolescent pregnancy is when a woman under 20 gets pregnant. For example, many teenagers
have sex before marriage in Indonesia, which causes teenage pregnancy.
Second, I believe economic problems are one of the causes of teenage marriage.
Economic problems occur because parents cannot afford to pay for their daughter's schooling.
And they think if they marry their daughter, the burden of financial issues they have will be
reduced. For instance, a daughter who has to quit school and forced to marry a rich man.
Lastly, I thought that teenage marriages happened because of matchmaking.
Matchmaking is the process of matching two people together, usually for a wedding.
Matchmaking usually happens because of the demand of the daughter parents. For example, two-
parent who are friends with each other, one parent has a son, and one parent has a daughter, and
because of the wishes of both parents, a daughter and a son finally get matchmaking.
In conclusion, teenage marriage happens because three-factor are adolescent pregnancy,
economic problem and matchmaking. And we must reduce the rate category of teenage marriage
in Indonesia.

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