Oral Exam Topics

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ORAL EXAM TOPICS • household chores and appliances

1. Personal characteristics • flat-related costs, maintenance

• describing appearance • the ideal home
• describing character and personality
• the ideal man and woman 6. Housing
• fashion, trends • living in the city or in the country
• beauty care, cosmetics • living conditions (own property, rented
accommodation, lodgings, hostel)
• flat or house
2. Friends and relationships
• neighbourhood
• friendship
• fellow students and colleagues
7. Holidays and celebrations
• partners
• family celebrations (birthdays, name
days, anniversaries)
3. Family • Christmas, Easter
• family models (only child, large family, • public holidays
single-parent families)
• customs and traditions
• division of tasks within the family
• generations living together
8. Reading; television, video, cinema
• reading (books, newspapers, libraries,
4. Man and society Internet)
• social benefits (pension, health insurance, • TV, cinema, video
unemployment benefit)
• reading vs TV
• social movements (NGOs, trade unions,
clubs, associations) • TV vs cinema
• public safety, crime and criminal
9. Culture
• unemployment
• music (listening to music, concerts,
opera, playing an instrument)
5. Place of living • theatre
• candidate's flat/house • museums, exhibitions
• furnishings, pieces of furniture
10. Free time activities 14. Work and society
• going out • job prestige
• parties, balls, festivals • unemployment, benefits
• hobbies • telework
• other ways of recreation • graduates entering the labour market

11. Learning, education, the school 15. Sports

• sports facilities
• school system, school types in Hungary
• candidate’s sporting activities, favourite
• school system, school types in English- sports
speaking countries
• mass sports
• candidate's school experiences
• sports events, professionals
• tertiary education
• extreme sports
• learning outside school: courses, etc
• student exchange programmes, student
mobility 16. Health
• characteristics of a healthy lifestyle

12. Learning foreign languages • healthy and unhealthy diet/dishes

• the role and importance of foreign • healthcare

• language learning opportunities
17. Illnesses
• language learning experiences
• common illnesses
• addiction (alcohol, drugs, smoking)
13. Work and the individual
• stress, psychic diseases
• working hours (part-time, casual work,
shift work, several jobs)
18. Services
• fashionable jobs / dream jobs
• catering facilities
• ways of finding a job
• banks
• working abroad (advantages,
disadvantages) • repair and maintenance
• career and/or family • emergency services (ambulance, police,
Automobile Association)
19. Shopping 23. Telecommunications
• everyday shopping • telephones
• buying consumer durables • computers
• shopping habits • e-mail
• sales, discounts • Internet
• the role of advertisements
• consumer society 24. Hungary
• major tourist attractions
20. Transport • main places of interest
• everyday transport • tourism
• public transport in the city • Hungary as a destination
• intercity transport
• individual transport (cars, motorbikes, 25. English-speaking countries
• general information, personal experiences
• public transport problems
• individual transport problems

21. Travelling in Hungary and abroad

• preparations
• favourite destinations
• types of trips (holiday, official, business,
study, conferences)
• package tour (advantages, disadvantages)

22. Weather, seasons, environment

• environmental problems
• environment protection
• home environment protection (selective
waste collection, energy saving at home)
• weather, seasons

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