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3 Choose the correct answer A or B.

1People frown when they

A are happy.
B are thinking.
2When people quote a number, they
A repeat a number they have heard or read.
B invent a number that only they know.
3You get a replacement when
A something you have goes wrong.
B you need something completely new and different.
4We say 'excellent service' when
A something you buy is very cheap and good value.
B someone does something for you well.
5When things happen simultaneously, they happen
A one immediately after the other.
B at the same time.

Text 2.


Thank you for your order. We hope you enjoy
using your new B150 tablet computer. It has
been carefully packaged to avoid damage
during transportation. If, for any reason you are
dissatisfied, please contact our customer service
department, quoting the order number. You
? will find this on the enclosed receipt. This tablet
computer has a two-year guarantee, so if you have
a compueryy not any problems during the first two years, contact
3What do you think is the best science fiction film you us and we shall provide a replacement. We also
have seen? Why do you think so? enclose a user manual to help you set up the
computer and make full use of its applications.
Multiple choice
2Where is the extract from?
2 Read the following three texts regarding using
A an advertisement for a new tablet computer
computers. For each question (1-3) choose the correct B an information sheet with the delivery of a new
answer according to what you hear. Circle A, B or C. tablet computer
Texti. C an instruction manual to help people use a new
tablet computer
Text 3.
^T A That's that?' thought Mike as he moved his mouse
V V to close the file. Nothing happened. He tried FAMILY BLOG : )
clicking on another icon - nothing happened. The screen My mum has just got a second monitor for her PC
was frozen on the strange picture of a machine that had
and it was installed this morning. She does a lot of
just suddenly appeared, with no text.
writing for her work and wants to have two screens to
'Ben,' he shouted to one of his colleagues. 'Can you get
see different files simultaneously. Personally, I would
online and check something out for me?' There was no
prefer to have one big screen and open lots of files
answer. Mike looked across the room but Ben wasn't
there. And neither were Dave and Tessa. Frowning, Mike on that, but she says that two screens are better for
stood up and walked over to their computers. They were her eyes! She phoned a local shop about buying the
all showing the same picture as Mike had on his. Mike monitors yesterday and they arrived this morning.
felt a finger of fear run up his back. Where was everyone? Excellent service! Maybe she'll get a third one soon!
What was happening?
3The author of the blog
1 Why does Mike start to worry? A encourages people to have two PC monitors.
A No one in the office wants to talk to him. B gives an opinion about having two PC monitors.
B His computer has stopped working. C describes a new PC monitor that's just been
C He doesn't know who the sender of the message is. installed.
Multiple choice

... to7
4 Read the following three texts about science fiction. For each question (1-3) choose the correct answer according
what you hear. Circle A, B or C.



The most recent film in the Flight to Venus series is in our cinemas now. In spite of
an excellent performance by Dee Francis as the archaeologist on the spaceship, The author of the text
the story is much weaker than the previous two films in the series and, in my A praises the quality of the film.
opinion, not as entertaining. There are also some very frightening scenes, B gives a warning about the film.
particularly those involving realistic monsters from the planet Venus, which may C recommends the film
not be good for young children. It will probably be popular among science fiction to cinema-goers.
addicts, but not something I would want to see a second time. I had nightmares
after the first!

Text 2.

The planet on the starship's screen was getting bigger and there were flashes
of red light coming from its surface. Suddenly, there was a very loud noise
and the screen went dark. 2 What does the extract tell us?

'Have we hit something?' shouted Captain Winger, holding onto the arms of his A The captain has damaged
the ship's controls.
chair to stop himself falling to the floor.
B The captain and his engineer
'Yes,' Grant, the ship's engineer replied. He couldn't use any of the controls and
do not always agree.
the ship's alarms were screaming. He was angry. He had warned the captain of
C The captain loses his temper
the dangers of getting too close to the planet Alpha 7, but as usual the captain
had ignored him. Now they had probably been hit by a rock from one of
the volcanic explosions on the planet and the ship might crash into the surface.

Text 3.

As you know, the end-of-term student party this year has a particular theme I
that is science fiction. We are asking everyone to dress up as characters from I 3 What is the purpose of
their favourite science fiction films, and there will be a prize for the best the text?
A To offer an invitation for
costume! There will be an entertainment section during the party and
students to perform at
students from different classes will perform scenes from some famous science
I fiction plays, including the famous R. U.R by Karel Capek. Please do not be the end-of-term party.

1 late as we shall be starting the party with a speech by the head teacher, B To give some advice for those
who may not arrive on time.
I Mr Turner at 8.30 sharp. Remember also that parking is restricted, so parents
C To make certain requests of
I should drop off students outside the front entrance.
those attending the party.

5 Replace the underlined fragments in sentences 1-5

with the correct form of the words in the box that h
similar meanings.

I sharp nightmare realistic speech ignore

1 In the painting, the animals looked as if they were ali

2I had a very bad dream last night.

3The teacher gave a long talk about how much she
loved working at the school.
4Mary didn't want to speak to me when I came in to
school this morning.
5We always start lessons at 9.30 precisely.

6 What do you think the biggest technological change

will be in the next 100 years?

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