Chemistry Assignment - 1

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01-yplaun BrMo andABMo and dW t ialu b/w thun D4au

nn daw oH brtadaHam Not calulau ib bond a t d

and t A
neg Kliic opudus.
AnA-T bonding OAbr fcul Js UAld n moluc/an o b taliuo)
huoyo lo LU lscu bu hu allHacti re nhra tion CW t h
alom obi tal o two b/
In Mo thioY OUhn ok atom n a m olCU obuu
eluUM ons auu PoAtNaY d to moye n a P
Jhunmow hah)Oh o+hdu coaru
n Phadu Com Com cdoaUloqithO, t
that Licd to abinQtion.o thdu CJa res Broduc a
CJa Poducs a nlao
JuKUlt o thu a Y ACus thaut i
ConAbwti v Atabilu zid Th
dwity thu eucton to
duernc Ccusu h
uion, Cuatiny a dtochlu bondhUoUnd found 'ith th nin thi
thu binding
b/W two ApK
ABMo Nhun CUo aJa re
com binin9 at omwc obi tal ak
PpALl 8acw +hun AublMeLtion
O bitol cware
untion takL
Combincution Htomt C
O4bi+al Ao/orud a u HauThu
tnon as A B Mo
moli wlak
urAiby toA ABMo The Chak o

D ndi atu b/w BMo and A8Mo

it FoMmud by thu I- 1t
i Fokrud by thu su ht4atre
cti on atomie
Onbital wa on
additi re oruslop
a re
untion atomicokbr tal
P74 t Ya)2 AB10 ae assouaue with highuuv
2 Bondihq Molcwla oHbitol Crugy thun at onucObitAO
a So cuated wi th locJ
A *ahlu
t h a n otomC oMhitals3- ABMo a
3- BMo awmow Ataßw
ABMO Fokmud cuhun thu lohs o
4 3Mo lokmud whn thu Conbin9 o b i tas hare 4hi ogposuu
o h oCombining ato muc
Obi talA hare
tKL som
Aign Ecnon du sty s Conurtrald
aC om th nwchon
S 8Mo haAa high euctn on
ity n
b/w +hu two hucew - t - ABMO a kypusute hy ,
T*, ?**
T 6, .
o loky oAbifal diag u on Fo o - 2 s o * 2 s 2

Not/4e-) JOIS 2 o-* 2


6ondo dr l N g NA) | Evopuuty

o-4 4Ataks
hqre bre
bond oidi
c l L h y eriab

eluckuon lar
3- ALU n

Ao it ha r dimaqruti c

Low Apin
- Coloulus
Vhot au u id CytaA° rMIunquim b/ w Uk matic and
ic luduid
al and w u hu apph cat on igud
AnA uuid oyst a au a st alu f m altu cwhicH haA luepurti
bmo Con kional lgpids and thA Aodid
Cutal: Fo undlan, auguidL CyAtalhy {ow lkua
dlguid: but ib moawn 'm ay b Ouunti n CU
C p t i t luku cJay

r n c b/ w rhmatic and Amtlic cuystal

Nun ati Cyptal Arictic ystal
NLmatic C sta ct - Amutio CHAta wnu
npotatuly by maqntic un cd kmaqhnkie fue

2- iAcaAity Can hu anplu R T t can 't hu Cpludon

n hun afc CHytals Amd1C CHyAtalA
3-unmatic cUAtcl au ho 3- Thw atangAmt a Amt ic
awangud Aagywn C
asi e Asyunccis

ol catione uuid cyat al lgur cyatal a u eryhn-

Thy a Und n a l ind a/ Luslay dirics idavds
Comput monitoA and 1aptop auns.TK ocs
Frsoks and harigation AyAn tacH Pirl n a menuto t
s an
aMunblep uqy CHyAtal Cont wolud
oWn euctkoakg t i c l e
3- IA
QiAWA t h stwduw,
yakar tuis an
WA ukapk
Ppuction ullkr o

hoduu Fu und
AnA Ful liwtuk
n aW
Cgo Aphuw
hg hly Aymmatkuces
CLoly thw
sAAwtu to urafrito, uhicH
ero odimlan
A C o n n ui d T htag onal
Pnt o n a l o 4 u ti
ung u thy hare A
P u r e , t h
thu Mut Pam
Puom hun
hufthgonal)uk h a t
tub tn ,
huchy uhv aaw
u tn Uhd
Ponue Bucley bluu and + h u h ap
on U h
w h u lmlspndih
olukniIith nkwo
no kwoé.
Pnt qanA mun
o t Common
an ed A C m mo w4 arua Canhon c a r b a

dung h I9y angAtHom

FillkurlA Ahoc valuation o ule
Puopanlug Fuluwmd:
Puopurluse and MAwetuk on Chon 9 thu tumpk atuke

