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Science and technology VOCABULARY 2 Work in pairs and use the phrases from the box to describe what the devices from exercise 1 are Everyday technology used for. ‘| Write the names of the devices from the box to take photos/videos watch films play games label the pictures (1-9). send messages. make phone calls chatto friends listen to music send emails download music laptop satnav MP4 player smartphone tablet ‘ead books find yourway post on social media gamesconsole e-eader Bluray player smartwatch surf the internet With a tablet you can surf the Internet. You can a emails, play games and post on social med 3) Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 3 @ Which of the devices in exercise 1 do you use most often? ° ° © Which ofthe devices do you think ae the most —_—— or least useful? Why? = Instructions 4 Fillin the gaps (1-8) in the instructions with the correct verbs from the box. 8 ° [unptug read insert point switch plug (a) press (How to ure the remote control” Fist the manl so that you know how to use the remote conto. Tak of the cover and* the batteries. * the deve at the TV and* the buon to change chennel ‘HOW to charge your phone” First, * ‘the charger into your phone. Then the charger into a socket and ”. iton. ‘When the process is finished, * ‘the charger. Use and enjoy your phone! | 5 Work in pairs. Choose a device that you know | about and write instructions for it (30-50 words). Do not include the name of the device. Read your structions to another pair and ask them to guess which device you have chosen. ° 0s (EEE Problems © Complete the sentences (1-6) with expressions from the box. Inventions and discoveries 10 Use the verbs from the box in their correct form to complete the phrases (1-5). Use each verb only once. broke down faulty outoforder went fat making afunny noise crashed The battery in my phone sol had to charge it “Lie Please use the stairs! Mycar___ so couldn't give him a lift. He had to catch the bus, The remote control seems to be Itisn’t changing channels properly |im worried about my car. The engine keeps when I change gear. My laptop ___ and !lostall the files ICT (Information and Communication Technology) 7 Workin pairs. Decide if the statements (1-6) about ICT are true (T) or false (F). ‘A browser is the same as a search engine. if you download something, you take it from the Intemet. Ifyou have broadband, your computer connection is very slow. IF you have Intemet access t means you can Use the Internet, A yitus is something that can improve the performance of your computer. A database is large amount of information that s stored ona computer. lin the gaps (1-6) in the dialogues with the missing verbs. (Can | use your computer to ‘email account, please? Yes, of course, Hold on. just *t__in my password for you, ‘Thanks! That's great, What do I do now? Just eon this link and that should take you there. ‘on tomy 9 DEW Listen and check your answers. [vent do tscover ast exiore 1 research, an experiment 2 ___a bbe! Prize, an award 3 ______anew flavour of ice cream, the first telephone 4 an idea, space 5 ____how something works,a cure + for cancer 11 Complete the questions (1-5) with the correct form of the verbs from exercise 10, 1. Whendo you think scientists will for heart disease? Have you ever school/college? Have you ever What did you do? Do you try to__ how something works, or do you prefer to ask sornebody to show you? Do you think scientists should ____space further, or should they concentrate on Earth? Why? acure ‘an award for science at a scientific experiment? 12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from exercise 11. Space exploration 13> Match the words and phrases from the box with their definitions (1-5). thesolar system satelite 1 It'sthe sun and all the planets. 2 You travel in this into space. 