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rvirtHer T^lgYk'tm


NAksHAtva* O H intern a. ni

U/ith Example Horoscopes



B. A., LL. B.
1. Nakshatra Chintamam

Price Rs. 30/-

2. Horoscopes And Diseases.

Price Rs. 20/-

3. Further lights


Nakshatra Chintamani

Price Rs. 40/-


chandrakant r. bhatt

B A., LL. B.

Shri Chardrskant R, Bhati B.A., L.L.B, is ao eminent

Ailroi'gcr of Gujarai. He has several books in Gujarati language
on Astrolog) to his credit. His profound insight into inter-
pretation of horoscopes both in Sayan and Nirayao Charts is
really amazing.

in order to contribute to the spread of knowledge of Indian

Astrology, both in India and Abroad we have already published
his two books written in English viz; I. Nakshatra Cbintamani,
2 Horoscopes & Diseases. These two books have been very
warmly received and appreciated by the students of Astrology
both in India and Abroad.

'Further Lights on Nakshatra Cbintamani' is the third

book written by Shri fibatt in English. This book by Shri
Bhatt throws more light on the principles of predicting, enunc-
iated in bis 6rst book 'Nakshatra Cbintamani' and is profusely
illustrated with example horoscopes. Moreover, he has outlined
the principles of predicting in simple, precise and penetrating
words to enable the students of Astrology to master them in
no time and arrive at a quick and straight analysis of the
horoscopes and correct conclusions.

Shri Bhatt being a master of both Western and Indian

Systems of Astrology, has added an interesting and enlightening
chapter on, how to analyse and interpret Nirayan Horoscopes
in a Sayan way with appropriate tables for fixing aspects

Moreover, be has discussed transits of slow moving planets

in a separate chapter and thrown a very useful light on predicting
from the transits of (base planets independently of Dasha-BbukU
System of Predicting

Tbe priocjpJcs or prcdfcliog enunciated in this took aic

oo (be basis of Nakshatras and their sub-divisioos and the
pleoets and tbe cusps of tbe houses therein. This method
of predicting is an age old method already promulgated by our
sages. But its method of approach at present is /n a controversial

stage, partly because it is emphatically coined as a new invention

which in fact is not and advocated as the only and perfect

method of predicting.
Our interest in publishing this book is purely an academic
one and ne shall be satisfied if the studcntK and scholars of
Astrology study this book in a comparative way with their own
and with other methods of predicting and harmonise and
^nthe'ise (hem in rhe beti interest of Astrology which is our
heritage ard which is ;<j ardently presemd and preached by
the wi/ards like fate Sh. i Suiyanarayan Rao, the founder of the
'Afttrotogical Magazine' and its present Editor Shri B.V. Raman
who has popularized Indian Astrology both in India and Abroad
and has created a convincing stage for the recognition of Indian
Aflrology as a science and have its place in our Universities
as a branch of knowledge.
We are greatly indebted to Shri Gordbandas Sankalchaod
Choksi Public Cbamable Trust and Shri Navaniiial Gordbandas
Choksi Public Cbaritab'e Trust, Abmedabad and (heir Trustee
Shri Navanitlal Gordbandas Choksi, a prominent 'business-man
of Absedabad well-known for bis buroanitarlan and educational
aclivitiei and charities.
Shri Vivek Education Trust Simmbbuprmsad Maganlal Patel
Cjo. Shri Sardar Patel and B.A^M.Ed,
Swami Vivekaoand High School, Managing Trustee
Maninagar. Abmedabad 380 008.

My first book 'NaksbatrA ChiotamAoJ' was published in

in 1975. It was much hailed by readera, Eocoaraped another
publication 'Horpfoopet and Diseases' was brought out during
December 1977. Both these books deal with horoscopes according
to the sub constellation theory of prcdictron. They were widely
circulated both in India and Abroad. Letters of appreciation
were teceived, so relevant extracts from the letters of a few
Astrologers are published in this book for information to the

In view of (be appreciative attitude shown by the students

of Astrology, my friend Shri Shambbupra&ad M. Patel encouraged
rao to write a third book with further lights on 'Naksbatra
Chintamani' and he, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of
Shri Vivek Education Trust, undertook the publicatiou of this
book. I am therefore much indebted to the Board of Trustees
and my friend Shri Patcl.

The principles of the sub theory are at length explained in

'Naksbatra Chintamani. Here in this book I have summarised
them lucidly in a tabular form to refresh (he memory of the
reader. Horoscopes of persons in different walks of life and cases
known to me have been discussed in simple and lucid language.

Delineations arc consistent, logicalf methodical and precise.

There are four groups in the book. The Ist group contains
49 horoscopes on subjects viz, infant mortality, short life, long

life, onnatural or violent death, incurable diseases, operations,

education, foreign travels, iotec-caste marriages, love-affairs,
divorces, separation in maftied life, child-birth, sterility, un-

married persons, landed properties, owning of vehicles, different


vocAtions etc: six horary maps in (be 2nd group, four horoscopes
coocerning (he effects of (ransitting planets are in the 3rd group.
in the fourth and the last group the salient features of the
western system of Astrology are narrated in brief and self-
contained charts for analysis of the birth-map arc prepared.
These charts will enable a beginner in Astrology to form-

judgment of the birth-map with great ease. They may be

applied even Co Ni ray ana birth horoscopes.
[n my humble view, there are few publications of this
type. I am (herefore sure (bat my books will be of great help
to the reader who is conversant with (he basic principles of
Hindu Astrology.

64 Jayanagar Society Chandrakanl R« Bhatt

Sab 1 hcory :

Sub Consietlacions 1'

Significators 7

Strength of Planets 9

A planet Connected with 10

Significator and its sub lord 10

CuspaP Sub lord 12

Joint Period Rulers 16

Transits 17

Example Nativities : 18

t. Saint 20

2. Revolutionary Thinker 22

3. Infant Mortality 24

4. InJant Mortality 28

5. Lost Mother in Infancy

6. Air Crash ^
7. Burning

8. Drowning

9. Gallows, Unoatura) Death, Imprisonment, Criminal 43

Proceedingi, Mental Qualities, Political Career, Calamities.


10. Murder

H. Murder, Poliikal Career ^

11. Mtsftrtufle

13. AmputaiioD, Marriage, Short life ^

14. Cancer ^

15. Cancer

16 Cancer 69

17- Kidney ^

18 Caesarcan 75

19. Caesarcan 7®

20. Foreign Travel 81

21. Foreign Travel 84

22. Education, Foreign Travels 87

23. Education, Foreign Travel 92

24. Service 95

25 Industrialist, Peculiarities 98

26. Busineis 102

27. Transport, Motor Vehicle 105

28. Artist 108

29. Qucco 111

30. Buildine, Eye-operation, Loss of Parents In Teenage, 114

Profession and Finance, RetlremenC from Service,

Education, Marriage, Children.

31. Building, Jnter-Caste Love>Marriage, Professioo, 123

Father's Death, Mother's Death, Sterility, Education.

32. Surgeon, Inter-Caste Love-Marriage, Children, Iz8

Foreign Travel.

33. Amcslhelist, Intet-Casi* Love-MarrU^ CMdv^ 132

Foreign Travel, M.B.B.S.

34. Marriage Abroad, Motor Vehicle. Pmfr—wm yiflilT! 136

Pcculiaritiea, Education, Foreign Travel, CbUdim,

35. Marriage Abroad, Profcjiion, Finance. Edocation.

Foreign Travel. Children, Building,

36. Divorce, Profession and Finance, Motor-VrtflcJe, )47

37. Divorce, Ruling Planets and Affinity 152'

38. Annulment of Marriage, Profession, Death. 155

39. Annulment of Marriage 158

40. Separation in Married Life 160

41. Separation in Married Life 16>

42. Sterility, Operationi, Marriage, Foreign Travel 166-

43. Sterility. Operation, Marriage, Foreign Travel 169-

44. Sterility, Marriage, Service 172

45. Sterility, Marriage, Service 175

46. Unmarried '78

47. Unmarried '8fr

48. Unmarried '87

49. Unmarried 184

Example Horary Mapa :

Mood and Quereot's Mind,

Fulfilment of a query-Planet direct or retrograde,

Cutpal rub lord, Sigoificatorf, Traoiita.


1. Research SchoLrship ^

2. Green Card '

3. Desired Post 194

4. Transfer in Service '98

5. Marriage 201

6. Desired job 204

Tranltfi and NallviSies : 208

1. PublicatioBS 209

2. Death 212

3. Death of the Husbaad 214

4. Service, Journey, Marriage 214

T^irayaaa Horoscope A Priiictpte* of Western As^eets 218

Sab Sob ia each Sab 237

Ajmaamsa (A. D. years 1901-3000) 249

Oplaton 250

AddeaduiB £$4

Page Line Read as under

108 3 The Sub Venus owm 11

245 12 J 25 13 35

245 13 Sa 25 28 42

2S4 ILImttationj refer to tba horoscope

on page 210
Sab Theary



Kttfl 7 120 800 ^ 0 46 40

Vcow 20 120 800 = 2 13 20

San 6 120 800 = 0 40 00

Mpon 10 120 800 — I 06 40

Mas 7 120 x 800 = 0 46 40

Balm 18 120 800 « 2 00 00

Mttr 16 120 800 — 1 46 40

Amn 19 120 too = 2 06 40

Man 17 120 » 1 S3 20

13 at oo

la Naksbatru system each Nakshalra or Constellatioo or

Star (an area of 13' 20' or StO') is sub-divided into nine
parts. This sub-division is calJed 'Sub'. [( is based on the
formula as shown in the table on page 1.

The planet ruling the longitude or extent or area of the

'Sub' in any Nakslmtro or Constellation or Star is called the
Sub-Nakshatra lord or Sub-Constc?lDiion lord or Sub>S(ar lord
or Sub-lord or Sub.
The sub-area of each planet n the stnr-nrea of any
planet lenuins constant us stated above. As each Nakshatra or
Constellation o\ Star conlaino: nine Subs, 27 Nakshatras or
Constellations or Slurs have been sub-divided into 243 Subs.

The order of Subs in each Star is shown in the accomp-

unying tables A, B, C and D on pages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Each table shows the Star Lord and the Sub Lord for each
degree of the Zodiac. The Star Lord is similar to the Dasho
(period ) ruler, while the Sub Lord conespoDds to the Sub
period ruler.

In short we may use the term 'Star* instead of 'Star lord'

or 'Constellation lord* or 'Nakshntra lord;' and the term 'Sub*
in place of 'Sub lord' or 'Sub-Star lord' or 'Sub-Coostellatioa
lord' or 'Sub-Nakshatra lord* throughout (he book.
Table A

Star area in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius

Ketu 0* 0' lo 13* 20
Venus 13 20 to 26 40
Sun 26 40 to 30 0

Star Lord Sub Lord Ccmmmcing Position

JCetu Ketu 0 0 0

tt Vcn. 0 46 40

»* Sun 3 0 0

n Moon 3 40 0

»» Mars 4 46 40

ii Rahu 5 33 20

»» Jup. 7 33 20

■t Sat. 9 20 0

■> Mcr. 11 26 40
Venus Vcn, 13 20 0
Sun 15 33 20
Moon 16 13 20
Mars 17 20 0

•i Rahu IS 6 40

*» Jup. 20 6 40

*• Sat. 21 53 20
Mcr, 24 0 0

»■ Ketu 25 53 20

Sun Sun 26 40 0

»* Moon 27 20 0

«» Mars 28 26 40

•» Rahu 29 13 20

30 0 0
Table B

Star arra m Twrns or Virgo or Capricorn

IO 10* 0'
Sun 0 0'
to 23 20
Moon 10 0
to 30 0

Lord Commencing Position

Star Lord

0 0 0
1 13 20
3 0 0
Mer. 5 6 40
Kctu 7 0 0

Vcn. 7 46 40
Moon 10 0 0*
Mars 11 6 40-

Rahu 11 53 20

Jup. 13 33 20

Sat. 15 40 0
Mer. 17 46 40

Kctu 19 40 0

Ven. 20 ae 4tf
Sun 22 40 0
Mars Mars 23 20 0

Rabu 24 6 40

M Jup. 26 6 40

Sat. 27 53 m
30 0 a

Tabk C

Star area Gemini or libra or Aquarius

Man 0* 0' to 6* 40'

Rahu 6 40 to 20 0

Jup. 20 0 to 30

Star Lord Sub Lord Commaidng Position

Mars Mer. 0 0 0

11 Ketu 1 53 20

'•* VBD 2 40 O

If Sun 4 53 20

11 Moon 5 33 20
Rahu Rahu 6 40 0

11 Jup. 8 40 0
ll Sat. 10 26 40

11 Mer. 12 33 20
Ketu 14 26 40

h Vcn. IS 13 20

ii Sun 17 26 40

%9 Moon 18 6 40

11 Mars 19 13 20
Jupiter Jup. 20 0 0

If Sat. 21 46 40

it Mer. 23 53 20

01 Ketu 25 46 40

11 Yen. 26 33 20

11 Sun 28 46 40

If Moon 29 26 40

30 0 0
Table 1)

in Camcf Scorpw or Pisces

o- 0' (0 3* 20'

20 to 16 40

16 40 to 50 0

S:.b Lord Commencing ilia

D Af S

Mcod 0 0 0
Mars 0 33 20

Rahu 1 20 0

Sal. 3 20 0
Mcr. 5 26 40

Keto 7 20 0
Vcn. 8 6 40
Son 10 20 0
Moon 11 0 0

Mar* 12 6 40

Rahu 12 53 20
Jup. 14 53 20

Mer. 16 40 0
Kctu 18 33 20
VcD. 19 20 O

Sun 21 33 20

Moon 22 13 20

Mars 23 20 00

Rahu 24 6 40

Jup. 26 6 40

Sat. 27 53 20

30 0 0

Tables a, B, C A D explained

The table A is meant for Aries, Loo and Sagittarius; the

(able B for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; (ho table C for Ge-

mini} Libra and Aquarius and the table D Cor Cancer, Scorpio
and P&soai.

Example : In the (able A in the Star area Ketu in Aries

or Leo or Sagittarius the Sub of Ketu begins from 0s 0' 0"

and ends at 0' 46' 40". So the Sub of Venus starts at 0* 46'
40", add 2* 13' 20" (Sub ares of Venus) and you get the sta-

rting position of Sun Sub at 3* 0' 00" add 0* 40' 0" (Sub

area of Sun), then the Sub of Moon starts at 3* 40' 0" in Aries
or Leo or Sagittarius. Repeat this procedure and the commenc-

iog position for all subs in each star in each sign will be


1. A planet generally gives the results of the house which

it occupies, owns and aspects: also of the house and the matter
of which it is a Karaka. So it is rermed as (he Significator

of that house or matter.

2. In the horoscope the sign is on tne cusp of each house.

A planet always occupies the sign and its strength is determined

according as it occupies its own sigto, exalted sign or debiiisated

sign So the occupant is stronger than the owner of the sign.

l ,A
Similarly, the sign is the T a part of the Zodiac, while
the Constellation or Star is (be 3\ part ot the Zodiac. So

the Constellation or Star is stronger than the sign.

Hence in the Hakshatra system a planet gives the results

indicated by its star lord and it is called the significator of the

houses signified by its star lord in the strict sense of the term.

3. The older of frefe react regard I be sign ificaior* of each

h L.e i< generally dctermiccti ai under :

o; A pteoei in the star of the occ.»paal is stronger (ban

the cccupanr.

('hi If there br no planet in the occupant's star consider

the iccupant,

(c) If the house is vacant, consider the planet in the star

of ihe owner of that house.

(dj If the house be vacant and if there be no planet in

the star of the owner of that house, consider the owner of
that hou'e.

(e) A planet in conjunction or association with, or aspected

by the strong signiheator gives the results of the house or

houses denoted by (hat significator.

(0 A planet in the star of the planet aspecting the house

e.g. suppose Saturn in ihe S111 aspects the T111, ll,,, and 2"a,
So the planet in the star of Saturn will give the results of the

houses 2, 7, and II.

Jia/tu <£ A'c/u: It' Rabu or Ketu represents any signiflcator,

consider Rahu or Kelu in place of that significalor, because

Rshu or Kctu Is stronger than any planet.

Rahu or Kelu gives (he results of the significator in con-

junction with or in aspect to it or of the owner of the (signifi*

eater's) sign occupied by it.

Suppose Aries is on the lltA cusp, there is no planet in

the ll' , then consider the other sign Scorpio owned by Mars.

If there be Rahu or Ketu in Scorpio, it will give the results

of the ll'4 and the planet in the star of Rahu or Ketu will be-

come ihe strong significator to give ihe results of the Iltb.


Examine the position in rcspcci of any other house in thk

way. Raho-Ketu are no: to be ueaied as relrogjade planeta,
because their natural nnvetnent is in the onposite direction.

Strength ol Planets :

Strength by House : A planet mostly gives the results of

the house occupied by it and its owner comes next in order.
Of the houses the angles stand 1st in strength, next the
succedent and then the cadents.
The owner of the house 6, 8 or 12 (as counted from any
particular bouse to be judged) becomes weak, evil or malefic
in effects.

Strength by Sign : A planet is strong when it is in its own

or exalted sign. It is weak or afflicted in its detriment or fall
(debilitated) sign.

The nature of the sign (e.g. cardinal or movable, fixed,

or common or mutable; fire, earth, air or water; fruitful or

barren; human or bestial; mute or voice; masculine or feminine
etc.) on the cusp and that occupied by a planet tnfluences the
affairs of the house and the planet.

Strength by Aspect: A planet in conjuaction or association

with or aspected by a malefic (i.e. the owner of 6, S or 12

from the house to be judged) becomes weak or afflicted.

An aspectiog planet modifies the results of the house

matters according as it is a natural bcnefic or malefic, friendly

■or inimical

In This system only Hindu aspects are to be considered.

Nokshaira Systtm : A planet becomes strong- if its star lord

is strong by bouse, sign and aspect; and it will be in a position

to give the results indicated by its star lord to a desired exent.

A planet becomes weak if its star lord is weak by bouse

sign and aspect; and it will not be in a position to give the
results indicated by its star lord to u desired extent,

A planet Conacctcd With':

1. (a) Suppose Jupiter occupies Capricorn or Aquarius* or

(b) it is in (he star or sub of Saturn; or

(c) it is in conj. with or aspected by Saturn, then it may

be said that Jupiter is connected with Saturn.

2. (a) Suppose Jupiter is the owner or star lord or sub-

lord of the ascending degree ; the cusp of the 1st house or Asc); or

(b) it occupies ihe 1st house, or

(c) it aspects the 1st house; or

(d) it is in the star or sub of the occupant of the 1st house; or

(e) it is in the star or sub of the owner of the 1st house; or

(f) it is in conj, with or aspected by the owner of the Jst

house, lhen it may be said thai Jupiter is connected with the 1st bouse,

3. Suppose Sun is in the star Jupiter owning 3, 12 and

occupying 10; and it is in the sub Saturn owning 1, 2 and
occupying 4.

To facilitate distinction between the matters of the star

lord and those of the sub lord, it may be said that Stm is

the significotor of 10, 3 and 1?: and connected with 1, 2 and

4. This procedure has been adopted throughout the book.

Slgaificatcr and Its Sublord :

I- The signiricator shows the source of an event. The matters

especially of the house or houses owned by it serve as the

2. The significaior gives the results of its star lord. So the star
lord becomes the indicator of the matters of the house
occupied and owned by it and also of the house aspected

by it,

3, (a) The sub lord of the significaior is the deciding factor

regarding the matters of the star lord.

(b) If (he sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicated

by the star lord, the signtficator gives favourable or desired

or expected results.

(c) If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters indicated^

by the star lord, the significator does not give favourable or desired
or expected results.

Houses for different Subject matters


Subject Houses Subject Houses

Longevity 1. 8. 3 Death 12, 7, 2, Badbaka

Health Sickness 6. 8, 12

Cure 1, 5, II Disease 6. 8, 12

Education 4. 9. 11 End education 3, 8. 5

Buy house 4. H, 12 Sale house 10. 5, 3

Marriage 7, 2, 11 Divorce 6. 1, 10

Child-Birth 5. 2. 11 Sterility 4, 1, 10

Overseas 12, y. 3 Homeland 11, 8.

Occupation 10, 6. 2 Change occupation 9, S, I

Money 2, H, 6 Loss 8. 12

Consider the houses for the rtspccitvc subject matter as

shown in the above table.

If tbc subject matter of tbe houses ^hown in Che Columo

A u to be judged, then the subject matter of the houses shown
m tbc Column B will become detrimental; and vice versa.

Suppose Sun is the sigoificator I,in the star of the occupant

or owner) of 4, 11 and 12, and the sub lord of Sun is not
connected with 4, 11 or 12, but it is connected with 10, 5 and
3, then Sun will not be in a position to give the desired or
expected results of 4, 11 and 12.

4. The significator gives during its period, sub-period or

intcr-pcriod the results of its star lord; or

The results of the star lord are experienced during the

joint period {i.e. during the period, sub^period and inter-period)
of the significator, its star lord and its sub lord.

5. The significator denotes the time when it will give the

results of its star lord. The sub lord of the significator shows
whether desired results or otherwise will be obtained.

6. The significator becomes weak if its star lord be weak;

more so if its sub lord also be weak.

Cnspal Sab lord :

I. The cuspal sub lord of a house indicates whether the

matter signified by (hat house is promised or denied.

If (bo cuspal sub lord of that house is the significatorol

(hat house or any one of the houses under consideration, the
matter signified by that house will be promised.

As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief

governor of the matter to be judged, may be taken into oon-
Bidcratioo. If it be connected with the house or any one of the

houses under consideration, especially with the star lord of the

cuspal sub lord, it is desirable.

2„ If the cuspal sub lord of the house (mentioned in the

column 1) be the stgniftcator (in the star of the oocupaal or
owner) of the house or houses (mentioned in the column inr
then only during the joint period of the signiftcators of the
house or houses (menlionedin the column III) the results of the
expected iBSttcr (shown in the column IV) arc experienced. The
detailed table is given below :

// the be in the in the joint un event

Cuspal Star of the period of the happens
sub lord occupant Signi/icarors regarding
of house or owner of houses
of house

r 11 III IV

1 Health 1,11 1,11 normal health

W2 6,8,12 disease
8,12, badhaka 8,12, badhaka- danger to life

8,12 8,12 accident

2 Wealth 2,6,11 3,6.11 wealth

8,12,5 8.12,5 toss of wealth

3 Change 3,12,10 3,12,10 transfer of place

tn service
Longevity 8,12, badhaka 8,1^2, badhaka- danger to life


4 Education 4,9,11 4,9.11 academic education

3,8,5 completion of studios

Building 4.11.12 4,11,12 possesses land or

be in the in die joins an event
If the
Cuspal Star of the period of the happens

sub lord occupant or Significators regarding

of \\oiise owner of houses

of house


5 Jssue 5,] 1,2 5,11.2 child'birlh

^10,1 4,10,1 no child birth

Love affair 2,11 2,5,11 love affair

7,11 2.7.11 marries the loved one

6 Disease 6,8,12,1 6.8.12 disease

J,5,n lAH cure of disease

Service 2.6.10 2.6.10 service

1,5,9 1,5,9 change in service

2.6.11 2.6.11 jgain in any manner

Marriage 7.11,2 7.11,2 marriage

6,10,1 6.10,1 absence of married life

Business 2.10.11 2,10,11 business or industry

8.12 8,12 loss in „ „

5,11 5,11 partnership

6,12 6,12 break in partnership

8 Longevity 6,8,12,2 6.8,12 danger to health

1.5,U 1,5,11 safety in life

Calamity 8,12 8.12 accident, infirmity

8,12, badhaka 8,12, badhaka- danger to life


If the be in the in the joint an event

Cuspal Star of the period of the happens
sub lord occupant or Significators regarding
of house owner of houses
of house

I II 111 IV

10 Vocation 10,6.2 10,6,2 vocation, earning

10,7,2 10,7,2 mdependant vocation
3.12 3,12,10 transfer of place-service
9,5,1 9,5.1 change of vocation
W,12 9,5,1.12 loss of servroe

Sale of building 10,5.3 10,5,3 sale of land or building

Infamy 7,8,12 7,8,12 criminal proceedings

11 Cure 1.5,11 1,5,11 cure of disease

Gain 2,6,11 2,6,11 gain of money
2,6,10.11 2,6,10,11 progress in service or

Issue 11.5.2 11.5,2 child birth
10,4,1 10,4,1 no child birth

12 Overseas 12.9.3 12,9,3 foreign travel

11»8,2 stay in motherland
Calamity 12,8, badhaka 12,8, badhaka- danger to life

. maraka
12,8 12.8 accident, infirmitv

Change 3,12,10 3,12.10 transfer of place-service

It so happens that the cuspal sub lord of the principal

house under consideration is not found in the star of the

occupant or of the owner of the house or houses under review.


Sometimes Rahu or Kctu becomes the cuspal sub Jord of the

principal house under consideration and it occupies neither of

the bouse or houses under review.

But the cuspal sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord; also

Rahu or Kelu are found to be connected with the principal

house or houses under review in any manner.
In ^uch cases wc have to use our discretion in determining

the happening of an event. So an over all view of the horoscope

should be taken.
Joint Period Rulers

I. The period or sub period ruler gives the results according

to its natural rulcrshlp over certain affairs of life e.g. Venus is
the chief governor of peace or harmony, marriage, vehicle or

happiness etc.
2- It givj:s favourable or unfavourable results of its star lord

according as its sub lord is favourable or unfavourabJc-

The period ruler, the sub period ruler or the tnlcr period

ruler ma> signify matters of different houses i.e. different

sabjcci matters both desirable and undesirable. So during

their joint period they wih the results of the common

subject matter either desirable or undesirable as the case may be
Suppose the period ruler is the signrScator of 2, 5 or 11

and 1.4 or 10 (child-birth and also its denial), then during the

sob period of the signiBcator of 1, 4 or 10 there will be no

child-birth and if there be any child already, separation from the

child is likely, and during (he sub period of the significator of

2, 5 or 11 the birth of a child will take place.

4. If the star lord (of the period ruler etc.) occupies 6, 8

or 12 as counted from its own sign (house), then tbe period or

sub period ruler will not give favourable resnlts of this boose
(owned by its star lord).

5 If the planet and its star lord are in 6, E or 12 sign from

each other, the native will not get results to a desired extent
during their joint period.
6. If the star lord of the period or sub period ruler be
retrograde, the native will experience ups and downs in general,
7. The joint period rulers generally give the results of the
house or houses owned by their star lords. So their strength will

depend on the strength of their star lords.

8. If (he joint period rnlers are in reception (in each other's
sign), in conj. or aspect with each other, they influence the
affairs of each other. This is based on the principle (hat a planet
in conj. with or aspected by a significator gives the results of

the hoose or houses denoted by that significator.

9. If the joint rulers of the cusp of any house be the

significators of the matter signified by that bouse, the combined

period of these joint rulers inter se gives the results of the same
matter or during the period of any other significaior of thai

bouse and in the sub period of the cuspal sab lord of that
bouse the results of the same matter are obtained.
An event generally happens during the joint period of the
the significators when the transit agrees.

At the tune of an event Sun, Moon or.and joint period

rulers are generally found to be transitting in :

(a) the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers

(i.e. in the star or sub of the period, sub period, inter period

or/and sookshma period ruler) or

(b) the star of the siguificator of that event (other than

the joint period rulers) in the horoscope.

For details of the sub constellation theory refer to the

author's 'Nakshatra Chiotamaoj.'


Example Nativities

Horoscope Diagram E-xplained, in this book for the sake

of faciJity in horoscope is written in the form ^
a jaddcr by drawing one vertical line in the middle and f/yc
horizontal lines intersecting the vertical line. The ends of the
vertiele line and the ends of the horizontal lines serve as tfo
cusps (beginning pointsj of (be houses, and signs and depcecp
have been marked thereon and the planets have been wriHcii
either below or above the cuspal signs as the case may ^
shown in the diagram on page 21.

The cusps and planets of Nirayana horoscopes are written

in the manner of a western horoscope and for the purposes of

this book in the N'irayana horoscope the cusp of a house has
been considered as the commencing point.

The ascendant or the ascending degree of the sign u

marked at the top of the vertical line. Then below it on the left
side other signs and degrees are written at the ends of the

horlaontal lines and each house is given a serial number in an

anti-clockwise direction.

Inserting Sigfis and Pfanets : In the given horoscope on page 21.

Aquarius 29* 8' is placed on the cusp of the 1st house i. a as

the Asc. at the top. Then below the Asc. on the left side Aries
6® 42' on the cusp of the 2nd house; Taurus 6" 42' on the

3rd; Gemini 1° 42' on the 4th; Gemini 26* 42' on the 5th:

Cancer 23 42' on the 6th and so on. In this way the signs
•and degrees on all the 12 cusps of the houses have been written

down in an anti-clockwise direction.

The cusp of the 6th house begins with Cancer 23* 42'.

Tfce longitude of Jupiter in Cancer is 8* 48', It is less than tbe

cuspal degree of the 6lh house to it v>.hinH the euswi


degree of the 6th house and it may be considered as posited

in the 5th house. Jupiter will exert its inriueuoe oa the Stb
If a planet is within 5* of the cuspal degree of a house,
it exerts its inflaence oa both the houses. In this map Mercury
in Taurus is 2*. while the cuspal degree of the 3rd house begins
with Taurus 6* 42'. As the longitude of Mercury is less than
the cuspal degree, it is placed behind tbe cuspal degree. But
as Mercury is within S* of the cuspal degree it is said to be on
the cusp of the 3rd and it will exert some influence both on
the 2od and 3rd houses.

The cusp of the 8th house begins with Libra 6*42'. The
longitude of Saturn in Libra is 23*56', It is greater than the
cuspal degree. So it is placed in front of Libra 6*42'. and it is
said to be in the Sth house.

AH the houses in the horoscope arc not of equal dimensions,-

The house may be less or greater than 30 degrcs. Some -times
one house may contain more than one sign. Such a sign is

termed as intercepted*.
In this map the 4th house commences from Gemini 1*42'

and extends upto Gemini 26*42'. So the 4th bouse is of 25*

The 6lh house commences from Cancer 23*42' and ends

at Leo 29*8'. So the 6lh house consists of 36026' and so on

with other houses.

In this map the Asc. begins with Aquarius. 29*S' and ends

at Aries 6*42'. So (ho whole sign Pisces is contained in tho

Isl house and Pisces is termed as 'intercepted*. Hence the 1st

bouse contains more than one sign and it is of 37*34' dimension.

Venus in Pisces is 29*42', So it is placed in front of Pisces in

the first house and it wilt exert its iaflucnce on tbe IsC house.

Abbrcrianons : At the end of each horoscope for the sake of

easy ODdersfanding, a tabJe lowing the sign and house occupied

by each P^nct, the star lord and sub lord of every planet »
given m the abbreviated form.

S, Sun, M. Moon, Ma. Mars, Mc. Mercury, J, iupiterr

V. Venus. Sa. Saturn, H. Rabu and K. Ketu,

Ar, Aries. Tr, Taurus. Gm. Gccnini, Co. Cancer, Lc,

ieo, Vg. Virgo, Li. Libra, Sc. Scorpio, Sg. Sagittarius, Cp,
Cspricorn. Aq. Aquarius and Pi. Pisces.

PJ. Planet, Sn. Sign, Hs. Houic, St. Star and Su. Sub.

1. Saint

JJinfs. j. Sun denotes spirit; Moon mind; Jupiter morals^

religion and philosophy; Saturn meditation, renunciation, penance;
Ketu spiritualism, suinthood.

Houses 4, 8 and 12; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces show

spiritual tendencies. The 9lh house and Sagittarius denote morals,

devotion, phltosophy, religion, intuition, farsfghtedness. The 5th;

bouse denotes spiritual practice. The 12th house self-sacrifice,

seclusion, renunciation, cmincipnlion.

2 (a) ff the sub lord of the Asc. (out-look) be tho slg-

niiicator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 3 (mental

trend), 10 (niros) and 12 (renunciation); or connected with 3,
10 and 12. also with Saturn the native leans towards renun-


(h) If the ,ub lord of the llih

cusp (fulfilment ofdesirel)
h? Uw .igniCwtor (In the ,i,r or ,be „
occupant or owner) of 5
•OH II); or connected with 3 nnd 10 (he
the native achieves spiri-
tual atiammenf.

/ Saint

FcmaJc. Birth 1-5-1W6 Friday; 3-0 A, M. L. M. T.

23v45, 91s30; Ayanamsa 22"l8'


Aquarius 29-8
Pisces Mare 21-41
Venus 29*42 Rahu 7-50

2 Aries 6*42 -Capricorn 23-42 12

Sun 18-45

Mer. 2-0
3 Taurus 6-42- Sagittarius 26-42 11
Plu. 19*8
Nep, 24-8

Moon 2-52
4 Gemini 1*42 Sagittarius 1-42 10

5 Gemini 26-42 • Scorpio 6-42 9

Ur«n. (M4ff

Jup. 8-48 Sat. 23-56tt

6 Concur 23-42 -Libra 6-42 8

Kolu 7.50 I Virgo

Leo 29-8

PI. Sin. Hs. St. Su. PI. Sn. Hs. St. $*.
s Ar, 2 V R V Pi. 1 Mc. So.
M Sg. 10 IC V Sa./f Li. 8 J Me
Ma, Aq. 12 J J R Aq. 12 R R
Me. Tr. 2 s J K Le. 6 K J
i Ctt. 5 Sa. V

/ISC (Aifuanus V *")•. •" this \\oros/^ I lie miI> lord oT

the Au. is Nun {sviur. If i" the alar Venun and in the
auh Raliu. The star Joid Vctuis owns 8 (aplriCimliMii) and 3
(mental qimlHics); it in tho water sign (devotion) Pisces
(renunciation). The sub lord Kalui occupies 12 (roBuncjnlion),
it is in conjunction with the owner of 9 (morals, religion,
phitosopliy) Mars. Sun is in the fire sign Aries (self restraint);
it is aspccted by Saturn the recluse owning 1 and 12. Thus the
sub lord of the Asc. is connected with 3, 8t 12 and Saturn;
also the signs of spiritual qualities. Hence the native has given
up worldly tics and interests.

Ilth cusp [Sagittarius 26' 42'); The sub lord of the 11th
cusp is Sun. Hence the spiritual attainment as discussed.

Period : The native was born during the period of Kctu with
balance of 5V* 5M' 2%D\ Theieaftcr the native has to run the

periods of Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars etc. All the planets are
the sigmficators of spiritual attainment. Hence the native has

from her early age given up worldly ties and interests. She is.

a saint. She is shri Anand majiji of Bengal.

2. Revolutionary Thinker

ASC {Taurus 20*55')? Id this horoscope the sub lord of

(he Asc. is Venus. It is in its own star and in the sub Rahu.

The star lord Venus owns the Asc. (individuality), it occupies

8 (mystery) in Sagittarius (revolutionary, radical, far-sighted,

philosopher, research scholar). It is in ^conjunction with the

owner of 3 (mental qualities) Moon (mind); the owner of 9-

(higher mind) Saturn the meditator; the owner of 5 (spiritual

practice) Mercury (reasoning) and the owner of 12 (psychic re-

search) Mara.

2. Revolutionary Thinker

Mule. Binh 11-12-1931 Fridny; 5-3 P, M L. M, T.;

23 ^ 10, 79 AyanamsB 22*4$',

Taurus 20»53

2 Clem In I 15.12 < Aries 1012 12

3 Cancer 10*12 — Pisces 9-12 11

Jup. 29-50^ Rahu 8-34

4 Leo 7*12 •Aquarius 7-12 10

Kclu 8-34
5 Virgo 9*12 Capricorn 10-12 9

Sat. 28*40
Moon 22-28
6 Libra 16*12 Sagittarius 15*12 &
Mcr 13-35
Mars 8*15

I Sun 25-41
Scorpio 20-53

n Sn. Hs. Sr. Su, PJ. Sn. Hs. Si. Su,

s Sc. 7 Me. R V Sg. 8 V R

M Sg- 8 V " Sa. Sa. Sg. S s Ma.

Ma. Sg. 7 K J R Pi. 10-11 Sa. V

Me. Sg. 7-8 V V K Vg- 4*5 S V

J/? Co. 3 Me, Sa.


The sub lord Rahu (dipJocnat) is in Pisces (psychic research)

in (ho 10th (aims, ambitions). It is aspected by the owner of
8 (mystery) Jupiter (philosopher) and the owner of 12 (Mars).

Thus the sub lord of the Asc. is coimected with I, 8 and

10. Hence the native dexterously presents the philosophy of life
m a radical and revolutionary way.

The majority of planets arc in fire signs. So the idea of

self-restraint as depicted by the native is unique. The realistic

sign Taurus is on the Asc. Venus is the owner of Asc,, it is

also the sub lord of the Asc. Moreover, Venus is In its own
star, Venus stands for the realistic enjoyment of life. Thus
the native's philosophy of life is based on the realistic way of
enjoying life.

Uth cu.rp {Pisces 9* J2'ji The sub lord of the Uth ousp

is Venus. Hence as discussed above (be native enthrals the

mass including the infelligentia by his convincing arguments

and reasoning. Thus he is successful in preaching his doctrine

or philosophy of life.

This is the horoscope of one who is a revolutionary thinker,

philosopher and critic.

3. Infant Mortality

Hints1. If the sub lord of the Asc. (ascending degree)

be the owner of the house:

(a) 6, 8 or 12 a short life (npto 33 years) is indicated.

(b) I, 5, 9 or 10 a long life (beyond 66 years).

(c) 6, 8 or-12 and 1, 5, 9, or 10 a middle life (upto 66

yean) is denoted.

Besides^ if (his sub lord be the significator (in the stac

of (be occupant or owner) of the badhaka and the maraka
houses, it is not a good sign for long life.

Likewise, consider the sub lords of the 3rd and the 8th
cusps also.

2. The houses I, 8 and 3 arc for longevity. The 12lh to

any particular house denotes non-cxistcnce of the matter signi-
fied by that particular house. So the houses 12 (12th to 1), 7
{12th to 8) and 2 (12th to: 3) arc known as the maraka (death
dealing) houses.

The house 11 is badhaka (harmful to life) to those bora

in movable signs as (heir Asc; the 9th for those born in fixed
signs and the 7tb for those born in common signs.

The badhaka houses are more harmful than the maraka

houses. So for death consider first the badhaka house and then
ibe maraka house. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity.

3. There is danger to life during the joint period of the

signiheators of the badhaka and maraka houses

4. Suppose the joint rulers of the Asc. or 8ih or 12(h

cusp be the significators of the badhaka and maraka bouaea
and the native is born during the joint period of these joint
rulers, then (heir joint period is very critical for life.

ASC {Aries 10*21') : The Asc. is jointly ruled by Mars

(sign lord), Ketu (star lord), Saturn (sub lord) and Sun (sub sub lord).