Atahr hun inpkatuuO+kU

FoAun ylonywth=
n 4o O+h C tofokm
,Fulurushowchangi n MwUURD Unduwd4unntt

ionLzakion n tholpy Fulums
Thu eucth on Olihuy 2ulwkun 2-6to 2-8
ectAon kolt
aswmad h hu abrn? 2*opkato
Puyperation Futukunus
n an eu twc aw an thu Pudncu oK
n t gAs AucH as hlwm oA aHgon
Oondhdsation y
Aootyn atnol%Hmud hy consuts
apo u d c '"Amullwmoli ce maunly C6
cith a Amalt 9UanttsCo andtka
o thu Aimilaullarand< Cz n Cey
Appu cation Tthas raruo u applu cation wcMas Aua u
Coatinq Conducive liyícA, and thw Cation
mowelu ntwoHks Ih additi'on within +h
Faild a mdinw a watruAoku kleullunu
ho WLd qetir ty agaunt Human Immunod un
riWs that cavhIA ID t can ern h Umd 0
a a ant iotidont
gu-Explaun Bond thtony y Aald aMun tiatu Michie m i l a

ound hon
"AtoicHint uwc c
AnM Band ha o
that elctn 6, old duuhn thu guandum a t u
+ahu nNu a mutal AoiiL Band
thuo Hhulp to
unGodrntional riAvalWz thu
AookCA ewgy
yunbiatu b/w Atoichwomuis and n-Alsichuo
Atoickhuo utrucAyd NonAtiochiomutnuc ohtA
L Moichiomutuclytaw
thom that do h ot du tuxh NonAtoichio mbuo it
thu oic huo hrut y awly tan YMal
sAtw tone thotI intuXb
hw Moichio mub-uy
2- ThuauM
ruoyp Cytalt O.
Aoichiomibie h 2 TAl awhrual tyA
AucH a antinA+i Fial hondtoicha m U
ue Ltwch es
dh tAchotthy L t utal ercu L th dnd mit al
and and Fun

WNtContcapt Mano tachnolog y and hano moluab and
h arplu ccuti on
AnM Nano ichnology i he i nhanduchnol9
givin ko thoIa
A cuncwandehuning cJhn Phune mna tha zR.
a Cuat
dihliongtin thw hanahmdkwAcalu a u Ae
iA9n Chat acuikation ,roduction and apmlucation
mcubutA, t AwCtUV dancA and, ysn
Nane Motvuoly- Nano mutuals Cw chmicalwtant o
mawals that aumanufaetonnd and utd- at a
Y Amo Ac aluU Nano matuua av Jwudopd
toerhi it ho Ya ChoAGtitic Co mpakid to t h
Aam hctuwal without hunoAcalwatunuw,
M c as in cua nd M ungth Chumc al
u a t i rity ou Con ductii+q
PPhcation hano tuchneegy
Thu apnlucation y nano tucHh lo9Y:Con only
CopoMcd, inSAni al u d l h a , an
Nan o tachn ology A UM a mallU 24
mutuwa aukg to autnt nolucwALu

Cnd U 6Atanw at +h hanoAcaw l v l

Nan olo hu can hulp aith Councuv u a t munt
hu hare bwn Ahown t hU e t i r e tUmanu
Ikus in tho with. Nid ry oH buat Canct
Th eungy applicat1on hanauchnoloqs
ulats aing+
Amallwn'u nanopatbes
to Mo
enmoRv e cwndy
ThiA Puam o dnd U nitweslu enuy o
und UA
enw +K &nttinqq hkunful gunho

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