3 It's one of the very large rocks or small planets that go around the sun. 4. It means to send something or somebody into space. Ian electronic device thats sent into space and moves around the Earth. ee 14 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions. © Do you think machines give us more or less time to do other things? Why? © How often do you use a computer? What do you useit for? © Ifyou had money to spend, what electric gadgets) would you buy now? Why? © What do you think are the three most important inventions in history? Why? Multiple-choice ‘1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. @ What do youthink the pictures show? @ What do you know about space exploration? © What does NASA stand for? What doesit do? © Why doyou think people go into space? = Mpounraitre 3anvrraniia Ta Bapiatn Bignoviaedt, uo8 AoGpe ycBigomn™, Any came iMopmauito BH wyKaeTe. '* Cnpo6yitre suKmowwTH ABHO HenpasiinbHi BapiaHTH Real ari iar eae ane pisses stig erst 2. Read the exam strategy. Then read the first paragraph of the text in exercise 3 and the question below. Which answer (A-D) is definitely incorrect? Read the paragraph again and choose the correct answer. ‘What is true about the Kennedy Space Center? A It covers a fairly small area. B About 8,000 people work there, It's bigger than Miami. D Ten rockets are launched into space there every year. 3 Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D). 1 What is the Kennedy Space Center? A the place where all US space rockets are built B aspace-themed entertainment park C the site where spacecraft are launched from D aplace where many astronauts live 2. Whats special about the Vehicle Assembly Building? A Itis built on a 160-metre tall hill B Itonly has one very high storey. C It is the worlds tallest building, D It's five kilometres from the shuttle landing site 3. Ifyou plan to visit the Space Center, what should you keep in ming? A You will have to be your own quide. B Visiting all parts of the Center takes along time. C Itis closed on some accasions. D You can only tour the site by bus. 4 What does'it’in paragraph 4 refer to? {AR the human side of space travel B the Kennedy Space Center C the Astronaut Hall of Fame D the Visitor Complex ((° (EE Kennedy Space Center SP Conse Toa RON ed Itis a huge 8, being 55 kilometres long and a ten kilometres wide - much larger than the city of Reet 8,000 people work there. Se eo) The complex includes the world’s tallest one-storey building, the Vehicle Assembly Building, which rises 160 metres above the ground. You can also find one of the world's longest airport runways there, the nearly five-kilometre-long Shuttle Landing Facility, where the space shuttles used to land after their missions. Of course, not all of the Center is open to the public, bbut there is a visitors’ centre and there are guided bus tours you can go on, as well as self-guided walking tours of some areas. The Visitor Complex is open every day of the year except 25 December and on certain launch days, and is open from 9 a.m. unti §.30 p.m., although the Astronaut Hall of Fame is open until 6.30 p.m, ce similar to 5. Where can you have an experie walking on the moon? A the Shuttle Launch Simulator B the rocket garden C the Astronaut Encounter D the Astronaut Simulator 4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. © Would you Tike to vist the Kennedy Spa Center? Why?Why nor? © Would you want t travel nto space? Why?/Why not? Its a fantastic place to visit because there is so much to see and do. Whatever you're into, you're likly to find things to entertain you. The Visitor Complex has ‘number of museums and also two IMAX cinemas. The Astronaut Hall of Fame is a must. It has spacecraft exhibits and all kinds of objects connected with the history of space travel. You can go on a Shuttle Launch ‘Simulator. Take a deep breath before you enter, itis truly a thriling experience! In the Astronaut Simulator you get to feel what it’s like to walk on the moon. Or if you're lucky enough, in the Astronaut Encounter you can talk to actual astronauts who have experienced the real thing, ‘At the complex, you can also visit the rocket garden where you can see the first rocket that US astronauts travelled in. AdventurOUs children and adults alike will enjoy climbing into some of the models. It's often predicted that space travel will be common by 2050. Who knows? Perhaps one day those kids playing on the models will be travelling among the stars. Words in context 5 Match the highlighted words in the text with their definitions (1-6). ctvities \oying risky and unusual 2. probable 3. aplace where something is located orhappens 4 say what is probably going to happen 5. acollection of objects, animals, et that is shown to the public 6 causes admiration and respect 6 Use the words from the box to complete the sentences (1-8). Use each word twice. es 1 You shouldn't month, 2. There isnitenough new exhibits 3. The supermarket is ___on Sundays. td be afraid to travel into 5. She's @ good dancer, but nothing ner sister. all your salary every inthe museum for We'e planning to two weeks in Rome. heard you've got a new car. 8 Kyrais very tonew experience Expressions with take and go 7 Find two expressions in the text with the verbs take and go. Complete the expressions (1-6) with the correct verb. out of busness 1 a deep breath 2 abroad 3 a break 4 a chance 5 6 ona bus 8 Replace the underlined words in the sentences (1-6) with the expressions from exercise 7. Use the correct verb forms. 