They all are the significators of the badhaka and maraka


8th cusp [Scorpio 70*52'): It is jointly governed by Mara

(sign lord), Saturn (star lord). Sun (sub lord) and Ketu (sub

J, Infant Mortality

MaJc. Birth 6-1-1955 Thursday; 1-20 M.I.ST; 22,v0t 73fi 30r

Ayanamsa 23* S^,
Aries 10-27

Taurus 10-52 " • Visces 1-52 12

Moon 22-6 Mars 0-32

3 Gemini 5.52 Capricorn 27-52 11
Ketu 12-0

4 Cancer 0-52 i ■Capricorn 0-52 10

Uran. 2-58^
Jup. 3-2p

Mer. 29-13
Sun 22-S
Rabu 12-0
5 Cancer 27.32 Sagittarius 5-52 9
Piu. 3-24*

6 Virgo 152 ■ Scorpio 10-52 8

Ven 6-55

Ncp. 4-57 Sat. 25-41

Libra 10-27
PI Sn. fft. Su. PI, Hst. 5/. Su.
8 Sg. 9 V Sa, V Sc. 7 Sa. Me
M Tr. 2 M V Sa. Li. 7 i Me.
Ma. Pi. 11 J M R Sg. 9 K Me.
Me. s* 9 S Ma. K 3
Gm. R Sa*
Co. 4 J R

sub lord). These joint rulers are similar to those of the Asc.
So (hey also are the sigaificatora of the badbaka^aod maraha

Joint period : I. This child was born during the period of

Moon with balance of 0V' 3°', It was running the joint
period of Moon, Venus, Saturn and Moon; arid the joint period
of Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mars continued from 7-1-19S5
upto 12-1-1955. All these joint period rulers are the significators
of the badhaka and maraka bouses.

2, As the cuspal joint rulers of the Asc. and the 8tb cusp
are the significators of the badhaka and maraka bouses, the
child died instantanou&ly during the joint period of the badhaka
and maraka significators, in force at the time of birth, on

3. The, period ruler Moon is in its owe star in the maraka

bouse 2 and in the sub Venus owning the maraka houses 2
and 7. So it is the significator of the maraka house and conne-
cted with the maraka bouses. The star Moon is aspected by the
maraka Venus, The sub Venus is aspected by the maraka Jupiter
owning 12.

The sub period ruler Venus is in the star Saturn owning

the badhaka bouse 11 and occupying the maraka bouse 7, it is
in the sub Mercury owning 6. So it is the badhaka-maraka
significator and connected with 6. The star Saturn is aspected

by the owner of 8 Mars. The sub Mercury is aspected by the

badhaka owner Saturn.

The inter period ruler Saturn is in the star Jupiter the

maraka owner of 12 and it is in the sub Mercury owning 6, So

it is the mataka significator and connected with 6.


The sookshma period ruler Mars is in the star Jupiter and

in the sub Moon. As discussed above it is the maraka significator
and connected with (he maraka house 2. The star Jupiter is
aspecced by the budbaka owner Saturn. The sub Moon is aspected
.by the maraka owner Venus.

4. lafaot Mortality

1. 12th cusp (Gemini 27' 37'y, In this horoscope Cancer 26*

17' is on the Asc. The J2th house denotes salvation. It is jointly

ruled by Mercury (sign lord), Jupiter (star lord), Venus ($ub

lord) and Ruhu (sub sub lord). They all arc the significators of the
badhaka and maraka houses.

2. Joint period: This child was born during the joint

period of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Rabu, They all are similar
to the joint rulers of the 12th cusp. Hence (he child died
during their joint period immediately three days after birth on

* I On J 7-2-1973 Moon Leo 5* 57' was in the
sub Rahu (the sookshma period ruler). Jupiler Capricorn 5* 21'
was in the sub Mercury (the sub period ruler). Mercury Aqua-
rius 20* 12' was in the star Jupiter (the period ruler). Venus
Capricorn 21* 31' was in its own sub.

4, The period ruler Jupiter is in iho star Sua and in the

sub Saturn, The star Sun owns (he maraka house 2 and occu-

pies the maraka bouse 7. The sub Saturn owns the maraka house

7 and 8. So Jupiter is the significator of the maraka houses and

connected with the maraka houses. The star Sun is in coajanc*

tion with the owner of 12 (Mercury) and ft is aspocted by the

owner of 8(Saturn),

4, Infant Mortality

Male. Birth 14-2-1973 Wednesday; 6-5 P.M.LS.T; 23*2,

72* 35; Ayanamsa 23*23'

Cancer 26-17

Leo 22-37- Gemini 27.37 12

Kelu 21-31

Plu. 31.38a
Virgo 22-37- Taurus 27-37 11
Uran. 29-32a Sat. 20.1 S

Libra 24-37- - Aries 24-37 10

Nep. 13-54
Scorpio 27-37. ~ Pisces 22-37 9

Mars 8-12
Rahu 21-31
Sagittarius 27*37- Aquarius 22-37 8
Mcr. 15-5
Sun 2-18

Jup. 4-41
Vcn. 18*48

Capricorn 26*17

PI. Sn. St. Su. PI. Sn. Hs. St. Su.

S Aq. 7 Ma. K V Cp- 6 M Mo.
M Gm. 11 J Mc. Sa. Tr. 10 M K
Ma. Sg. 5 K J R Sg. 5 V J
Mo. Aq. 7 R K K Qm. 11 J i
J Cp. 6 S Sa.

The sub period ruler Mercury is io the star Raho and in

the sub Kctu. The Rahu being in the star Venus the badhaka
owner denotes the results of the badhaka house. The sub Ketu
occupies the badhaka house 11. So Mercury is the badhaka
The inter period ruler Venus is io the star Moon

and in the sub Mercury. The star Moon occupies (he badhaka
house 11-. The sub Mercury owns the maraka house 12, occupies
the maraka house 7. The star Moon is in ooajunction with

Kctu and aspcctcd by the malefic Mars. The sub Mercury is

m conjunction with the owner of the maraka house 2 (Sun)
and aspected by the owner of 7, 8(Saturn), So Venus is the
badhaka significalor and connected with the maraka houses.

The sookshma period ruler Rahu is in (he star Venus own*

iog the badhaka house 11 and in the sub Jupiter owning 6. Venus
is in conjunction with Jupiter. So Rahu is the badhalta signl-

ficator and connected with 6 and the badhaka house.

5. Lost Mother in Infancy

In this horoscope Libra 29* 22' is on the Asc, The native

is born during the period of Jupiter with balance of IS1'- 6*- O0-,
At the time of birth he was running the joint period of Jupiter

and Saturn. We may now examine their effects on the longevity

of (he native's mother.
4th cusp (Aquarius 7* Jl') : It becomes the Asc. for the

native's mother. As counted frozn the 4th cusp the period ruler

Jupiter becomes the owner of (be mothers maraka houses 12

and 2. it is retrograde. It is in the star Sun and in the sub Rahu.

The star lord Sun is the owner of 7 and occupies 12 of the

mother The sub lord Rahu is in the 1st of the mother.

The star lord Sun is in conjuocnon with Saturn owning 1

and Mercury owning 6 and 8 of the mother. So it becomes

malefic and M'licted.


3. Lost Mother in Infancy

Male. Birth 29-1-1933 Sunday; 1-53 A. M. L S. T.;

-IS'' 55, 72 54; Ayanamsa 22*49'.

Libra 29-22

2 Scorpio 28'11 Libra 3-11 12

Ven. 25-13
3 Sagittarius 29-11 ■ Virgo 3.11 11
Mer. 8'4l
Sat. 14-29
Sun 15-41

Jup, 29-46 *
Mars 27-5*
Z^ep. 16-47 *
Kctu 16-37
4 Aquarius Ml — —— Ml 10
Rafru 16.37
Moon 22-5
5 Pisces B-U" — Gemini 29-11 9
Uran, 27-2 PIu. 29-8

6 Aries 3.11- 28-11 8

Aries 29-22

PL Sn. Hs, St, Su, PL Su, Hs, Sr. Su,

S Cp. 3 M Sa, V 2 V Me.
M Aq. 4 J Sa. Sa. Cp. 3 M 1
Ma* Lc. 10 S S R Aq. 4 R V
Me. Cp. 3 S V K Lc. 10 V M
Lo. 10 S R

The sub lord Rahu is aspccted by the retrograde malefic

Mars and the owner of the mother's maraka houses 12 and 2.

(Jupiter), So it becomes malefic and affliced.

Hence the period ruler Jupiter is the strong,significator of the

mother's moraka bouses 7 and 12 and connected with the Asc.

of the mother. It becomes more malefic because its star lord and
sub lord both are malefic and afflicted. So its period will prove

fatal to the life of the native's mother.

Mother's 8th aisp {Virgo 3' 11'): The sub period ruler

Saturn is the sub lord of the mother's Sth cusp. It is in the

star Moon and in the sub Jupiter. Saturn owns 1 and it is in

conjunction with Sun owning the maraka bouse 7 and Mercury-

owning 6 and 8 in the 12th of the mother.

The star lord Moon is in conjunction with Rahu the

malefic in the 1st of the mother. It is aspected by the malefic

Mars and the owner of (be mother's maraka bouses 12 and 2

Jupiter (the sub lord of Saturn). Thus both Moon and Jupiter
are malefic in effect to the mother.
Hence the cuspal sub lord of 8 becomes afflicted and malefic

for the mother. Saturn denotes lingering sickness. It is connected

with 6, 8, 12 and also the maraka houses 2 and 7 of the

mother. So after the birth of the native his mother will suffer

from lingering disease.

Mother's Asc. (Aquarius I' 11'): The sub lord of the mother's. i

Asc. is Mercury. It is in the star Sun and in the sub Venus.

As counted from the 4th cusp (mother's Asc.) Mercury owns 6,

8 and occupies 12.

The star lord Sun owns the maraka house 7 and occupies

Ihe maraka bouse 12. It is in conjunction with Saturn owning:

I and Mercury owning 6 and 8.


The sub lord Venus owns the badhaka house 9. It is

aapee red by the owner of 2 and 12 Jupiter^.

As both the star lord and the sub lord become malefic and
afflicted, the sub lord of the mother's A sc. becomes more malefic
and afflicted. It is also the significator of the maraka houses
7, 12 and connected with the badhaka house, aUo the maraka
houses of the mother.
Joint period After the sub period of Saturn, the sub period
of Mercury starts from 9-4-1935 and continues apto 15-7-1937,
So the joint period of Jupiter and Mercury- will prove fatal to
the life of the native's mother.
In fact during the joint period of Jupiter (the maraka signt-
ficalor), Mercury (the badhaka-raaraka sigmficator, also the sab
lord of the mother's Asc.) and Venus (the badhaka sigmficator,
also the sub lord of the badhaka cusp 9th of the mother) the
native's mother died on 27-10-1935.

Venus the inter period ruler is in its own star owning the
badhaka house 9 and in the sub Mercury owning 6 and S of

the mother.
The native lost his mother in infancy when he was only

2 years of age.

Transits : On 27-10-1935, Sun Libra 10 was in the sub

Jupiter the period ruler. Venus Leo 25' was in its own star

the inter period ruler. Mercury Virgo 24* was in the star Mars

the strong maraka significator. Moon in Libra was in the

[ sign owned by Venus.


6 Air Crash

Male. Birth 19-2-1899 Sunday; 3-12 A.M.L.M.T; 21 *

72 II' Ayanamsa 22 21 .

Sagftiorius 13-41

Yen. 21-39 13-30

Sat. 29-55
Capricorn 16-41- Scorpio 19-41 12
Uran. 15.29

Mer. 1-39
Sun 1-45
3 Aquarius 22-41- —Libra 24-41 U
Jup. 17-49

4 Pisces 25-41 — yirgo 25-41 1Q

5 Aries 24-41 — —Leo 22-41 9

6 Taurus 19-41 — — Cancer 16-41 8

Plu, 21-20
Moon 25-15
Nep 29-39/,

Kctu 13-30 Mora 27*3%

Gemini 13'41

/V .V/f. Mf. St. Aw. /V Sn, /Is. 5L Su,

S Aq, 2 w R V Se, 1 V 1

M Tr. 6 MA. R Sn. Sc. 12 Me. S*.

Mil/, Oni, 7 .) V R Sg. 12-1 V V

Mb, Aq. 2 Ma. Me. K Om. 6-7 R Mi

J LI. 10 It S

Hints: . Consider the houses 8 and 12 for accidents. Mars,

Saturn, Rahu and Ketu cause accidents. The houses 1 (health),

L5 (absence of sickaess bsing I2t!i to 6) and II (absence of
inospitalisation being 12(h to 12) denote safety from any danger.
2. if the sub lord of the Asc., 8th or I2ih cusp; or if the

joint rulers of the Asc., 8lh or 12lh cusp be the significalors

[in the star of the occupant or owner) of 8 or 12 the native
is likely to meet with an accident.

Aries, Gemini, Libra^ Sagittarius and Capricorn are

;onducive to accidents.

3. Jf the sub lord of the Asc., 8th or 12th cusp be the

iignificator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 8, 12 or

jadhaka house and connected with malcGcs, cardinal or violent

tigns viz., Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn

he native meets with a iudden unnatural death.

4. Accidents and unnatural deaths are caused during the

oint period of the signiBcators of 8 and 12 or of the cuspal

oinl rulers of 8 and 12.

5. If (he sub lord of the 8th or 12ih cusp be the signiBcalor

in (he star of the occupant or owner) of 1, S or 11 the

l&live surpasses the danger, during the joint period of the

ignificators of 1, 5 and 11,

Slh cusp {Cancer 16° 41'); In (his horoscope SagiUarius

i* 41f )'4 on the A%c, 1( is conducive to accidents.

The sub lord of the 8(h cuip is Mercury It In the star

4ara and in the sub Mercury. The star lord Mars owns the

narnka house 12 and occupies the badhnkn house 7; It is in

Sornini (conducive to accidents) in ■suucialion with Kcfu; it it

etrogrnde; it iispccli (he Asc. (native). The sub lord Mercury

iwnt (ho badhnkn house 7 and occupies the ratrukn houie


2. Thus the cuspal sub Jord of 8 is the slgnificator of 12, thft-

badhaka-maraka houses and connected with them, also malefics.

The star Mars and the sub Mercury both occupy air signs.
Hence an unnatural death by an air accident.

SigniJicators o/ S and /-.*

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant^ owner's
star star

S None None None M

12 None Sa. M, Me. Ma.

S. J. K R

Thus Moon, Saturn, l!iun? Jupiter, Ketu and Mercury ate

the sii-niikators.

TNc >in cusp is joimy ruled by Moon. Mercury and

Mtrciin. Tihey are tic stgnificilors of S and 12, Hence Ibey should

be cc-nsidered
: The name was born during the period of Mar*?

t»7:c baiaccg of 5r- ll-"1- ZsD'. Irs this horoscope the sub lord op

li-e Asc. Ve-us :> the strong sigaifkator of 1 and il denotes •: i

kag life. So the jo in: period of significators (of S and 12) which

staris attii the age of 6b shoidd he tahen inio acoCjunt, Hen.ce

tic jo;:;: rcricd of Mercury and Moon which commeoces fro ta

3 "-3-1965 should bo watched carefully.

At tha lime of war the natives air-plane was crashco^i

by the eociDy's plane on 19-9-1965 during the joint period ol;^

Mercury. Moon, Jupiter and Ketu; and his body was torn to pieces.

The accident proved fatal, because the sub lords of these

joint period rulers are connected with the badhaka-maraka houses.

Marory and Ketu are in the sub Mercury the badhaka owners

Jupiter's sub is in conjunction with Mercury. Moon's sub Rahu

is in the 12th and aspected by Mars owning 12.

Transits: Oa 19-9-1965 Sun Virgo 2° 40r was in the sub
- Jupiler (the inter period ruler]. Moon Gemini 14* was in the sub
Mercury (the period ruler). Mercury Leo 26* was in the sub

Kctti (the sooksbma period ruler). Jupiter Gemini 6* 35' was in

the sub Moon (the sub period ruler).

7. Burning

ASC (Gemini 7" 53'): The sub lord of the Asc. is Rahu.
It is in the star Moon and in the sub Meicury. Rahu in
Taurus becomes the owoer of 12 and 5 as the representative of

Venus, so it denotes a middle life in the first instance. But

Rahu is in 12 and aspected by Mars ovraing 6. so it becomes
aiflicted. The star lord Moon owns the maraka bouse 2 and

it is aspected by the owner of the badhaka house 7 tJupiter),

the owoer of the Sth (Saturn) and the owner of the maxaka-
salvation house 12 (Venus), so it is also aiflicted and hoxnps

malefic. The sub lord Mercury owns the Asc. but it is in

association with Ketu and Mars owning 6 and it is also the

significator of the badhaka house (in the star Jupiter), so it

becomes malefic. Hence the sub lord of the Asc. becomes both
badhaka and maraka, so it denotes a short life.

The Asc. sub lord (Rahu), its star (Moon) and its sub
(Mercury) are in the violent signs e.g. Taurus, Aries and

Scorpio respectively. The Asc. sub lord is connected with malefics

(Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). It is connected with 8, 12 and

the badhaka house. So the native will meet with an unnatural


The affliction is In the martial signs (Aries and Scorpio)

with Mars and Ketu (aocidenl by fire). So there is danger

from fire.

7. tfi.r'NrtC
Jcmalc. {linli I'fitlny: 7-0 r.M. I.S.T: 22 42r
A^anamsi 2.'*Or.
(iVmiVii 7o3

Uran, 27'1
Rahu 18-30
2 Gmrr 1-30 Taurus 5-30 12
I'lu. 20-14

Sat. 15-3^ Moon 20-12

3 Cancer 27-30 0-30 11

4 Leo 26-30 Aquarius 26*30 10
Ncp. 17-26

5 Libra 0-30, Capricorn 27-30 9

Jup, 22-27
Vcn. 24-12

Mcr. 0-24
6 Scorpio 5-30 ■Capricorn 1-30 S
Kelu 18-30
Sun 20-50
Mars 28-50

Sagittarius 7-53
Pi. Sn. Bs. St Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Stt*
S Sc. 6 Me. V V Li. 5 J Me.
M Ar. 11 V J Sa. Cn. 2 Sa. J
Ma- Sc. 6 Me. Sa. R Tr. 12 M Me,
Me. Sc. 5 J M K Sc. 6 Me: Met
J Li. 5 J Sa.

Slh atsp [CaprJccm I* The sub lord of ibc 81U cusp

ii Jupiter. It is in its own star and in tbo sub Saturn. The
star lord Jupiter owns the badhuka house 7, it is in conjunction
With the owner of 12 and aspected by the owner of 2. so it
becomes aflHctcd and malelic. The sub lord Saturn owns 8 and
occupies 2\ both Jupiter and Saturn are in cardinal signs. Tbus
the cuspal bub lord of 8 is the significntor of the badhaka Louse and
connected with 8 and 12, also the malefic and cardinal signs.
So it denotes an unnatural death.
72//i cusp {Taurus 5*30*) ; The sub lord of the 12th cusp
is Mercury. It is in the star Jupiter and in the sub Moon.
They all are discussed above. Hence the unnatural death from
Joint period : The native was born during the period of
r /
Venus with balance of 9 - 8^- 12 \ Thereafter the native is to
run the periods of Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu etc, respectively.
As the unnatural death from fire and also the short life are-
Indicated, it is possible that an event may occur during the
period of Mars (18-8-1972 to 18-8-1979). Mars is in the star
Mercury and in the sub Saturn owning 8 and occupying
2. They all are discussed above.
So Mars signifies the accident by fire and unnatural death.

Daring the joint period of Mars, Mars, Jupiter (the cuspal sub
lord of 8) and Rahu (the sub lord of the Asc.) while taking
down the hot water pot, the native^ garment caught the flame-
of the stove and her whole body was burnt on 6-10-1972 in
Ibe morning and she died at 8-0 P.M. I.S.T. on the same day.

Transits : On 6-10-1972 Moon Virgo 1T 44' was in the

sub Mara (the period acd sub period ruler). Jupiter Sagittarius
7 47' was 'n its own sub (the inter period ruler). Rahu

Sagittarius 28*27' was in the sub Mars. Mars Virgo lO11 13r

was in the star Moon the maraka-badhaka slgnificator.


8» Drowning

Male, Binh 17-12-1953 Thursday; 10-30 P M. J.SX; 23^2,

72^35; Ayanamsa 23 6'.


Leo 3«50

Plu. 149

2 f'lrgo 0^4- Cancer 4'54 12

Kem 2«25

Uran, 29-0r
3 Libra 0-54 Gemini 3-54 11
Nttp 230
Murs 5.14
Sat, 13.11
Jup. 27*46^
4 Scorpio 2-54- .Taurus 254 10
Mcr. 17-5
Ven. 2159

Sun 2-23 Moon 25-52

Sagittarius 3-54- -Aries 0-54 9

Rahu 2-25
Caprieom 4.54- ■ Pisces 0>54 8
Aquarius 3-50

TL Sm ffs. St. Su. Pi. Srt, Hs, St. Su-

S Sg. 4.5 K V V Sc. 4 Mo. s
M Ar. 9 V Mc, Sfl. Li. 3 R Me.
Ma, Li. 3 Ma. S R Cp. 56 S J
Me. Sc. 4 Mc. Mc. K Cn. 11-12 J R
h Tr. 10 Ma. J

ASC (Leo J* .^0'); The suh lord of the Asc. is Moon. Il is

in che J-tar Venus and In ihc sub Mercury. Moon owns 12, it
is aspected by the owner of the badhaka bouse 9 (Mars) and the
owner of the roaiaka house 7 (Saturn), so it becomes afflicted
and malefic. The star lord Venus and the sub lord Mercury owning

the maraka house 2 are in conjuoclion; they both are aspected

by ihc owner of 8 (Jupiter^), so they become malefic. Thus the
Asc. sub lord becomes both badhaka and maraka; and denotes
a short life
The Asc sub lord (Moon), its star (Venus) and its sub
(Mercury) are in the violent signs e.g. Aries and Scorpio respect-
ively. The Asc. sub lord is connected with malefics e.g. Mars
and Saturn,' also with 8, 12 and the badhaka house. So the
native will meet with a sudden unnatural death.
Water signs are on the cusps of the 4th (end of life), 8th
(death) and 12th (calamity-salvation). Moon owning 12 is asp-
ected by Mars owning 4. The star Venus and the sub Mercury

.arc in Scorpio; they arc aspected by Jupiter owning 8. Thus the

Asc. sub lord, its star lord and sub lord arc connected with
water signs and the owners of these water signs. So Tbey
denote danger by water.
Stlt cusp [Pisces 0* 54r): The sub lord of the 8th cusp is

Mars. It is- in its own star and in the sub Sun. The star lord
Mars owns the badhaka bouse 9, it is in conjunction with the
the owner of the maraka house 7 (Saturn) and aspected by tbo

owner of 12 (Moon), so it becomes afflicted and malefic. The sub

lord Sun owns the Asc. but aspected by Saturn, so it also becomes

-malefic. Thus:.the cuspal sub lord of 8 becomes both badhaka

and maraka, it is connected with malefics e.g. Mars and Saturn.

The cuspal sub lord, its star Mars and its sub Sun are in the

■signs denoting accidents e.g. Libra and Sagitiarius. So an

■nonatural death is indicated due to an accident.

12th cusp {Cancer 4* 54': The sub lord of the 12lh cusp-
is Saturn. It is in The star Kahu and in the sud Mercury. Saturn
owns the maraka hou^c 7, it is in corijunction with the owner
of the badhaka house 9 (Mars), and aspected by the owner of
12 (Moon), so it becomes adlicted and malefic. The star
lord Rahu is aspected by Mars and Jupiter, so it is conn-
ected with the badhaka house 9 and 8; and it becomes
malefic. The sub lord Mercury owns the maraka house 2 and asp-
ected by the owner of 8 (Jupiter), so it becomes malefic. Thus
the cuspal sub lord of 12 becomes both badhaka and maraka, it is
connected with malelics e.g. Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The cuspal
sub lord, its star and sub are in the signs denoting accidents
e.g. Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio respectively. So an unnatural
death is indicated due to an accident.

Joint Period ; The native was born during the period of

Venus with balance of lK' 2*- I20-, Thereafter the native is
to run the periods of Sun, Moon and Mars etc. respectively.
Out of them Man is the planet of accident, the strong signi-
ficator of the badhaka house and the cuspal sub lord of 8. So
during (he joint period of Marc, Saturn and Saturn (the cuspal
sub lord of 12) on 2-8-1973 the native went on a picnic with
hit fellow citudentt on the river bank. All these students advised

him not to bathe into the river, because (he place was not
safe for bathing. The native did not pay heed ro their advice,
and jumped into (he river and he was drowned.

Trauff*'. On 2-8-1973 Sun Cancer 16* iv«s in ife'e

^alurn (the sub and joicr period ruler), Saturn Gemini 6* 37'

was in the star Mars (the period ruler), Moon in Virgo woe
in the sub Saturn.

9. Gallows
Male. Birth 5-1-1928 Thursday; 5-12 P.M.L.M.T.; 27 33-

68 ^15; Ayaoamsa 22045'.

Gemini 2025

Plu. 21*25R

Moon 28.15
Rahu 24.40
2 Cancer 13.15- -Taurus 18*15
y 12

Ncp, 6-7/?
3 Leo 915- -Aries 14-15 11

4 Virgo 9-15- -Pisces 9-15 10

Urao. 7-3
Jup. 4-24

5 Libra 14.15- 'Aquarius 9-15 9

Yen. 91
6 Scorpio 18-15' ■Capricorn 13-15 8
Sat. 21-15
Ketu 24-40
Mara 27-20

Mcr. 19-2 Sun. 21-10

Sagfitarfui 20-25

n Sn* 5/. Su. Pi 5i. Hm. Sr. Su.

8 8f. 7 V J V Sc. 5 9a V

M Tr. 12 Ma. Sa Sa. Sc. 6 Me. V

Ma. 8c. 6 Me. J R Tr. 12 Ma. R

Me. 6-7 V R K 9c, 6 Me. R

J PI. 9 Sa. Sa.

Uanatoral Death :

ASC (Gemini 20' 25') : The sub lord of (he Asc. is Jupiter.
It is in (be star and sub Saturn. Jupiter is the owner of the
badhaka house 7. Saturn owns 8. it is in association with Mats
•wning 6. Keiu and Venus owning 12; it is as pec ted by the
badhaka house owner (Jopi(er) and Moon the owner of (be
maraka house 2; it »» jo the violent sign Scorpio. Tbns the
Asc. tub lord is connected with the badhaka-nvaraka bouso.
tnalefscj (Man, satura, Kcto; and the vaolatt sign; to it
an Lnnatura; death. Bui Jupiccr owns the angles and
n-sr ^ i ^ 12; >■: «ti o-wr» tign m the 9tii, rt »s not
iipcc tl by iby " i-cic, 'oe irfe <33 to 6$ yenrt),


If '-ve tih- io-rd vf fbc IZ!a c.a»sp <j»J be tbe

r« t-tsf ■/ ?s»5 osc-npast or owner) of 3 (away

f? vii i ■' at'sfiuttf vr 12 frestr adiivfliS) and coMecMd

»•/*■?. .TJvsJr^is, '/re vit to v/y/t jav tiur/fig the //>nt period of
: ^ v< 3, ® rad i2,
72/4 tmp 7 snjt/ai JtT tj'j, Tbe sob lord of the 12ti> coap m

lAvust). J' it ju lut tur Venus sod in fbe tub &s$w, Mnivvfy
'ywot «he At/,, and n on (w« 7ia if is in corijtfoeUOa

wrfh fh? oworr of 3 <$vo}, The star lord Venus owm 12, it if
in Miouuhti wirti $aiurfl owning S, Kxtu and Man. The tub

lord Rsbu n in 12 and atpntfed by Mart, Saturn and Venm

owning 12. Thui the cutpal tub Joed of 12 » cbg atgoiflentar
of 12 aod connected with 3, S and 12; alto with maleflri. So tbe
native shall have to court jail,

Crtainal P/esieedlnge:

fflnss / If the tub lord of the 10th cuip (tUtui) be the tigQificator

(in the ttar of the occupant or owner) of 7 (court y*fnrfttfipgf)y


g (iAfantf) Qi (crimes) and connected with mikr&3 the native
will be involved in court 'ptoceedragi ittafbg to crimes, witl be
distcpuled and will be inflicted with ponishmcat, during the
joint period of the significatots of 7. B and 12,

JOth cusp (Pisces 9*15'): The sob lord of the lOth eosp
is Veoos. It is in (be Mar Satara aad m its ow» sob. The
star lord Saturn owns B, if is in orzastion wisb Mary
(crimes), Keto and the owner of 12. The ah lord Vcaati

12: it a in aisociatiofl with Mara, Satarw and Tire tus

Sat at n and 'he <ob Vencs both are asfccced bv rhe e^ae? of 7

(Jupiter), rni* the cwspat lob Iced cf JO fs rbe of

% asd with 12., 7; niso with maieha (ifarr. Stfisx,

Keto) So the native wfirt be woefved m srf^wat

he vift be d^arrpoud aad he wrfi aeer wra pcsafcuexe,

MMhN QnaBfhr

Zfw/J ; The lord of the Arc-, bl^?. axd Jdes^-y

dewafe iwenttl qwatitiev, ff fhey be >«> rae v*j w, vf
artlgiw eonnedad wdb ^ f or 12 tfer?
crlwiOMive, d«f*>mj<c. rnalciowi, rcvewgrfi.*, rrtrifkae, sorwr-d,

dbftjc and totftptioi frnnt.

A8C {Oemthi 20* 35'/; The sob lord of roc Aac, t« Jupiter*
It it in (be KMetiectual bouse 9 »« Pastes (corresponds to 12-
infri|«esr crimes). It it in the star and sob Saturn owoir.y g
and occupying 6. Saturn » in aMiociaiscin wuh Mart owning 6,
Kelu in 6 and it aspects Rahu to 12,

Moon (Taurus 2(5* IS'). Jt it in the star Mars god in

the sub Saturn,

Mercury (Sagittariut 19* 2'). It it io the itar Vcnui own*

iog 12 in Scorpio and in the tub Rahu in 12.


Mareover, Sal urn the diplomat and Mars the aggressor are
in Scorpio. Hence designing and tricky.

Political Career:

Hints : Saiuro denotes diplomacy; Sun government, power,

position, name and fame; Jupiter dignity and wisdom; Mars
coercion, controlling power and dominance; Rahu politics and

Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius; cardinal signs;

angular houses; bouses 9, 10 and 11 are to be considered in

cases of politics and public life.

Asc. denotes inclination; 10th cusp ambitions; 11th ensp

realisa tion af ambitions and aspirations, success in general. So
if the sub lord of the Asc., 10th cusp and lith cusp be the
strong significator of 9, 10 and 11 the native plunges into
the public life or he shines out as a statesman or politician.
It may be remembered that a planet owning both the Trikona
and Kcndra gives prosperity in general.

ASC [Gemini 20' 25f)\ The sub lord of the A sc. is Jupiter.

It is in (he star and sub Saturn. Jupiter owns 10 and occupies

9 in Pisces. Saturn owns 9 and occupies 6 in Scorpio. So the

native was inclined to politics.

10th cusp {Pisces 9° 15'): The sub lord of the 10th cusp
is Venus. It is in the star Saturn and in its own sub. The
star lord Saturn owns 9, in conjunction with Mars .owning 11,

aspected by Jupiter owning 10 and it aspects Rahu; it is in

the subtle and crafty sign Scorpio. The sub lord Venus is also

in aspect tP Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Jupiter. The cuspal sub lord

of 10 is the strong significator of 9, 10 and 11; also connected

with 9, 10 and 11. So the native was a very shrewd diplomat

and a politician. He oxcercised supreme powers.


Sun and Mercury arc in Sagittarius, the farsigtitcd.

llih cusp {Aries 14* 15') ; The sub lord of the 11th cusp

js Venus So be cherished his ambitions by capturing supreme



Joint period : The native was born during the period of

Mars with balance of 4V- \D\ The houses 6, 8 and 12 are
for mishaps. So calamities befall the native during the joint
period of the significators of 6. 8 and 12.

In this horoscope the occupants of 6 Mars, Saturn and

Ketu are the strong significators of 7 (badhaka, court proceedings)
and 3 (leaving home) and connected with 12 (crimes, misfortune,
detention, life in solitude), 7 and 3. The occupants of 12 Rahu
and Moon are the strong significators of 12, 6 and connected
with 7 and 8 (misfortune, calamity).

The 8th cusp (Capricorn 13' 15'; is jointly ruled by Saturn

(sign lord), Moon (star lord) and Rabu (sub lord}. These joint
rulers arc the significators of mishaps as discussed above. So their

joint period may be observed, because the 8tb cusp denotes

misfortune, privations, blame, ill-repute, disappointment etc.

During the joint period of Saturn, Moon and Rahu (29-7-

1977 to 25-10-1977) criminal proceedings were started against the

native, he was kept under detention in (he prison and on 11-

10-1977 ho was charged with conspiracy to murder one of his

.political enemies.

During the joint period of Saturn, Moon and Satu'n (11-

1-1978 to 11-4-1978) the trial High Court found him guilty

and on 18-3-1978 he was condemned to be hanged for political


DMr;r)jt (ho K»jni period of Sjfurn, Maf^ and Jupiter (tho

!t5!b tord of the on ff-3 I'J7'' the .Siipreui'. Court upheld
the icntcncc p.i^cd by the High Court and Bg.un on 2'1-3-1979
j| ci>nhrrncd it*, own verdict,

I he iriicr period ruler Jupiter in In the ikiar and «ub Safufn.

Jupiter rcprc.cnt. Ibe j'tdgc. it dcn-Mc*; uo-iri prp^'l'Ogn tho
owner oI 7; hence ihc judicial ncnfencc /he, '.(ar and •iif Saturn
Indtca'cn ^ufffication, «i% it H m the li/ed 'itgn ■.trangling of
hanging or urfcjca'ton r. indicated; ;tj ic own'i 8 the n itivc waii
ftcnfcrt'.'-d Jo d'vuh bv toiojjinji.

He ' v.aexecuted on 4~4-lrs7'J at 2-30 A M.I.S.T.

Trajnl!: : On 4-4-1^79 Sun Piucy 20* wai in the sign owned

by Jupiter dhe inter period tulci,!. M.if> Cancrr S* 40' was in
the 5'ar Sarurn Ohe peri >'J ruler), Jupiter Pisces 4° 9' was in
the star Saturn.

10. Murder

/j5C [Scorpio 4* Si'a The 5ub lord of the Asc. is Saturn.

It is a rrtafeik, it is retrograde, it owns 3 and i (other than 14 5t
9 or 10 and 6, 8 or 12). H Is in the star and sub Venus;

Venus owns the maraka houses 7 and 12. Venus is in mutual

aspect to Saturn. So it denotes a mtddle life (33 to 66 years),

S//i cusp (Oe/ui/ii 4" 21'): The sub lord of the Sth cusp

is Venus. It is in the star Mars and in the sub Moon. Venus

is discussed above. The star lord Mars is retrograde, it owns 1,
6 and occupies 12; it is in conjunction with Rahu and aspected
by Saturn. The sub lord Moon owns the badhaka house 9, it
is aspected by Mars. So this cuspal sub lord is the sigoificator
of the maraka house 12 (unnatural death) and connected with

the badhaka house. It is connected with malcfics and cardioaL*

signs (Mats, in Libra, Moon in Capricorn), Hence it denotes an.

<vn no t n ro I slaofl.

10. Murder
MaJe. Birth 17-3-1920 Wedoeadiy; 10-38 P. M. L, M. TJ
23^36, 89^53; Ayanwwa 22*39'.
Scorpio 4<SI

Rahu 25-4)
Mar* 16-25#
2 Sagfitartus 4-21 -mr* 10-21 12

3 Capricorn 6'21— •Virgo 11-21 II

Moon 29«52

Van. 6*11 Sat. 14-12#

4 Aquarius 9*21 • Leo 9-21
Uran. 10-26

Sun 4-8 Ncp. 16-23#

Mer. 9.2r Jup. 15-56#
5 Pftces 11-21 - Cancer 6-21 9

PIu. 12-59
6 Aries 10-21 QemM 4-2) 8
Ketu 25-41

Taurus 4-51

PI. Sn. Hs. 5f. Su. PI. Sn. Hs. St. Sir.
S Pi. 4 Sa. Sa. V Aq. 3 Ma. M
M Cp. 3 Ma. Sa. Sa.# Lc. 10 V V
Ma.# Li. 12 R V R U. 12 J Me,

Me.# Pi. 4-5 Sa. V K. Ar. 6 V Me.

i# Cn. 9 Sa. J

l2ih cusp {Libra lu* 21'): Tne sul? lord ihc I2th cusp tfl
Jjpircr. It is In the star Saturn and in its own sub. Jupiter ia
retrograde, it is In the badhaka house 9 and it owns (he maraka
boutc 2, it U in mutual aspect to ihc badhaka lord Moon. The
star lord Saturn is retrograde. It aspects the l2tKp also Mars and
Rahu in 12, it is in the violent sign Leo. The sub lord Jupiter
i> discussed above. So this cuspal sub lord is the sigoificator
of 12, it is connected with the badhaka-maraka houses. maJefics
and the violent sign. The I2tb house denotes murder and the
native might become the victim, because the star Saturn aspects
Mars (wounds) owning the Asc.

Hence during the joint period of the signifkators of 8 and

12 or of the cuspal sub lords of Sand 12 calamity may befall.

Joint Period: The native was born during the period of

Mars with balance of 3>r- fr1*- 2SD- Thereafter, fac is to run
the periods of Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn respectively.

As the horoscope denotes a middle life, the period of Sa-

turn (the sub lord of the Asc. and the maraka significator)
commences from 12-10-1957. In view of what is discussed above
during the joint period of Saturn, Jupiter (the sub lord of the
12th cusp) and Venus (the sub lord of the 8th cusp), the native
was shot dead by his enemy on 15-8-1975

Transits: On I5-S-1975 Sun Cancer 28' was in the aub

Saturn (the period ruler). Saturn Cancer 3° was in the star
Jupiter (the sub period ruler). Jupiter Aries 1* 17' was in tbo

sub Veous (the inter period ruler). Venus Leo 16* 37' was in

its own star.


II. Murder

Male. Birth 29-5-1917 Tuesday, 3-12 P.M.L.M.T^ 40^43, 74"^

Ayanamsa 22-36.

Virgo 27-5

2 Libra 24-24 ■ > Virgo 2-24 12

Moon 24-44
3 Scorpio 26-24 -Leo 3-24 1!
Rahu 19.53

Nop. 10.4
Sat. 4.33
A Capricorn 0-24' 'Cancer 0.24 10

Kctu 19.53
Plu. 10.38
Uran. 1*7* Gemini
5 Aquarius 3-24' "Taurus 26.24 9
Vcn. 24.9
Sun 15.15
Jup. 0.27

Met. 28.Op
Mara 25.50
45 Pisces 2-24 * Aries 24.24 S

Pisces 27.5
PI. Sa, Hs, St. Su. Pi Sn. Hs. St. s«.
s Tr. 8 M J V Tr, 8-9 Ma. R
M Lef 11 V Me. Sa. Co. 10 Sa. Sa.
Ma. AT. 8 V Me. R Sg. 3 V R
/? m* 8 s M K Gm. 9 R Mn.
J Tr. 8 s R

9th cusp {Aries 24* 24'): The sub lord of the 8lh cusp is
Mercury. It is in the star Sun and in the sub Moon. Mercury

owns 1 and 12, it is in conjunction with Mars owning 8 in $

and aspccled by Saturn, it is in the violent sign Aries. So it
becomes afflicted and malefic.

