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Failsafe Summary

We are at the timeline of the failsafe 12 12 5 3 Masharaya fold 1 earth is in a fall system. Previously we
would ascend vertically by engaging our 4,5,6th dimensional identity from density 2. But density 2 is
compromised so we are being offered host from density 1 through density 2 of the dei ya Tei (check
spelling) planes/ the internal creation domains rather than the external domains ( of vertical Ascension
toward an adashi turnaround cycle- the long way home) We have freewill choice to accept the host or

The purpose of plasma activations is to blend the plasma currents of internal creation with the light
body structure of the external creation and bring them "home" through the internal domains (the short
expedited way home normally only available to those who have gone through adashi turnaround) the
phim races who have completed an adashi return cycle are providing the ability to do this by making the
k+8 factor available to all who a cept the host

I advocate DISCERNNENT and SELF-SOVERIGNTY when deciding to engage with and practice the
techniques. I also advocate informed consent. It is important to understand that practising techniques
which connect you to external creation domains such as the maharic seal, flame body and the earlier KS
techniques will connect you to the D4,5,6 plains which are now fallen or compromised or running
reverse plasma frequencies If you wish to connect with the Krystal River Host then pls follow the
recommended free techniques on the arhayas website and consider moving on to KDDL 3,2,1. Freewill
choice is always respected. However informed consent is necessary to that freewill choice, hence the
reason for this post, to clarify the evolutionary choices currently available and the consequences of
engaging with the practices that align us with those probabilities.

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