1. They were sad when their shop failed, 2. Im exhausted! | need to have a rest 3. They travel to other countries almost every year 4 We tooka short visit by bus to do some sightseeing in London. — 5. After 90 seconds under the water, he had to come Up to get some ai 6 If youre not sure about deep sea diving, why don't you try it? You might enjoy itt (REED Multiple-choice (listening for detailed understanding) 1 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. a a ee @ Wat makes @ good science lesson? } © Why is science teaching importa inschoo?__) + Yeannio npownraiire sanwranha exsamenauliinoro saapganns. Tia Hac nepuioro npocnyxoBysaHHA 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. cnpobyirtesianosicra na wrx ceoinu cnonawu * Nia 4ac apyroro npocnyxosysannn cniecrasre sau ( @ do you think MrJohn was agoodteacher? tipryeaniin 3 sapiayran, uo npononywTece, Ta Why2Why not? ADEE Crone MOR @ Would you enjoy a science lesson like the one the speaker described? 2 DEED Read the exam strategy and listen to © Do you enjoy the way science is taught in your ‘a speaker talking about women in science. Why | school? Why?/Why now? aren't there many women scientists? J ° V 3 QERD Listen again and choose the correct option (A-C). 1s the correct answer similar to your 6 Complete the sentences (1-8) with the verbs that ideas from exercise 2? the speaker used in exercise 4. Use the correct verb forms. Why arent there many women scienti ‘A Men are better at maths than women, Beeches nper Valen oy OEE [rit pour stick giggle stand mix realize fail Girls don't enjoy science lessons at high school 1 [slept with wet hair and now it coutall 4 EXTUIEEESCDERDD Listen to the text. For over the place. questions (1-5) choose the correct answer 2 What really out about her was t (A,Bord), ‘number of tattoos she had 1. Before the new teacher arrived, how did 3 | myself a cup of coffee but then my speaker feel about science class? hand slipped and | spilled it everywhere A He wasnt interested int A. The cook is always trying new things. Last week she B He found it exciting coffee with salt and honey. He wanted a different teacher. 5. The smell of bread in from the kitchen 2. What does he say about Mr John's experiments? 6 It was so embarrassing | couldn't stop A They were difficult to understand, in class B They always went as expected. 7 Ittook mea long time to was good at C They made the lessons more fun teasebal 3. What did the other teachers not allow students to Se ele A do experiments on their own 7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. B laugh during classes \ C mix chemicals together { @Doyou remember a lesson from school that really 4 Tiwtiesdeenciiercarnensthe Bb bananas stood out? What happened? Why was it memorable? A MrJohn had celled for help. @ flow caiviessonsavechoo! Bexame more intdnaning? B a bad smell was spreading around the school. ny? the students missed their lunch time. 7 5. What does the speaker think about Mr John? . ‘A He was a bad scientist B Hew: He ha an excellent teacher. good intentions, Q. (= USE OF ENGLISH Pecan ees ‘1 Complete the sentences (1-5) with who, which, where, that or whose. Tick the sentences where you can omit the pronoun, 1 Ben is the boy. won the science competition at school.) 2 Thisis the book moment. 3 Thats Professor Higgins lectures | attended at university.) 4 This is the city _____ the famous inventor was bom. 5. Isthat the smartphone about?) 2. Rewrite the sentences (1-4) as one using relative pronouns. Use appropriate punctuation. 1 Lusean old computer. It belonged to my brother. am reading at the sclence you told me 2. My chemistry teacher is from iceland, She speaks excellent English 3. This is my friend. Her father is an astronaut, 4. Thisis the house. Albert Einstein lived here. Eon Grammatical multiple-chi '* NIpn s»Gopi xopextnoro siaocnoro samMenHnKa 'itacnirs, 0 Yoro/Koro Bid BigHOCHTCR: AO OcO6M, penMery, MicuA si oG'exry BonopitA. 3 Read the pairs of sentences (1-3) and choose the correct answers. They could be the same for both sentences. 