The star lord Sun is in association with the owner of (he-

badfaaka house 7 (Jupiter) in the violent sign Taurus, in 8, So
it becomes malefic.

The sub lord Moon is in the violent sign Leo.

Thus the cuspni sub lord of 8 is (be strong significator of 8 and*

connected with the badhaka house, I, 8, 12; malefics Mars and
Saturn; and violent signs. Hence it denotes asudden unnatural death.
As it is in conjunction with Mars, the native may be wounded.

/2jA cusp (Virgo 2* 24*): The sub lord of the 12th cusp is-
Jupiter, ft is in the star Sun and in the sub Rahu. Jupiter and
Sun as discussed above have become malefic. Rahu is in the-
violent sign Sagittarius and as the representative of Jupiter

also becomes malefic.

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 12 is the strong significator of

3 and connected with the malefic, the badhaxa house: also the

The vioieot sign. So it denotes a sodden unnatural death.

Jautt period : The native was born during the frfotl of

Venoa with balance of 2^' 10**' 24^-. fn c&cs of usual oral
and juddca dsarh ffcc jomt per cd of ihc cuspal tub lords of S
aad 12 df -hey le ;cc sign-.tcaiers of g and 12) may be observed,

la this -wtae rhe jcrat perecd of itrpirer (the csspal

^ ]c*i Satvrji irhe ci 8, borvg iipccted by

the vmusr asd frh« CK**. »b lerd of %

aar icv dead 22-3


Transits: On 22-11-1963 Sun Scorpio 6* 13',JupiterPitcet

16" 36' and Mercury Scorpio 16* ?' were in the star Saturn
jhc sub period ruler. Saturn Capricorn 24* 4' was in its own

Political Career :

ASC (V/rgo 27* 5') : The sub lord of the Asc. if Jupiter.

It is in the star Sun and in the sub Rabu. Hie star lord Sun
owns II, it is in association with the owner of 9 (Venus) and
Jupiter. The sub lord Rahu is in Sagittarius. Thus the Asc.
sub lord is connected with 9, II; Sagittarius; Sun, Jupiter and

Rahu. Hence Che native was inclined to public life and politics*

lOtA cusp [Cancer 0* 24') : The sub lord or the 10th cusp is

Moon. It is in the star Venus and in the sub Mercury. Moon

in II owns 10, it is in Leo, The star lord Venus owns 9, it is

in association with Sun owning 11 and Jupiter. The sub lord

Mercury owns 1, it is in conjunction with Man, it is aspected

by Saturn which is in the 10th. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 10 is

connected with 1, 9, 10, 11; Leo; Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Hence the native plunged into politics.

llik cuip (Leo i* 24'): The sub lord of the 11th cusp is
Sun. It is in the star Moon nod in the snb Jupiter. AH these
planets are discussed above. So the native was soccessful in

achieving the highest positioa of (he presiisat in U. S. A_ He

was the late John Kennedy.

12. Misfortune

Male. Birth 6-9-1923 Thursday; 2-52 A.M.LM.T. 44*52,.

20^32; Ayanamsa 22*41


Cancer 19-51

2 Leo 9-30- 'Gemini 19.30 12

Mars 1029 Moon 18.9
Vcn. 1830
Rahu 18.31
Sun 19.41

Virgo 4-30- Taurus 13.30 II

Mer. 16-29
Sat. 23-32

4 Libra 6-30- -Aries 6.30 10

Jup. 21-25

5 Scorpio 13.30- • Pisces 4,30

Kctu 18.31
6 Sagittarius 19.30—. •Aquarius 9.30 *

Capricorn 19-51

n Sn. ffs. St. 5t/, PI Sn, Hs. 57. Su*

s Le. 2 V R V Le. 2 V R
M Cm, 11.12 R M Sa. Vg. 3 Ma. R
Ma. Lt. 2 K Sa. R Lo. 2 V R
Me. Vg. 3 M Sa. K Aq. 8 R Mi
J Li. 4 J J

ASC (Cancer 19*51') :Tte sub Joid of the Asc, ts Venus. It is

ia (he star Vcnu» and in the sub Rahu. The star lord Venus owns
4 11 and occupies 2. The sub lord Rahu occupies 2. Both Venus

and Rahu are in conjunction with the owner of 2 Sun and the
owner of S and 10 Mars. Thus the sub lord of the Asc, is
the significator of 4 (ancestral property), II (gain, prosperity), 2
(wealth), 5-10 (prosperity) and connected with these houses, Sun
(royal paraphernalia) and Leo (regal sign). Hence the native^

princely status from birth.

J2th cusp {Gemini 19* 30') : The 12tb house denotes mis-

fortune, calamities, insults, exile and unexpected troubles. The

■ob lord of (he 12th cusp Is Mars. It is in the star Ketu and

in the sub Saturn, The star Ketu occupies 8 and is uspected

by Mars. The sub Saturn owns 8 and is in conjunction with

the owner of 12 (Mercury). So the cuspal sub lord of 12 is the

strong signiBcator of 8 (misforlunc) and connected with 8, 12 and

malefics Mars, Ketu and Saturn. Hence the sudden calamity

and misfortune.
Joint period: The native was born during the period of

Rahu with balance of 2Y' 5iira 29°', The owners of 6, 8 and 12

denote mlafortune, so the joint period of the planeUt in their

stars brings calamities and misfortune. In this horoscope there are

no planeis in the stars of Saturn owning 8 and Mercury owning

12. Jupiter owning 6 is in its own star. Hence Saturn, Mercury and

Jupiter are the strong significators of 8| 12 and 6 respectively.

During the joint period of Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter

the calamity befell the cx-king Peter II of Ugoslavia. His royal

possessions were confiscated by the Communist authority and be

was divested of bis citizenship on 8~3~1947.

Transits : On 8-3-1947 Sun Aquarius 24° was in the star

Jupiter the inter period ruler. Saturn Cancer 9*33' was in ita

own srar the period tuler. Mercury Aquarius 24* 56' was in

the star Jupiter. Jupiter Scorpio 4* 29' was in the star Saturn.

13. Ampatation

J2tii cusp {Leo 13*42') t The sub lord of the 12th cusp is

Venus. It is in the star Saturn and in the sub Man. The star
lord Saturn aspects (he Sth and is aspected by Mars, it is in

Libra (conducive to accidents). The sub lord Mars owns 8 and

aspects the Asc. So the cuspal sub lord of 12 is the significator of

8 /accident] and connected with 1, 8, malefics Mars and Saturn

and cardinal sign. Hence the possibility of an accident.

3//i cusp (Aries 12*42'): The sub lord of the 8th cusp is

Mercury, It is in the star Sun and In the sub Venus. Mercury

owns the Asc. and aspects the 11th. It is in Capricorn (leg).

The star lord Sun owns 12, it is in association with Rahu

(mutilation) in Sagittarius (leg) and aspected by Saturn (braises)

owning 6, The sub lord Venus owns the maraka house 2 and

it is the strong significator of 8 as discussed above. So the

cuspal sub lord of 8 is the significator of 12 (hospitalisattoa,

mutilation) and connected with 6 (sickness); 2, 8 (danger); 1, II

(remedy); Rahu and Saturn; and signs govorumg the leg. Honoe

the native's leg is likely to be umputcd.

Joint fwrlodThe native was horn during the period of

V <W, 0
Venus wifli balance of 6 ''1 6 *. An acoidont is caused during

the period of the significator of 8 and 12, in the sub period of

the cuspal su,b lord of 12.

In ihix horoftcopo Moon and Mara are the strong nignlflcntors

of 12 and 8 respectively, beouuao there is no planet in their

stttra. The period of Moon proeedoH tlnil of Man. So during the

Joint period of Moon and Venus (the ouspal jub lord of 12)

(he native may meet with an accident.


S3. Amputation :

Male. Birth 12-I-195S Wednesday; 11-38 P.M-I.S.T; 18*55,

"72^54; Ayanamsa 23'•8,.


Virgo 12-54

Nep. 5-2 Moon 22*26

2 Libra 1242- ■Lro 1342 12
Sat. 26.11 Plu. 3 I3i

Ven, 12-29
3 Scorpio 1242- -Cancer 1242 II
Uran. 242^
Jup. MOi
Rahu 11.40
Sagittarius 1242 •Gemini 1242 10
Suq 28-37 Ketu 1140

Mcr. 9«51
5 Capricorn 1242 • Taurus 1242

6 Aquaritfs 1342 -Aries 1242 8

Mars 5*8

Pisces 12.54

Pi Sn. Hs. St. Su. PI. Sn, i/jt. St. Su,

s Sg. 4 S Ma. V Sc. 2-3 Sn, Ma.

M Le. 12 V Sa. Sa. Li. 2 J K.

Ma. PI. 6 Sft. Sa. R Sg. 34 K Me.

Me. Cp. 4 S V K Qm. 940 R Sa.

Co- 10 J R

In fact during ihe jofnt period of Moon, Venus and Mood>

on 3.-^-1975 the native was going on his bicycle and the bicycle

collided with a motor bus. He was severely injured and bis

right leg was cut off on 6-9-1975.

Transits : On 5-8-1975 Moon Gemini 19* was in its own.

sub. Venus Taurus IS* was in the star Moon (the period and.

inter period ruler).

On 6-9-1975 Moon Leo 28° was in its own sub. Sun Leo

20* was in the star Venus (the sub period ruler). Venus Leo 4*
was in (he sub Moon.


L Hints : If the sub lord of the 5th cusp (love affair) be

the signiheator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 2 or

11; or connected with 2 or 11 it denotes a love affair and if it

be connected with Rahu or Ketu the love affair with a person

belonging to a different caste, creed or province.

If the sub lord of the 7th cusp (marriage) be the slgnific-

ator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 5 or 11; or

connected with 5 or H it denotes marriage with the person or

Jove affair and if it be connected with Rahu or Ketu marriage

with the person belonging to a different caste, creed or province.

If Venus be connected with Rahu or Ketu it denotes-

marriagc with the person belonging to a different caste, creed-

or province.

If the sub lord of the 7th cusp be the significator (in the

star of (he occupant or owner) of 2, 7 or 11; or connected

with 2, 7 or 11 the native marries, during the joint period or

the signtficators of 2 (addition to the family), 7 (wife or hus-

band. legal tie) and 11 (permanent tie of friendship)


7/A cusp (Pisces 12° 54r) i Tbc sub lord of ihe Tlhcusp is-

Rahu, It is in the star Kclu and in the sub Mercury. Rafau

in Sagittarius as a representative of Jupiter owns 7. The sub-

lord Mercury is aspected by the owner of 7 Jupiter. Thus the

cuspa] sub lord of 7 is connected with 7t so it promises marriage.

Venus (owning 2) and the 7th cusp both are aspected by

Jupiter. Hence the marriage at the proper age.

As tbe 7tb cusp is connected with Rabu and Kctu, the

marriage may talce place with a person belonging to a different

caste, creed or province.

Tbe sub lord of (be 7lh cusp Rahn is aspected by the

owner of 5 (Saturn) and it is in association with the owner of

12 (Sun). Rahu's sub lord Mercury owns the Asc. and is on the

5lb cusp and in mutual aspect to tbe owner of 7 Jupiter. Thus

the cuspa! sub lord of 7 is connected with 1 (native), 5 (love

affair), 7 (matriage) and 12 (bospital.) So the native's episode of

marriage may be connected with love affair and hospital.

5/A cusp (Capricorn 12'42'): The sub lord of the 5lh cusp

is Rahu. So it is connected with I, 5, 7 and 12. Hence tbe

native will have a love affair in the hospital with a girl

belonging to a different caste, creed or province and he will

marry her,

11th cusp (Cancer 12042'): The sub lord of the llih cusp

is Mars. It is in tbe star and sub Saturn. Saturn owns 5 and

occupies 2, it aspects the owner of 7 (Jupiter) and the owner

of 12 (Sun), So the cuspal sub lord of 11 (permanent relation-

ship) is the significator of 2, 5 and connected with 2, 5, 7 and

12. Hence the native will surely marry tbe girl as discussed •

Joint period ; The native was born during the period of

Venus with balance of The period of Mur» (the

cunpal sub lord of 11) commenced from 18-5-1977 and (hero

was a love affair going on between (ho nutivo and a nurse

in the hospital during (ho joint period of Mars and Rabu

(15-10-1977 to 3 II 1978).

During the joint period of the nigtu flea tors of marriage

r./tf, Mars, Jupiter (the owner of 7} and Rahu (the cuspal sub

lord of 7), the native got married with the nurse on 7-10-1979.

Transits: On 7-10-1979 Moon Aries 8* 4' was in the sub

Jupiter (the sub period ruler). Mars Cancer 13* 39' was in (he

sub Rahu (the inter period ruler). Jupiter Leo 7* 59' was in

its own sub. Sun Virgo 19* 50' was in the star of Moon (he

significator of marriage.

2. hints : If the sub lord of (he 7(h cusp be (he significator

(in the star of (he occupant or owner) of 1, 6 or 10; or connected

with 1, 6 or 10, it docs not promise conjugal life, else it de-

notes absence of married life one way or the other. The sub lords

of the 11th and 2nd cusps may also be considered likewise. The

event in this respect occurs during the joint period of the

significators of I. 6 and 10,

7//i aisp {Pisces /2" 5/) : Rahu the cuspal sub lord of 7 is

associated with the owner of 12 (separation) Sun and aspected

by the owner of 6 (absence of married life) Saturn. Its star lord

Kctu is on the 10th cusp (absence of permanont relationship).

It is aspected by Sun and Mars owning 8. Its sub lord Mer-

cury owns I and 10. So the cuspal sub lord of 7 is the signt*

ficator of 10 and connected with I, 6, 10 and 12. Hence be-

wilderment in married life.


JIth cusp {Cancer 12* 42'): Mara the cuipat tub lord of

U owds 8 ana occupiei 6, ii aspects the Asc. Its star and

sub Saium owns 6, it ii aspccted by Mars and it aspects the owoor

of 12 (Sun). So the cuipal sub lord of 11 is tha significator of

6 and connected with lf 6 and 12. Hence bewilderment in

oiarried life.

Short Life :

ASC {Virgo I2m Si'): The sub lord of the Asc. is Rahu. It is

in the star Ketu and in the sub Mercury. Rafau is in association

with the owner of 12 (Sun) and aspeoted by the owner of 6

Saturn. So it becomes afflicted and malefic.

The star lord Ketu is aspccted by the owner of 12 (Sun)

and the owner of 8 Mara. So it becomes afflicted and malefic.

The sub lord Mercury owns the Asc, and it is aspccted

by the owner of the bndbaka house 7 (Jupiter).

Thus the Asc, sub lord is connected with the badhaka-

maraka houses^ 6, 8| 12 and 1. Hence the short life.

8th cusp {Aries 12* 42'): The sub lord of the 8th cusp is

Mercury. It is ia the star Sun and in the sub Venus. Mercury

owns the Asc. and it is aspccted by the owner of the badhaka

house 7 (Jupiter),

The star lord Sun owns 12, it is aspccted by the owner of

6 Saturn.

The sub lord Venus owns the maraka bouse 2 and it is

aspccted by the badhaka house owner (Jupiter).

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 8 is the sigoificator of 12 and

connected with the badbaka-maraka houses 7, 2; 6 and L

Hence the short life.


Srj ^7 v N\v-r:-- -C The sub lord of ihc 3rd cusp

yilzs i: stAr zzd sub Sjiam. Mats oa-os 8 and

ifpects ihe Aso.

The >iur and sub lord SjtLirn owas t> and co:upics .the

-araka haasc 3 It :s asprcifd bv the owner of S Mars. It 8S-

pccrs tbr owner of 12 iSnn* and tkc badhaka house owner (Jjpitcr).

Ti>us the .j^spal sub lord of ? is the Mgnificator of the maraka

house - «nd oonns^tcd with the biJhaka-maraka bouses 7, 12;

b, S and 1. Henec the short life.

PertMi: The native was born during the period of Venus

with bafance of 6r- 6D'. At present the native runs the

period of Mars owning S since 18-5-1977 and it contiuues up

to 18-5-1984. So it is not favourable for longevity.

14. Cancer

Hints : I. If the sub lord of the Asc. (health) be in the star

of the occupant of the house 1 or II, the health is normal.

2. If the sub lord of the Asc. be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of the house 6 (sickness) or 8 (danger

to life) or 12 (hospitalisation), it is not good for health.

The native may sulfcr from sickness or disease, during the

joint period of the significators of 1 and 6, also during the sub

periods of the significators of 1 and 6 or 1 and 8 or 1 and 12

in the period of the significator of 6.

3. (a) If the sub lord of the 6th cusp (disease) be Che

significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 6 or 8 or

12 and connected with I, the native may suffer from disease or

•otherwise, during the sub period of this cuspal sub lord of 6.

(b) If the sub lord of the 6th cusp be connected with

Saturn, disease becomes chronic; if with Mars disease is acute,

sudden and painful and causes operations; if with Mercury

jistfasc gcts complicated; and if with Rahu or Keta

tticatns undiagnoscd. Rahu is similar to Saturn and Kctu is

similar to Mars in effects.

(c) Similarly, if the sub lord of the 8ih or 12Ui cusp be

the significator of 6 or 8 or 12 and connected with 1, the native

suffers from serious sickness or chronic disease or the disease

which might bring some permanent defect.

4. If the sub lord of the 6th or Sib or 12th or 11th cusp

be the significator (in the star of the occnpant or owner)

of 1, 5 or 11 (1st health, 5th is 12th to 6 absence of disease,

11th is 12th to 12 absence of bed ridden sickness or hospital isation)

disease is cured or the native is saved from any danger or other-

wise, during the joint period of the sigoificators of I, 5 and U.

Discretion has to be used in selecting the sub lord of the

6tb or 8th or I2th cusp in judging disease, defect, deformity!

or bodily injury etc.

5. The parts of the body denoted by I

(a) the sign and house occupied by the cuspal sub lord of

6 or 8 or 12;

(b) the sign and house occupied by the star lord of the

above cuspal sub lord;

(c) the cuspal sub lord of 6 or 8 or 12;

<d) the star lord of this cuspal sub lord;

(e) the malefics connected with 6 or 8 or 12 are likely to

be affected by disease.

6th cusp (Scorpio 7* 5r): In this horoscope Gemini 9* 11'

-is on the Asc. The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Mercury. It is

in the star and sob Venus. Mercury owns 1 and occupies 11.

The star and the sub Venus owns 12 and occupies 11. So it

•is the significator of 12, II and connected with 12, 11 and I.


14. Cancer
Male. Birth ^-4—1911 Sunday; 10-58 A.M.LS.T; 23^21«

72^43; Ayaoamsa 22*31'.

Gemini 9-11

Nep. 26.17 i Plu. 3 26

2 Cancer 3.5- — Taurus 7-5


Ven. 27-11
Raiiu 18-43
Sat. 14-27
Mer. 13-46
3 Cancer 28-29 — Aries 2-5 11

Sun 25-44
Moon 3-38 Pisces
4 Leo 28-5 - —Aquarius 28-5 10?

5 Libra 2-5 - —Capricorn 28-29 &

Ketu 18-43 Mars 26-58
Jup. 19-49^

Uran. 6-34
6 Scorpio 7.5. - Capricorn 3-5 8

Sagittarius 9-11

PL Sn. Hs. St. Su. PL Hs. St. Su..

S Pi. 10 Me. R V Ar. 11 S S
M Lc. 3 K S Sa. Ar. 11 V V
Ma. Cp. 8-9 Ma, J R Ar, 11 V R
Mc. Ar. 11 V V K Li. 5 R Mi
)p U 5 R Ma.

Mercury and Venus both are in conjunction with the owner

of 8 Saturn and Rahu; they are aipected by the owner

of the badbaka house 7 (Jupiterg) and the owner of 6 Mars.

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 6 is connected with

the badhaka house; 11; Mercury (complication), Venus (wasting

disease), Saturn (chronic), Rahu (chronic and disease beyond

diagnosis), Jupiter (malignancy). Mars (suddenracute and painful^

So the native is likely to suffer from an incurable disease.

8th cusp (Capricorn 3° 5') The sub lord of the 8th cusp

is Saturn. It is in the star and sub Venus. So the positon will

be according as above. Hence the native may die of an incura-

ble disease. The afflictions are in the cardinal signs. So the parts

denoted by the oardioal signs may be affected by the disease.

ASC [Gentini 9* 11*): The sub lord of the Asc. is Jupiter.

It is in the star Rahu and in the sub Mars. Jupiter owns the

angle, it occupies the Sth, aspects the Asc. The star lord Rahu.
occupies 11. The sub lord Mars owns 6. So the sub lord of the

Asc. is the strong significator of 11 and connected with 6; 1,

S and II. Hence the native will maintain normal health in

general for long.

We may now view the sub lord of the Asc. in a different

manner. Jupiter is the owner of the badbaka house 7. It is

aspectcd by the owner of 8 Saturn and the owner of 12 Venus.

So it becomes malefic and afflicted. Its star lord Rahu is in

ponjunction with the owner of 8 Saturn and the owuer of 12

Veaus; and aspectcd by the owner of 6 Mars. So Rahu also-

becomes malefic and afflicted. Its sub lord Mars owns 6 and

aspected by the owner of 8 Saturn. So Mars also becomes ma-

lefic and afflicted. Hence the sub lord of the Asc. Jupiter be-


comes heavily afflicted and malefic in effect. It is connected

t^ith ih? badbaka and mataka houses; 6, S and 12 also*

Joint period: The native was born during the period of

Kctu with balance of 5'. 1^. 3°. This horoscope denotes

Jong life. So after 66 years of age we have to think about

the disease in particular.

The period of Jupiter commences from 12-5-1977. It Is

connected with 6, 8, 12 and the badhaka-rnaraka houses. So

its period is dangerous for life.

Wc have earlier observed that the cuspal sub lords of 5

and S are connected with the badhaka-niaraka houses; also 6,
8 and 12. Hence during the sub periods of these cuspal sub

lords the native may suffer from disease.

So during the joint period of Jupiter (the cuspal sub lord

of the Asc. and the badhaka house), Saturn and Saturn (the

cuspal sub lord of 8) in July 1979 it was detected that the native

was affected by cancer in oesophagus.

15. Cancer

(Taurus 24o0f): The sub lord of the Asc. Mars oczo-

pies II, it is in the star Mercury owing 5 and in the sub

Venus owing 1 and occupying II. Hence it denotes a long

life (more than 66 years).

St/j cusp (Sagittarius 18°31'): The 8th house and Mnn

denote operations and serious diseases. The sub lord of the 8tb

cusp is Rahu. It is in the star Saturn and in the sub Kictu.

Rahu is in association with Mars the owner of the tnaraka

houses 7 and 22. The star lord Saturn owns the badhaka boose

9 and occupies 12. The sublord Ketu is aspected by Mam

Thus this cuspal sub lord is the significator of the badhaka—


J5. Cancer

Female. Birth 25-5-1913 Sunday; 6-52 AJMJ.S.T; 23Y2.

72^35; Ayanamsa 22'33/.


Taurus 24-0

SaL 14*24
Sun 10-40
Mer, 1*13
Plu. 6-15
2 Gemini 18-37- Aries 19*37 12
Vcn. 4-55

Ncp. 1-22 Mara 20*20

3 Cancer 12*37 Pisces 13*37 11
Rahu 7*33

4 Leo 10.37- 'Aquarius 10*37

Ketu 7*33 UraiL. 14*56*

.5 Virgo 13*37. 'Capricorn 12*37
Moon 8*7

Jup. 24*43*
6 Libra 19*37 -Sagittarius 18*37 S

Scorpio 24-0

PL Sn. ffs. St. Su. Pi Sn. Hs. St. Su.

S Tr. 12 M M V Ar. 11 K Ma.

M Cp. '8 S V Sa. Tr. 12 M J

Ma. Pi. 11 Me, V R Pi, 10 Sa. K

Me. Tr, 12 S R K vg. 4 S K

JR Sg* 8 V M«.

piaraka houses, it is connected with the maraka houses and!

Mars. So »t denotes the possibility of a scnous disease and


Joiftt period : The native was born during the period of

of Sun with balance of O1'- lO*1, 5D\ Planets in the star of the-
occupant of 8 arc the strong significators of 8. So during thor

joint period of these significators and the cuspal sublord of 8,

it is likely that the native might suffer from a serious disease-

and she might have to undergo operations.

in this horoscope Jupiter owns and occupies 8, it ia-

retrograde. There is no planet in its star, so it is the strong

significator of 8. Saturn is in the star Moon in 8 and in the

siib Jupiter owning 8. So it is the stronger significator of $

than Jupiter.

The period of Saturn starts from 30-3-1965 and continues

opto 30-3-1984. During the joint period of Saturn and Rahu

(12-11-1978 to 18-9-1981) from November 1978, the native waa

getting weaker day by day. Thereafter, during the joint period

of Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter (29-3-1979 to 1-8-1979) sbo

was operated on 9-5-1979 and her rectum and uterus were-

removed because of cancer in these parts of the body.

Transits ; On 9 5-1979 Sun Aries 24'19' and Moon Virgo-

Id0 were in the sub Mercury the sookshma period ruler. Rahu

Leo 20o59' was in the sub Jupiter the inter period ruler. Jupitee

Cancer 8024' was in the star Saturn the period ruler,

Caaccr-Uterus Rectum :

The period ruler Saturn's star Moon and sub Jupiter both*
are in the 8th. The 8tb house governs the rectum and uterus in th*-

female's horoscope. Funher Moon and Jupiter indicate disease#

like cancer. Hence cancer in these parts of the body.


The sub period ruler Rahu't star Saturn is a natural

malefic, it is placed in Taurus and aspects Scorpio. It is found

that affliction in any sign affects the sign in oppositiaa to it.

So Saturn affects the rectum and uterus which are gDvernod

by Scorpio. Cancer waa developed during the sub period of


The inter period ruler Jupiter is in the star Venus and in

the sub Mercury. Jupiter owns 8. so the serious disease becomes

the source. Its star lord Venus owns 1,6 and occupies 11. Its

sublord Mercury owns 2, 3 and occupies 12. So Jupiter is the

significalor of 6 (disease); 1, 11 (remedy) and connected with 2

(danger), 12 (hospitalisation) and 5 (remedy). The star lord Venus

being in Aries is deemed to be connected with Mars. Hence the

operation served as (he remedial measure of the disease m

the inter period of Jupiter.

16. Cancer

6th cusp (Aquarius 24* 28') In this horoscope Virgo 22* 28'

Is on the Asc. The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Mercury. It is

in the star Saturn and in the sub Mercury. The star lord Saturn

owns 6. The sub lord Mercury owns 1 and occupies 6. So this

cuspal sub lord is the significator of 6 and connected with 1 and!

6; also with Saturn (chronic disease) and Mercury (complicated

disease). Hence the native is likely to suffer from a chronic

disease of a complicated nature.

The star lord Saturn occupies the cardinal sign, it is in

the 4th which corresponds to Cancer, it is aspsctod by the owner

of the badbaka and maraka house 7 (JupiterR) which is placed

In the angular house in Cancer.

The sub lord Mercury is placed in the 6th in the water

fiign Pisces (easily susceptible to disease), it is in conjunction with


16. Cancer
Fcmaltf. Birth 9-3-1932 Wednesday 8-37; P.M.I.S.T. 22^32

72^*16; Ayaramsa 22*49'


Virgo 22'28

Kelu 3-50

2 Libra 21-28- Leo 24-28 12

3 Scorpio 21-28- _l_

Cancer 23-28 11

Jup. 21-llr,

4 Sapifrarius 22-28- Gemini 22*28 10

Sat. 8-37
5 Capricorn 23-28- Taurus 21-28 9

Mars 17-52
6 Aquarius 24*28- ■Aries 21-28 81
Sun 26-2 Vcn. 7-49

Rahu 3-50,
Mer. 6*47
Moon 21-20

Pisces 22-28

PL Sn. Hs. St. Su. PI Sn. Hs. St. Stu

S Aq. 6 J K V Ar. 7 K J
M Pi. 6 Me. V Sa. Cp. 4 S V '
Ma. Aq. 5 R S R Pi. 6 Sa. Ss.
Me. Pi. 6 Sa. Me. K Vg. 12 S Sa.
*9 Co. 10 Me. V

Rahm «nd Moon and also a spec ted by the badhalca lord Jupiter
aqd by the owner of 6 Saturn. Rahu dcnolcs the disease which

may not be diagnosed. Jupiter indicates tumours and abccsses.

Moon and cardinal sign signify uterus.

In this case the water and cardinal signs, Moon, Jupiter,

Saturn and Rabu are interrelated. Subsequently it was diagnosed

that the native suffered from the malignant (cancerous) tumour

in the uterus.

Rahu in the 6th being in the star and the sub Saturn
, i
owning 6 is the significator of 6.

Sun in the 6th owns 12, it is in the star Jupiter the owner

of the badhaka bouse 7 and in the sub Ketu in the 12tb, So it is

the strong significator of the badhaka house 7 and connected with

12. It Is also in conjunction with the owner ofS Mars. Hence Sun

in the 6th is the most malefic in effect. Further it is the cuspaf

mb lord of the badhaka house 7.

Joint period : The native was born during the period of

Mercury with balance of lly'• 0^* I8D . The period of Sun started

from 27-3-1970 and continued upto 27-3-1976. During this time

the native suffered much from the disease.

If the period ruler is the significator of an expected event,

the event occurs during the joint period of the period ruler, its

Btar lord and its sub lord. So during the joint period of Sun,

Ketu (its subtord) and Jupiter (its star lord) the native died

of cancer on 4-2-1975.

The sub period ruler Ketu is in the star Sun owning 12

and occupying 6 and in the sub Saturn owning 6 So it is the

ctgnificator of 6 and 12 and connected with 6.

The inter period ruler Jupiter owns the badhaka house 7,

it is in the star Mercury owning 1 and occupying 6 and in the


, V waf the nssrala bouse 2 i» ** b^baka-mani.

^ - s; it i, lir sifnaeww Of 1. 6 and eoeoeeted *«h the

bizZzte raarAka houses,

Tmsiss: On *-2-l9'5 Moon S^rpio 0" 1' was in the star

Jnpiu-r inter period ruler. Jopiter :6° 35' was m its
th s,sr Moo,,
own stat. San Capricorn dl" T «• = ^
sijntotor of 6. Ketu Taunts 13* 23' * swr Moon.

17* Kidney

1 (aj ASC {Sagittarius 26* 16'): The sublord of the Asc is

Ketu. It rs in the star Sun and in the sub Saturn.

6ih cusp (Gemini 1° 29') : The sub lord of the 6lh, cusp

is Mercury. It is in the star Sun and in the sub Rahu.

8th cusp (Leo 1* 29') : The sub lord of the 8(h cusp ia

Venus. It is in the star Sun and in the sub Ketu.

i2th cusp (Sagittarius 1* 29'). The sub lord of the 12lh.

cusp is Venus.

Among the above said planets Sun owns 8; Mercury the

owner of 6, Ketu, Saturn and Venus are in the 8th. SnQt Venus,

Ketu and Saturn are in association with one another.

(b) Thus the above cuspal sub lords Ketu, Mercury and

Venus are the significators of S. So they denote serious disease.

(c) None of them is in the star of the occupant or owner

of 1, 5 or II. So the disease might not be cured.

(d) The cuspal sub lord of 8 (serious disease and operation)

and 12.(defect in the part of the body and hospihalisation)is

Venus in S. So it denotes kidney. As it is in conjunction with

Saturn and Ketu (resembles Mars) the disease will be chronic

and lingering, it might not be diagnosed and the native may

haVe to undergo operations.

Jl. Xidney

Male. Bkth. 4-10-1950 Wedaesday; 1-55 P.M.15.T; 23^45,

AyannniM 23*-4'.
Sagittarius 26-16


1 Aquarius 1-29. ■ Sagittarius 1*29 12

Jup. 3-10,

Rabu 4-24 Mars 12-55

3 Pisces 8-29- - Scorpio 7-29 11

4 Aries 10-29. ■Libra 1029 10

Nep. 23-48
Sun 17-28
3 Taurus 7-29. Virgo 8-29 9
Vcn. 7*5
Ketu 4*24
Sat. 1-54

Mer. 29-44
6 Gemini 1-29- •Leo 1-29 8

Uran. 16-22 Plu. 26*17

Moon 17.44 Cancer

Gemini 26-16
PI Sn. Hs. St, Su, PI. S>». Hs. St, Su.
S Vg. 9 M Sa. V Vg. 8 S K
M Gm. 6 R S Sa. Vg. 8 S J
Ma. Sc. 11 Sa. R R Pi. Sa. Sa.
Me. Le. 8 S R K Vg. 8 S Sa,

h Aq. 2 Ma. S

Joint period : The native born during the penorf of

fUhu vwih balance of 31* O-'1* ll0'. Thereafter, the native will
niiji the periods of Jupiter and Saturn respectively. Jupiter is

the iJcn'Seator of II. Saturn is the significator of 8. So it is

like!*' that the native may suffer from disease during the joint
period? of Saturn and Mercury (the cuspal sub lord of 6)r
Saturn and Kcru the sub lord of the Asc.j. Saturn and Venus

(rhe cuspal sub lord of S and 12).

In the joint pcrod of Saturn and Mercury the disease

could not be diagnosed. But later on in the month of February

197* during the joint period of Saturn, Mercury and Saturn, it was.

observed that the native suffered from the trouble of kidney.

On 18-2-1976 during the Joint period of Saturn, Kctu and*

Jupiter the old kidney was replaced by a new one.

During the joint pencd of Saturn, Venus and Mars m

(he month of August 1977 a newly transplanted kidney which

was nor_ functioning properly wss removed by operation.

The third operation was undergone in the month of

November 1977 during the joint period of Saturn, Venus, Rabu

and Saturn.

During the Joint period of Saturn, Venus, Raho and Mer-

cury, another new kidney was transplanted on 22-12-1977 by

way of operation.

TVcnJi/s : On 18-2-1976 Sun Aquarius 5* 3' was in the star

Mars the significator of 8. Moon Virgo 7* 3' was in the sub..

Ketu the inter period ruler. Saturn Cancer 3° 56' was in its own,,

star the period ruler. Ketu Aries 23019' was in the sub Saturn^

Jupiter Pisces 28* 39' was in the sub Saturn.

On 22-12-1977 Sun Sagittarius 6° 36' was in the sub Rahtt.:

the inter period ruler. Moon Aries 29' 14' to Taurus 1* WW*

ia (he sub Rahu. Saturn Leo 7* 1' was in the sob Rahu. Venu^

Scorpio 29* 7' was in the star Mercury the sookshma period

ruler. Rahu Virgo 17' 39' was in the sub Saturn the period rulcr^
Mercury Sagittarius 5* 36' was in the sub Ranu,
18* Caefiareao

Hints : If the sub lord- of the Sth cusp (female) and the

lltb cusp-{male) is the significator (in the star of the occupant

or owner) of 2 (increase in family), 5 (conception, child) or 11

(5th from 7); or oonsected with 2, 5 or 11 child birth is promised.

If It,is the significator of 1, 4 or 10 (being 12th from 2,

5 and 11) child birth is not promised.

5M cusp {Virgo 6* 12') : In this horoscope Taurus I7W is

on the Asc. The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Mercury. It is in-

the star Mars and in the sub Satum.

Mcrcdry owns 2, 5 and occupies 5; it aspects the Uth. So-

il is connected with 2, S and 11. Hence child birth is promised.

Mercury is associated with Ketu and aspcctcd by Saturn.

Hence delay in child birth.

The star lord Mars owns fie maraka houses 7, 12 and

occupies 6; it aspects the lltb and Asc. The sub lord Saturn

occupies 8; it aspects the 2nd and 5th, also Ketu and Mercury

in 5. So this cuspal sub lord is connected with Mars (operation),

Saturn (obslruction), Ketu (unnatural), the houses 1 (native), 6

(sickness), 8 (danger, operation), 12 (hospitalisation); 2, S (child ■

birth). Hence the possibility of Caesareao

Utk cusp (Pisces 6*12'): The sub lord of the 11th cusp

is Mercury. Hence the position as above.

Sth cusp (Sagittarius 12* 12'): It denotes operation. So ita

sub lord may be considered. Its sublord is Mercury. Hence the

possibility of cacsarean.

18. Caesarean

Female. Birth 16-10-1931 Friday; 9-0 P.M.I.S.T; 23w2,

72^35; Ayanamsa 22" 48'.


Taurus 17-44

2 Gemini 12-12 -Aries 12-12 12

Plu. 29-20
Uran. 24.23
Rahu 11-32
3 Cancer 7-12 ■Pisces 6.12 11
Jup. 25-29

4 Leo 4-12 'Aquarius 4-12 10

Nep, 14-21

5 Virgo 6-12 - 'Capricorn 7'I2 9

Kclu 11-32
Mer. 28-4
Sun 29-12

Ven. 9-42 Sat. 24-21

6 Libra 12-12- • Sagittarius\2-12 8
Mars 27-20 Moon 8-24

Scorpio 17-44

Pi Sn. Hs, St. Su. Pi Sn. Hs. St. Su,

S Vg. 5 Ma. Sa. V Li. 5 R J
M Sg. 7 K J Sa. Sg- 8 V Me.
Ma. Li. 6 J V R Pi. 11 Sa. M
Me. Vg. 5 Ma. Sa. K Vg. 5 M Ma.

Significators of Child Birth:

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupants owner's
star star

2 None None J Me.

5 M K J Me.
J Me.
None S
Sa. V

11 V R Ma J

Jupiter, Moon, Sun, Saturn and Venus are the strong

significators. Rahu represents the significator Jupiter, so Rahu

may be given preference. Further Sun and Mercury are in the

sub Saturn the significator. Moon and Venus are in the sub
Jupiter the significator. Mars is in the sub Venus the significator.

Rahu is in the sub Moon the significator. Hence Venus, Sun,

Moon, Mars, Rahu and Mercury may be considered as important

significators of child birth.

Joint period : The native was born during the period of Kctu

with balance of 2°', Thcrcarter she will iun the periods of

Venus, Sun and Moon respectively. In this case child birth is

late. So during the joint period of Moon, Jupiter and Venus,

the native delivered a female child on 28-2-1964. The delivery

was effected by caesareau. The inter period ruler Venus is in

association with Mars.

During the joint period of Moon, Mercury (the sub lord

of the 5th and 11th cusps) and Rahu the native gave birth to

another female child on 18-2-1967, The sub period ruler Mer-

cury is in the star Mars and the birth was by caesarean.

Pur.n5 l lc
' ^'"n{ Mjk, Rahu and Rahu a premnluro
d£li^cr> 0f a st;ll child v^ai caused by caesar^an on 1S-
IO_1q70. Thsrealt^r [he native passed through critical nu>nMn(9

0f life, hue she >urvi\cd.

