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Lesson by Scott Ingram, Sozo Ministries International

Session 1: Biblical Markers of Christian Growth

A Recap of the 4 Levels of Discipleship

Level 1 — Discipling the .

• The focus is .

• At this level we must bring the person to the point of being .

Level 2 — Discipling the Believer.

• The focus is .

• Key areas are them with the basic truths of the faith, and
helping them walk through repentance, deliverance ministry, baptism, and being lled
with the Holy Spirit.

Level 3 — Discipling the Believer.

• The focus is them for Christian life.

• Key areas are teaching them to God’s Word and God’s voice for
themselves. They should also begin to discover their own for service.

Level 4 — Discipling the Mature .

• The focus is gaining a vision to .

• Key areas are helping them understand the , develop an

understanding of their role in the ministry, and release them to do the work.

True Discipleship is Growing in Jesus and Making Him Master of Our Lives.
The rst thing we must understand is that Christianity, discipleship, the church, ministry,
and your leadership of people is ALL .

As we look at how to build people in , we are talking about building

them into and .

• We are NOT building them become what we want them to be or to serve us. Ever!

• If your church or ministry is about you and getting people to follow you, then it is not a
church of Jesus Christ.

• However, when your only focus is Jesus and getting people closer to Him, you will nd
that people are willing to follow you as you follow Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1)

When a person calls Jesus “ ,” it means “master.”

• Allowing Him to be “master,” means that every part of our lives is put into submission to
Him, and transformed as He leads.

• As you lead people to follow Jesus and become more like Him in discipleship, there will
be some obvious to help you see where they are at, and where
they need to grow in submission to Him.

Markers of A Person’s Growth in Christ:

1. They will .

• First, they will love . This is the rst marker of a truly born
again person. (1 John 4:19)

• As time goes on, they will love the .

• They will also begin to love , desiring to see them saved.

This will likely begin with those close to them: family, friends, but should be expanding
to their neighbors, their community, and beyond.

2. They will practice . (2 Corinthians 7:10)

3. They will practice . (Luke 7:47)

4. They will become people of . (Matthew 6:6)

5. They will become people of . (Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 2:15)

6. They will produce the of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:17-24)

7. They will demonstrate the of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8)

8. They will naturally become . (Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 4:10)

9. They will in their attitude, word, and lifestyle.

(Philippians 1:27; Colossians 3:17)

These markers can guide us to see where people are, and how to help them grow.
• As a believer is in some areas, our churches must be providing
help and encouragement for them to continue.

• If a believer is in some areas, we must be willing to meet

them where they are and press them toward Jesus even more until they do.

• If the majority of these markers are not being developed in the person’s life, then it is a
sign that their faith is or even and we
must return to evangelizing them with the gospel until they fully give their lives to Jesus.

We have a biblical command as leaders to be assessing the lives of those

under our leadership.

Tupac famously said, “Only God can me!” Unfortunately, that is not in
the bible.

• Paul said, “For what have I to do with outsiders? Is it not those inside
the church whom you are to ?” (1 Corinthians 5:12)

• If we, as leaders, cannot make of where our people are

at in their spiritual walk, then how can we help them get where God desires them to be?

First of all, this requires you to your people on a personal level, or, in the case
of a larger church or ministry, to equip your leadership team to your people well.

Second of all, there has to be a to helping people grow within

our churches, so that those desiring to grow can do so, and those having no desire to grow
are recognized early, before they can fall away.
Session 2: Developing a Church Structure to Facilitate Making Disciples

A New Person Enters the Church

Level 1 — Discipling the Lost

If is people’s rst entry into your church, you must
decide how will you encounter them with the message of salvation?

- Make sure that your Sunday Morning service is focused totally on !

- Give a salvation invitation .

- Form a where those who get saved are immediately

introduced to church leadership for guidance on .

Side note: If an outreach or crusade is the person’s rst encounter with your church, you
must plan how you will follow-up with them and get them into Sunday morning services.

Level 2 — Discipling New Believers

Once someone is saved, what is your church’s
that will teach them the basics of the faith?

- Establish a course course for new

believers or perhaps utilize .

- Each new believer should also have an organized time to meet with a
church leader for personal counsel, prayer, and .

- Plan and utilize times of well.

Level 3 — Discipling Growing Believers

What program o ers growing believers
to learn, grow, and practice their gifts?

- Consider how to mobilize for this purpose.

- Plan events for members of your church.

- Can you structure or encourage


Level 4 — Discipling Mature Leaders

- Advertise opportunities.

- Be able to clearly train people in your church's

, ,
, and .

- Organize leadership and

develop criteria for joining. (1 Timothy 5:22)

- Utilize ministry and .

Kingdom Leaders are Released


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