1. Martha, _ mother is my biology teacher, is extremely inteligent. Martha's mother, — is my biology teacher, gives very interesting lessons. Awho — Bwhich © whose D whom 2. The shop | bought my phone has very good service. This phone, | bought last week, comes with great headphones, A which B where © whose whom 3. Thescientists discovered the new star work in the USA Mr Roberts, _cameto Ukraine last week, isa ‘world-famous astronomer. A who B where C whose D which Read the text below. For questions DINOSAURS 1 2003, fossils ofa dinosaur that could probably fly | 1 discovered in China by a group of researchers. The dinosaur had large feathers on both its arms and legs. The researchers? made the discovery argued that the creature probably belonged to a species that later developed into birds.» interpreted the feathers as evidence that the dinosaur had wings on both arms and legs The Chinese researchers’ report caused a lot of controversy. *__ scientists suggested that the fossil was a fake or that the evidence *__ changed in some way. Since then, however, more fossils of four-winged dinosaurs have ® — found, although itstil isnt clear if they were actually the ancestors of modern birds. Last month, the American journal Science published a study 7 seems to support the four-wing/ theory. In fact, while closely * _ 2,000 early bird fossis, scientists came across complete skeletons of birds from around 120 milion years ago whose legs were covered with feathers. According to the authors of the study, this probably shows that birds evolved from feathered dinosaurs* _ originally had four wings. But until we able to travel back in time, the speculation about the ancestors of birds is likey to continue. 1 Abas Bis Cwas Dwere 2 Awho = Bwhicr = what when 3 AThey — BTheir. © CThem Theyre 4 ASome — BOne CThe = DFew 5 Ahad Bwasbeing Cbeen Dhad been 6 Abe Bbeing — Cbeen Diobe 7 Athat Bit Cwho — Dwhose & Aexamine Btoexamine C examining Dexam 9 Athese Bwhile Cif Dwhich 10 Acan Bmay Care Dbe HII 1) USE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE REVIEW reed 1 Write the appropriate question tag for each sentence (1-8). 1 You've never seen the Norther Lights, 2. She didn't tell you where they were going, 3. I'm clever enough to understand calculus, ? True/false — 4 Mis Jenkins wont be teaching the class, _? 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 5. Jasmine has decided to study Maths, fi They be interested in visitin @ Wat do you think each of the inventions in Se eee ae 1 pictures (1-2) is for? ———- © How useful do you think these inventions are? 7 Youcan get back my last computer files, _? © Which of these inventions can you buy 8 They had never been to the UK before, _? tahoe J i" 2 EXEUIETETIECDERD Listen to the text. For Read the text below. For questions statements (1-5) choose Tif the statement is true (1-8) choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D). according to the text, Fifi s false. Lexical multiple-choice cloze TOF 1 The guest on the programme is an inventor — 2. The term Chindégu is a Japanese word to describe useless inventions = 3 The term Chindogu was frst used ae ina book See = 4 The cat slippers are designed to ST Ts Te Het sara meee help with housework eee 5 The cindy mentors Tre beoom, whee iis once went treoand be Baik, alone, is now their social hub. Teenagers no longer ee need to®__ out in order to socialize, they just need 3 Match the sentence beginnings (1-5) with their togo online. Video games *_ provide a space where correct endings (2-e) to describe what these they can connect with their friends three streets away inventions are used for. or ina completely 3 country. There are obviously some serious problems *_ this phenomenon, Teachers report that their students have shorter attention spans than before. Some experts _ ‘express ”__ that teens are not developing face-to-face skills which might prove important for the future. Their - world is completely different from ours, © it’ says ‘one expert./And we just have to learn to accept it! 1 Alifebelt is designed to prevent you from 2. The purpose of glasses for chickens is to 3 wrote down my ideas on a Post-it in order 4. You wear an all-over plastic swimming costume to avoid 5 You tie your washing to the roof of your caro that ‘a stop them pecking each other's eves, ] Along: Bansal Cae Bowe _ itdries while youre driving, i ce drowning in the sea 3 Acome — Brun Cmake — Dgo od neetaforgertherh 4 Aalso however Checause Dso € getting wet. 5 Aanother Bother — Cforeign Different 6 Aof Bwith Cfo Dabout 7 Aquestions Bconcemns Cideas facts 8 Aisnt — Bwouldn't Cooesnt Dant gn

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