The period ruler Mars owns 12, it is in the star Jupiter

owning 8 and the sub Venus owning 6, So it denotes -a

critical period for life. But the sub and inter period ruler Rahu is
in the star Saturn in S (favourable for longevity) and in the sub
Moon owning 3 (longevity). Hence the native recovered from

dangerous sickness.

Transits: On 28-2-1964 Sun Aquarius 16* was in the sub

Venus the inter period ruler. Moon Leo 27*37' was in its own

sub the period ruler. Jupiter Pisces 26*45' was in its own sub,
the sub period ruler. Venus Pisces 27*32' was in the sub Jupiter.

On 18-2-1967 Sun Aquarius 6* was in the sub Moon the

period ruler. Moon Taurus 15* was in its own star.

On 18-10-1970 Sun Libra 1*21' was in the star Mars the

period ruler. Rahu Aquarius 6*34' was in the star Mars.

The native is a Doctor.

19. Caesarean

5th cusp {yir%o 75* 0'): In this horoscope Taunu 24* 5'

is on the A sc. The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Rahu. It is

in the star Mars and in the sub Mercury.

The star lord Mars occupies 2 and it is in the fruitful gjjn

-Cancer. The sub lord Mercury owns 2, 5 and occupies II; it iB

in the fruitful sign Pisces. Thus this cuspal sub lord is oonn*-

xted with 2, 5, 11 and fruitful signs. Hence child birth is


Rabu the cuspal sub lord is in association with Saturn U*

the 2nd. Hence child birth is late.


19. Caesartan

Female. Birth 1-5-1946 Wednesday; 9-26 A.M.LS.T; 23v42.

72£37.; Ayanamsa 23'0'.


Taurus 24-5.

Uran. 22-23
Van. 95

Rahu 0-7
-"2 Gemini 18-9 •Aries 19-9 12
Sat. 26-30 Sun 17-10
Moon 11-41

Mars 1047 Mer. 21-24

Cancer 12-9- •Pisces 130 11
PIu. 16-26

4 Leo 10-9 - Aquarius 10-9 10

5 Virgo 13-0- Capricorn 12-9 9

Nep. 13-23
Jup. 27-10

'6 Libra 19-9. - SagittariiL 18-9 8

Kelu 0-7

Scorpio 24-5

Pi Sru Hs. Si, Su. PL Sn. Hs. Sf. Su.

s Ar. 11.12 V M V Tr. 12 S V
M Ar. 11 K Me. Sa. Gm. 2 J K
Ma. Cn. 2 Sa. S R Gm. 1 Ma. Me,
Me. Pi. 11 Me. V K Sg- 7 K K
J Vg- 5 Ma. J

The siar lord Mars owns the maraka bouses 7f 12 and

aspects the 6th. Th^ sub lord Mercury is aspected by Saturn.

Thus (his cuspal sub lord is connected with Mars (operation);

Saturn and Rahu (obstruction); the houses 6 (sickness), 7 (seri*

ousness)and 12 (hospitalisation). Hence the possibility of caesareaa.

Iltk cusp {Pisces IS' 0'): The sub lord of the Uth cusp

is Rahu. Hence the position as above.

8th cusp {Sagittarius 18* 9'): It denotes operation. So its sul>

lord maybe considered. It is Rahu. Hence the possibility of caesarean,

Rahu's sub lord Mercury is aspected by Jupiter owning II

and occupying 5. The Asc. and Venus (owning 1 and 6) are-

aspected by Jupiter. Hence no harm to life.

Significators of Child Birth :

House Planet in Occupant Planet Owner

occupant's in owner's
star star

i Sa.. Me.
Ma, Me.

J. R Ma.

5 Sa. J Me. Mc.

11 Me. Me. Sa. J
None M

Mars, Jupiter, Rahu; Saturn; Mercury, Moon and Venus

arc the significators. Moon and Rahu are in the sub Mercury,

the significator. Jupiter is in its own sub. Hence consider Moon,

Jupiter and Rahu as important significators.

Joint period: The native was born during thc.period of Kctu

with balance of O^- I0«- 12a-. Thereafter the native will run the

periods of Venus, Sun and Moon respectively. In this case child


birth is late. So during the joint period of Moon, - Ratm And

Jupiter the delivery was effected by caesarean and the native
gave birth to a male child on 6—12-1974.

During the joint period of Moon, Jupiter and Raha

another male child was bom with the aid of caosarcan on &-4-1977*
This child succumbed to its senses immediately twelve hours after

Dunng the joint period of Moon, Mercury and Moon a

female child was born by caesarean on 6-9-1979.

The period ruler Moon's star ICetu resembles Mars in offeo||

while Rahu and Jupiter are in the star Mars. Hence the caesarean.

Transits: On 6-12-1974 at 5-47 P. M. I. S. T. Moon Leo

20* 40' was in the sub Jupiter, the inter period ruler. Raha

Scorpio 16* 33' was in the sub Jupiter Jupiter Aquarius 16* 20r
was in the star Rahu, the sub period ruler.

On 8-4-1977 at 10-0 P. M. I. S. T. Moon Scorpio 27' 28r

was in the sub Jupiter, the sub period ruler. Sun Pisces 25* 17'

was in the sub Kahu, the inter period ruler.

On 6-9-1979 at 10-40 P. M. I. S. T. Moon Aquarius 23*

42f was in the star Jupiter the signiheator. Sun Leo 20* 2' and

Mercury Leo 13* 55' were in the star Venus the significalor.

20, Foreign Travel

Hints] If the sub lord of the 12lh cusp be the signiheator

(in the star of the occupant or owner) of 3 (away from bome)^

9 (foreign journey) or 12 (life in an unknown place ot completely

unfamiliar atmosphere); or connected with 3,9, or 12 it promises

l&reign travel and stay abroad during the joint period of the

aigniflcators of 3, 9 and 12.


roreign iru^i
2D. Foreign Travel __

Male. Birth 15-4-1967 Saturday; 1-35 P.M. I.S.T.; 23^2,

72£35; AyanAmiA 23,18/ .

Cancer IS-27

lup. 2-6

Leo 13-42 Gemini 18-42 12

PIu. 25-8;, Moon 1-12

Uran. 27-46^

13-42- Taurus 18-42 11

3 V irgo
Ven. 7-48
Mars 1*34/?
Kctu 14-29
4 Libra 15-42- Aries 15-42 10
Rahu 14-29
Sun 1-22

Ncp. 0-26*
5 Scorpio 18-42 -Pisces 13-42
Sat. 11-58

6 Sagittarius 18-42— Aquarius 13-42 8

t" 1

Capricorn 18-27

PL Sn. Hs. St. Sir. PI. Sn. Su,

Hs, St.
S Ar. 9 K V V
V Tr. 10 S
M Gm. 11 Ma. Me. Sa. Pi. 8-9 Sa. M
Ma.^ U 3 Ma. Me. R Ar. 9-10 V V
Me. PI. 8 Sa. K K Li. 3-4 R K
J Co. 12 J R

I2th cusp {Gemini 18" 42*): 1. In this horoscope Cancer

18* 27' is on the Aic. The sob lord of the 12th cusp is Moon,
It is in the st^r Mars and in the sab Mercury. Moon owns
the Asc. (native). The star lord Mars occupies 3. The sub lord
Mercury owns 3 and 12. Thos the cuspal sub lord of 12 is the
significator of 3 and connected with 3 and 12. Hence it promisea
foreign travel and stay abroad to the native.
2 (a) We may now consider Moon in respect of the native*!
parents. As counted from the 4th cusp (Libra IS* 42'), Mooa
is in the star Mars in 12 and in the sub Mercury owning 9
and 12. So Moon is the significator of 12 and coonected with

9 and 12 for the mother.

(b) As counted from the 9th casp (Pisces 13* 42'), Moon

is in the star Mars owning 9 and in the sub Mercury in 12.

So Moon is the significator of 9 and connected with 12 for the

father. So Moon promises foreign travel and stay abroad to the

parents after the birth of the native.

Joint period: 1. The native was born during the period of

Mais with balance of 27' 10^* 13dThe period ruler Mars

is in the star Mars and in the sub Mercury. As already dis-

cussed above, it is the strong significator of foreign travel both

for the native and his parents. So they went abroad in the

period of Mars.
2. During the joint period of Mars, Venus and Rabu the

nativefs father started for London on 7-9-1968. All these three

planets are the sigaificatora of foreign travel for the natives father.

3 (a) During the joint period of Mars, Venus and Ketu

the natijve and his mother started for London on 14-3-1969

(Macs the period ruler is in association with Ketu and aspects

Venus. So both Ketu and Venus become the significators of

foreign travel).

(h) Hjoc ihrcr may undeiitood ftom

vr V,fW
Ifirr jn"" - '{hC re,lcd ,l,,Cr Mim lH ,n Ifl

.trtf nnl in Hie M'l- Mcnui v. 'I he M«r lord Maiiii bccomei lh#
^uncr vl : (lanMly life) f<?f ihc nultvoVs pmcntii. IJio mb lord
McnMiy hfu irf" ilif ownrf i f 7 (wife) for the nulive'# fnlhflf,
,u,cr 15 1,10 8tlir
Venuf the Mib Sun an
d Iq J(|

t'wn ^ub The Mar lord Sun owns 2 and oc on pics 9 (falhor)i
f(l>f ihc niiti>c; it becomes the cwuer of II (meeting tbo Ut^

and kin) for the native's mother. The sub lord Vcnui owot 4
(mother) and 11 fot the native.

Ketu the inter period ruler is in the star Rahu and In

the sub Ketu. The star lord Rahu is in association with Sun

and aspected by Mars. The sub lord Ketu it in asscctation with

Mars and aspected by Sun.

Thus they icdrcaie that the native, his mother and fanw

*i.l be in a paiticn to live together. Hence these joint

ndm g>.e <ccpe for two coiccidenccs e.g. one of rraYelJj^|

abroad and the other of their Irving together,

¥" «■'
Trajisin: On 14-3-1569 Sun Taurus 29*45' was in the star

Msrs the pericd ruler. Mars Scorpio 13*41' was in Its own

Venus AfiC* 3* 4' was in (be star Kelu the inier period

r-'er. Kc'v Fiscei 7*29' was in iU own sub.

21, Foreign Travel

/2/A cvffi (Aqtmrfuj J49t'): In this horoscope Pisces 21*

is on the Asc. The mb lord of (be 12(b cusp is Mercury

it is in the star Rahu and in the sub Kelu. McrcurF (■ ^

id siar Rahu is in 9 and its sub Ketu is in 3. Thus the ct|J

P«i sub lord of 12 is (he gignificator of 9 and connectlKl?

with 3. Hence it promises foreign journey and stay abroad.

2/, Fortiyn Travel

MoJo, Dlrlb 21-7-1974 Sundiy; 11-25 P.M. 1.S.T; 21*0

73*30; Ayan&usn 23*24'.


Pistes 21-28
Jup. 24-9a
2 Aries 2S-1 • Aquarius 14-1 12

3 Taurus 22-1 - -Capricorn 13-1 11

Kelu 23-51

Ven. 7-16
Mer. 15-12
4 Gemini 17-1 • •Sagittarius 17-1 10
Sat. 17-38

Sun 5-11 Rahn 23-51

5 Cancer 13-1 - • Scorpio 22-1
Nep. 13-40/7
Maw 2-57
Moon 7-2
6 Leo 14-1 -Libra 25-1 8
Urao. 0-26

Plo. 11-1
Virgo 21-28

PU Snt Ht. Sr. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Su,

S Cn. 4 Sa. Sa. V Om, 3 R R

M Le. 5 K R Sa. Gm. 4 R S

Ma* U. 5 K. V R Sc. 9 Me. Ma.

Me. Gm. 3-4 R K K Tr, 3 Ma. Ma.

Aq. 12 J Me.

Joint period : 1. The native was born daring I ho period of

Ktiu with balance of 3y- 3M- 2\D-. Kelu is in the star and

sub Man. Mars is Ibc owner of the 9lh cusp (Scorpio

22*1') the Asc. of the native's father. As counted from iho
9lh Mars occupies 9 and it is in conjuncfiou with Moon tbo
owner of the father's 9th. So Kctu indicates that at the timfr
of the native's birth his father was in the foreign land.

2. Aa counted from the 4th cusp (Gemini 17*1') Marg

owns II (meeting the kith and kin of the mother) and occu-

pies 2 (family life for the mother). It is in conjunction with

Moon owning 2, it is aspectcd by Jupiter owning 7 (husband

of (be mother) and Saturn owning 9 (foreign journey for the

mother). So Kelu denotes that the mother of the native will

be in a position to meet her husband and to lead the family

life by going to the foreign land during its period.

5, As for the native Kctu is (he significator of 9 and 12

and also connected with 9 and 12; because its star and tub

Mars owns 9 and aspects 9 and 12, So he will be able to £0

to the foreign land during its period.

I. ft/nts: (a) If the sub lord of the 21th cusp be the signi-

ficator (in the star of the occupant or owner] of 3t 9 or 11

and 22; or connected with 3, 9 or 11 and 12 the native gets

bis passport, visa and stays abroad.

(h) The native was born during the joint period of Ketu*

Rahu (the sub lord of the 11th cusp) and Venus.

Rahu occupies 9, it is in the star Mercury and in the

sub Mars. The star lord Mercury occupies 3, it is in conjunct-

fen with Saturn owning 11 and 12, also Venus owning 3. The

•ab lord Mars owns 9, asp«c(s 9 and 12 and aspecled by Sat-


arn owning U and 12. So Rahu is the significator of 3. 9, U

and 12; also connected with them.

Venus is in (he star and sub Rahu in 9. So it is the

significator of 9 and connected with 9. Hence (be native had
immediately after his bir(ht to Undergo khort travels for pass-
port and visa.

f. In the joint period of Ketu, Jupiter and Jupiter the

native and his mother started for Chicago (U.S.A.) on 22-11-

Jupiter is in (be star Jupiter and in the sub Mercury. The

star lord Jupiter occupies 12 and the sub lord Mercury occu-
pies 3. So it is the significator of 12 and connected with 3
for the native.

Regarding the mother of the native, as counted from the

4th cusp the star lord Jupiter occupies 9 and the sub lord
Mercury occupies 12, So it is the significator of 9 and conae-
cted with 12 for the mother.

Transits : On 22-11-1974 Moon Aquarius 4' was in the

sub Venus the sookshma period ruler. Ketu Taurus 17* was

in Ihe star Moon the significator of foreign journey. Jupiter

Aquarius 15* was in the sub Ketu the period ruler.

22. Edacation

Hints: If the sub lord of the 4th cusp be Mercury or

Jupiter: or if it be the significator (in the star of the occupant

or owner) of 4 (education, preparations for examinations, aca-

demfc qualifications, regular attendance in school or college), 9 (deep

study and higher education) or 11 (success, fulfilment of desires);

or connected with 4,9 or 11 and Mercury and/or Jupiter (espe-

cially if its star lord be connected with Mercury or Jupiter) the


22. Sducation
Male. Dirlh 11-8-1949 Thursday; 9-J5 A.M. I S.T; -23'vli
J E • l'
' i 5; Ayaoamsa 23*3'.
Virgo 5*40

Ncp. 19-58
Ketu 26-38
Ven. 25-41
Sat. 13-46
Mer. 10*7
2 Libra 4-40- ■Leo. 6*40 )2

Sud 25*5
Pin. 23-10
3 Scorpio 4-40 Cancer 6t40 II

Mars 19*33
Uran. 10*27
4 SagiJtarius 5-40. Gemini 5*40 10

iup. 1-32^
5 Capricorn 6-40—- Taurus 4*40 9

6 Aquarius 6-40- .Aries 4*40 &

Mooa 21*40

Rahu 26-38

Pisces 5-40
PL Sn. Hs. St. Su, PL Sn. Hs, St. Su,
S Cn. 11 Me. R V Lc. 12 V Me.
M Aq. 6 J J Sa. Le. 12 V V
Ma, Gm. 10 R Ma. R Pi. 7 Me. i
Me. u. 12 K Sa, K v«. 1 Ma. J
J* Qp. 4 S J

native \y{D get academic qualifications during the- joint period

of the significators of 4, 9 and 11.

The 6th house shows competitive examinations (it is 12th

from 7 i.e. loss to others and gain to the native).

Education will either be completed or postponed during

the joint period of the significators of 3, 5 and 8 (being 12th
from 4, 6 and 9 respectively).

4th cusp {Sagittarius 5" 40*): In this horoscope Virgo 3'40'

is on the Asc, The sub lord of the 4th cusp isRahu. It is in
the star Mercury and in the sub Jupiter. Rahu in Pisces as a
representative of Jupiter owns 4. Us star lord Mercury is in
conjunction with Venus owning 9 and aspected by the owner
of 11 (Moon). Its sub lord Jupiter owns and occupies 4. Thus

the cuspal sub lord of 4 is connected with Mercury, Jupiter

and the houses 4, 9 and 11. Hence the native will got academic


Significators of 4, 9, //

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owners
star star

4 M J M J

9 None None V, Sa. V

11 J S None M

Moon; Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are the significators. Ketu is

aspected by the siguificator Jupiter, so it should be taken in-

to account. The sub lord of these significators is either Jupiter,

Mercury or the owner of 9.

Joint period: The native was bom during the period of

Jupiter with balanoo of I4y' O^* 0D*. The native passed his

B^Sc. examination during the joint period of Saturn, Ketu and

Venus in the month of June 1969.

Tronsiis : During this month Saturn Aries 10* to 13° was

in the star Kctu the sub pericxi ruler. Kctu Virgo 3* 16' lo
3* 0' was in the sub Saturn the period ruler, Venus in Aries
was in its own star the inter period ruler.

Kereign Travels ;

12th cusp {Leo 6* 40'): The sub lord of the 12th cusp Rahtt
is in the star Mercury and in the sub Jupiter. The star lord

Mercury is in 12, it is in conjunction with the owner of 9 (Venn).

The sub lord Jupiter aspects the 9th. Thus the cuspal sub lord
of 12 is the significator of 12 and connected with 9. Hence (he

foreign journey is promised. The sub Jupiter owns and occupies

4, but it is retrograde. So the native will not be steady at one


Significators of 3, 9, 12:

House Planet in Occupant Plane! in Owner

occupant's owner's
star star

3 None None K Ma.

9 None None V, Sa, V
12 S, R Me. J s
V, Sa. V

None Sa.

Ketu; Venus, Saturn; Sun and Rahq are the strong significators.

Joint period: 1. The native was born during the period of

Jupiter with balance of 14^- 0^* O0*, Thereafter, the period of

Saturn (the sub lord of the 3rd and 9th cusps) oommeAoea from

11-3-1963. If (he period ruler bo the significator of the desired


matter, an event regarding the desired matter occurs during the

joint period of the period ruler, its star lord and its sub lord.
So in this case during the joint period of Saturn, Venus and
Venus the native started for America on 8~&-l970.

Transits. On 8-8—1970 Sun Cancer 21* was in the sub

Venus the sub and inter period ruler. Moon Virgo 22* was in
the sub Venus. Saturn Aries 29* was in the sub Mars the
sookshma period ruler,

2. During the joint period of Saturn, Venus and Saturn im

October 1972 the native returned from America,

He restarted for America during the joint period of Saturn,

Venus and Mercury in January 1973, He again came back to

India in February 197S.

Thereafter, he went to Nepii during the joint period of

Satnrn, Mars and Venns in December 1976 and returned in

January 1977,

On 16-2-1977 he started for America via Nepal during

the joint period of Saturn, Mars and Sun and returned to

India on 12-10-1977 during the joint period of Saturn, Rahn

and Jupiter.

He went to Dubai in February 1978 during the joint

period of Saturn, Rahu and Saturn and came back in November

197$ during the joint period of Saturn, Rahu and Mercury.

Saturn (the sub lord of the 3rd and 9th cusps) and Rahu

(the sub lord of the 12lh cusp) are the strong significators of 12:

(stay abroad). The joint period of Saturn and Rahu will last

uplo 29-1-1980. The houses 3, 9 and 12 show dynamic life,

wandering from one place to another and changing environ-

nwnts. So the native will not be steady at one place till

Z3. Education

: B rLb 1^4^ Thi_rsj-»^ 5-^*0 A.M. I.S.T: -?

^* ^


Tsums IS.20

Sea 24—tS Msr. f-lSjj

Mars 6«13
Unn. to--
Vc a. So2
Ganini 13-37 Aries 13-17 12

Rahu 29-58
3 Cancer 7-37- Pisces 6-37 11
PIu. 21-31

4 Leo 4-37- Aquarius 4-37 10

Sat. 7-32
Jup. 8-32r
5 Virgo 6-37- -Capricorn 7-3
Nop. 19.25r
Ketu 29-58

6 Libra 1317- -Sagittarius 13-37 8

Moon 29-32

Scorpio 18-20

PL Sn, Us. St. Su. PL Sn, Us. St. Su

S Tr. 1 Ma. R V Gm. 1 K J
U Li. 6 J M Sa. Le. 4 K R
Ma. Tr. 12 S Me. R Pi. 11 Me.
MclR Tr. 12-1 M Sa. K Vg. 5 Ma.

J. Cp. 9 S V

4th cusp (Ia? 4m In this horoscope Taurus 18* 20*

is on (he Asc, The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Mooo. It it
in the star Jupiter and in its ovm sub. The star lord Jupjter
owns II and occupies 9 ; it aspects Mercury, The sub lord, Moon
It aspccted by the owner of 9 ^SamrnV Thus the cuspal tub
lord of 4 is (he sisniGcator of 9, 11 and connected with 9,
Mercury and Jupiter. Hence the native will get academic quali-

Significators of 4, 9, // ;

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owner's
star star

4 None Sa. Ma., J S

9 M J None Sa.
11 V R M J

Saturn, Moon and Venus are the strong significators.

Joint period: The native was born during the period

of Jupiter with balance of 4Y' 6W* 25°'. Thereafter, the

period of Saturn starts from 4-1-1954 and continues upto
4-1-1973, The sub periods of Venus and Moon passed in child-

hood. The sub period of Jupiter the signiflcator begins from

22-6-1970 and continues upto 4-1-1973. So during the joint

period of Saturn, Jupiter, Moon (the sub lord of the 3rd

cusp) and Venus the native passed the examination of B.E.

(civil) on 14-6-1972.

Transits: On 14-6-1972 Saturn Taurus 18' 21' was in the

star Moon the inter period ruler. Jupiter Sagittarius II 25

was in the sub Saturn the period ruler. Moon Cancer 6' wes

in the star Saturn.


•Ftrcign Travel;

]2fh cusp (Aries 13* 77'): The sub lord of the I2lh cuap

is Mercury. It is in the star Moon and in the sub Saturn.

The star lord Moon owns 3 and the sub lord Saturn owns 9.
Mercury occupies 12> it is in association with the owner of 12
(Mars) and aspcctcd by the owner of 9 (Saturn). Thus the

cuspal sub lord of 12 is the significator of 3 and connected

with 9 and 12. Henco the foreign journey is promised to the


If the sub lord of the 11th cusp bo the significator (in

the star of the occupant or owner) of 3, 9 or 12, the native

fulfils his desire to go abroad. In this case Mercury is the
sub lord of the lllh cusp (Pisces 6* 37'). So the native's desire
to go abroad will be fulfilled.

Joint period: 1. The native was born during the period of

Jupiter with balance of ^ 6M' 25°'. Thereafter, the periods
of Saturn and Mercury will follow in succession. Mercury is
both the cuspal sub lord of 11 and 12 and it is the strong

significator of foreign travel. So the native will go abroad

during the period of Mercury.

2. In fact during the joint period of Mercury (owning
2), Venus (owning 6) and Saturn (owning 9, 10) the native
started for America on 30-5-1978. Venus is in the star
Rahu in 11 and in the sub Jupiter owning 11 and occupying

9. So the native could fulfil his desire by going abroad. Saturn

is the sub lord of the period ruler Mercury and it is also the
owner of 9. Hence the foreign journey.

3. The main object of going abroad is to earn money and

improve financial prospects. Mercury is the cuspal sub lord of 2, 6

and 11. Venus is the cuspal sub lord of 10. So the native could

So abroad during the joint period of Mercury and Venus for

improving his financial prospects.

Trofisles: On 30-5-1978 Sun Taurus 14* 35' was in the

■tar Moon the signiOcator of foreign journey. Moon Aquarius
24* was in the sub Mercury the period ruler. Venus Gemini
16* was in its own sub the sub period ruler. Saturn Leo 1*
14' was in the sub Venus.

24* Service

fffo/s: If the sub lord of the lOtb cusp (profession, vocation,

occupation) or 6tli cusp (service) be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of 10 (profession, either in independ-
ent vocation or in service), 2 (bank balance, self-acquisition) or
0 (services rendered, day to day attendance on duty and there*
by earning; being 12th from the 7th denotes loss toothers and
gain to self, hence receiving money from others); or connected
with 10, 2 or 6 the native will earn money either by profession
or service during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6
and 10.
If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp (money) or llth cusp
(gain, success) be the significator (in the star of the occupant
or owner) of 2, 6 or II; or connected with 2, 6 or 11 the native
gains money during (be joint period of the significators of 2,

6 and 11.

JOih cusp {Capricorn 20" I6t). In this horoscope Taurus 3*

27' is on the Asc. The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Kctu. It
is in its own star and in the sub Venus. The star lord Ketu
is in conjunction with the owner of 10 and U (Saturn). The
<ub lord Venns occupies 10. So the cuspal sub lord of 10 is the

significator of 10, 11 and connected with 10. Hence the native

will cam and be will bold a good postkm and status also.

14, Service
Male. Birth 20-1-1940 Saturday; 1-50 P.M. I.S.T; 23 2.
72ff35; Ayaoamsa 22*55'.

Taurus 3*27

Moon 5>5S

Uran. 25-54
Sat. 2-0
Ketu 1-36
2 Gemini 0.16— Pisces 26.16 12
Mars 13.12
Jup. 111

3 Gemini 24.16. -Aquarius 20.16 11

Yen 9.16

Pin. E.53r
A Cancer 20-16- ■ Capricorn 20-16 10
Sun 6*13

Mcr. 28-48
^ Leo 20-16- ■Sagittarius 24.16 9

Ncp. 2.27f
6 Virgo 26.16- Sagittarius 0.16 8
Rahu 136

Scorpio 3.27
FL Sn. Hs, St, Su. PL Sn. , Hs. St. Su,
s Cp. 9 S Me. V Aq. 10 R J
M Tr. I S Me. Sa. Ar. 12 iC V
Ma. Pi. 11 Mo. Me. R Li. 6 Ma. Me.
Me. Sg. 9 S Ma. K Ar. 12 K V
J PL 11 5a. M

11th cusp {Aquarius 20" 16*): The sub lord of the I lib
cusp is Jupiter. It is in the star Saturn and in the sub Moon.
Jupiter occupies 11. Its star lord Saturn owns 10 and 11. Its
sub lord Moon occupies I in Taurus which corresponds to the

2nd house. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 11 is the significator of

10, 11 and connected with 1, 11 and 2. Hence the native will
earn much and his aspirations will be fulfilled.

6th cusp {Virgo 26* 16*): The sub lord of the 6th cusp is
Jupiter. So the native will bold a covetable position in service.

Signfficators of 2, 6, 10, 11:

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owner's
star star

2 None None Ma. Me.

6 V R Ma. Mc.
10 None V J Sa,
11 None J J Sa.
R Ma.

Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Rahu arc the significators, Ketu

in Aries represents Mars. Saturn and Ketu are in the sub.
Ycnua. So Ketu and Saturn should be. considered.

Joint period: 1. The native was born during the period of

Sun with balance of 1Y' l0'w* 2D\ His education was completed
during the joint period of Rahu, Rahu and Mars in June 1961.

2. During the joint period of Rahu, Rahu and Mars he-

got his first service on 17-7-1961,

3. During the joint period of Rahu, Saturn and Rahu he

got another appointment in the Mills on


Saturn the sub period ruler owns 10 and 1], It is in the

star Ketu in 12 (change in eavironQieDts\ It is in the sub Venus

evening 1 (change in income). Ketu and Venus are discussed

above. So Saturn is the sigoificator of 12, 10, II and connected

with 1 and 10. Hence it denotes a beneficial change in service,

Rahu the inter period ruler is in the star Mars in 11 and

in the sub Mercury owning 2, 3 and occupying 9. So Rahu is

the significator of 11 (gain) and connected with 2 (money), 3

(change in evironmeuts) and 9 (change in job). Hence the native

got a job in the Mills better than the former one.

4. Thereafter, during the joint period of Jupiter, Jupiter

(the sub lord of the lltb cusp) and Venus the native was

awarded a very high salary with effect from April 1979.

Transits : On 17-7-1961 Sun Cancer 1" 16'was in the sob

Mars the inter period ruler. Moon Leo 19* 33' was in the sub

Rahu the period-sub period ruler. Rahu Leo 5* 40' was in its

own sub. Mars Leo 17° 44' was in its own sub.

On 14-2-1966 Sun Aquarius 1° 54' was in the star Mars

the significator of finance and change. Moon Scorpio 23* 48'

was in the star Mercury the significator of change in job. Rahu

Taurus 7° 1' was in the star Sun the significator of change in

job. Saturn Aquarius 23° 38' was in its own sub the sub period


25. Industrialist

Bints ; I. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp (business, industry)

be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of

2, 10 or U; or connected with 2, 10 or 11 the native gains in

business or industry during the joint period of the signification

of 2, 10 and 11.

2. If*the sub lord of ths lOlh cusp (profession, vocation,

occupation) be the significator (in the star of the occupant or
owner) of 2, 7 or 11; or connected with 2, 7 or II the native
^ets success in an mdependeot profession, vocation or occupation
during the joint period of the signiheatots 2, 7 and 11,

3 (a) If the sub lord of the 2Qd or 11th cusp be the

significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 2, 6 or 11;
or connected with 2, 6 or II the native gains wealth during

the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 11.

fb) If it be the significator (in the star of the occupant

or owner) only of 8, 12 or 5 (being 2nd, 6th and lltb from

the 7ih f e. gain to the opposite party) money is lost during
the joint period of (he significators of 8 and 12. {Nate; Page

13, line 20! column III read 8, 12 instead of 8, 12,. 5)

4. If (he sub lord of the 7ih cusp (business, partnership,

industry) be (be significator (in the star of (be occupant or

•owner) of 8 or 12 the native suffers loss of money in businesa,

industry or pirtnersbip transactions during the joint period of

the significators of 8 and 12.

5. In judging the nature of profession, vocation or occu-

pation consider Che joint rulers of the 10th cusp alongwitb their
star lords and sub lords. Note the signs occupied by them, their

association and aspects formed bv them. One should be acquainted

with the characteristic features of signs and planets in respect
of vocations or occupations. Discretion has to be used in deter-

mining the nature of vocation or occupation.

Note the period ruler and the sub period ruler at the

time of judgmeot, because the sub period rulers denote changes

in vocations at times in many cases.


25. Industrialist

Male. Birth 5-1-1923 Friday; 11-30 A.M. I. S.T; 21iV5, 71fi43|

Ayaoamsa 22"4l'.
Pisces 1*30

Ketu 1

Mars 25-28
! Uran. 17-54

2 Aries 8-14 ■Capricorn 26-14 12

Mcr. 7*43

3 Taurus 7-14 .
Sun 21*12

4 Gemini 3-14. Sagittarius 3*14 10

Plu. 17-23
5 Gemini 28-14 • Scorpio 7-14 9

Moon 18-36
Nep. 24-57* inp. 21-11
6 Cancer 26-14- ■Libra 8-14 8

Rabu 1-26 Sat 26-54

yirgo 1-30

PI Sn, Ms, St, Su. PL Sn. Hs, St. Su.

S Sg- 10 V J V Sc. 9 Sa. V

M Cn, 5 Me. K Sa. Vg. 7 Ma. J

Ma. Aq. 12 J Me. R Vg. 6*7 S J
Me. CP. 11 S K K Pf. 12*1 J R:

J Li. 8 J J

1. 1th cusp [yirga lo this horoscope Pisces 1*30* it

on the Asc. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is Jupiter. It is in its
own star and sub. It owns 1 (native) , 10 (vocation, fame,

status) and II (success, fulfitrnent of aspirations and ambitions).

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 7 is the stgniScator of 1, 10 and
11. Hence the native will gain in business or industrv during
the joint period of the sigaificators of 2, 10 and 11.

2, 2nd cusp [Aries 8"]4')'. The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is
Jupiter. So as discussed above the native will acquire wealth
during (he joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 11.

Uth cusp {Sagittarius 28* 14')\ The sub lord of the llth
cusp is Moon. It is in the star Mercury and in the sub Ketu.

Its star lord Mercury owns 4. 5, 7 and occupies 11. its sub

lord Ketu being in Pisces denotes the results of I, 10, and 11

as a representative of Jupiter. Moon owns 6. Thus the caspal

sub lord of 11 is the significator of 11 (success), S (enterprise).

4 (immovable estates), 7 (partnership business or industry) and

connected with 1 (self-help), 6 'efficiency, labour), 10 (activities,

progress, ambitions) and 11 (fulfilment of desires). Hence the native

will get success in industrial activities, partnership enterprises,

immovable estates and in fats missions, during the joint period

of the significators of 2, 6 and 11.

J. 10th cusp [Sagittarius 3'14')\ 1. The sub lord of the 10th

cusp is Sun. It is in the star Venus and in the sub Jupiter.

Sun is in the fire sign Sagittarius. The star lord Venus is

in the water sign Scorpio owned by Mars. The sub lord Jupiter
occupies 8 in Libra owned by Venus.

Water signs and Venus denote oil. Fire signs and Man
signify chemicals. Venus aspected by Saturn (minerals) indicates

mineral oils. Mars aspected by Jupiter supports chemicak.


in the Sth corresponds lo Scorpio (chemicals), it being inr

Libra corresponds to Venus (oil). Thus Venus in Scorpio and
Jopjter in the S\h in Libra denote chemical oils. Hence the cuspal
sub lord of 10 signifies the indnslry of chemical oils. The nutive
owns his factory for nianufscluring chemical oils,

2. Sun occupies 10, Its star lord Venus owns 3 (abilitios>

and $ (sudden gain), occupies 9 (fortune). Its sub lord Jupiter

owns 2, 10 and 11. Hence the native by his abilities will build
his fortune, he will flourish in his industrial enterprise of
chemical oils, he t*lll acquire a ccvetablc position in thesociety
and he will meet with success by sudden gains.

-4. PccuUaritier. In this horoscope Kctu in Pisces represents'

Jupiter owning 1, 10 and II. Rahu in Virgo represents Mercury

owning 4, 5 and 7.

.Sup Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in the sab Jupiter.

Moon and Mercury arc in the sub Kctu i.e. Jupiter.

Kctu is in the sub Rahu ie„ Mercury. Mars is in the sub

Mercury, These planets arc finally, controlled by the owners of

Kecdra-Tnlon. Ftulher these sub lords Mercury and Jupiter
are col aspected by any malefic. Hence the combined effect of

there plane is is very beneficial in genera).

5. The native wss born during the pericd of Mercury 14*'*

6 130\ Tie period of Sun (the sob lord of the 10th cusp)

continued frcm J8-7-J964 to 18-7-1970. while the period of

Mcon (the sob lord of the Jlth cusp) started from 18-7-1970

"d "JininiKs upto 18-7-1980. This is tbe peak period of life

onbeded with prosperity.

26, Business
7rt (WrcM 13- ty. The sob lord of the 7.h cusp is

*«ta. I» is m its own star and sub


2$. Business

Male. Birth 25-11-1945 Sunday; 2-52 A.M. I.ST; 23'v2,

72® 35; Ayanamsa 22"59#.


Virgo 13-1

Ncp. 16*3
Jup. 26-5

2 Libra 12-1 -Leo 14-1 12

Ven. 22-48
Moon 19-22
Sun 9-16 Plu. 18-46r
3 Scorpio 12-1 ■Cancer 14-1 11
Mcr. 29-38 Mars 9-35
Sat. 1.36r
Ketu 8-28
4 Sagittarius 13-1 -Gemini 13-1 10
Rahu S-28

Uran. 22'59d
3 Capricorn 14-1- -Taurus 12*1

6 Aquarius 14-1- -Aries 12-1 8

Pisces 131

PL Sn. Hs. Sr, Su. PL Sn. Hs Sr Su.

S Sc. 2 Sa. V V Li. 2 J Sa.

M Gn. 11 Me. V SaR Co. 10 J R

Ma. Co. 10 Sa. V R Gm. 9 R R

Me. Sc. 3 Me. Sa. K Sg. 3 K. R

jr Vg. 1 Ma. R

Mercury owning 10. Thus the cuspal sub lord of JO is tbc strong
significator of 10 and connected with 10 and Mercury (roor-
chandise). Hence the native docs an independent business in
pat: airship.

JOih cusp {Gemini 13* 1'): (a) The sub lord of the 10 th cusp
i4 Mercury, it Is in the star Mercury and in the sub Saturn.

Its star lord Mercury owns 10. Its sub lord Saturn owns 6 and
occupies 10 Thus the cuspal sub lord of 10 is the strong signi-
ficator of 10 and connected with 6 and 10. Hence the native

docs an independent vacation.

bi Mercury (merchandise) in Scorpio in 3 gives a pcoe-

rriiiivc iE>fght in business Saturn-Mars in conjunction In 10

denote iron, steel, lead and hardware. Caoccr corresponds to the

-'h, io ii denotes hereditary business, also dealings in coismo-

ditcei cr ^rtic-es or wsres asei in furnishing the bouse* Henai

tne n-it -.e dse; a hereditary bus]a<ess dcaliog id iron, rtcd, bard-
wares, braiawarcs and aluminium fittings used in furnlsblog

-be bouse.

Joint Period : The native was born during the period of

Mercury ^.iih balance of 13^* 6^* 2\D\ He joined busineti sioca

'Ma) 1964* during the joint period of Ketu and Saturn (the sub lord

of the 2Ed t^spb The pcrrod of Venus commenced from lb-6-1966

'd continues upto 16-6-1986. Venus owns 2 and occupies 2.

There is no planet in its star. So it is the strong significator

of 2. The native expanded his buiinem to a considerable extent

donng the period of Venus. Venus is atpeated by Mariy Mars-

Venus denote fancy articles and alumiaiuni fittings; so the

native started to deal in these articles.

During the joint periods of Venus and Mars from

16-6-1972 and onwards; Venus and Rahu, Venus and Jupiter

the native earned lacs of rupees. Mars is in the star Saturn

in 10 and io the sub Venus owning and occupying 2, so it is
the significant of 10 and connected with 2. Rahu is the cuspa)
sub lord of 11 and it is the significator of 10 as already
discussed. Jupiter is in the star Mars in 10 and in the sub
Rahu owning 10, so if is the strong siguificator of 10 and
coonecied with 10.

27. Transport

Hints : The house 3 (inland communications and trans port).

Mercury (communications), Venus (vehicle), Mars (machine). Moon
—Venus (petrol). Moon-Venus-Mars (motor vehicle), bestiil signs
Aries, Taurus, Leo, 2od half of Sagittarius and Caprioorn (four

wheeled vehicles) should be considered in respect of the 10th

-cusp for transport business.

10th cusp {Pices 29*): In this horoscope Cancer 4* Af is cm

ihc Asc, The 10 th cusp is jointly ruled by Jupiter 'sign k>rd\
Mercury (star lord) and Saturn (sub lord).

Jupiter is in the star Mars in 3 and in the sub Veoos.

Mercury is tn the star Jupiter in Gemini (corresponds to 3) and

in the tub Venus. Saturn is in the star Mars (Leo) in 3 and

in the sub Moon. Moon is aspectcd by Mars and Venus both.

Thus the joint rulers of the 10th cusp are connected with (be

Jrd^ Mercury and Mars-Venus-Moon. Jupiter aspects both Saturn

and Mercury, so they three are interrelated. Hence the native
will be associated with the business of transport by motor trucks.

Ulh cusp {Taurus 2")', The sub lord of the 11th cusp is

Jupiter. It is in the star Mars and io the sub Venus. Jupiter

owns 6, 10 and occupies 11. The star lord Mars owns 5, occupies

3, it aspects S and 10, The sub lord Venus owns 11, occupies 3.

Mars and Venus both aspect Moon owning 1 and 2, ThusJtho


21. Transport

Male. Birth 21-10-1953 Wednesday; 0-4 A.M. I.S.T/

21 ^'41 73 t; Ayanamsa 23' 6',


Cancer 4-4

Kctu 5-29
Urao. 29-58
2 Cancer 29-0 ■ Gemini 40 12
Jup. 3-20/?
PJu 1-36
3 Leo 270 Taurus 2-0 II
Mars 29-37

Vcn. 9-33 Aries

4 Virgo 29-0- •Pisces 29-0 10
Libra Mood 8-53
Nep. 0-39
Sun 3-58
Sal. 6-39
Mer. 27-57

5 Scorpio 2-0- —Aquarius 27-0 9

6 Sagittarius 4-0 —Capricorn 29-0 8

Rahu 5-29

Capricorn 4-4

PL Sn Bs. St. Su. PI. Sn. Ms. St. Sir.
S Li 4 Ma. V V 3
Vg. S V
M Pi. 9 Sa. V Sa; Li. 4 Ma. M
Ma. Le. 3 S R R Cp. 7 S Me.
Me. Li. 4 J V K Cn. 1 Sa. Me,
Gm. 11 Ma. V

cuspa) sub lord of 11 is the sigoificator of 3 (transport), 5 (enter

prise), 10 (occupation) and connected with 3, 11 (success). 2
(money), 1 (native), 6 (efficiency). Hence the native will earn

money and he will be successful in the occnpation of transport

enterprise by his abilities.

Joint period: The native was born during the period of

1 D
Satum with balance of ll '- I'"* 3 \ He started the transport

enterprise during the joint period of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn

(Ibe joint rulers of the 10th cusp) from 12-7-1979.

Transits : On 12-7-1979 Sun Gemini 25036f was in the

star Jupiter the sub period ruler. Moon Capricorn was in the
9 /
sub Jupiter. Mercury and Jupiter Cancer 19 34 were in the
star Mercury the period ruler.
Motor Vehicle :

Hints : If the sub lord of the 4lh cusp (vehicle) be the sigoi-
ficator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 4 and connected

with Venus; or if connected with 4 (vehicle), 9 (luck), 10 (prosperity)

or 11 (fulfilment of aspirations) and Venus or Moon (natural

significator of 4) or Jupiter (finance) it prombes vehicle during

the joint period of the significators of 4, 11 and 2 (precious

movable article).

4th cusp (Virgo 29°): The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Saturn.

It is in the star Mars and in the sub Moon. Saturn is in

association with Mercury owning 4 in Libra, so it is connected

with 4 and Venus, The star lord Mars aspects the owner of

2 (Moon). The sub lord Moon is in mutual aspect to Venus owning

11, Thus the cuspal sub lord of 4 is connected with 4, 2» 11,

also Mars-Venus-Moon together. Hence the native will purchaie

a motor vehicle.

6f/i cusp (Sagittarius 4*): It denotes money by loan. The

sub lord of the 6tb cmp is Moon. It is in the star Saturn an^

in the xuI) Venus, Moon owns 2, it is in mutuul aspect to

Vonuii owning 11, The xtar Saturn la aspootod by Jupitor owning

10, 6. Tlio «ub Venus owns 2 and aspectcd by the owner of 2
(MolmiJ, Thu.s die cuspal sub lord of 6 is connected with 2, 6,

10 and II, lleiwc it is a good inJication for getting loan.

Further, (he cu.spal sub lord in Moon and in aspect to

Venus, So Ihe native will got loan quickly and easily.

Joint period: One gets loan during the joint period of the
signilicators of the 2, 6 and 11. The joint rulers of (he 10th
cusp (Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn) are connected with 2,6 and
11. Jupiter owns 6 and is in the sub Venus owning II. Mercury
is m the star Jupiter owning 6 and in the sub Venus owning

11. Saturn is in the sub Mojo owning 2. They all three are
interrelated by aspect. Hence the native obtained a loan from
the bank during the joint period of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
(28-3-1979 to 7-8-1979) and he could purchase a motor truck.

28. Artist

Hints : J, Consider the houses 5 (fine arts), 6 (services

rendered, efficiency) and 10 (vocation); Mercury, Venus; air
and water signs in judging fine arts e.g. artists in general,

music, singing, acting, drama, film, dancing, painters, sculptors,

instrumentalists etc.

Mercury denotes rhythm, power of expression, speech, voice,

action and presentation. Venus stands for fine arts, aesthetic

sense, feelings, emotions, sweetness, mslody, harmony and grace.

Moon is emotional and imaginative.

Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are artistic and

voice signs. Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are emoti-

onal and exprcsstive of moods and feelings. They confer imag-

inative faculties.

£9. Artist

Female. Birth 28-9-1929 Saturday; 10-21 P.M. L.M.T;

22iV44» 7Sfi50; Ayanumsa 22*46'.

Taurus 29-41

Jup. 23*34

2 Gemini 24*14* Aries 26-14 12

Plu. 26*42 Rahu 21-14

Moon 17*6
3 Cancer 19*14. Pisces 20-] 4 11
Uran. 16-48^
Ncp. 9*35
Yen. 10*52
4 Leo 17*14. Aquarius 17*14 10

Sun 12-18
5 Virgo 20*14 •Capricorn 19*14 9

Mcr. 04R
Mars 1-57
Ketu 21-14
6 Libra 26*14 - SagiUarius24'\4 8
Sat. 1-53

Scorpio 29*41

PI. Sn. ffs. St. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Su.

S Vg* 4 M R V Lc. 3 K Sa.

M Cn. 2 Me. Me. Sa. Sg* 7 K V

Ma. Li. 5 Ma. K R Ar. 11 V J

Me/? Li. 5 Ma. Me. K Li. 5 J J

J Tr. 12 Ma. Ma.


The 2nd house and Taurus denote voice and speech. The
5th h0use and Leo indicate fine arts.

2. Jf the sub lord of the 3th cusp be the sign'ficator (in

the ^tar of the occupant or owner) of 5, 6 or 10; or connected
with 5, 6 or 10; Mercury, Venus, Moon; Air and water signs
the native is inclined towards artistic pursuits.

5th cusp \Virgo -0° 14') \ In this horoscope Taurus 29*41'

is on the Aic The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Kctu. It is m
the star and sub Jupiter. Kctu occupies S in Libra, it Is in
association with Mercury owning 5 and 2. Its star and sub
Jupiter occupies Taurus, u owns II and aspects 5. Thus the
cuspal sub lord of 5 is connected with 3 (fine arts), 11 (success),

2 (voice, wealth); Mercury, Venus (Kctu being in Libra and

Jupiter in Taurus); Libra and Taurus (voice). So the native is
an artist. She is the most popular playback singer in the film


2/id cusp [Gemini 24* 14') : 1 The sub lord of the 2nd cusp

is Mercury. It is in the star Mars and in the sub Mercury.

Both Mercury and Mars are in the 5th (fine arts) in the voice

and artistic sign Libra. Mars (energy) in conjunction with

Mercury (voice) owning 2 (voice) confers forceful and appealing

voice. Hence the native's vocal music is most enthralling.

2. Its star lord Mars occupies 5 and its sub lord Mercury

owns 2, 5 and occupies 5. Thns-the cuspal sub lord of 2 is the

significator of 5 and connected with 2 and 5. Hence the native

mints money by her singing.

I0ih cusp {.Aquarius n'14'): The sub lord of the 10th cusp

is Venus. It is in the star Ketu and in the sub Saturn. Venus

occupies 3 (mental qualities) in Leo (8ne -arts), u,
Ketu occupies 5 in Libra (artistic sign), „ j, i0 association

•with Mercury owning 2 and 5, also Mars owning 7 (contracts)

and 12 (background or playback), Its sub lord Saturn owns 10

(vocation) and occupies 7. Thiis the cuspa! sub lord of 10 is

connected with 2, Sr 7, 10, 12; Venus, Mercury; Libra and Leo.

Hence the native is a professional playback singer in the him

world on contractual basis and mints money thereby.

11th cusp {Pisces 20'14'): The sub lord of the lllh cusp is
also Venus. Hence the native achieves great success and she

fulfils her aspirations and ambitions.

Periods : The native was, born during the period of

Mercury with balance of lb1'* S1*1, ll0*. The period ruler Mercury

is the cuspal sub lord of 2 (finarlce) and circumstances made her

-cam from very young age. The period of Venus (the cuspal

sub lord of 10 and 11) commenced from 9-3-1953 and she came
to light from that lime onward. She then earned worldwide
fame and popularity. Sun is in the star Moon in the 2nd and

in the Sub Rahu in the 11th, so it is the strong signiheator of 2

and connected with 11. Moon is in the star and sub Mercury
owning 2, 5 and .occupying S, so it is the strong signiiicator of

2, 5 and connected with 5 (art). Thus the periods of Sun

(1973) and Moon (1979 to 1989) arc prosperous for her. She

is at her zenith to-day.

29* Queen

ASC {Capricorn 2CP50,)i Capricorn which corresponds to

the 10th house is on the Asc. Its sub lord is Venus. It is in

the star and sub Jupiter. Venus is in Aquarius which corresponds

to the lltb house. Jupiter is in Capricorn. Both are in the 1st

(angular house), Venus owns 4 (ancestral property) and 9 (fortune),

Jupiter owns 2 (wealth) and 11 (gain, prosperity); it is in

•conjunction with the owner of 10 Mars (authority, status). Thus


£9. Qvmi
2-40 A.M. L.M.T^
Feioalc. Birth 21-4-1926 Wednesday;

51^30 Ow'55; Ayanamsa 22*44'.

Capricorn 20-50

Mars 28*9
Jup. 29-47

Yen. 21*14

Uran, 4*38
Mer. 11*57 Ketu 27-44
21-16- Sagittarius 24-16 12
2 Pisces

Sun 7-30
3 Aries 25-16- Sagittarius 5-16 11

4 Taurus 17-16 •Scorpio 17-16 10"

Sat. 1*40r

5 Gemini 5-16 •Libra 25-16 9

Plu. 20-0
6 Gemini 24-16- ■ Virgo 21-16 8
Rahu 27-44 Leo

Moon 19-52 Ncp. 29-l8R

Cancer 20-50

PI. Sn. Hs. St. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Sui.

s At. 2 K R. V Aq. 1 J J
M Co. 6-7 Me. V SaR Sc. 9 J R
Ma. Cp. 1 Ma. Sa. R Gm. 6 J V
Me* Pi. 1 Sa. M K Sg. 12 s m:
J Cp. 1 Ma. Sa-

the sub lord of the Asc. is the significator of 2, II and conne-

cted with 2. 4. 9, 10 and 11. also Capricorn and Aquarius,
Besides, it is controlled by beoefics Jupiter and Venus. Hence
the princely status and environments from birth. The native is

the queen of England, Elizabeth II.

Wth cusp (Scorpio 11*16'): The sob lord of the 10th cusp
is Mercury. It is in the star Saturn and in the sub Moon. The
star lord Saturn owns I and occupies 9. The sub lord Moon owns

7 and aspects the owners of 10 (Mars\ 2 and 11 (Jjpiterl

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 10 is the significator of 1. 9 and

ooonected with 2. 10 and 11. Hence the native will enjoy

status, power and prosperity.

Ihh cusp {Sagittarius 5*16' : The sub lord of the 11th cusp

is Mars. It is in (he star Mars and in the sab Saturn. As

already discussed above, the cuspal sub lord of 11 is the signi-
ficator of 1. 10 and connected with 1. 2. 9 and 11. Henec the

native will cherish her aspirations by enjoying prosperity and


Joint period: The native was born during the period of

Mercury (the cuspal sub lord of 10) with balance of 12^* 11*' 50\

She was crowned as queen on 2-6-19S3 during the joint period

of Venus (the sub lord of the Asc.). Rabu and Rahu. Rahu is in

the star Jupiter and in the sub Venus. Both Venus and Rahu
are the significators of 1, 9 and 11. Hence the native could fulfil

her desire by becoming the queen of England,

Transits : On 2-6-1953 Sun Taurus 18* was in the sign

owned by Venus the period ruler. Moon Capricorn 13*30' was

in the sab Rahu, the sub and inter period ruler. Rabu Capri-

com 12*55' was in its own sub.


30. Building

Male, Birth 13-8-1918 Tuesday; 8-55 A.M. I.S.T., 22^

72^52; Ayanamsa 22#37#.


^irgo 2-39

Mcr. 22-37
2 Libra 1-41 -Leo 3-41 12
Mars 4-54
Moon 6-52 Sun 26*57
Sat. 25-40
Ncp. 14-43
3 Scorpio 1-4] - Cancer 341 11
Rahu 26-31 Vcn. 0-39

Jup. 13-54
Plu. 13-23
4 Sagittarius 2*41 - Gemini 2-41 10

Ketu 26-31
5 Capricorn 3-41 •Taurus 1-41

6 Aquarius 3-41 - -Aries 1-41 8

Pisces 2-39

n Sn. Hs. Sr. Su. PI, Sn. Bs. St, Su»

s Cn, 11 Me. J V Co. 1011 J Mtu
M Li 2 ft R Sa. Cn. 11 Me. R
Ma. Li 2 Ma. S R Sc. 3 Me.
Me. Le. 12. V Sa. K Tr. 9 Ma, iJ
.J Gm. 10 R Mc. 3

Hints: IT the sub lord of the 4th cusp ts the sigm&cator

(in the star of the occupant or owner) of 4 (building, landf, U

(gain) or 12 (mvestmcnt); or connected with 4, II or 12, also

with Mais (building) or Saturn (land, mines, estates) the native
will have his own building during tbe joint period of the

sigmficators of -1, 11 and 12.

4th cusp {Sa%iUarius 2* 4lf) : In this horoscope Virgo

2* 39' is on the Asc. The sub lord of the 4th cosp is Venua.
It is in the star Jupiter and in the sub Man. Venus is ia
Cancer the natural sign of the 4th house, it is in associatioo

with the owner of 12 (Son) and Saturn. The star lord Jupiter
owns 4 and aspects tbe 4ib, the owner of 11 (Mxm) and
Mars. The sub lord Mars is in conjunction with the owner of
11 (Moon). Thus the cuspal sub lord of 4 is the significator of
4, 11 and connected with 4, II, 12; also Mars and Saturn.

Hence it promises the native his own building.

Significators of 4J1J2 :

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owner's
star star

4 None None V J
11 None Sa. None M
None S

12 S,R,Sa. Me. None S

Venus, Saturn, Sun and Rahu arc the strong significators.

Moon and Jupiter are in the star of tbe significator Rahu, so

they may be considered.

Joint period: Tbe native was born during the period of

Rahu with balance of nYm ZM' 23d*. During the joint period of

■Saturn, Sun and Jupiter, the native purchased land on 3-10-1962.


Durin|i tbc joint pcrfod of Saturn, Moon and Jupiter, in October

1963 the native occupied the building constructed by him.

Transits: On 3-10-1963 Sun Virgo 16° 34' and Jupiter

Aquarius 10* 41' were in the sub Saturn the period ruler. Moon,

in Scorpio was passing through the star Jupiter and Saturn.

Eye—operation :

12th cusp {Leo 3* 41') : The 12lh bouse denotes defect.

The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Moon (vision). It is in con-
junction with Mars owning 8 (operation). So it denotes operattoa
for getting vision.

Joint period : The native was born during the period of

of Rahu with balance of I7K* 8M' 23d'. Thereafter he will

have to run the periods of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury res*

peclivcly. Mercury is connected with defective vision. Because it

is in the star Venus (vision) owning 2 (vision), it is in the-

sub Saturn (obsruction) owning 6 (disease); the star Venus

.and the sub Saturn both are in association with Sun (visiony

owning 12 (defect). The combined effect of all these planets

causes cataract in (he eye.

The 12th house denotes hospitalisation. The 8th bouse ancf"

Mars signify operations. So during the joint period of the

significator of disease and the cuspal sub lords of 8 and 12

connected with Mars, the native undergoes operations.

In this case during the joint period of Mercury, Moon (the

cuspal sub lord of 12) and Venus (the star lord of the period

ruler, also the ouspal sub lord of 8 connected with Mara as

ita sub lord) the right eye of the native was operated for

cataract on 28-7-1979.

Transifs : On 28-7-1979 Sun Cancer 11' was in the sub

Moon the sub period ruler. Moon Leo 26° was in the star

Venus the inter period ruler. Venus Cancer 3* was in the sign
owned by Moon.

Loss of Parents In Teenage :

1. The native was born during the period of Rabn with

balance of \ly' 8** 23°*. We may now examine the effects of

Rahu in respect of the longevity of his parents,

9th cusp (Taurus 1* 4lr) ; The 9th cusp respresents the

Asc. for the native^ father. As counted from the 9ih cusp
Rahu is in the 7th. It is in the star Mercury and in the sub

Jupiter. The star lord Mercury owns the maraka bouse 2, The
sub lord Jupiter owns 8, Rabu in Scorpio as a representative
of Mars owns 7 and 12. Rahu is the cuspal tab lord of 7

(Scorpio 1* 41'). Thus Rahu is the strong maraka sign ificator and

connected with 8. Hence its period will prove fatal to the

native's father.

4th cusp [Sagittarius 2* 4lf): The 4th cusp represents the

Asc. for the native*8 mother. As counted from the 4tb cusp Rahu

is in the 12th. It is in the star Mercury and in the sub Jupiter.

The star lord Mercury owns the badhaka-maraka house 7. The

sub lord Jupiter is in the badhaka house 7* Rahu is the cuspal

sub lord of 12 (Scorpio 1* 41'). Thus Rahu is the badhaka-maraka

signifkator. Hence its period will prove fatal to the native's


2. We may now examine the 8th cusps of the parents.

Father's 8th cusp {Sagittarius 2* 41*) : The sub lord of the

father's 8th cusp is Venus. It is in the star Jupiter and in the

sub Mars. Jupiter owns 8t Mars owns 7 and 12. Thus the

cuspal sub lord of 8 is the strong signiflcator of 8 and connected

with the maraka housea. Hence the native's father will suddenly

pass away in short sickness.


if other's 8th cusp {Cancer 3* 4Ir) : The sub lord of (he

raotber's 8th cusp is Saturn. It is in the star Mercury and in the

sub Rahu. Saturn is in Cancer in the 8th, it denotes long

sickness and disease. Mercury owns the badbaka—maraka house

7. Rahu is in the maraka house 12. Thus the cuspal sub lord

of 8 is both badhaka and maraka. Hence the native's mother

will die after suffering long sickness.

3, Hints : If the cuspal sub lords of 1, S and 12 be the

badhaka-maraka significators, death occurs during their joint


The native's father died on 16-8-1930 during the joint period

of Rahu (the cuspal sub lord of the maraka house 7), Venus

(the cuspal sub lord of 8 and 12) and Moon (the maraka.
significa tor of the father).

The native's mother died on 30-1-1932 during the joint

period of Rahu (the cuspal sub lord of 12), Venus (the cuspal

sub lord of the badhaka house and Asc.) and Saturn (the cuspal

sub lord of 8 of the mother.)

4. Transits : On 16-8-1930 Moon Aries 15° was in the-

star Venus the sub period ruler. Venus Virgo 14' was in the

star Moon the inter period ruler. Rahu Aries 4" 7' was in the

sub Moon.

On 30-1-1932 Sun Capricorn 16* was in the sub Saturn

the ioier period ruler. Moon Libra 17* was in the star Rahu

the period ruler. Venus Aquarius 19* 57' was in the star Rahu.

Rahu Pisces 5* 55' was in the star Satarn.

ftofasion and Pi—

1 (a) 10th cusp{(jemini 29 41*)*. The sub lord of the-

10th cusp is Venus. It is m the star Jupiter and in the sub

Mars. Venus is in the 10th(vQcation)f it owns 2(f2nance) and- ,

9 (leaniiog). Its star lord iupiterdearDiog/ '* in the Oth in
Geii]ini(cducation). Its sub lord Mars owns 3(cdi2catiaai matters;

and occupies 2 in the intellectual sign Libra, it is in coojaoction

with the owner of 11 (gain) Moon. Thus the cuspal aub lord
of 10 denotes educational activities and financial gain thereby.

(b) 2rtd cusp {Libra 1° 4I,y, The sub lord of the 2nd

cusp is Mercury. It is in the star Venus and in the sub Sa-

turn. Mercury owns 10. Its star lord Venus owns 2 and occupies

10. Its sub lord Saturn owns 6 and occupies 11. Thus the

cuspal sub loid of 2 is the significator of 2. 10 and connected

with 6, 10 and 11. Hence the native will have his own

independent earning.

2 (a) Joint Period : The native was born during the period of

Rahu with balance of 17^* 8'w* 23°'. He obtained his first degree

in May 1940 during the joint period of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu.

These joint period rulers are also the significators of 10. So he

got his first employment in service on 1-6-1940 during their

joint period.

The period ruler Jupiter is in the sub Mercury owning ID

(the cuspal sub lord of 2). The sub period ruler Saturn(the

owner of 6 and the cuspal sub lord of 11) and the inter period

ruler Rahu both are in the star Mercury.

Transits : On 1-6-1940 Sun Taurus 17* 30' and Jupiter

Aries 10° 41' were in the sub Saturn the sub period ruler*

Rahu Virgo 24* 34' was in its own sub the inter period ruler.

Saturn Aries 16* was in the star Venus the significator of 10.

Moon Pisces 22* was in the star Mercury the siguificator of 10.

(b) Joint Period : During the joint period of Jupiter, Ve-

nus (the cuspal sub lord of 10) and Ketu the significator of 2

the Dative was appointed as a professor in a college on 11-11-1946.


Kc,fu 11 >n (he r.iar Man and in (he tub Jupiter; the star lord
Mar* 3|educalirjn> and occupies 2 (finance), the tub lord

■ upilcr (toltcjgc) is in vhe I0(h (vocation).

T>ansili : On II 11-1946 Sun Libra 25* was in the star

Jupiter ihc period ruler, Mo^n Taurus 20' 21', Jupiter Libra

17' 7' ..-nd Kciu Scorpio J9* 50' were in the sub Venus fbc

sub period ruler.

(c) During the Joint period of Saturn, Saturn and Kctu

the native officiated as the Principal in the college from 11-4-1953

upio 30-4-1954.

Saturn is the cuspal sub lord of 11, It is in the star Mer*

cury and in (be sub Rahu. Its star lord Mercury owns 10

(poJiion), 1 (change in service being 12th from 2) and occupies

]2ichange of environment). Its sub lord Rahu occupies 3

(change of environment). Saturn owns 6 (service) and 5(change io

service being 12th from 6), so the change in service becomes

the source of the forthcoming event (/.e. change in position),

Ketu is in (he star Mars and in the sub Jupiter. Ketu

occupies 9(change in position being 12th from 10). The star

lord Mars owns 3(change) and occupies 2(finaQce). The sub

lord Jupiter owns 4(ihe same location) and 7(ooatact with

others) and occupies Imposition). Hence it effected a better

change at the same place.

(d) During the joint period of Saturn, Saturn and Man

he reverted to his original post of the professor on 1-5-19S4.

Mars is in its own star and in the sub Sun, As the sub lord

Sun owns 12 (loss), the native was now on his permanent post.

(e) During the joint period of Saturn (owning 6), Moon

(owning 11) and Mercury (owning 10), the native was promoted

to the post of the vice-principal of the college with effect from


Moon is in the star and sub Rahu m 3. lu cfleet ii to be

construed in concurrence with that of the period ruler. So it

effected a change for the better as the owner of 11. It ji also

the cuspal ^ublord of 12 (change;.

Mercury (the owner of 10 and the cuspai sub lord of 2) is

the significator of 2, 10 and connected with 6, 10 and II as

discussed earlier. So it gave him a permanent better position

with monetary gain.

In outsheii the period ruler Saturn is the cuspai sub lord

of 11 (fulfilment of desire), the sub period ruler Moon is the

cuspai sub lord of 12 (change of environment) and the inter period

ruler Mercury is the cuspai sub lord of 2 (finance).

Transits: On 1-5-1964 Sun Aries 17° was in the sub Moon

the sub period ruler. Mercury Aries 11° was iu the sub Saturn

the period ruler. Saturn Aquarius 10° 12' was in its own sign.

Retirement from Service:

Hints : The native generally retires from service during the

joint period of (he significators (in the star of the occupant or

owner) of I, 5, 9 (being 12th from 2. 6 and 10) and 12.

The native retired from service on 1-9-1978 during the

joint period of Mercury (owning 1), Moon (cuspai sub lord of 12-

change of environments) and Rahu (cuspai sub lord of 3-change of

environments) These planets are the significators of 1, 5, 9 and 12.

The retiring age in service is normally 58. Tn this case

the period of Mercury started from 12-4-1971. Mercury is in

the star Venus and in the sub Saturn. The star lord Venus

owns 9. The sub lord Saturn owns S. Thus Mercury is the

significator of 9 (absence of position being 12th from 10) and

connected with S (absence of service being 12th from 6), Hence

irelircmeht from service.


Moon is in the star and sub Rabu m 3 (change or

environments), It is the signiflcator of 3 and ai&o the cuspal sub
lord of 12..Mood's influence is to be interpreted in concurrence

with (hat of the period ruler Mercury. So there will be a change

of environments in service i.e. retirement from service.

Rahu is in the star Mercury owning 1 and occupying 12.

So it is the significator of 1 and 12; also the cuspal sub lord of

3. Hence retirement from service.

Transits: On 1-9-1978 Moon was in its own sign Cancer.

Mercury Cancer 27*16' was in its own star the period ruler. Rahu

Virgo 49I4/ was in the star Sun, the signiheator of 1 and 12.

Education :

The native passed his B. Cora, examination on 28-5-1940

during the joint period of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu.

Transits : Sun Taurus Jupiter Aries 9*49'. Moon

Aquarius 2*30'. Saturn Aries 15*40'.

M. Com. examination in June 1946 during the joint period

of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

Transits : Sun Gemini 13*. Venus Cancer 18*, Mercury Cancer

7*. Jupiter Virgo 24*43'.

He was Ph D. in June 1959 during the joint period of

Saturn, Venus and Venus

Transits I Sun Gemini 12*. Saturn Sagittarius 11*. Venus-

Cancer 28*.


The native got married on 21'1-1942 during the joint pefiod

of Jupiter (owner of 7), Mercury (cuspal sub lord of 2), Moon

(owner of 11) and Saturn (cuspal sub lord of 11),

Transits : Moon Pisces 6* 37'. Jupiter Taurus 18049'.


Children ;

On 13-7-1948 during the joint period of Jupiter, Moon and

Ketu the birth of a daughter.

Transits i Sun Gemini 27*. Moon Virgo 27*. Jupiter Scorpio


On 15-11-1950 during the joint period of Jupiter, Rahu

and Saturn the birth of a son.

Transits: Sun Libra 29*26'. Moon Capricorn Jupiter

Aquarius 5*21'.

On 15-3-1959 during the joint period of Saturn, Venus and

Venus the birth of a daughter.

Transits : Venus Pisces 2904l'. Moon Taurus 2*12'.

On 4-4—1966 during the joint period of Saturn, Rahu and

Rahu the birth of a daughter.

Transits : Saturn Aquarius 29*35'. Rahu Taurus;4'25'.

31* Bnilding

4th cusp [Scorpio 29*6') i In this horoscope Leo 29*4' is on

the Asc. The sub lord of the 4lh cusp is Saturn. It is in the
star Jupiter and in the sub Mercury. Saturn is in conjunction

with the owner of 12 (Sun) and aspects the owner of 4 Mars.

The star lord Jupiter is the part ruler of 4; it aspects the 4th,

12th, aho the owner of 4 Mars. The sub lord Mercury aspects

the 4th. Thus the cuspal sublord of 4 is the significator of 4

and connected with 4, 12, Mars and Saturn. Hcoce the native

will have bis own bouse to dwell in.

Joint period: The native was born during the period of

Saturn with balance of 17*' 5*'' 23 *, Thereafter, the periods of

Mercury, Ketu and Venus were to follow. Amoog them Venus

is in the star Jupiter and in the sub Mercury. So as discussed


SI. Building

Male. Birth 22-6-1916 Thursday; 12-3 P,M. I.S.T; 23y2t

72ff3& AyaDamsa 22*35'.

Leo 29*4

Mars 19-50
- J
'irzv 28-6 -Leo 0-6 12

Nop. 8-38
Kctu 7*59
3 L\brj 2S-6 •Cancer 0-6 11

Vca. 25-11*
Sat. 24-55
Piu. 10-6
Sun 7-54
4 Scorpio 29-6 Taurus 29-6 10
Sagiitarius Mer. 18-50

5 Capricorn 06 - Aries 28-6 9

Rahu 7*59 Jup. 6-49
Uran. 26-38*

6 Aquarius 0-6 28-6 8

Moon 4-24

Aquarius 29-4

PI Sn. Hs. Si. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St, Su.

S Cm. 10 R R \t 10 J Me.
M Pi. 7 Sa. Sa. Sa. L 10 J Me.
Ma. lie. 12 V R R Cp. 5 S V
Me. Tr. 9 M Me. K Co. 11 Sa. X
-J Ar. 8 K R

ebove, it becomes the significator of 4 and connected with 4,

12, Mars and Saturn, Hence the native will have his own house
during the period of Venus.

During the joint period of Venus and Mars in 1964-65"*"

there were movements for land and the consiruclioo of the house.
Mars owns 4 and occupies 12, there is no planet in the star
of Mars, so it is the strong significator of 12 (investment) and
4 (land or house).

During the joint period of Venus, Rahu, Venus and

Mercury the native occupied the house on 5-6-1967. Rahu is in
the star Sun and in the sub Venus. Its star lord Sun owns 12,
it aspects the 4th, it is in conjunction with Saturo(Iaad) and
Venus the significator of 4. So Rahu is the significator of 4t
12 and connected with Saturn, Mercury is in the star Moon
and in its own sub. Its star lord Moon owns 11, it is aspected
by the owner of 4 Mars. Its sub lord Mercury aspects 4. So
Mercury is the significator of 4 and connected with 4 and Mars.

Hence he could occupy the bouse and began to stay there.

Transits: On 5-6-1967 Venus Cancer 5* 30' and Rahu Aries

11° 47' were in the sub Mercury the sookshma period ruler.
Mercury Gemini 13* 40 was in the star Rahu the sub period

ruler. Moon Aries 16* was in the star Venus the period ruler.

Sun Taurus 20* 30' was in the sub Venus.

latercaste Love-marriage.

7lh cusp {Aquarius 29* 4'): The sub lord of the 7th cusp

is Sun. It is in the star and sub Rahu in 5. So it is the strong

significator of 5 (love-affair) and connected with S. Rahu in

Capricorn as a representative of Saturn becomes the owner of 7

(marri^^-). Thus the cuspal sub lord of 7 is connected with 5,

7 and Rahu. Hence tbe native had an intercastc love-marriage.

Significators of 2, 7, J] :

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owner's
star star

2 None None None Me.

7 Me. M M. K Sa.

11 J K Me. M

Mercury, Moon, Keiu and Jupiter are the significators.

Joint period : The native was born during the period of

Saturn with balance of 171'* 5^' 23^'. He got married during the
joint period of Mercury, Moon, Ketu and Jupiter on 11-2-1942.

Transits : On 11-2-1942 Moon Sagittarius 7° was in the

star Ketu the inter period ruler. Kctu Aquarius 21* 42' was in
tbe star Jupiter the sookshraa period ruler. Jupiter Taurus 18*30'

was in the star Moon the sub period ruler.


10th cusp (Taunts 29m 5') : The sub lord of the 10th cusp is

Saturn It is in the star Jupiter and in the sub Mercury. Saturn

owns 7, 6 and it is in the 10th in Gemini(educatioDf writings,

studies, teaching); it is in conjunction with Venus the owner

of 10 (occupation, status, authority) and 3 (education, teaching,

studies, writings) and Sun. The star lord Jupiter is the natural

significator of learning and knowledge. The sub lord Mercury

-owns 2 (finance, speech); it is the natural significator of educat-

ion, teaching, studies, writings, speech and examinations etc. Thus

the cuspal sub lord of 10 is connected with. 2, 7 and 10; also

with Mercury and Jupiter. Hence the native was in an indepen-


dent profession. He was tbe Principal of a secondary school.

He is lo day the Director of the school.

2nd cusp ( Virgo 28* 6'): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is

Saturn. Hence as discussed above the educational activity is the

source of his income.

Periods. The native was born during the period of Saturn
with balance of 17v* 5^* 23d". During the period of Kclu the

native became the Principal of the secondary school on l-3-195Ii

Ketu is in the star Saturn in 10 and in the sub Kctu in 11.

It is the significator of 10 and connected with II.

During the period of Venus the native started his own

secondary school since June 19S8. Venus is in the star Jupiter

and in the sub Mercury. As already discussed above it supports

the educational activity started and continued by the native.

Jfcther^s Death :

The native's father died on 1-11-1936 during the Joint

period of Mercury, Ketu and Rahu.

Transits : Sun Libra 16*. Rahu Sagittarius 3*52'. Ketu

Gemini 3*52'.
Mother's Death ;

The native's mother died on 25-3-1977 during the joint

period of Venus, Ketu and Mars.

Transits : Sun Pisces 11° 14'. Moon Taurus 14* 22'. Venus

Pisces 29* 19'. Kctu Libra 2* 2'. Mars Aquarius 10' 47'.
Sterility :

The cuspal sub lords of 11 (Moon) and S (Rahu) are the

signiiicators (in the star of the occupants of 10) of 10 and

connected with the barren sign. So the native has no child*


The native passed bis B. A. examination in June 1941

during the joint period nf Mercury, Mood and Jupiter.


32. Surgeon

Male. Birth 24-12-J945 Monday; 5-58 P.M. I.S.T; 23jV1^

72^52; Ayanamsa 22J59'.
Gemini 1(M

Sat. 29o7w Rahu 6-54

2 Cancer 4-1 - T aurus 8-1 12
Mars 7-37^
Plu. 18-26

3 Cancer 29-1 3-1 11

Moon 18-42 Pisces

4 Leo 29-1 - 29-1 10
Ncp. 15-34

Jup. 0-53
5 Libra 3-1 j- Ca pricorn 29-1 9

6 Scorpio g.i —Capricorn 4'1 g-

Mer. f7-26

Ven. 0-2
Kctu 6-54 ,
Sun 9-22 j

Sagittarius 10-1
PL Sn. Hs. St. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Su.
S Sg. 6-7 K Sa. V Sg- 6 K K

M Lc. 3 V R Gm. 1 J M
Ma* Cn. 2 Sa. K R Gm. 12.1 R R
Me. Sc. 6 Me. Me. K Sg. 6-7 K R.
J Li. 4-5 Ma. Me.

/Oth cusp {Aquarius 29* I'); 1. In this horoscope Gemior

10*1' is on the Asc. The sub lord of the lOlh cosp is Sun. It
is in the star Ketu and in the sub Saturn. Sun is on the 7th
cusp. The star lord being in Sagittarius becomes the representative
of Jupiter; so it is the owner of thc7ih and is on the 7th cusp.
The sub lord Saturn owns the !0th. Thus the cuspal sub lord
of 10 is the strong signiflcator of 7 and connected with 10.
Hence the native will do an independent vocation during the
joint period of the signiftcafors of 2, 7 and 10.

2 (a) Leo, Sun and Jupiter denote medical line or know-

ledge. Scorpio and Mars chemicals and drugs. Virgo corresponds

to the 6th and denotes nursing, medical treatment to the sick.
Pisces corresponds to the 12ih house and signifies hospitals or

clinics or nursing homes. Sagittarius pharmaceutical knowledge.

(b) The cuspal sub lord of 10 Sun is in the star Ketu and

in the sub Saturn. Sun denotes the medical line. The star lord

Ketu represents Mars; both Sun and Ketu arc in Sagittarius

(pharmaceutical knowledge); they axe in the 6th whichdenotes medical

treatment to the sick; they are in conjunction with the owner

of 12 (hospitals, clinics) Venus. The sub lord Saturn (owning 10

occupation, owning 9 luck) is in aspect to Sun, Ketu, the owner

of 12 (Venus) and Jupiter (medical knowledge). Hence the native

is a doctor. As Sun is connected with the malefics Rabu, Ketu

and Saturn owning S (operations) the native is a surgeon.

2nd cusp (Cancer 4*1') \ The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is

Saturn. It is in the star Jupiter and in the sub Moon. Saturn

owns 10. The star lord Jupiter owns 7. The sub lord Moon

owns 2. So the cuspal sub lord of 2 is the significator of 7 and

connected with 2 and 10.


Moreover, the star lord Jupiter is aspected by the owner

of 6 and 11 (Mars); the sub lord Moon is aspected by the

owner of 10. The cuspal sub lord Saturn is aspected by Jupiter

owning 7. Hence the cuspal sub lord of 2 is also connected

with 6, 10 and 11; Mars and Jupiter (the planets denoting

medical profession).

So the native will carve his career successfully during the

joint period of the signiheators of 2, 6, 10 and 11; and he will

earn independently.

Joxni period. 1. The native was bom during the period of

Venus with balance of llv* ll'H' 12n*.

2. (a) He passed his M.B.B.S. examination in October 1968

with Gold Medal during the joint period of Moon, Saturn and


(b) He started his career in the hospital since October

1969 during the joint period of Moon and Mercury. Moon

owns 2; it is in (he star Venus owning 12 and occupying 6;

it is in the sub Rahu (in Gemini represents Mercury owning

the Asc.) in 12. Mercury owns 1, it is in its own star and sub

occupying the 6th. Both Moon and Mercury are the sigofficators

of 6 (hard work, efficiency, rendering services). Mobo being the

significator of 12 denotes the hospital.

3. He passed his M.S. examination in October 1972 with

Gold Medal during the joint period of Moon, Venus and


4. He started for London on 31-12-1972. He made his

fortune (here and returned on 10-8-1975.

S (a) The native has to run the periods of Mars, Rahu

and Juicer etc. Mars owns 11, it is in the star Saturn owning

10 and in the sub Ketu owning 7 and on the 7(h ousp. So it is

Che significaior of 10 and connected with 7 and II; hence it

is favourable for independent practice. Further its sub lord Ketu

is in conjunction with Sun (medical profession, prosperity), the

owner of 5 and 12 Venus. Its star lord Saturn is aspected by

Jupiter. Hence Mars is connected with independent enterprise

(5th house) and hospital (12th house); also Sun, Venus and
Jupiter (the planets of prosperity).

(b) The native started his own independent surgical home

on 23-9-1979 during the joint period of Mars (owner of 11),
Moon (owner of 2) and Mercury (owner of the Abe). All these
planets; as discussed earlier arc connected with 2, 6, 7, 10 and


Transi/s 1 On 23-9-1979 Sun Virgo 6* was in the sub Mer-

cury the inter period ruler. Moon Virgo 25° was in (he star
Mars the period ruler. Mars Cancer S" 30' was in the sub

Mercury. Mercury Virgo 14* was ip the star Moon the sub

period ruler.

Inter-caste Love Marriage ;

The native got married on 13 -12-1972 during the joint period

of Moon (owner of 2), Venus (the cuspal sub lord of 2) and

Saturn (the cnspal sob lord of 7).

Transits z Sun Scorpio 28°. Moon Aquarius. Venus Libra 29* 30'

Saturn Taurus 23° 24'.

Cblldem :

The birth of a daughter on 23-5-1975 during the joint

period of Mars, Jupiter and Jupiter. The birth of a son on 20-11-1977

during the joint period of Mars, Mercury and Moon.

Transits : On 25-5-1975 Sun Tauius 9* 46'. Moon Scorpio 7*.

Mars Pisces 9* 20'. Jupiter Pisces 21' 58'. On 20-U-I977 Sup


Scorpio 4* 7'. Moon Pieces 0', Murs Cancer 15 1 , Mercury

Scorpio 21* 42'.

Foreign Travel :

He started for London on 31-12-1972 during the joint period

of Moon (owner of 3), Venus (owner of 12 and the cuspal sub

lord of 12) and Saturn (owner of 9). He returned on 10^1975
during the joint period of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Transits : On 31-12-1972 Sun Sagittarius 16*. Moon Libra 27*,

Saturn Taurus 22*. On 10-8-1975 Sun Cancer 23° 30', Moon Virgo2,

Mars Taurus 3* 32', Saturn Cancer 2* 20'. Jupiter Aries 1* |5'.

33 Anaesthetist

10th cusp : {Cancer 11* 16') ; In this horoscope Libra 10*

21' is on the Asc. The sub lord of the lOlh cusp is Moon.

It is in the star Mars and in the sub Jupiter. Moon owns 10

The star lord Mars owns 2, 7 and occupies II. The sub lord

Jupiter owns 6 and occupies 2. So the cuspal sub lord of 10

is the significator of 2, 7, 11 and connected with 2, 6 and 10.

Hence the native will do an independent vocation.

2. The star lord Mars (drugs) is in Leo (medicine). The

sub lord Jupiter (medical line) is in Scorpio (drugs) and aspo-

cted by Mars, The cuspal sub lord Moon oooupies its exalted

sign in the 8th which corresponds to Scorpio, it is aspected by

Jupiter. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 10 is connected with Mars,

Jupiter, Leo and Scorpio. Hence the native is a doctor.

3. The function of an anaesthetist is to make insensible the
part of (he body of u patient to be operated. So in the horo-

scope of a doctor Sun ropreaents life or liveliness. Mercury

slunds for oonsciouinesi or sensibility. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn

ilgoiry uncoaiclouMew or latentiblllly. tfeacs Sun or Mercury

i« connected with Rohu, Kelu end Silurn In the boroicope of

u nOMiibellil,

33. Anaesthetist

Female. Birth 27-12-1947 Saturday; 2-45 A. M. f. S. T;

N £
21 54, 73 27; Ayanamsa 23* l'.

Libra 10-21
Kctu 28-6

Nep. 19-52
2 Scorpio 9-16 •Virgo 13-16 12

Jup. 21-5

Mer. 6-52 Mara 13-38

3 Sagittarius 9-59- •Leo 13-16 1]
Sun 11*14

Sat. 29-12-
Vcn, 9*35 Plu. 21-54ff
4 Capricorn IMfi- •Cancer 11-16 10

5 Aquarius 13*16- •Gemini 9-59 9

Uran. 0-43^

Moon 27-50
6 Pisces 13*16 •Taurus 9-16 8

Ratau 28-6

Aries 10*21

Sn, Hj. St, Su, PL Sn. Hs. Si. Su.

s sc. 3 K Sa. V Cp. 3-4 S V

M Tr. C Ma. J Stt.H Cn. 10 Me. Sa.

Ma. Le 11 V V R Ar. 7 S M

Ma. Sg. 23 K R K Li. 1 i V

J Sc. 2 Ma. V

The native is an anaesthetist anJ in her horoscope ,5un b

in the star Kelu and in the sub Saturn. Mercury is in the star

Ketu and in the sub Rahu; the sub lord Rshu is aspected by
Saturn. Sun and Mercury arc in conjunction. Thus both Sun and
Mercury arc connected with Rabu, Kclu and Saturn.

Intercastc-Lovc Marriage :

5th cusp (Aquarius J3' 16'): The sub lord of the 5lh cus^

js Mercury. It is in (he star Kclu and in the sub Rabu. Mer-

cury is in conjunction with the owner of 11 (Sun). It is in the

2nd. So it is connected with 2 and II. Kcnce it denotes a love

affair. The star lord Ketu occupies 1 (native). The sub lord

Rabu occupies 7 and aspected by the owner of 5 (Saturn). Thus,,

the cuspal sub lord of 5 is connected with St 7, Rahu and Ketu.

So the native will have a Jove affair with a person belonging tO'

a different caste, creed or province and she will marry him.

1th cusp {Aries 10* 27'): The sub lord of the 7th cusp is-

Saturn. It is in the star Mercury and in the sub Saturn. As

discussed above (he cuspal sub lord of 7 is the signilicator of

2 and 11, also connected with 5,7 and Rahu. Hence the native

will marry the person of ber love affair, belonging to a different

caste, creed or province.

Joint period I The native was born during the period of

Mars with balance of AY' 7^* 20°'.

During the joint period of Rabu, Mars and Venus <

signiScators of 2 and 11, the native started a love affair d® «

4-5-1970, with her co-studetit belonging to a different caste.

During the period of the significator of marriage and ^

the sub period of the cuspal sub lord of 7. marriage takei pW*

So in this case during (he joint period of Jupiter (Oftrrid*

significator), Saturn, Saturn (the cuspal sub lord of 7) and Venil*


(the cuspal sub lord of 2) the native got married on 13-12-1972

with the person of her love affair belonging to a different caste.

Transits: On 13-12-1972 San Scorpio 28* was in the

sub Saturn the sub and inter period ruler. Moon Aquarius 22'
and Venus Scorpio 0' were in the star Jupiter the period
ruler. Jupiter Sagittarius 20' 6r was in the star Venus the

sookshma period ruler.

Children :

5th cusp {Aquarius 13* 16'). The sub lord of the 5lh cusp

is Mercury. It is in the 2nd in conjunction with the owner of

11 (Sun). So the cuspal sub lord of 5 is connected with 2 and

11. Hence it promises child birth.

llth cusp (Leo 13* 16') I The sub lord of the lllh cusp is

Mercury. So it also promises child-birth as discussed above.

Joint Period. The native married during the joint period of

Jupiter, Saturn. Saturn and Venus as discussed earlier.

Ketu, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon arc (he significators of 2,

S and 11.

Jupiter (he period ruler is the significator of 2. It is-

observed that the period ruler, its star lord and its sub lord give-

the expected results during their joint period; or else during the

period of the significator of child-birth in the sub period of

the cuspal sub lord of 3 or 11 an event of child-birth occurs.

So in this case during the joint period of Jupiter, Mercury,

Mercury (the star lord of Jupiter and the cuspal sub lord of 5

and 11) and Venus (the sub lord of Jupiter and the cuspal

sub lord of 2) the native gave birth to a daughter on 25-5-1975.

Thereafter, during the joint period of Jupiter, Ketu and

Mooni (the significators of child-birth) she delhrtired a son on.


Transits : Oo 25-5-1975 Sun Taurus 9# 50' was in the sub

Venus the sookslima period ruler. Jupiter Pisces 21 58' was in
the star Mercury the sub and inter period ruler. Venus Gemini
3" 24' was in it* own sub. Mercury Taurus 29 20 was in the

sign owned by Venus, also in the sub Saturn the sigoificator of

On 20-11-1977 Sun Scorpio 4° 10' was in the star Saturn
the significator of child-birth. Moon Pisces 0* 30' was in tbe
star Jupiter (he period ruler. Jupiter Gemini 11*33' was in the
star Rahu the significator of child birth. Ketu Pisces 19* 21'
was in the sign owned by Jupiter,

Foreign Travel :
The native started for London on 23-2-1973 during the joint
period of Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. Stic returned on
3-5-J975 during the joint period of Jupiter, Mercury, Mercury
and Ketu.

Transits : On 23-2-1973 Sun Aquarius 10° 40'. Moon Libra

15', Jupiter Capricorn 6* 42', On 3-5-1975 Sun Aries 18* 30'.

Moon Capricorn 18*, Jupiter Pisces 17' 18', Mercury Taurus

4*, Ketu Taurus 8' 43'.
M. B. B. S.

She passed her M.B.B.S. examination on 27^5-197] during

the joint period of Jupiter, Jupiter and Mercury.

Transits : On 27-5-1971 Sun Taurus 11*44', Moon Gemini

15*. Jupiter Scorpio 7* 47'.

34, Mtrriage Abroad

7th cusp (Gemini 6* 58*) l In this horoscope Sagittarius

6* 58' is on the Asc. The sub lord of tbe 7th cusp is Rahu.

It is in the star Moon and in tbe sub Rabu. Rahu is in

association with tbe owner of 2 (Saturn) in tbe 2nd. The 7th

•cusp is aspected by Jupiter. Thus tbe cuspal sub lord of 7 it


34. Marriage Abroad

Male. Birth 26-10-1934 Friday; 11-0 A.M. I.S.T; 20^36, 72*59:

Ayaoamsa 22* 50'.


Sagittiarus 6-58

2 Capricorn 9-23 - -Scorpio 12-23 12

Rahu 12-56
Sat. 28-40ff

Mer. 25-14^
3 Aquarius 13-23- •Libra 17-23 11
Jup. 10-26
Sun 9-17
Veo. 3-19

4 Pisces 17-23- ■Virgo 17-23 10

Uras. 6*30fl Nep. 21-0

5 Aries 17-23 -Leo 13-23

Mart 11-55

Kctu 12-56
6 Taurus 12-23- -Cancer 9-23 8
Mood 23-30 Plu 3-13

Gemini 6-58

PL Sn. Hs. St. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Su.

S U 10 R J V U. m Ma. V

M Tr. 6 Ma. Ma. Sip Cp. 2 Ma. Sa.

Ma. Le. 8-9 K Me. R Cp. 2 M R

Me# lu 11 J Me. K Co. 8 Sa. R

J Li. 10 R J

connected with 2. Hence it promisee maffiage. Rah" raonected
with the 7th cusp and also with the owner of 2 (family life). So
,t denotes marriage with a person belonging to a different caste,
creed or province.

Silt c^sp (Arks H' 23')^ The sub lord of the 5th cusp'
Is \fkirs. It is in the star Kctu and in the sub Mercury. The

star Kctu and the sub Mercury both arc aspcctcd by the owner
of 2 (Saturn). The sub Mercury owns 7, it is in 1! and in
association with (he owner of 11 Venus, As the cuspal sub lord
of is connected with 2 and II it denotes a love affair. As it
is connected with 7 and 11 it indicates marriage with the object
of I've afl'rwr. As it is connected with Kctu, it denotes relations

with a person belonging to a different caste* creed or province.

As it is the owner of 5 it supports the possibility of a love

Joint period : The native was born during the period of

iVfars with balance of 6y'> 10 M

- 28 D
-% He got married on
27-2-1960 during the joint period of Jupiter (significator of 2),
Jupiter, Saturn (owning 2) and Venus (owning 11, the cuipal
sub lord of 2 and 11) in the foreign land.

Jupiter is connected with 2, 7 and 11. Saturn is in the

star Mars and in its own sub, it owns 2 (family life) .and 3

(away from home). So (he place away from home and family

life serve as the sources of an event. The star lord Man owns-

5 (love affair) and 12 (slay abroad). So it denotes stay abroad

and love affair. Hence the native married the person of bis
love affair during his stay abroad. Venus til in the star Man-

and in its own sub. So Venus is the' sigofficator of 5 and 12;

as the sub Venus owns 11 find is in* association' -fttb McroOiy

owning 7, it is connected with 7 and II. 'Hence the nafrr^

could marry his object of love in the foreign land.


Transi!s : On 27-2-1960 Sun Aquarius 15'14' was io lh<»

sub Venus the sookshma period rulot. Moon Aquarius 26*3Sr

was in the star Jupiter. &Uuro Sagittarius 22'27' was in the
star Venus. Venus Capticorn 15*30' was in the sub Jupiter
a f
the period ruler* Jupiter Sagittarius 6 22 was in the star Kctu,
(he significator of marriage.

Motor Vehicle:

4th cusp {Pisco: 11'23'). In this horoscope the sub lord of

the 4th cusp is Mercury. It is in the star Jupiter and in the
sub Mercury. The star lord Jupiter owns 4. The sub lord
Mercury owns 10. Doth are in association with Venus owning

11, Sun owning 9. All of them are placed in Libra owned by

Venus. So the cuspal sub lord of 4 is connected with 4, 9, 10
and 11; also with Venus.

Further, Moon and Venus (petrol) are in the star Mars

(tDachine). So they are connected with Mars. Hence Moon,
Venus and Mars together denote a motor car. The native
possesses his own car.


10th cusp {Virgo 11* 23') : (a) The sub lord of the 10th-
ctrtp - is Saturn. It is in the star Mars and in its own sub. The
star lord Mars is io Lco^ it owns 12. The sub Saturn aspects-
Sun and Jupiter. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 10 is connected
with Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Leo and the 12tb. Hence the native
is a doctor (cardiologist).

(b) The sdb lord of the 10th cusp Saturn owns 2. It

aspects the owner of 11 (Venus), Sun (the natural significator of

profession), Jupiter (prosperity)^ the owner of 10 and 7 (Mercury).

Thus it is connected with 2, 7, 10 and II. Hence the Inde^
pendent ptofessiob.

FIbsbcc ;

2nd cusp (Capricorn 9" 23 ^; The sub lord of the 2nd cusp
is Venus, it js in (he star Mars and in i(s own sub. The star

lord Mars owns 5 end 12. The sub lord Vcmis owns 11 and
6. So the cuspal sub lord of 2 is the significalor of S {inde-
pendent enterprise), 12 (investments, clinic) and it is connected
with 11 (success) and 6 (efficiency). Hence the native will earn
money hy his own efficiency, he will be successful in his

independent enterprise of running a clinic.

The star lord Mars owns 5 and in Leo (heart). The sub
lord Venus (venous system) is in conjunction with Sun (heart),
Jupiter (arterial system) and aspccted by Saturn (obstmctor). Thus
the native earns from those patients who suffer from irregular

functioning of the heart. Hence he is a cardiologist.

The cuspal sub lord Venus (owner 11,6) is in association

with Sun (status), Jupiter (prosperity). Mercury (owner 10) and

aspected by the owner of 2 (Saturn). So it is connected with

2, 6, 10 and II. Hence acquisition of much wealth during the

Joint period of the significators of 2, 6, 10 and 11.

Jlifi cusp (Libra J7* 23') : The sub lord of the Utfa cusp

is Venus. So the native's aspirations and ambitions will be


Periods: The native was born during the period of Mars with

balance of 61'' 10** 28°'. The period of Jupiter started from

24-9-1959 and continued upto 24-9-1975. Jupiter is in the star

Rahu and in the sub Jupiter. The star Rahu is in the 2nd.

The sub Jupiter is in association with the owners of

6, 10 and 11 as already diseased above, Hence (he period inler

Jupiter is the strong significator of 2 and connected with 2, 6, 10


and 11. So the native earned much, became prosperous and

purchased bis own building and possesses his own car.

The period ot Saturn the cuspal sub lord of 10 has com-

menced form 24-9-1975, It owns 2 and is in its own sub. It
is connected with the owners of 2> 6, 10 and 11 as discussed
above. Hence tbe period of Saturn will be prosperous.

Peculiarities :

In this horoscope Sue and Jupiter are in the sub Jupiter

owning angular (kendra) houses. Mars and Mercury are in the
sub Mercury owning kendra houses. Saturn owns 2 and is in
its own sub. Rahu and Ketu arc in the sub Rahu in the 2nd
(Rahu as a representative of Saturn owns 2), Venus owns It

and is in its own sub. Moon is in the sub Mars owning 5


No planet is aspected by the owner of 12 (Mars) and the

owner of 8 (Moon). Even Mars and Moon do not aspect each

Sun (owner of 9), Mercury and Jupiter (owners ofkendras).

Venus (owner of 11) are in association with one another in
Libra owned by the benefic Venus. Rahu-Ketu are connected
with the owner of 2 Saturn in Capricorn, so they denote tbe

results' of Saturn. All planets except Moon and Mars arc aspec-
ted by the owner of 2 Saturn in Capricom. Hence the success-

fule career of th native without any conflict.

EdncatioD :

The native passed bis M.B.B.S. examination during the

joint period of Rahu, Mooo and Ketu io April 1958.

He passed his M.R.C.P. examination during the joint period

of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in October 1962.


Foreign Travel :

The Dslive si«ted for U.S.A. on 12-9-1958 during the

joinl period of Kahti. Mars, Mars and Jupiler.

He returned in June 1964 during the joint period of Jupiter,
Mercury and Mercury.
Children :

During the joint period of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu the

native's wife gave birth to a daughter on 26-10-1963 in the

foreign land.
On 15-11-1966 a son was bom during the joint period of
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.
Transits: On 26-10-1963 Sun Libra 9*22', Moon Capricorn

21° 31'- Saturn Capricorn 23* 14f. Jupiter Pisces 18' 51'. Rahu
Gemini 21* 39'.

On 15-11-1966 Sun Libra 28°. Moon Scorpio 29*. Jupiter

Cancer 11' 7'. Mercury Scorpio 4* 40'. Venus Scorpio 0* 13'.

Building :

During the joint period of Jupiter, Rahu and Kctu the naltve

took the possession of his own house on 8-9-1974.,

35. Marriage Abroad

7fA cusp {Taurus 18m20'): The sub lord of the 7th cusp is

Mercury, Ii is io the star Jupiter and in the sub Mercury. TTic

star lord Jupiler owns 2, 5 and in II. The sob lord Meftany
owns II. So the cuspal sub lord of 7 is the sigmfimtnr of 7,

11 end 5 (love aSair) and connected with II. TTmnw proniisos

xnamage to a person of love affair.

Vcms and the owner of 7 are in asociation with Saha

and .hey aspect Ketn. Heooe marriage to a person hrlflUging

to a diffcmn c^xtc, creed or province.

Sth asp (fiat, tfltf) ; lie ab lord of (be Slh cpsp is

Jiqriter. It is in Ihe Sttr Mki aDd ^ ^


J3. Marriage Abroad

Female. Birth 19-2^1934 Monday: 2-0 A M. LS.T; 20'■, 36

72£59; Ayanamsa 22<'50'.

Scorpio 18*20

2 Sagittarius 18-46 -Libra 23-46 12

Jup. 0-9*
Ven. 16*4/?

3 Capricorn 20-46 — •Virgo 26-10 11

Rahu 26-10
Sat 27-15

Sun 6-41
Mars 18-46

Mer. 24-44
4 Aquarius 24-46- Leo 24-46 10
Ncp. 18-30p

Ketu 26-10
5 Pisces 26-10- -Cancer 20-46 9
Pin. 0-8p
UraiL 1-35
Moon 8-59
6 Aries 23-46 Gemini 18-46

Taurus 18*20

PL Sn, Hs. St. Su, PL Sn. Hs. St. Sa.

S Aq. 3 R R Cp. 2 M Sa.

M Ar. 5 K J Sa, Cp. 3 Ma. J

Ma. Aq. 3 R M R Cp. 3 Ma. J

Me. Aq. 3-4 J Me. K Ga. 9 Me. J

Li 11 Ma, Mcl

The scat lord Mara owning I and the sob lord Mercury owning II

are aspected by Jupiter owning 2 and 5. Thus the cuspal sub

lord of 5 is connected with 5. 2 and 11. Hence it denotes a

?ove affair.

As the star lord Mars aspects the 7th and 11 th the cuspal

sab lord of 5 becomes the sigoificator of 7 and 11. Hence

marriage to a person of the love affair.

Jaim period : The native was born during the period of

JCetu with balance of 2y- 3^- ^2°', She married the person of

her lois affair during the joint period of Sun. Saturn, iuptter

itrjd Vmm on 27-2^1 W) ir. the foreign land. They ail arc
v.nnexyjvj. wits 2,1 H ^r<arnafej and 3. K 12 /foreign Land).

The per*>i riiler San i\ m tite tfar and lib Rahu. Rabo

n T ^ .i cS. a.«.v^a.tivri >»„th the iv»cer '<f 3 /Satuns), the

v'wner v* 7 i2 to tie rss^lli of 7# 3

it.f 12. 'jra.t'xy. i.n the /t>r«gn land.

T2e t-aa psnchd r.j-w Satyrs as :n the ttar Man and so

tre tub T^c tiar .ofd Mars vt jo 3, aspects 7 asd II;

i: :i- sta;35iyiir3 > the owner of 1] (Mercucy). The sub

ji;«rc Ju-pTier ^Bdos 2, occypacs II ind aspects the owner of 9

fMcoajj. So Satum htvoxacs the s.gojficalor of 7, 11. 3 and

couusted w,:to 2, II and 9. Hence Saturn denotes DMcdagc

in the foreign land.

The inter period ruler Jopiler is in the star Mars and io

the sub Mercury. So as discussed a bovc Jupiter is the eipntficalor

of 7. 11 and 3. Hence marriage in the foreign land.

The sooksbma period ruler Venus is io the star

and in the sub Saturo. The star lojd Moon owns 9 and the luj)

lord Saturn owns and occupies 3. f fcxthcr, as there is planet


in the star of Venus. Venus is tbe significator of 2, 7, 12 and

also of 3 and 9. Hence mairiage in tbe foreign land.

Transits : On 27-2-1960 Sun Aquarius 15* 14' was in the

sub Venus the sooksbma period ruler. Moon Aquarius 26* 35'
in the star Jupiter tbe inter period ruler. Saturn Sagittarius
22* 27' was in the star Venus. Veoun Capricorn 15* 3f/ was

in fbe sub Jupiter, Jnp'ter SagitEariu* 6* 22' w*- in the star

Kctu the significator of tsarriage.

ProfnaioD :

Wth cusp : (Leo 24* 4ft'). /a) In chm horoscope tne iob

lord of the lOfb coup w Mereury. It m (he star Jop rct and
ts the stib Msrcory The >iar lord Jup tnr atpcc^i Son and

Mao, The lord Mercery f» fc conjvnctwvr. 5'4n md

Man, Thrt in< cospal sob lo;d of 10 :i contsested Ma«>

and Jupiter, Hcsce the nattve st a Dr^ct^r.

Tne sob kwd of the IOuj cusp Mtea*'/ I I. lu

flCar lord J«p<igr OWos 2 avi o^cap rt ! I fu sab ^ord tCercur>

opus 11 and U in con junction wrtfc the owoer of lr? Sw ■. So

the csspal tub lord of 10 besor&a the s gncScator of 2 a^d 11
and wrth 10 and 11, Hmce the wiepenicc


2ntf cacrp {Sagiicarius JSm 46'): Tbe sub lord of the 2ad

cusp is Rahu, It is in tbe star Man and is tbe sub JuptZei,

Tbe star lord Man owns 6t aspects 10 and 11. The sub lord

Jupiter owns 2 and occupies 11. So tbe cospal sub lord of 2

it the significator of Sv 10, 11 and connected with 2 and 11.

Further, the star lord Mars is in conjunction with the

owner of 10 (Sun) and the owner of 11 (Mercury). The sub lord


jupiicr also aspecis Sun, Mars and Marcuiy. Hence the naa*
will earn much in her medical profess/on

Ihh cusp ^irgo 26* 10'): The sub lord of the llth cusp ^

Jupiter. Jl is in the star Mars and in the sub Mercury. So aa

aJrtady di^jusscd above the cuspaJ sub lord of 11 is the signj,

fic<itor of 6 and connected with 2 and II. They are inter relafed
and al-o connected with (he owner of 10 (Sun^, Hence tho

success in the medical profession and good earning.

Educadoo ;

During the joint period of Sun, Rahu and Jupiter in

October 1957 the native passed her M.B.B.S. examination.

During the joint period of Moon, Mercury and Rahu in

March 1969 she passed her M.D, examination.

Foreign Travel :

During the joint period of Sun, Saturn and Saturn (the

cuspal sub lord of 12) in May 1939 she started for U.S*A.

She returned in June 1964 during the joint period of

Moon, Rahu aud Saturn.

Children :

During the joint period of Moon, Mars, Moon and Mer-

cury she delivered a daughter on 26-10.1963 in foreign

land. During the joint period of Moon, Saturn, Saturn and

Rahu she gave birth to a son on 15-11-1966.

Transits : On 26-10-1963 Moon Capricorn 21" 31'. Mercury

Libra 3 17'. On 15^11-1966 Moon Scorpio 29". Rahu Aries

22° 30'. Saturn Aquarius 29* 44',

Building ;

During the join: period of Mar,, Jupiter nnd Rahu on

8-9-1974 the native took the possession of


36. Divorce

Male. Birth 27-4-1947 Sunday: 7-14 A.M.I.ST; 18*53t

72£54; Ayanatnsa 23'T.


Aries 29-3

I Sun ll'Sfl

Rahu 10-59
Urao. 2618 Mcf. 23-56
2 Taurus 26-38 • Pisces 22-38 12
Man 18-41
Ven. 8-16

3 Gemini 21-38 - •Aquarius 17-38 II

Moon 1-41
Sat. 9-26
4 Cancer 17-38- •Capricorn 17-38 10
PID. 17-57

5 Leo 17-38 ■ •Sagittarius 21-38 9

Nep. 1S-42r
6 Virgo 22-38 •Scorpio 26-38 8
Ketu 10-59
Jup. l^®/?

Libra 29-3

Sn. Hs. Sr. St/. PI Sn. Hs, Sr. Su.


s At. 12 K Mc. V Pi. 11 Sa. V

Cn. J R Sa. Cn. 3 Sa. V

M 3

Ma. 11 Me. K R Tr. 1 M M

Mb. K Sc. 7 Sa. S
Mo. Pi. 12 Me.

Sc. 7 J R

IS ike ^t:b lord of ibe th ci sp be the sigoffieaior

fii: lie i lar cf lie eccsjpacl or ov>nerj of 1. 6 or 10 (bcin^.

i2 b froia 7 ard 12 ; or connccied wiih 1, 6 or 10 it docs

ntn proir}>? marriage or ir denotes absence of married life.

If it be the significaior of or connected with 2, 7 or 11

and 1. b or 10 the marriage fakes place during the joint period

of the significators of 2, 7 and II and it docs not take place

during the joint period of the significators of 1, 6 and 10.

If the native be married already, then during the joint

penod of the significators of i, 6 and 10 there is no possibi-

lity of conjugal life or else there is some sort of estrangement

or separation in married life; it also denotes divorce.

7th cusp [Libra 29° 3') : In this horoscope Aries 29* 3' is.

on the Asc. The sub lord of (he 7(h cusp is Sun. It is rn the

star Ketu and in (be sub Mercury* Sun aspects the 7th and

it is arpccted by the owner of 11 (Saturn). The star lord Kctu

is in the 7(h, The «ub lord Mercury is in association with the

owner of 7 and 2 Venus. Thus (he cuspal sub lord of 7 is

the aignifcator of 7 and connected with 2, 7 and II Hence

it promises marriage to the native.

The cuspal sub lord of 7 Sun is aspectcd by Saturn and

the 7(h cusp is aspected by the owner of 8 Mars So a late

marriage is indicated. In such cases the marriage takes place

in between the age of 28 and 30 or so.

Signfficators: Venus; Snn, Moon, Jupiter; and Mars arc the

significators of 2, 7 and II Ketu being in Scorpio reprcScniS'

Mars, hence it should be considered as the signfficator.

Joint period: The native was bom during the period of

lopiter with balance of l1'- Il«- 230-. The ^pw.


<20-5-1975 to 20-11-1976). Mcccory is coaiwcted wiii Veatu

and Jupiter the sign locators of mAmage. So it becomes the

significator of marriage. Further, it should be remembered that

none can avoid the serial order of the Dasha system. Hence it

may be inferred that the native may get married during the

joint period of Mercury and Moon. Giving preference to Ketu,

the native got married on 6-6-1976 during the joint period of

Mercury, Moon and Ketu.

TransUsx On 6-6-1976 Sun Taurus 22* was in the star

Moon the sub period ruler. Moon Virgo was in the sign owned

by Mercury the period ruler. Mercury Taurus 2* 7' was m the

star Sup, the signi6:ator of marriage. Ketu Aries 17* 32" was

in the star Venus the significator of marriage.

7/A cujp {Libra 29° 3r). In this horoscope Aries 29" 3' is

on the. Acc. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is Sun. It is in

the star Ketu and in the sub Mercury. Sun is in 12 and

as pec ted by the owner of 10 Saturn. Its star lord Ketu is in

association with the owner of 12 (Jupiter). sub lord Merc-

ury owns 6 and occupies 12, it is in conjunction with the

owner of 1 and 8 Man. Thus the cuipal sub lord of 7 is connected

with 6, 10 (negation of married life), 8 (Jisappoiatracnt),

12 (separation) and as its (Sun's) sub brd is the owner of 6

then is disappointment in married life, hence it indicates

separation or divorce.

Signifieaiors of /, 6, 10:

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owner's
star star

1 None R None Ma.

6 None None Ma.,Mc. Me.

10 None SaJKjV Sa.


Rabu; Mars, Mercury; Saturn, Kctu and Venus arc the


Joint period: The native was born during the period 0f

Jupiter with balance of iY' U'"* 23d'.

As the cuspal sub lord of 7 waa the significator of 7, the

native got married on 6-6-1976 during the joint period of the

marriage-significarors Mercury', Moon and Ketu.

Thereafter, during the joint period of Mercury (owner 6),

Mars (owner 1), Jupiter (owner 12) and Ketu the wife of the

native went to her parents* house on 25-1-1977. She then did

not return to her husband's house. So during the joint period of

Mercury, Rabu, Venus and Mars the native took divorce on

22—7^1979 according to the customs antf conventions of the caste.

It may be noted that the sub lords of all these signiticators

are connected with 1, 6 and 12. Hence the divorce.

Transits: On 22-7-1979 Sun Cancer 5* 30' was in (he

sub Mercury the period ruler. Mercury Cancer 20* 20' was in

its own star. Moon Gemini was in the star Rahu the sub

period ruler. Rahu Leo 17" Af was in the star Venus the inter

period ruler. Venus Gemini 25* 40' was in the sub Mercucy*

Mars Taurus 24* 40' was in its own star the sookshma period

Profession and Finance :

JO/h cusp {Copiisom IT 3**)\ 1. The sub lard of the

cusp is Saturn. It is in the star Saturn and in the sub Venus#

The star lord Saturn owns 10 and 11. The sub lord Venus own* -

2 and 7. So the cuspal sub lord of 10 is the significator of

10, II and connected with 2 and 7. the native will ^

an independent vocatimn anH «,»! u

2. Sun in Aries is aspected by the star lord Saturn. Jupiter

in Scorpio aspects both (lie star lord Saturn and the sub lord
Venus. The sub lord Venus is in conjunction with Mar? and
the owner of 6 Mercury in Pisces. Thus the cuspal sub lord

of 10 is connected with Sun, Mars, Jupiter; Scorpio and Pisces,

Hence the native is a Doctor.
llth cusp {Aquarius 11* SS*) : The cuspal sub lord of 11 is Sun.
It is in (he star Ketu and in (be sub Mercury. Sun is aspected

by the owner of 10 and II (Saturn). The star lord Ketu occupies

7. The sub lord Mercury owns 6, they both are aspected by
Jupiter. Fuithtr the sub lord Mercury is in conjunction with the

owner of 2 and 7 (Venus) and the owner of the Asc (Mars).

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 11 is connected with 2, 7. 10; 2, 6,

10 and 11. Hence the native will successfully earn through an

Independent profession.

2nd cusp (Taurus 26* 38'): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp

is Jupiter. It is in the star Jupiter and in the sub Rahu. The

star lord Jupiter is in aspect to the owner of 10. II (Saturn),

the owner of 2 (Venus, Rahu) and the owner of 6 (Mercury).

Thus the cuspal sub lord of 2 is connected with 2, 6, 10 and

1L Hence the native will earn much during the joint period of

the significators of 2, 6. 10 and 11.

Joint period l The native started his private practice as a

Doctor since June 1971 during the joint period of Mercury

(the significator of 6), Ketu and Saturn (the significators of

10 and 11). He flourished from the very beginning The period

of Mercury commenced from 20-4-1968 and will continue upto

20-4-1985. The sub period of Jupiter (the cuspal sub lord of

2) will start from 5-5*1980 and that of Saturn (the cuspal sub

lord of 10) from 11-8-1982. These sub periods will be very


Motor Vehicle;

4ih cusp {Cancer 17' 38') : In this horoscope the 4th

cusp is jointly ruled by Moon (sign lord)f Mercury (star lord)

and Mercury (sub lord). Moon is in conjunction with the
owner of 10 and II (Saturn). Mercury is in conjuction with

Venus and Mars. All these planets arc aspected- by Jupiter die
owner of 9. So the 4th cusp is connected with Jupiter; Moon-

Venus-Mars (combined together denote a motor car); 9, 10

and 11. Hence the native possesses his own motor car.

37. Divorce

Irh cusp i Sagittarius 7* i'): In this horoscope Gemini I*

3' i» an the Asc. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is Venae. It

is in its own star and in the sub Mercury. It is a natural

signiflcator of marriage and in conjunction with the owner of

2 (Mercury). Hence it promises marruge.

The 7tb cusp is jointly ruled by Jupiter (sign lord), Ketn

(star lord) and Venus (sub lord). Jupiter is in the star Mercury

and in the sub Venus. Ketu is in the star Venus and in the

sub Mars. Venus is in the star Venus and in the sub Mercury.

So the joint rulers of the 7th cusp are controlled by Viuiusf

Mars and Mercury respectively as their sub lords.

Venus owns 6t Mars owns 12 and Mercury owns 1. Venna

and Mercury are retrograde. They both are surrounded by the

tnalcfics Ketu and Saturn (owner 10). So they in the last instance

indicate negation of married life. Hence the possibQity of sepa-

ration or divorce.

Uih cusp {Pisces 21* 32'); The sub lord of the Utb cusp

is Venus. So as disenssed above it denote*sepaation or divorce*

Joint period. The native was born during the period of

Mercury with balaoce of 9r' ll'M* 26° ■, She got married on


31. Dlforce

Female. Birth 21-8-1 S>51 Tuesday; 1-45 A. M. I. S. T.;

22^ 18. 56; Ayaaamsa 23-4.


Gemini 1-3
Uran. 1923 T auras

2 Gemini 25-32 Aria 27-32 12

Mara 8-29 Moot) 22-10

3 Cancer 19-56 Pisca 21-32 11

Plo 26-38 Jap. 2<M0R
SUD 3-59
Kctu 1727
A Leo 18-32 — Aquarius 18-32 10
Mcr. 21-34, Rnha 17-27
Vcn. 24-9,

Sat 7-42
-5 Vir^o 21-32 1 Capricorn 19-56 9

Ncp. 24-24

-6 Uhra 27-32 1 Sagittarius 15.12 8

Sagittarius 1-3

PL Sfl. Hs. St. Su. PI Sn. Bs. Sf. Su.

3 M Lo. 4 V Mc.
Le. K Vr
M Pi 11 Me. S St. Vg. 4 s K

Cn. Sa. V R Aq. 9-10 R S

Ma 2

Le. 4 V J K Lc. 3-4 V Ma.

J Pi. 10-lt Me. V


6-fr-I97« durine [Jje joint period of the marriage significatori

Venus, Rahu and Jupiter.

During the joint period Venus, Rahu and Saturn th&

native went to her parents' house on 25-1-1977. Thereafter

ahc did not return to her husband's house.

So during the joint period of Venus. Jupiter and Saluro

the husband of the native took divorce on 22-7-1979 according-
to the customs and conventions of the caste.

It may be noted that Venus and Jupiter the joint rulers

of the 7th cusp are the signiheators of marriage and divorce
both. Rahu is aspected by Venus and Saturn is aspected by
Jupiter. So both Rahu and Saturn also become the signiheators

of marriage and divorce. Hence all these planets have played

their respective roles both of marriage and divorce.

Transits ; On 22-7-1979 Sun Cancer 5* 30' was in the star

Saturn the infer F"icd ruler. Vgnns Gemini 25* 40' was in

the star Jupiter the sub period ruler. Saturn Leo 17* 49' was
in the star Venus the period ruler.

Raiisg Planets and AJTinrty :

: if the ruling planets of A at birth be the signiheatof^

of 6, 8 cr 12 and nor of 1, 5 or 11 in the horscope of B, A

will not suit B and during the joint period of the significatore*

of 6, 8 and 12 in the horscope of B, B will not feel happy

with A.

Ruling planets cf the native at biith are as under.

Day lord Sign lord Star lord*

Day. Moods? Moon
Ate Gemini 2* 3' Mart
Marco ry
Mood. Pisces 20* 10' Mercury

The native was born before sunrise, hence Monday instead

of Tuesday- The ruling planets are Moon. Mars. Mercury and

In the horoscope of her husband ( Page 147). Moon and

Jupiter axe in the star of the owner of 12 (Jupiter). Mars and
Mercury arc in the star of the owner of 6 and the occupant

of 12 (Mercury).

Thus the ruling planets of the native are the strong signi-
flcators of 12 and 6 in the horoscope of her husband. Hence
divorce was the only alternative-

38. Annolment of Marriage

7r/i cusp {Libra 5* 22'): In this horoscope Aries 5' 22r

U on (he Asc. The sub lord of the 7th cusp Sun. 1c is in
the star Kciu and in the sub Mercurv. Sun owns 6, it is in
conjunction with the owner of 1 and 8 Mars in Leo. Its star
lord Kctu being in Scorpio represents Mars and it is also
aspected by Mais owning 1 and S in Leo. Its sub ihrd Mercury
is id 6 in conjunction with the owner of 10 (Jupiter) in Virgo.
Thus the cuspal sub lord of 7 is strongly connected with 1
(absence of family life), 6 (absence of married life), S (dis-

appointment , 10 (absence of permanent relationship) and also

the barren sign. Hence tbe separation in married life.

llth cusp [Capricorn 24* 7'): The sub lord of the lllh

cusp is Rahu. It is in the star Sun and in the sub Rahu. Rahu
occupies 1 and aspected by the owner of 10 (Jupiter). Sun as
discussed above is connected with I, 6 and 8. Thus tbe cuspal

sub lord of 11 is strongly connected with 1, 6, 10 and the

barren sign. Hence the separation in married life.

2nd cusp (Tionms 7* 7'); The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is
Ketu. It is in tbe star Jupiter owning 10 in 6 and in the sub

AfivJmcni of ^ © u i u T
VJaJc. Btrth 2>^i9I0 M^nJaiy; »-57 P. M. L. M, T;
23 2 72 * 15; Ay« 22' .


Ar/^J 5-22
^ai. 14-Ojt,

Rah > 0'32 Putcc*

2 Taurut 7-7 • ■ Aquarlu* 26-44 12

3 Gflmtnl 3-7 - Capricorn 24-7 11

Flu 5-10
Moon 9-44

Uran. 29.12^
4 Grmtni 27-7 - ■ Sagittarius 27-7 10

Ven. 2012
.5 Cancer 24-7 - Sagittarius 3-7 9

Sun 12-55
Mars 22-30
6 26-44- •Scorpio 7-7 8
Virgo Kola 0-32
Mcr. 10-2
Jup. 21-55

Libra 5-22

PI. Sn. Hs. 5/. Su.
5«. Su. ®r; 5r.
s Le. 5 K Me, V Co. 4 Me. V
M Gm. 3 R J AT. 1 V y
Ma. Le. 5 V Sa. R Tr. 1 S R
Me. Vg. 6 M M K Sc. 7 J M
J Vg. 6 M V

Mof/ft hy ih* irmnrr r,} \?r ffofurth. '?>•-» 'iw vv^»,

tub k/f^l '/f 2 »t lb« itfnifMW/r f/f 4 I'j iift'l v.r.«,*>■,
12. Mthrr lit* i0 r7,;if;,'-'1 hf^,

A///?/ period ; Tbft rjaat'ive wj; 'Sufr.*^ fyfr-yf ',f

Kitb'i Wilh * rjf I K/^" 1 '*f/' HT rritttit-A tueir#
iUk \innt pe.ftnd of /opiicr. yr»/i '5 IViO fo
^ 7 I'AfllJ, fh<5 rmlive und hMi ryuif'J %fsy (/,%-:thtr nil fht
fxritxh pf Juphrf and Safurffi |hMh ^xriog i/i if.n '/emjt
crwniD^ 2 and 7), Then followed the penod uf Mfffcury from
9-7-191'/ It It In the etar and the t«ib» Mouu whi«.h It JMpe^eed
hy the owner of 12 ftiitlim). .So tr it conuectrd wrih 12 fteparariun).
Hence during the period of Mercury^ Mercury and Rahu
(the tub lord of the llfh cuap) the nallvc'* wife quitted her
husbandS huuie (13-11-1960 to 23-3-1961), During the period
of Mercury, Rtlhu and fUhu (6-I--I969 to 24-5-1969) m February
1969 the native obtained the decree of the High Court
regafding (he annulment of marriage.

Profeasloo ;

IOi/i eusp [Sagittarius 27* 7'): The 10th cusp is jointly ruled
by Jupiter (sign lord), Sun (star lord) and Sun (sub lord). Jupiter
denotes law, it it in conjunction with Mercury (reason, speech,
writings) in tbo critical sign Virgo. Sun indicates Government,

it is in tho regal sign Leo in conjunction with Mars (arguemcnts)

owning the Asc (native). So the native took to legal profession.

The cuspal sub lord of 10 Sun is in the star Ketu and in

the sub Mercury. The star lord Ketu is in the 7th (courts,

litigations), it is in the subtle sign Scorpio and aspected by

Mars the owner of the Asc (native). The sub lord Mercury
owns 3 (native's bent of mind], it is in conjuncttoo with the

owner of 9 (fcgal matters) and 10 (vocation, ambitions) Jupitor

(law). Hence the native was practising as a solicitor.

Death :
The native died of heart attack on the way enroute (o
Kedarnarh on 9-3=1975 during the joint period of Mercury (the
cuspal sub lord of 8), Saturn (the badbaka owner of II and

maraka owner of 12) and Sun (the cuspal sub lord of 6).

39. Anoulmeot of Marriage

hh cusp {Scorpio J3y24')'' In this horoscope Taurus 13*24'
is on rhc Asc. The hub lord of the 7tb cusp is Rabu. It
is in the star Moon and in (he sub Mars. Rabu in Virgo ia

in conjunction with the owner of 10 (Saturn) and (be ownev

of 8 (Jupiter) in the 6(b. The star lord Moon occupies 12 and on

the Aic. it >« aspected by (be owner of 12 (Mars) and the

owner of 8 (Jupiter). The ^ub lord Mars owns 12 and is aspected

by (he owner of 10 (Saturn). Thus (he cuspal sub lord of 7

is the significator of 1, 12 and connected with 6, 10 and 12.

Hence the separation in married life.

Uih cusp (Pisces l'44r). The tub lord of (ho lUh cusp is

Rahu. So it is connected with 1, 6, 10 and 12.

2nd cusp (Gemini 9*4'): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is

Jupiter. K is in (he star Moon and in (be tub Saturn. Jupiter,

Moon and Saturn as discussed above are connected with 1,6,10

and 12, Thus the cuspal sub lord of 2 is the signifiMtor of

1,12 and connected with 6,10 and 12. Hence the separatioo in

married life.

Jo/m period: The native was bora during the period of

Sun with balance of 0V' 0**' ll0'. She was married during the

joint period of Mars, Mercury and Moon (6-4-1939 to fl-5-1939).

The native and her husband could stay together till the period

of Rahu (it being in the sub Mars owning 7).


39. Annulment of Marriage

Female, Birth 2J-6-1922 Fridiy; 4-15 A. M. I. S. X;

s e
22 0, 73 30; Ayanamsa 22' 40'.

Taurus 13*24

Moon 9 56
Mer. 2-2
SUD 8*0
Gemini 9*4 ■ ■ Ariel 7-4 12
Plu 16*36
Kxtu 11*51
Cancer 3*4 ■ ■PI tees 1*44 11
Ven. 11*13
Nep. 21*25
Urao 20*56
4 Leo 0*4 • Aquarius 0-4 10

6 Virgo 1*44 'Capricorn 3-4

Sat, 8*27
Rahu 11*51
Jup. 16*42

7 Libra 7*4 * Sagittarius 9*4 8

Mars 22*44

Scorpio 13*24

Pi Sn, Hs. SI. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. Su.

s Om. 1*2 R R V Cn. 3 Sa. M«

M Tr. 12*1 S V Sa. Vg. 5 S y

Mai Sc. 7 Me. M R Vg* 5 M Ma.

Me. Gm. 1 Ma. K K Pi. n Sa. M

J Vg. 5 M Sa.

The bouse 2 denotes the family life and the »ub lord of
the 2nd cusp Jupiter is the strong significalor of 1,6,10 and 12,

So during the joint period of Jupiter, its star lord and its
sub lord the native might get separated from her husband.

In fact during the joint period of Jupiter, Saturn and

Moon (7-2-1961 to 23—1-1961; the native quitted her husband's

bouse. Thereafter she went abroad and she still stays there Iq
the foreign land.

12ih cusp (Aries ?V): The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Rabu.

It is in (he star Moon and in the sub Mars. The star lord Moon
owns 3 and occupies 12 The sub lord Mars owns 12. So Rahu

is the signiheator of 3J2 and connected with 12. Hence it promises

foreign journey and stay abroad.

Farther the perk4 ruler Jupiter owns II. It is in the

star Moon and and in the sub Saturn owning 9. So Jupiter is

the signtficator of 3,12 and connected with 9 Hence the foreign

joumcy to the nativ e tdnnng the joint period of Jupiter and


During the joint period of Jupiter, Moon (its star lordy

and Rafan (the sob ford of 1,6, 7. 11 and 12 cusps) the native's

husband obrained the decree of (he High Court regarding the

annahnent of marriage in February 1969.

40. Separation an Married Life

7th cusp {Libra lJm 54'y. I. In this horoscope Aries 11* 54*

is on the A sc. The 7th cusp is jointly ruled by Venus (sigo

lord}, Rahu (star lord) and Saturn (sub lord).

The cnspal sub lord Saturn owns 11, it aspects the owner

of 7 and 2 (Venus). So it promises maniage. It is in the a Cat

Sun and in the sub Jupiter, both are in the 5th and they aspect

40, Separation In Married Life

Male. Birth 18-8-1921 Thunday; 10-40 P.MXS.T; 23^2.
72^35; Ayananna 22*39'.
Aries 11*34

Kctu 28*14
Taurus 12-2 - —Pisces 3-2 12

Uran. 15-31
Mood 3.I8
Gemini 7-2 * •Capricorn 29*43 11
PJu. 16-49
VCD. 22*6

Cancer 2-2 - — Capricorn 2-2 10

Mars 17-10
Ncp. 21*17
Mcr. 27-38
Cancer 29*43 •Sagittarius 7-2 9
Sun 2*20
Jup. 29-14

Sat. 1*16
Virgo 3-2 -Scorpio 12-2 8
Rahu 28*14

Libra 11*54
PL Sir*. Hs, Sr. Su. Pi. Sn. Hs. Bl Su.

S Le. 5 K V V Gm. 3 S Sa.

M Aq. 11 Ma. V Sa. Vg. 5-6 S J

Ma. Cd. 4 Me. Me. R Vg. 6 Ma. Sa.

Me. Cd, 4*5 Me. J K Pi. 12 Me. Sa.

J Le. 5 S R

ibc owner of 5 (Moon), also the Illh. So a choice marriage is


The native got married during the joint period of Jupiter

Jupiter and Moon in Deccmbei1 15>42. The native and his wife
w ere separated during the joint period of Japuer and Sal urn in

1943-46. Even to-day tbey do not slay together.

2. (a) So we may now discuss the effects of (he joint

rulers of the 7lh cusp. The sign lord Venus Is in the star

Jupiter and in (be sub Saturn. All of them occupy batren signs
v/r., Gemini, Leo and Virgo respectively. Itv star lord Jupiter

owns 12 (separation). Its sub lord Saturn owns 10 (absence of

matried life); it is on the 6lh cusp in conjunction with the

malefic Rahu. Thus the owner of 7 Venus is the significator

of 12 and connected with 6, 10; barren signs and malcRcs. Hence

Venus is not congenial fjr conjugal life.

(b) Rahu (the star lord of the 7ih cusp) is id (he star

Mnrs ard in ihe ?i:b Saturn. Its star lord Mars owns I, 8 (dis-

appomlmec!;; it is in its fall sign and aspects the 7th, so it

diMurbs the merricd life. Its sub lord Saturn owns 10. Rahu

and Saturn are in the 6th in (he barren sign Virgo. Thus Rahu

is the significator of 1, 8 and connected with 6, 10, barren sign

and maicfics. So it is not congenial for conjugal life.

(c) Saturn (the cuspal sub JOrd of 7j is in the star Sun

and in the sub Jupiter. All of them are in barren iigris t'te-i

Virgo and Leo rcspeciively. &uum owns !(», occupies the 6th

cusp in conjunction with Rahu. Its star lord Sun and the sub'

lord Jupiter arc in conjunction. Its sub lord Jupiter owns 12*

Thus Saturn is connected with 6, 10, 12, maldics and birrctt

signs. So it is not congenial for conjugal life.


11 th cusp {Capricorn 29' 43*)'. The sub Idrd of tfie 11 lb

cusp is Saturn. So it is not congenial for conjugal life.
2nd cusp [Taurus 12* 2*) : The suS lord of the 2bd cusp

is Rahu. So it is not congenial for conjugal life.

The sub lords of the joint rulers of the 7lh cusp arc the
owners of 10 and 12 respectively. So also the sub lords of
the cuspal sub lords of 7, II antl 2 arc the owners of 12 and

10 respectively. Hence they denote absence of married life.

Periods : The native was born during tBe period of Mars

with balance of ]Y' 9M' 6°'. Then followed the periods of

Rahu (1923). Jupiter (1941), Saturn (1957) aud Mercury (1976).
Jupiter's sub lord Rahu being in Virgo becomes the owner of

6 (absence of married life). Saturn is in the sub Jupiter owning

12 (separation). Mercury is also in the sub Jupiter owning 12.

Hence (here is no possibility of conjugal life.

Despite their living separate, they maintiin cordial relations

with each other. They often meet together and they attend social

functions at each other's relatives. Doth of them hold very high

positions of first cadre in the government institutions.

41. Separation in Married Erffe

/. 7th cusp {Aries 89 28f): In this horoscope Libra 8* 28'

is on the Ase. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is Jupiter. It is

in the star Mercury and in the sub Jupiter. The star lord Mer-
cury occupies 5. it is in coajunctibn with the owner of 11 (Sun)

and aspectcd by the owner of 2 and 7 (Mars). The sub l^rd

Jupiter occupies 2. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 7 is the sigai=

ficator of 5 (choice marriage) and connected with 2, 7 and 11.

Hence the native had a choice tnaniage.

The native got married during the joint period of M^rs,

Mercury and Jupiter in December 1942 and during (he period

of Rahu the native and her husband were separated in 1915-46.

4/ Q*v>hf

%•*•*■ *7* v ^VfA * '* * "f I Z t, //

(lV i" ^■,y


f &ft* I '/A

5*'. *25,

2 Sarfpto 745 /6.4^ |2

h)T>. 24-47
Moon 29-54
3 Sagitforfu* 7.45 /**> I04S II
Man ISO Rafati 87

Nep. 2517*
4 Capricorn 8-45 Cmctr 8'45 ol

Ketu 17 Flu. 17*18

S Aqvarius 10-45 Gemini 7*45 9
Uran. 25-30

Mer. 5-20
Sun 7*4
4 Pisces 10-45 ■ Tauruj 7*45 8

Von, 20*S

Aria 8-28

Pi. Sn. Hs. •S/. Su. PI He. St. Sut

8 PI. 5 So. Me. V Ar. 7 V R
M Le. 11 s R Li. 12*] R R
Ma. Sg. 3 V 8 R Le. 10 K /
Mo, Pi. 5 Sa. 9i. K 4 R R
J Se, 2 Me. J
I ,\ ftW* t

Vr » vy'f» foH ►nt^v? n ^

Jjf Art<f rrt f^w ftH ■r'»T>i^ < 'vf

^nrr>^ (i^V >0 if rtw r>f 5> »*vi
flefw« fiv? iej>9faTion m mmrfrwJ lifs

(J>) 11th eufp {Leo J(f 4$rp The sub ford of tfw 1 ?b

cu^p id Safom. 1' h in t^ifl sttr and 5ub Rahu. Satorn if retro-
grade, it occupies both )2th end (he Iff cosp (•oparttkm); it

•tpeett Mars owning 2 and 7. afao Venus in 7; so it obftrocts

the married life. Its star and sub Raho occupies 10, ic is in

the barren sign Leo in conjunction with (be owner of 10 fMoon).

Thus the cuspa) sub lord of 11 is (he strong signitotnr of 10

and connected wiih 1,10, 12; barren sign and the nsalefics Rahu

and Saturn. So if denotes absence of (he married life.

(c) 2nd cusp {Scorpio 7* 45'): The sub lord of the 2nd

cusp is Ketu. It is in the star and sub Rshu. Hcnoe tbe ab-

sence of tbe married life as discussed above.

3. Periods: Tbe native wes born during the period of Sun

with balance of 4y' 5M' 14°'. The oative and her husband sepa-
rated in the period of Rahu which is in (he sub Jupiter owning

6* Then followed the periods of Jupiter (the cuspal sub lord

of 7) and Saturn (the cuspal sub lord of 11) which as discussed

earlier denote the absenca of the married life. Hence the separ-
ation continues till today.

Despite (heir living separate (hey maintain cordial relations

with each other. They ofltn meet together and attend social

functions at each ofhar's relatives. Both of them bold very high

positions of first cadre in tha government inftitatlons.


42. SCtriJitj

•/iii t rr, 10-'-]»5 C V.V'jr.tviov

'"10 ' M I j .T >

oy-'t- Yt y.'


V ^orpio 22-37

^ofiftftrtvz 22^*7 - Libra 27,57 jj

Cir, lo-n
3 Capncom 23-57 — - —/J6ra 057 If
fyVaw, 26'42
4 Aquarfui 2V-37- - Lto 21*67 ^
Pitcet Moon 0*15
Jup. 24 11
Mart 29*28
Arln U-57 —Cancer 23*57 9
Ketu 10*15
Ncp. 7-32

6 Arhi 27.57- Gemini 22*57
Sat. 20.3
Vexi. 11*27

PJu. 9*3
Mcr. 18*29

Taurus 22*21

PI Hs. St, to
Su. PL Sn. Hs,
S Ar. Sftv
5-6 S s V Gm. 7 R
M Ic. J
9 K K 7*8 J
Sa. dm.
Mt. Cn. 9 }M
Mc. Sa. R Cp. 2 M
Me. Tr. 6 m
M Me. K ( n 8 Sf*
fJiAf' M '- erf liie Sii lauajcj vr J
f-y .- fjo « <&« Mjp.*iksjiUA x'tit Jiw erf liit UX&ja'i
} fyf
or 'yw/ > * i^Jii f/oa) 2. 5 Ji/, vf
Wdth J ^ Vf JO, ait/v r&Ueii wib ttrrerj ufui

fArs.i, Otm"'1 ■ Lt'j, Vtrgo or C,# pf VJjTfi jt Piit.. i#f 'j .(4®ite fiityj f
y*t, i (teilnuun^/ ynd Krly 'aWr^vej 'vhi!<J u fjyt pfV.'Bivt-i,

Jupiter i» i**t oatucjU ftiKAt&uior of U»iid btfU. fo gento

Moon ia fcrliliV srid Man it mroftlruaUoo lo oudn Vfl»«*

if fcitilily and Sun it vtUiiiy. Alt tbete ah'^with both (he 'th

and Jlih may be eaamiacd.

///A (A/Aro (?• 57'); In (hit borotccpe Scorpio 22* 37'

i> on (lie A.»c. The tub lord of the 11 (h cuip ii> Mercury. It U

in the itar Moon and in the «ub Mercury. The «tar lord Moon

occupici (be birreo sign Leo and it U avpectcd by (he owner

of 4 Saturn. The sub lord Mercury ownii 8. Thui thtcuipal cub

lord of 11 it couaected with Saturn, (be barren sign and (he

houses 4 and 8.

5//i cuip (Aries 0* 57') : The sub lord of (be 3(h cusp is

Venus, ft is in the star Rahu and in (be sub Saturn They

all are in (be barren signs. Venus owns 12, it is in conjunction

with Saturn owning 4. The star lord Rahu is asp:cted by the

owner of 1 and 6 Mars. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 5 is

controlled by malefics and connected with barren signs and (he

houses 1, 4, 6 and 12.

Hence the native has no issue.

Optfatiops :

6th cusp (Aries 27* 57'): The s^b lord of the 6th cusp is

MQop, J[t is in the star and sub Ketu. Kclu is in the 8ih, it
b;; 5idiuTii. T hus the tuspal iub lord of 6 hciOmct (ho ligniQc^toi

^hroitii' aidknew, ^poiatiou), ! ^ ond ^nntctM)

with Mats (opemliou), Sulmn (ohri>u^ aituiPnt). Henco thi

uotivo is likflv to sorter l^vm dnouii' tii*Ptts.o nod to undergo


I'hp ru*|val sub (out Moon luviiplfii I' ro (hmrl) ntid ihg

aipevt of Satiuii krtuu's nbstriuTioii In the olrvukturv «yMrm.

Hpiuv (lie m»(ivp siiffiM* IVoin hlmnt ptrsnnp,

KpIu tho sltir rtiul (ho «uh ioscuiMon Mum in pffbet^ niof«'

ovn i( is in wiih Mum (urEnury and cxcretuty

KysU'in), it rtl«o iKvnpios the Klh which coneiponda (o Scorpio

pirinury mul cjiorctory syxtom). I If ncc tlic nntive wnii operated

for (iiluln and livrncolc,

Kctu Iving in Iho water m^o Cnnccr nnd in the Blh

cfluscd diAhctes to the nalivo.

Joint ptriotl: The native wns born during the period of Ketu

with balnncc of ZS0'.

The period of Moon the cuspal sub lord of 6 started from

23-3-1949 and continued upto 23-3-1959. During the joint

period of Moon, Rnhu (aspcctcd by Mars owning 6 nod in iho

star Moon (he period ruler) and Venus (owning 12 and in the

star Rahu Iho sub period ruler), the native was operated for

fistula in October 1951.

During the joint period of Moon, Ketu (iho star lord of

the period ruler Moon) and Mars (In the star Mercury owning

8), the native was operated for hydrocele in Scplcrober 1956,

During the Joint period of Moon, Venus (owning 12) ■ntJ

Mercury (owning g and In the star of the period rolef) ^

native began to suffer froni dJibetes since Julv I9JI.


Marriott . The oatlve got marriod on 30 4<IM9 darkog (he

joiuc ^ Venu* (owning 7 and 11). Mernury and Mercury

(die mapal tub lord of 11).

iftmtt* ' On M\ A N.V/ Sun wu In l eurui, Moon in Vligo,

Mruniiy I'Uica Ift*,

tartign />nr#/ llin nndve Mailed for londonon l-lun7

ttui^ng Clio (oliii pciltul of Kalui, Ualm and Saturn. Me rrlumtd on

;g K-lV/7 diuing (he jntut petloil of Hahut Ke(u am! Menury.

/Vnffv/'ri On 1^ I 1^07 Sim C'aprlcorn l*. Rahn Aiiee IV*

li\ Sntnni I'luce# I* 43'.

On 7V-H 1977 Sun Leo 12*. UbIuj Virgo 25* 451, Ketu

hue*! 25' 43'.

43. Sterility

5lh cusp [Virgo y 33'): In this boroicope Taurus 15' 20'

is on the Asc. The aub lord of the 5th ousp is Saturn. It is

In (he ntar and aub Rshu. Saturn is retrograde, it owns 10.

Rahu occupies the barren algn Loo in (he 4ih. Thus (be cuspal

sub lord of S is (he signiflcator of 4 and connected with )0t 4;

(ho borren sign and the maleftcs Saturn and Rahu.

llth cusp (Pisces 3* 33'): The sub lord of the llth cusp

is Saturn. Hence the position is as above.

Thus the native has no Issue.

Operatfok :

d//i cusp (Ubrm 9' 33') : The sub lord of the 6ih cusp is

Jtplter. It is in the itar Mercury and in the sub Jupiter, The

star lord Mercury is aipected by (ho owner of 12 Mars and the

owner of 8 Jupiter. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 6 is connected

with 8 (operation). 12 (hospital treatment) and Mars in 8

(operation). Jupiter is in Scorpio (uterus). Hence the uterus of

the native was removed by operation.



Ultlh 10 > A.M. |,s I; 32V


/ tfMrHjf J5-20

Ven, 29*19
3 10»3.1 —ArUs 9*33 12
PJu, I7'3l
Mer, 22*53
Sun 1502
3 (nwct'r 403" —Pisces 333 11
Ncp, 25-8
Uran> 25*59
Ketu 709
4 Leo !,33- —Aquarius 103 10
Rahu 709

5 t-'irgo 303- •Capricorn 403 9

Moon 209

S3L 7.S2h Mars 21*19

6 librs 9.33 Sagittarius 1003 8

Jup. 27-7

Scorpio 15*20

PL SM. as. St. Su. PL Sa. Os, *5/. %

S Pi. 11 Sa. J V Ar. 12 S
M Cp. 8 S J Zj. 5*6 £ £
Uk Sg* 8 V J R Le. 4 K 3
Me. Pi. 11 Me. u £ Aq* 10 * It
J Sc. 7 Me. 3

,\Vi W* Ji') I I !»<• S.!h cmip it jolnilv

,u(Cil t»v '0U'K ^0,u (>•»* MrO) aijul iiHtiun ^ub

KtitlV. OpPMt'^N '■ t>>' Slh Ui>utc. Jupiter dUcu^e<)
cflrlic' t^nitlleai opor«tiuti. Kctu rcscmMca Mais iu olfbct and
Mars iu the Kth. Saturn aipect« Marx ownUiu 12. Hence the
joint ruler* of (he 8th cusp arc connected with Mm in the 8lh,

also with 8 anil 12. So they indicate the possibility of operation.

Joint ptrlod : Tho oatlve was born duting the period of

Sun with balance of 3^' 3'H> 33°', During ibo joint period of

Jupiter, Kctu and Saturn (the joint rulers of the 8th cusp) on
1^4-1970 the native's uterus was removed by operation.

lYansiti : On 14-4-1970 Sup Aries 1* was in the star Kctu the

sub period ruler. Moon Cancer was in the star Saturn the

inter period ruler. Jupiter Libra 8* 42' was in its own sub the
period ruler.

Marriage : Tho native got married on 30-1-1939 daring the

joint period of Mars (owning 7), Jupiter (owning 11) and Mer-
cury (owning 2).

Transits : On 30-4-1939 Sun Aries 16* 21'. Moon Virgo 6\

Mars Sagittarius 27* 43', Jupiter Pisces 4* 5l't Mercury Pisces-


ForefgnTravel: The native started for London on 15-10-1967

during the joint period of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. She returned

on 29-9-1977 during the joint period of Jupiter, Rahu and Venus.

Transits : On 15-10-1967 Sun Virgo Moon Aquarius

26*, Jupiter Leo 6*. Mercury Libra 22\ Venus Leo 14*.

On 29-S-1977 Sun Loo 12*, Moon Aquarius, Jupiter Gemint

7* 57', Rahu Virgo 23' 45r. Venus Cancer 7*


44. Sterilftj

Male. Dirtii 21-10-1935 Monday; 6-30 P.M.i.S.T;

70^55; Ayanamsa 22' 51'.

Aries 8-46

n 10-55r

2 Taurus 9-4 •Pisces 1.4 \2

Sat 10-555
3 Gemini 5-4 Capricorn 25-4 11
Ketu 23-51

4 Cancer 0-4 Capricorn 0»4 10

Plu. 4-33
Rahu 23-51
5 Cancer 28-4 Sagittarius 5-4 9
Moon 29-52 Mars 1-50
Ven. 21-41
Nep, 22 39

6 Virgo 1-4 — •Scorpio 9-4 8

Mer. 27-18/j Jup. 3-10

Sun 4-21

Libra 8-46

Pi. Sn. Hs. St. Su, PI. St. Su
Sn, Hs,
S Li. 6 Ma. V S
V 'La. 5 V
M Cn. 5 Me. Sa. S*R Aq. 11 R Sa.
Ma. Sg. 8 K V R Sg. 9 V Sa.
M05 Vg, 6 Ma. J K Gm. 3 J Sa.
J Sc. 7 J R

la tfaiB bojoscopc Arie» on 8*46' u on ihe A»c.

11th cusp {Capricorn 28* 4'); The sub lord of the Uth cuip

is Saturn. It is in the star Rahu and in its own sub. The star

lord Rahu is in association with the owner of 8 (Mars). The sub

lord Saturn is retrograde. Rahu in Sagittarius as a represent-

ative of Jupiter becomes the owner of 12. Satorn and Rahu

are obstructive. Hence the difficulty in child birth.

5th cusp (Cancel' 28* 4'): The sub lord of the Ith cusp is
Saturn. So it supports the above view.

Sth house : Moon is in the 5th, it is in the star Mercury

and in the sub Saturn. The star lord Mercury owns and occopfes 6;

it is retrograde and placed in the barren sign Virgo. The sub

lord Saturn is retrograde and obstructive. So Moon denotes

difficulty in child birth.

Venus is in the 5th in the barren sign Leo. It is in its

own star and in the sub Jupiter owning 12. Venus and Jupiter

both are aspected by Saturn the obstructor. Hence it is net

favourable for child birth. The native has no issue.

Marriage : The native got married on 11-6-1965 during the

joint period of Sun, Jupiter and Venus.

Transits : On 11-6-1965 Sun Taurus 27*, Moon Libra 23*,

Jupiter Taurus 18* 15', Venus Gemini 13'.

This is a case of inter-caste love marriage.


JOh cusp (Capricorn 0* 4'): In this horoscope Aries 8* 46'

is on the Asc. The 10th cusp is jointly ruled by Saturn

(sign lord), Sun (star lord) and Rahu (sub lord). Saturn owns
10, 11 and occupies 11, So the native will get a high position

in service, As it is retrograde it denotes changes in the job.


Sun in (he 6ih lignihes Government service. Rahu in the 9(h

indicate.*; good fortune in Governnjcnt ^crvicel by attaining
a high position and (he native will be required to work on
diflcreni poiis.

6ih cunp {Virxo /* 4'): The 6th cusp is jointly governed

by Mercury (sign lord), Sun (star lord) and Rahu (sub lord).
These planets support the above view. The sub lord of the
6lh cusp Rahu is in (he star Venua and in the tub Saturn,

The ilar lord Venufl owns 2 and 7 The tub lord Saturn owoa
10 and 11. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 6 becomes the lignificator
of 2, 7 and connected with 10 and Jl. Hence the poiition of
honour and high status In service.
2nJ cusp {Taurus 9* 4') . The sub lord of the 2Dd cusp b
Venus. It is in its own surr and in the tub Jupiter. The star
lord Venus owns 2, 7 and occupies 5. The sub lord Jupiter
owns 9, 12 and occupies 7. Thus the cutpal sub lord of 2 is cont-
rolled by beoefics. So it denotes easy earning. It is the sigui-
ficator of 2 (money), 5 (pleasures), 7 (contacts) and connected

with 7 (excursions), 9 (journeys, intellectual trend) and 12 (ex-

penditure}; also with Venus (aesthetic sense) and Jupiter (wisdom).

Hence the native will live his life according to bb tastes disc-

rcclly, he will make good use of money in visiting notable

places and In getting and securing useful things.
Sign Ifiailors of 2% 6, 70, II

House Planet in Occupant Planet in Owner

occupant's owner's
star mr

2 None None V, R V

6 M Me. M Me.
10 None None Nona
11 None St. None Si*

Venus, Rahu, Mo3n and Saturn are the ligntfcaion of

money and service. So during iheir joint periods evenli pertain-

ing to service and fintince wTH occur.

Joint Period : The native was born during the period of

Mercury with balance of 0r 2* . I®' The period of Venus siarit
from 22-12-1942 and continues upto 22-12-1962. Venus is the
argnificator of service and fmaoce; further it is the owner of
the 2nd and the cuspal sub lord of 2. So the native will begin
to earn money during id period. He was employed in Government
service on 1-9*1961 during the joint period of Veaut, Mercury

(owner 6) and Satarn (owner 10 11 and ibe sub lord oC the

llth culp).

Transits : On 1*9-1961 Sun Leo 15* 30' wu in the star

Venus the period ruler. Moon Taurus 6* 50* was in the sub
Mercury the sub period ruler. Veoua Cancer 10* 13' was in its

own sub. Mercury Virgo 1* 15' was in its own sign Saturn
Capricorn 0* 34' wai in id own sign.

45. Sterility

In this horoscope Taum 28*56' is on the Asc.

5ih Cusp (Virgp 19*2'| : The sub lord of the 5th cu&p is
Mercury. It is in the stir Venus and in the sub Saturn. The
stir lord Venus owns 6, i and occupies 10. The sub lord Saturn
owns and occupies 10. So the cuspal sub lord of 5 is the
significntor of 1, 10 and connected with 10 The sub lord Saturn
denies child birth.

5th house : Mars owns 12 and i>ccupic< 5. It is in the star

Rahu and in its own sub. So Man is the strong Mgnifi^tor

of 12. Hence not favourable fnr child birth

llth cusp (Pisces 19*2'): The sub lord of the llth cusp is

Retu. It is in th? star Mars and in the sub Saturn.


// S Unfit y

ftvul*. 30-1-1937 S»iard«y; 2-45 P. M. I. S.

V * 2, Tl 15, AyaauiM 22'53'.


Taurui 28-M

1Cc(u29 6

2 0 em tut 21.2- . AritM 25.2 12

Uran. t2'52
Flu 4-4'i
3 Canter I8'2 ' • Pbce* 192 U
VCTI, 3.56

SM 37.5
4 Ltf* lfi'2 ■ — Aquarius 16*2 10
Hep. 2339#

Moan 1.36
3 FVrfo 19-2 • -Capricorn 18*2
Sun '7.12

M«ra 1951 Mcr, 23-32

6 L/Ira 25.2- Sagittarius 23 >2 8
Jap. 20-32

Rahu 29-6

S cor pic 28-56

P7. 5fi. H*. Su. PI Sn, Ha. 3t Su.

S Cp 8 M Sa. V Pi, 10 94. Sa.
M Vjt 4 S 1 Sa, Aq. 10 ) V
Ma. LI. 5 k Ma. R Sc. 1 Ma* 9».
Ml, 8 V 9a, K 7e, 1 Ma. $a.
1 7 y 1

At ducutttd earlier (be cut pal tub lord of lib dc

0[ 12 sad coooecud with 10. The tub lord Saturo deoiet cbdd-
birtb Puriber the cutpal tub lord it ooofrolted by three mikfict.

This native hat no ittoe.


The native §01 married on 11-6-1965 duria§ the Joint

period of Rehu, Saturn and Jupiter.

Tranilii : On 11-6-1965 Sun Tiurut 27*, Moon Libra23*<

(Uihu Taurut 20* 10#, Saturn Aquarim 23* 43', iuplier Taurut
IH* 15'«

Thlt It a cane of inter-cacte love marriage.


10th cusp : {Aquarius 16* 2') ; In thit horotcope Tnurut

28* 56' it on the Ate. The tub lord of the 10th cutp it Venus.
It is In the itar and tub Saturn. Venut owm 6 and occupies 10.

The star and (he tub Saturn owm and occupies 10. So (he
cuspal tub lord of 10 it the tlrong tigniflcalor of 10 and connected
with 6 and 10. Hence the native will earn and occupy a high
poll lion In service.

6fh cutp { Libra 2Sm 2'): The Mb lord of the 6tb cuip is

Mercury, ft It in the star Venus and in the sob Saturo.

Mercury owns 2. The star lord Venut owns 6 and occupies 10,
The sub lord Saturn owns and occopiea ID, So the cuspal sub ford

of 6 is (be strong signiAcatof of 6« 10 and connected with 2

and 10. Hence (ha native will pin through servlea and will
a((ain a high stafus in servloe,

J.-rn. Tizntn': r ' Z. r. .'r u -

iarmsr Pieitn: n ZnmiptiXii us Ow^

^ vimr t-


' —
i .'sine .Stmr Vf—. Z T
T z*. V ^
vie.. ~ 1
icne X:ti£ SL X

xoiiii. Mcrcir-\ nicirerr Vjaua and iimrn srz, the isaryg

saaidcstcG if uciie" mil -sr^Tct. Su pataiafau

ucne-' anil heroes "vll icmr .iurfna ±eir Jcls.' pcricda*

J'jins zer-iiii : Tie lac^e -was ben iurmsj trie petted af

San iviti balance ot I7' i?'' 113'. Tie per:cd af RaZia the
at diLiQce starts fram II—II—1^57 and cantmces ogte-

II-U-IS^J. S«i dunag the jeme penad at" Raim, Rahu, Maa

^in the 3tax Rihaj and Mercory (the star lord af Rehn, ilaa the

mb lord of the 5(h cusp) the native was employed ia Govetamcnl

on jC-o-l^bO.
rranjtu: Oa 30-6-1360 Sun Qemini 15* was in the star

Rahu the period-sub period ruler. Rahu Leo 25* 56', Moon

Leo 23* and Man Artes 14* were in the star Venus the signi-

ficator of service.

46. Unmanied

Hints i If the sub lord of the 7th cusp be the sigoificatar

{in the star of the occupant or owner) of 1, 6 or 10; or oooo*

ccted with I, 6 or 10; also Saturn, Rahu or Ketu; barren or

sterile signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn) it denfet



j-rmtlt Birtz 25-1—oJCfc "STcaiisjuatv. >-4t ?J<L, IX.1

i ~ ' *£■ *-5 ■ A jtirtma 22 .


2ifi 2£-3

1 uxwkjt

ra ■^mutL I'va

Sac. 22-IS
Sczrjria lit-58 - -ijiuns a-a ia
Rjim 23-jc
Van- 3-II
Mars 12-7
SajinamLy 2S-S8 'Aries ir-a

San 1143
Mcr. 22-52
CaprfeorM 29-58 -Fifcts 22-58 a
Jup. 7-42

Moon 17-39 \

Aqmrius 28-58

P/. Se. Hs. St. Su. PL Sn. Bs. St. Su.

S Cp. 5 M Ma. V Sg. 4 K S
M Aq. 6 R S Sa. Sc. 3 Me. M

Ma. Sg. 4 K Mb, R Tr. 9 Ma, Ma.

Me. Cp. S M S K Sc. 3 Me, Ma.

J Pi. 7 Sa; K.

Coaiider the 11th and 2nd cnsps also.

1th cusp (Aquarius IS'): In this horoscope Leo 28' sj'
is on the Asc, The sub lord of the 7th cusp is Sun. It U in
the liar Moon and in the sob Mars. Snn owns 1 and occupies
the barren sign Capricorn, it is aspected by the owner of ^
Satnrn the ohstructor. The star lord Moon owns 12 and ocrupvn
6, Thus the cuspal sub lord of 7 is the significator of 6, 12 and

QTonecred with I; barren sign and Saturn.

11 th cusp (Gcmnti 29* 5&r). The sub lord of the 11th cMp

is Moon. It Si m the star Rahu and in the sab Sao. San and
Moca are daasaaed above. The star lord Kaho is aspected bf

Saram 6. Tb^s the cuspal sab lord of II is omDecfed

with I, 6, 12; Raha, Satsrs ard tbe barren tigz-

lad aap Virrp 27" 58';. Tbe tab fc>ri arf" the 2oj csap it
jt k in the itax Merrary and in the ssb Moon. Satzzre

Tans iz a zz cttfssczicfs wrth Ketz Tbe star lord Mcmqc

aczspsea tbe bzrrrz sign, it u .a ««jaadion with tbe owner of

3 '3>,Z/ &zd iipcztod fey the crwnc? cf € Satsrs. The tab lord
vwnr 12 and easpa* 6. Tsss tbe ciqaJ lord of 2

s -XfsaBctei J, 6, 124 Saturn, Ket» and tbe bar/en rigs.

It win be observed that the cmpol tab lords of 7., II aad

2 are 77000301) with 1, 6, 12; the barren tigo; also Sacwn, Raha

or Kntu. These md^tioas are not congeoiai for marriage. Hence

tbe native is unmarried at the age of 53.

47. Unmarried

7th cusp {Taunts T 36*): In (his Hnmarrtp^ Scorpio 7* 36'

is on the Asc. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is Keto. II is Id

the star Moon and in the sob Venus. Keto occupies the

bnmn sign Virgo, it Js aspected by the owner of 10 (Son).

The star Moon and (be sub VfcoQS owning 22 are id oofljanction^

^7. Unmarried

Male. Bvrtb 13—4-1931 Monday 9-45 P.M, U5,T. 23^2,

72^35; Ayanima 22*48'


Sewpo 7-36

2 Se&amfmi 7-36 Ubre 1126 12

Sat. 0- 9 Krr= 21-22

9-36- ^crr® 14-36 II

4 kqitmiiu 12-36- Lt9 12-34 JC
Vca, 22-26
Man I;-54
5 Afcse/ 14-36
ftitba 21-22
6 iiiie/ 12-36 ■Gemim 7-36 1
Mer. 18-40

yflumf 7*36

!»/. 5*11. Bt. Sr. Su. PI Sn, Hi. St. Su.

S Pi. 5 Me. Si. V Aq- -4 J Si.

M Aq. 3 R Si. St. Cp. 2 S R

Mft. Cou 9 Si. M R Pi. 5 Me. V

Me. Af. 6 V R R Vg. 11 M V

J Gtti. 8 R Mi.

sjoezxzd by tht owe? of 6 zod 1 Mara in iu fall sig^

rr'^r Sar^rr. in C^pr^afn 2j:d R^nu in Ptvn

i-sz % rr^i; r. ot^gr words Mooo s&d Vencj are besieged by

r»-. Sit;,'- Ran-, Tn-i :he onspai i^b Wd of 7i|.

c.:.:.v.;^i -m.-l-. ' 6, !>, }2. barren > gm; a *> Keta. Mara, Rabv

an*: bai-rn-
/iM //" 36';: Tbe i-b iori of the llthcutpif*

J yz? J ii jn rte itar Raby tr, u m ihe wb Ma/s. Juj^ter

'xr. r Tc > m fte barren t>^n Oeroiai. The tt#r lard Rahu is ia

wnjiT i'»ivn wuh fbe 'j*ner of 10 (Son) and supected by Saturn

m r The tub lord Man ownv 1 and 6t it is

by Saturn TJj'ji the cuvpa!1 sub lord of 11 is SOOQCCLed with |#

lb, 10; the barren 'tgn) and malefucs Saturn, Rahu and Man.

2nd cusp {Saalltaftus 7* 36'): The sub lord of the 2Qd

eusp >% Jupiter. Hence (he position will be aa discussed above,

K will be observed (bat (he cuspal sub lords of 7, II

and 2 are connected with 1. 6, 10. 12; barren signs and malefka.

Hence the native is unmarried a( the age of 49.

48. Unmarried

1th cusp {Taurus 74* /'): In this horoscope Scorpio 14* 1*

i> on the Asc The sub lord of the 7cb cusp is Jupiter. U it

m the sUr Rahu and in the sob Moon. Jupiter oocnpiea g In

the barren sign Gemmi and as peered by Saturn. The star Rabo
and the sub Moon both occupy the barren ttgn Atica; bodl

are in conjunction Thus the cuspal sub lord of 7 It ftiaiiffft**

writ Sal urn. Rahn and the barren signs.

JJlk cusp pTrpn 23* If): T3» sub hud of Hie Sift nftjp

» Vsnte. li is in the star Moon and to the si&Jppdcr. Vi 'ift

vecufues the barren sign Vwgp and It is aa the Hft aad SdpedBi

b* SaHim Moan and Jtpber ate ftmwd abo». Deft


4%. Unmarried

MaIc B rrh : \-1 Wj S;rurdaj; 2-OP.M I VT" 22y2 "1^35;

A i'-Anjva 21*47'.

Scorpio I--;

Sat 12-57,
2 ^afjttariui 14-13 Libra 27 13 12
YjcU 4-7

3 Capricorn 16-13 Virgo 22-13 11

Vco. 14-13

Mer 25-28
4 Aquarius 20-13 Leo 20-13 10
Nep, 10-9

Sun 29-54
5 Pisces 2213 Cancer 1613 9
Uran. 22-20,

Rsbu 4>7 Plu. 2715

Mooo 16 35 Jup. 16-11
6 20-13 Gemini 14-13 8

Mars 29-28


S*. Bs, 51. 5M. 5a. Hs. 5f. S«.

s Oa, 9 Me. SA V 10 M J

M Ac. 5 V M SH SR. 1 r

M*. Tr. 7 MA. Sa. Jt Ac. 5 r M

Me. Le. K) V Mc. £ LL 11 Mb. T

i i R M
Or ruma sut iotl nr ^ vilt ti im carm Sigta;

-iin: Tauu ant Ssiuitt.

I*f sea ,$upnariu >' ---*' w*c of

Izn rusr t ^nu- Sncs lit jwutiria ^ il « «

i v.^l i*7 i^wer-vst lutf lie -nrsrsi rtirtc vf " ^

*G.t 1 a/i ^nner-risi »jU Itr tteirsi JjeJ^an ».xrt

■tcsfcs lie i mmarrcrt a tie a/e -»f ^

"'/r ias,j S'tAZT xT 22 In. Ins. •lo.n-L'v&vsc ' It?' ^

< in lie Tie ai^i nM vf :Iie ''h -no s Urvsn If ^ ;e

he "iin ir.o n 'he aaO '•f/von -uoc^pics rife -wrtr^

T^jrcara r s -JirrnnruteO v/ 'lSaspc?ariiw")

vsUirn Aou^r.Jisl Tie ;iar nrd Sun -.•v-jn ^n<j r-ccwjue* 121«.

'he larrco r«flr,i V-r^o The vih Jofrl V-not -.cautHef rhc &&&*

ugh Ixen zv4 mpec'ed by 'he owner of 6 Sqtrnrn. Thun fife

cJjTpaJ 50h lor4 of 7 is connected with 6, 12: barren i^tls nut

(nalefics Sarom and Rahn

JJtk cusp (C^cer if 2f ): The sob Jofd of the 1 iris cofp

if Mars. If is m the star Mercury and in fbe sob Venus. Man

owns 3, it is aapccted by Che owner of 6 Safaris. The star tofd

Mercury ra retrograde, tt owns )v ID and occupies I. The wA

lord Vetsos is discussed above. Thus the coapal sob Jotd of H

ta ooooected with 1, 6,8,10; Che barren sign; also the malefic®.

2nd cusp {Libra 21* 24?): The sob lord of Ibe 2nd cusp is

Jopiter. It is in its own star and in the sob. Moon, The star

lord Jupiter Is in conjooctioo with the owner of 8 Mars and

•spected by (be owner of 6 Saturn. The sub lord Moon occajdcf;

the barren sign Capricorn and it is besieged by Rahu (Sagfttd*

riua) and Saturn (Aquarius). Thus the cuspal sub ford of ^ %

I •rmar~K£

Ffncatt iuLc '-it - fy/T afirvrtilatr ■ 5-T

* vc c-i



i-HJ. V ^
M«ni 2^23
> 54-r?'o Jr\-2A 22>
?•» i-24

4 Sa&ttahms 22-2*- •<*SWWlD 1214 1«1
Rahu 2*-52

Moon 5-5
5 C-apncam 23-24- 21-24 >

6 24^4— 21-24 t

Places 23-22

«- 54. ^f. 5f. 54. PL Sn A. St. 5«.

S Vg. I2-I M K V Lt. 11 V V

M Cp. 4 S V SH Aq. 5 R Sfl.

Ma. Sc. 23 Me. V R sc. 4 V Me.

Li. 1 R J K Gin. 10 J Mcl

J 8c. 2 J M
coanectcd «!th o, S. (he barren ani l.He zialeftvi Saiaro^

-RiOJ dOii Mats,

it wili be ofcwerveJ th1! the tcspal sab lords of 7, 11 ««4

2 arc conaecteil with I. 6. 10. S, 12: barren ^igos and mafcficv.

Hcn.r the rutivc is unmarried at the age of 44.

Example Horary Naps

Mooa aid Qaercnt s MJod

Moon is tile mind. So in (he horary map Che miod of the

quereni it shown by (he posttioo of Moon and it bcipa in

knowing (he nature of (he question asked.

Generally Moon or its Uar lord or its sub lord occupies or

owns (lie house under query; or Moon is connected with the house
of query by conj. or association with, or by aspect, from the

owner or occupant of that house or from the chief governor of

(ho mailer asked,

kulfllnioirt of a Query

Planrt (Una or mroRradv : Ordinal lly in the horary map a

planet in direct motion givei results, so a relrogrado planet can

tfive results only whrn it gets direct in motion and when it

oroMCN the point from whore ic (urned retrograde, Huwovor this

I* subject to modilicHlion according to experience in individual

cases, further, the meaning of u retrograde planet is to be inter-

preted accordiag to the nature of a query in each case.

tW«/ <n^ hrd : l. (a) The cuspal sub lord of a bouse under
query indicates whether the matter sign tiled by that house la

promised or not

(b) The matter it piuomed if the cuapal sub lord is the

aigniflcasnr (in in the star of the eroipaat or owner) of tbi*

boils* or anY one of the hoaaea liadar OQaftideralkiiL

(c) If tbc caspni k>rd or ii$ rJt tui

ttc csatter & wbec rrt i-rtsr: —

\d) If tic star isrd this caspL r^r j
itc ataitcr ts bcr_ec be: it »\1 :c:
tbc prricd. s'-b pcr-ioc Istcr per >i -f tr .i Fit i.C"
However, it aiatcftiaars use pzrrx. ;i-it per'oi tr ic".-rr
period of aootber tigsiicstor i'cf tic -:irc* a-as'v

star lord is dtxect is moEKas.

(e) A* each i*xue dtoota i&cru p-arursia.- sarsn

ctuef govrroor uf tbc nutter uzklcr qaery n^»/ be cakes

aoanint sod it Aaofd be coooected che itsr iord df 'Jsc

cusps) tub lord of tbs bouse uodsr qacr>

2 In the horsry map the Asc indkatts the effions of tie

querem; while the llth cusp shows the fulfiiraent of deures or

soecess in general.

So if the cuipal sub lord of tbc Asc or ihe i Ith coup be the

ilgnificaior of (he matter aslced, the querent gcrt iucccm >a gcnersL

If (he cuspal sub lord of the Asc. or the 11 (h cusp be the

occupant of the bouse 1,2, 3, 6, 10 or II; or if it is m the itar

of the occupant of the homo 1, 2, 3,6, 10 or 11 tbc qucrcnl gets

success in ail undertakingi. (The Aw. denotes success m one's

efl'oris; 2ad mouetsry gain; 3rd help from olben; 6th being 12 to

7 loss to (he other and gain to (ha qucieat: 10th rcputsiioa and
11th stands far profit. So these houses nic beneficial to tbc quercet

in general).

SIfnlftcQlort: I, The ligntficators show the time of an event.

2, So note the significatois of the hou*c or hcusos which

^inifV the matter asked

3. Reject that stfiufkator which is m (he star of a retrograde

P^nnt (because it cannot dating its pcood or sub period etc., give

the results of its star lard).

4. Out of these signiTicators give preferonce to those sigaific-

•tor* which uro ami men nmong :

(u) The Ruling Planets and

(b) The sign lord, star lord and sub lord of the cusp of

(he house under query.

(c) The cuspal sub lords of the bouses under consideration.

(d) The joint period rulers at the time of judgment. Disc-

retion should be used while selecting (he significators from the
above planets.

5. The query will materialise during (he joint period of

these significators when the transit agrees.

Transits ; At the time of an event Sun. Moon and/or the

joint period rulers will be found in the star or sub of the

same joint period ruler or rulers.

The hints for judgment given in the previous chapters

may be applied also in the horary map.

For erecting the horary map refer to the author*s 'Nakshatra


h Research Scholarship

Query: What about my research scholarship and my course

in Ph D ?

Hints: If the cuspal sub lord of 11 (fulfilment of deriie)

is the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 2

(money), 6 (scholarship) or 11 (gain) afid connected with the

house 4 (studies) the querent gets the scholarship during life

joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and II which


7. Research Scholarihlp

Number 16 (out of 249). Judgment 6-2-1976 Fridtyi

8-45 A.M I.S.T; 72fl35; Ayunamiu 23*25',


Aries 21-53.20

Kctu 23-57
Moon 26-14
Jop- 26-32
2 Taurus 19-59 — -Pisces 13.59 12
Mars 22-51

3 Gemini 14-59 - Aquarius 8-59 II'

Sat. 4-4fiff Sun 22-58 *

4 Concur 9-59- Capriaom 9 59 10-
Mer. 0-10

Ven. 19-54
5 Leo 8.59- -Sagirtarius 14-59 9'

6 Virgo 13-59- -Scorpio 19-59 8

Rabu 23-57

Lf6ra 21-53-20

Pi. Sn. Hs. Sr. Su. PL Sn. Hs. St. 5a;

S Cp. 10 M S V Sg. 9 V R

12 Me. S&ff Sa# Cn. 3 SaR S*

M Pi.

Ma. Tr. R Li. 7 J Me.

2 M s

K. At, 1 V SaA-
Me, Cp, 9 S R

J Pi. 12 Me. J

•' In this horarv map Moon owns 4 (studies), jt

^ m xjnjunction with Jupiter owning 9 (research), 12 and
12 C|5ta> in a foreign land). It is in the star Mercury and in
the aub Saturn, its star lord Mercury owns 6, 3, occupies 9

and ispects the 4th. Its sub lord Saturn owns U, occupies 3
and ispecis the 6th. So Moon is the significator of 6 (scholarship)
3 (completion or postponement of studies), 9 (research) 4

(studies) and connected with 11 (gain), 3 and 6. Thus the

query refers to the scholarship regarding (he research studies

and the prospects thereto.

11th cusp {Aquarius 8* 59r) x The sub lord of the 11th cusp

is Jupiter. It is in the star Mercury and in its own sub/ None

of tjicrn is retrograde. Its star lord Mercury owns 6, occupies 9

and aspects the 4th. Its sub lord Jupiter owns 9, it is Jq

conjunction with the owner of 4 (Moon) and aspect# the owner

of II (Saturn). So the cuspal sub lord of 11 is the significator

of 6, 9, 4 and connected with 9, 11 and 4. Hence the querenfs

desire to get the scholarship regarding the research studies wiD

be fulfilled.

9th cusp (Sagittarius 74* 59'): Tbc sub lord of the 9th

cusp (research studies) is Venus. It is in its own star in the

9lh and in the sub Rahu in Libra (Rnbu represents Venus).

None of (hem is retrograde. So the cuspal sub lord of 9 is the

strong significator of 9. Hence the querent will be able to

comp'ete his research woric.

Ruling Planets :

Day lord Sign lord Star had

Br- Friday Ve».
A*: AqnzriB 17* 53'
Sat. Rako
lop Mer.

Rahu is in Libra, it represents Venus, Ketu U wpecltd

by Saturn, so it represents Saturn. Hence Mercury, Jupiter,

Yentis, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the ruling planets. Saturn is
retrograde, but it gets direct from 28-3-1976. so it will give

results after this date.

Joins Period : At the time of judgment (Mercury pcrtod with

balance of 2y* 3M' 1°') the qucrcnt was running the joint period

of Mercury, Saturn and Mercury, and it continues uplo

18-6-1976. Mercury owns 6 (scholarship) and 3 (completion of stu-

dies being 12th from the 4th); it is in the star Sun owning 5
(completion of studies being 12th from the 6th competitive exami-
nation) and occupying 10 (achievement). So Mercury is the

signiflcator of S and 10. The scholarship and completion of

studies will serve as sources of an event in respect of achieve-

ment in studies. Saturn is in its own star and sub; it owns 10,

11 (gain) and occupies 3. So it denotes achievement, gain and

completion of studies. Both are among the ruling planets. Hence

the qucrcnt will be getting the scholarship after 28-3-1976 tad

before 18-<}-1976 in this joint period of Mercury, Saturn and


The joint period of Mercury and Saturn continues upto

7-5-1978. So (he querent will go on with his research work till

this date.

The querent informed me that the scholarship was awarded

to him from 5-5-1976 and he completed his imearch work of

PhD. during May 1978.


2« Greco Card

Number 30 (out of 249), Judgmem 6-2-1976 Friday'

12-15 P.MJ.S.T; 23*2, 72*35; Ayanarnsa 23'25'.

Taurus ll'6-40

Mars 22*54
Ketu 23 55

2 Gemini 6-28 •Aries 4-28 12

Moon 29*57
Jup. 26<3i
3 Cancer I-2S -Aquarius 28*28 11
Sat. 4*44r

4 Cancer 27-2S- ■Capricorn 27*28 JO

Sun 23*12

5 Leo 28*28* Capricorn 1*28 9

Virgo Mcr, 0*16

Vrn. 20*12
6 Lib ra 4.28 Sagittarius 6*28 8
Ra hu 23*55

Scorpio 11*6.40

PL Sn. m. St. •Sir/. PI. Sn, Hs. St. Su.

S Cp. 9 M S V Sg* 8 V J

M Pi. 11 Me. Sa# Sa/j Cn. 3 Sfl/p Sa^

Ma. Tr. I M S R Li. 6 J Me.

Me. Cp. 8 S R K Ar. 12 V SaR

J Pi. 11 Mc. J

Query . Whether I shall be successful ld ray attempts to

obtain the Green card during my stay in U. S A, ?

Moon : In this horary map Moon occupies 11 (success or

fblfilment of desire), it is in coojunction with the benefic Ju-
piter in its own sign Pisces. It is in the sub Saturn owning 11.

Thus Moon refers to the query regarding success or fulfilraeat

of desire.

dse, (Taurus 11* 6' 40w); The sub lord of the Asc (efforts
of (he querent) is Mars. It owns 12 and occupies the lit. It is in

(he star Moon in 11 and in the sub Sun in 9. None of them

is retrograde. Thus the Asc. sub lord is the signKicator of It

(success) and connected with 9, 12 (foreign land) and 1 (elforts).

Hence the querent will be successful in his attempts in the

foreign land,

11th cusp {Aquarius 2B* 28'): The sub lord of the 11 lb

cusp is Venus. It is in the star Venus owning 1, 6 and occu-

pying 8 and it is in the sub Jupiter owning Sand occupying II.

None of them is retrograde. Thus the cuspul sub lord of 11 is the

tignificutor of 1, 6 (success), 8 (disappointment) and connected

with 8 and U. Hence the qucrcnt's desire will ultimately be

fUQUed after feeling some disappointment.

Ruling Planets :

Day lord Sign lord Star lord

Day: Friday Vco.

Aic.: Aries 25" 2' - Mars Vco.
Mooa: Pisces 29* 57' - Jup. Mcr.

Rahu is in Libra, so it represents Venus, Ketu is in Aries,

80 it represents Mars. Hence the ruling planets are Mara,

Mercury. Jupiter, Venus; Rahu and Ketu.

and fu-.u src vbc 11: wide Venn,

tnd Kciu arc if)t tignifjcatori cif 1 and 6.

j.Ani period: Al the time of judgment Mercury pcriotf

with balance of 0y' 0M' 23*') the qutreat is running the |aim

period of Mercury and Saturn The period of Kctu commenoa

from 29-2-1976, It js among the ruling planets and U u (ftg
sigoificator of I and 6.

Id she prrind of Kctu the qucrenl will have to run the

sub periods of Venus, Mars and Rabu. All of tbem are tho

ruling planets and also (he sigoificators of 1, 6 and n.

But the querent has to feel some disappointment in the first

instance and as Rabu is considered to bs stronger than any

other significalor, the querenfs desire is likely to be fulfilled

during the joint period of Kctu, Rabu (the cuspal sub lord of

3—correspondence) and Venus (the cuspal sub lord of 11) which

starts from 1-10-1979 and continues upto 4-12—1979.

The querent informed me that he was called for an interview

on 25-10-1979 and the Green card was granted to him.

Transits: On 25-10-1979 2-30 P.M. Central Day light Saving

Time-U.S.A. Sun Libra 8* 20' was in the star Rabu the sub

period ruler. Moon Sagittarius 4* was in the star Ketu (he

period ruler. Ketu Aquarius 11' 59' was in the star Raho*

Rahu Leo ll' 59' was in the star Ketu. Venus Libra 24* 30'

wuu jn its own sign.

3* Ocsfrcd Post
Qutry : Whether I will bo able to have the poilrion fll *

research and dcvdopmenl -engineer ?

M lh , h
""" •' " 'u'y ni«p Moon It In conjuodlon wlib
..wninK 6 (.Crv,L,), i, (, hy Mi|r|

(portion, .Ulnti, ,1 ii.cuplti || of dt lr,). Tliu. MOM

indkntn Ihnl rhc „,, to |lw, # Job o[ „„ #hol8(. .

3. Desired Po%t

Number 67 (ou£ of 249). Jadgczurot 26-3-1977 Saiurdiy;

J-10 P M. I.SX 21*1, 72*35; Ayanamsa 23' 26'.


Cmcer 5-26-40

Sat. 16-45j{ [

Leo 0-46 •Gemini £34 12

Moon 24-18
Jup. 4-56
3 Leo 28.46- 'Taaruj 346 11
Ketu 2* 0
-4 Lttra 0-46- -j4rfei 0-46 10

2- 0

Yen. 29-Or
Mer. 2217
Sun 12-0
5c<3r^/o 3-46 -Aquarius 28-46 9

Mars 11.25
5.34- - Aquarius 0-46 8

Capricorn 5-26-40

PI. Sa. Ht. St. Su. PI. 5/i Hs. St. Su.

S Pi. 9 Shj M V* Pi ') Mc. SaR

M Tr. 11 Ma. R Su,, Cn \ Me* Me.

M«, Aq. 8 R Se/r K Li 4 Mn. K

Me. Pi. V Me. M K Ar. ia K v*

1 Tf. M S S..„

11th cusp [Taurus 3* 46') : The sub lord of the lltb cusp
is Saturn. It owoa 9 (research) and it is in the Ist (self). It is
retrograde and it is a alow moving planet. Hence the quereot
has to keep patience. It is in the star and the sub
McrcuryD in 9; Mercury is in conjunction with the owner of 11
(Venus). So Saturn is the significator of 9 and connected with

9 and II. Hence the querent's desire to obtain the position aa

a research and development engineer will be fulfilled after

patience for long.

6r/i cusp {Sagittarius 5* 34') : The sub lord of the gtb

cusp is Rahu. It is in the star Mars owning 10 and in (he
sub Ketii in 10. None of (hem is retrograde. Rahu in Libra
respresnts Venus owning II (success). So Rahu is the significator

of 10 and connected with 9^ 10 and 11. Hence the querent will

get (he job as a research engineer and he wit! be successful.

10th cusp [Aries 0* 46') : The sub lord of the 10th cusp ia

Ketu, It is in its own star in 10 and in (he sub Venus owning

11 in 9. So Ketu is the significator of 10 md connected with 9

and 11. Hence the quereot will get the position as a research
and devclcproent engineer and he will get success.

Ruling Rlanets:

Uirti lord Star lord

Db> Saiwdiry
A*'- Orr/. t. 2," 0' M<f jUp
Hv* 14- W V«rt, Mar*

Pah'i h it. Libra, vj it repietenU Venus. Krlo ia in Arlef,

so rf reprfirnfs Mar«. Hecce Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venui,
Saturn, Rahti and Kcfu becornc ihs ruling plaocta.

All thm pfceet* are the signifjeators of 9 sod coooecled

6, 9. lOerrlL $s(urn and Venoa are retrograde, but the?


jpt direct from 11-4-1977 and 27-4-1977 respectivsljr. Heooe

they will give results.

Joint period \ At the time or judgment (Mars period with

balance of 6y* 5*' 27^ ), The querent was ninntng the joim
period of Mars and Rahu.

The period ruler Mars is among the ruling planeta and

it is the significator of 11 and connected with 9 and 10. The
cuspal sub lord of 11 Saturn is also the ruling planet and it it
the signiflcator of 9 and connected with 9 and 11.

If the period ruler be the tignificator of an expected event the

event occurs during the joint period of the period ruler and the
cuspal sub lord of 11 (if it be the desired significator). The joint
period of Mars and Saturn continues from 14-2-1979 to 23-3-1980.
So the qucrcnt's des rc is likely to be fulfilled during this time.

The querent desires the position as a research and deve-

lopment engineer. The 9tb house is connected with the research

work. Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the significalon

of the 9tb, They arc among the ruling planets.

In the period of Man during the sub period of Saturn the

inter period of Mercury follows immediately after Saturn. It

starts from 17-4-1979 and lasts upto 13-6-1979. Hsocc the qu-
erent will get (he desired position within (hat time.

The querent informed me that he joined his duties on

l~5-79' Thus (he event happened during the joint period of
Mara. Saturn, Mercury and Venus. It may be noted that Mercury

the Inter period ruler is the sub lord of the Asc (querent). la
short, the period ruler Mars owns 10 (position), the sub period

ruler Saturn owns 9 (reiearch), the inter period ruler Mercury

owns 12 (change of environments) and (be sookshma period

! <>^11 I ^ l*- '■* Son Aiifri 1ft" HI wd* "l (Uo aim

Vfin x iI'o soi^kst-nuj js-iuil uilcr. Mais Pimtn > \wia m (he

*idr Mcuun \Uc tuu-i uilci SiUutn I Co 40' was HI

thr >1*1 Vciunk, Mfunix riKra -1 * nvu> u« »l> own Mwr. \cuum

r<>w> lo* ui the >ldi Stiitun ilir >nl> pcnoO ruki.

•I, IrmufiT in Service

Ihrje ;ir^ iv^o posts suilablc lv> nit* at (wo diflfercnt

pidccs, J dfmio iry pvsiidg cn one of the posts at any of tht

two places . If so. when V

Bin is: If the cuspal >ub Jord of 3 (journey, absence of

the prcsert residecce, 3id is 12ih frcm the ^ih i e. change of

place> or 12 (life in compJeteiv unfamiliar atmosphere) be the

signLficator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 3 or 12

and connected with 10, the querent if in service, will be

traosfexrtd from the present place to another place.

If the sub lord of the ICth cusp be the signiheator (in the

star of the cccupant or owner) of 3 or 12, the transfer in service

from one place to another.

The transfer takes place during the joint period of the

significators of 3, 10 and 12,

Moon : In this horary map Moon owns 3. It is in conju-

nction with Mars owning 12 and Venus owning 6 (service). Its

star lord Sun occupies 12. Its sub lord Rahu is in conjunction

with Saturn owning 10 (position, status) and II (fulfilment of

deaire). Thus Moon reveals the mind of the querent that he

desires one of the two posts at any of the two places of his


ini cusp (Cancer 2* 10'): The sub lord of the 3rd cusp

is Rshu. It is in conjuDction with Saturn owning 10. It is In

the star Venus owning 6 and occupying 12. It is in the sub

4. /VfltM/k' in

Ninr.bcr U Unit cM ^4V;. J»i>!kni. iU ■** ImSuy;

9 > A.M. I.S 1. iV .\ 72'3r.; Avttnjinn<i l\' ;h'


Taunn ll'5}-20

Sun ^-55
Mcr. 4 3

Mood 29:0
Vcn. 15-11
Mars 13-15
2 Gemini 7.10- Aries 54S 12

3 Cancer 2-10 -Aquarius 29-'0 11
Jup. 1048 Ktru 29.8

4 Cancer 28-10— Capriccm 28.10 10

Sat. 13-49
Rabu 20-8
5 Leo 29.10 ■Capricorn 2 10 9

6 Libra 5-48 Sagiitarius 7*10 8

Scorpio 11»53.20

PL Sn» Hs, SL 5 M, PL Sn. Hs, Si. SM,

S Tr. 12 s V V Ar. 12 V V

M Ar. 12 s R Sa Le. 4 V V

Ma. Ar. 12 K Me. R Le. 4 V J

Me. Tr. 12 S Sa. K. Aq 10 J J

J Cn. 3 Sa. S

Jupiter ."n 1. So the cudpal lub lord of 3 is the sigoVflcator of

6. J2 and conneutcd willi 3 trnd None of Ihcae plttnoJa ii
rrdngratlc. Ifeiice the quorenl will liavo his trttnifer At any of
the fwro pleick df his ilioice,

!hh tux}' {Attea 4Jf'): The sub lord of the 12lh amp

la Kdim Mniip ilifi puitHion will bo rs ubove.

huh .<(iji {Ciiprtcorh Kl'j ; the sub h'td ol (he lOlh

imp u •loiuni. Ii iiwna t(), «!l i« in the Mlor mid 1110 tub
Vciiiin owioiid 0 Mini (UMip'rlotf 12, 811 Ihr miipitl Hlih lord of
io is ihe kiamrKotoi of 12, rt And (.omieotod with I-', A mid

10, NoUp ot ihrno pltiiipfa (l rptro^rade lleiine llir jk>i||)uA an


Nth {AijiHtriui .'0" Ul') : The hiiIi lord af lliR llth

uup in Sun. It In in us lovn itiir In 12 mid "jn die ahb Venui

In 12. Su I ho vUkpitl sub lord of II In the Mfong nlgnlflctitor

id 12 And I'onuCi'trd with 12. Notto of I tic m In rotrogradti

TlrtKc the qnercnlV Jcsiro will be rulftlkd, /.f. tic will have

hu cuvironnionls chnngcd according a« he intondn.

fttifinx J'/ofiftv:

Day lord Sign lord Star lord

Day; I-Hday Vnq. . «,

Aie ? Gioilfli 22" - Mer, Jup.
Moon: Arlm 29" 20* - Miri Sun

Rahu is in Leot so it represents Sun. Hence tbe ruling

planets are Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu.

Join/ period At the time of judgment (Sun period with

balance of AY' 9M* 180*) the querent was runnig the joint

period of Sun and Rahu. Both Sun and Rahu are among th0

ruling planets. The period ruler Sun is the cospal sub lord df

II and the sub period ruler Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of 3

«nd 12. They are (he itgnificeKiro of 3 end 12. No (he qucfeftt'a
desire will be fulfilled during the jmni period of Jiun end Rehu.

In (he period of Sun during the Mib period of Uahu the

(nlcr period of Jupiter follows immediately after kahu. Jupiter
ia (he ruling planet, il is the ftignilk^at/ir (in the tur Saturn

owning 10 and II »tnd in the ouh bun In 12) of 10, II arul

con nested with 12. I'urlhci us %twf lord Saturn is in ronjuiudoo
with (he ml) petjod ruler (I'lihu) und Its sub lord jltin la lha
period itjler.'iu ditfing tlin Join! period of Sun, Knhu and Jupiter
(2(i fi-lO/o (i, V H I'J/V) (tin qur.reiU's desire will he rulfdled.

'die quereiil InronOed me thai he rerelved the order for

ihn deelrrd paal at the desired pla'o on 2t 7 I'JlQ. Thus the

ayeril Impppnril during (ho jtdiil peilod of Nun, Kahu, Jupiter

and Venus (IB 7-10741 In 25-7-IM79), Veniu the owner of 6 la
In da own alar and nub In 12, so II ia the algnllkator of 12
and t'onufded with 12. It is nlio the ruling planet,

Transtlx : On 23-7 1979 Moon Cancer 0* IH' waa in tha

star Jupiter (he inter period ruler. Rohu Loo 16* 19' wa» in
the star Venus the sookihtua period ruler Jupiter Cancer 22" l'
wai in tho sub Sun the period rukr, Venui Ocmini 27* 31'
wos in (he star Jupiter.

5. Marriage

Qutry: What about my marriage, marriage partner and

her education ?

Moon: In this horary map Moon occupies 7 and it is as-

pected by the owners of 7 (Jupiter) and 11 (Mars), its star lord

Sun and Venus. Thus Moon clearlv indicates that the querent

is very eager to know about his marriage problem.

ItH cusp (Sagittarius 28* 46r 40"): (a) The sub lord of

the 7th cusp is Mars. It is in its own star owning 11 and

/ Maoris re

Szmbtr f<i (ol* rf 2-*,. Jtidcrnesi "-B-1979 Tuesday; 10-0

A. M. I S T; 23-v-, 7;r.'5; Aya^asa 23' 2&'.


Gemini 28-46-40

Mars 5-36

Mcr, 10 30o
Vcn. 15.33
Sun. 20-37
2 Cancer 23-10 Tauni* 28-32 12
Jup. 25-10

Rahu 16-13
Sat. 19-34
3 Leo 20-10 •Aries 26-10 II

4 Virgo 22-10- —Pisces 22-10 10

5 Libra 26-10 -Aquarius 20-10 9*

Km 16-13

6 Scorpio 28-32 — —Capricorn 23 10 8

Moon 7-9

Sagittarius 28-46-40

PL 5*1. Be, St, 5u. PL flf. Sr. Sw.

S Cn. 1 Me, V V Cn. 1 Sa. J

M Cp- 7 S K Sa. U. 2 V R
Ma. Gm- 12 Ma. M R Lc, 2 V S
Meg Cfl. 1 Sa. S K Aq. 8 R V
J Cn. 2 Me* R
aspcctiDg 7. li is in iht sld c't.TLiig 2 avi ?
Itus the cuspal sub Jord of 7 is tbt sigDjf.ritor of 11. ' ^-2
connected with 2 and 7. Htnee ;t picmiset niirr.igc. !».r.c -.1

them is retrograde.

(b) Consider the 7th cusp as the Asc. of Ih: marriage part-
ner. Now as counted from the 7th cusp Pisces 22" 10' becomes
the 4th cusp (education) for the marriage partner. Its sub lord

is Sun, it owns the 9th (higher education), it is in the star

Mercury and in the sub Venus owning II of the marriage

partner. All these three planets are in conjunction with Jupiter

owning 4 of the marriage partner. Thus the cuspal sob loid of 4
of the marriage partner is connected with Mercury> Jupiter, 4, 9
and II. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are in Cancer which is on
the 8th cusp and all of them are aspccted by the owner of 8

(medicine, pharmacy, chemicals, microbiology and such other

subjects correlated with the 8th bouse) Moon for the marriage
partner. Hence the marriage partner's education might be con-
nrcted with these subjects. Further Sun and Jupiter have ood*

ncction with medicine.

(c) The disposition of the marriage partner may be leanzt

from the cuspal sub lord of the 7th (Mars). So Mats in Gemini
signifies impulsive but adaptable nature.

Joint period: (a) At the time of Judgment (Sun period

with balance of ly' 3Mm 12°'-) the qvezml was mnmng the
joint period of Sun and Ketu which will last uplo 19-11-1979.

So far as the marriage partner is ooacerned, the period

ruler Sou is (be cuspal sub lord of 4 (education for the

marriage partner); while the sub period ruler Keta is the cuspal
tab lord of 11 (succeu in edocation to the marriage partner).

Ketu Is in (he star Rabu in 8 and in (he sub Venus owning


11 fcr ihc mamage pariDcr. So the marriage partner will be

completLDg her studies before 19-11-1979.

jb) The joint period of Sun, Venus and Venus starts from

19-11-1979 and continues upto 19-1-19S0, Sun, its star Mercury

and ms sub Venus are all connecled with the owner of 7

(Jupiter/ in 2 and owner of 2 (Moon; in 7. So Sun becomet

(he -'gL'hcaior cf marriage. Venus is the natural sigoificatov

of marriage, it is in the star Saturn and in the sub Jupiter So

far at 'he querent it concerned the star lord Saturn occupies

2 and the sub I jfd Jupiter owns 7 and occupies 2. So far as

the marriage partner is coocerned the star lord Saturn owns

2 and aspects the Ilfh; while the sub lord Jupiter is in

coflju^chon A'h Venus owning 11. Thus rbc sub and the inter
period f<j,cr Venus it fruitful (o feth of ihem for getfiog married.

2, The quercnt informed me lhat the girl of his choke

w»i vrf/ irnpuisivc and she was an Vf.B.B.S student. Her

tjtvttntibU'jn was on 6-1 1-1979. She patted her M.B.B'S

examiMiirun m ljeccr«h«r 1979 Thet bulb moved Cogstbcf OS

mar. and Me frr.m 22 12 1979. If was learnt lhat foe secretly

marrred the girl on 23~1-I9ft0 during the Joint period of San,

Verm* i>nd Sun. Ai the time of judgment Mercury the Kar

lord of .Sun was relrogrode (it turned direct from 11-8-1979,

hence ihc m rrnagej and .Saturn lbs star lord of Venui was ia

conjunction with Rahu ia 2. Hence no celebration of marriage

in a uftual way.

Transit : On 23-1-1980 Sun Capricorn 9* wa§ ia its own

star (he period and the inter period ruler.

6. Desired Job

Query : When shall I get really a god job ?

Hints : If the cuspal sub lord of the 6th or 10th be (he

signiflcator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 2, 6 or


6. Desired Job

Number 141 (out of 249), Judgment 24-7-1979 Tuesday;

2-17 P.M.I.S.T; 23*2, 72 ^35; Ayanarasa 23-2«.



2, Scorpto 23-10. - F/rgtf 2%-JO 12

3, Sagittarius 24-10- "Lea 2^ 10 n

Sat I%-5
fUhu 16-56

4, Capricorn 26-10 -Canctf 26-10 10

Jap. 22-14
Met. 19

ICelu 16-56 Ve«. 22-40

5, Aquarius —Oemlnl 24-10 0

M^f« 26-21
6, Pisces 2^-10- - Taurus 23-10 ^

/Jr/n 23-53-20

PL Srr. ffs. 5/, Pi Sn, ffs. St. Su.

Cn, 9 Sa. K V Cm. 9 J V


Sa. S Sa. Lc. 10 V Ma.

M Co, 9

Jr. 8 Ma. J R Le. 10 V M


K K Aq. 4 R y
Mrg Co. 9 Me/?

J Cn. 9 MeH M
r-:Tt r :i:< the :« 2ir«dy in scr-icc, bat

:: ii--tf z gr-K j-b zcocrc^Bf ic t;s expectation- So consider

rt I:t z-'p. Hence :f the mfpai sxb lore cf the lllh be

'ne t zr 'iczror :n the siar o? tire ocmpant or c-vner) of 2, 6,

K cr 1! lie qnerent gets s ;?b cf h^s eipectatirn darj«f the

; i: ~cr : z "' tLe - '•-•rf of 2, 6 snd 10.

: la Ibis bcrary mjap S!oon owns 10 (status, position).

It is in con Janet ion with Sun owning 11 (falfilment of desire)

and Jupiter owning 6 (service, job). It is in the star Saturn

and in the sub Son. Its star lord Sanirn occupies 10 and its

sub lord Sun owns II. Thus Moon clearly indicates that the

query refers to a job of the querent's ecpectatioo.

Uih cusp (beo 28" 10rThe sob lord of the 11th cusp

is Moon. It is the signifies tor of 10 and connected with 6, 10

and II as discussed above. Hence the querent will get a job

of his expectation.

Ruling Planets at 4-15 p.m. l.s,t I Due to disturbance after

erecting the map.

Day lord Sign lord Star lord

Day. Tuesday Mars — -

Asc. Scorpio 23* 0 ' - Mars M
Moon. Cancer ll* 40' - Moon Sal.

Rahu is in conjunction with Saturn and (Cetu is in Aqua-

rius. So Rahu and Ketu both represent Saturn. Mercury is in

its own star and it being retrograde may be rejected. Thus tho

ruling planets are Moon, Mars, Saturn, Rabu and Ketu,

e None 9 J
10 S. M Sa. Noas Vf
K Pw

V - tv t '_ r,r: -r,,; - ^

sigoificsforx are Mrcc. Man. SatrifE axul Krtx

/^cxx period ; A: lie time of jodgmaii fSatxtrc vifb

balaoce of 8r- 6*» 1B17*) The queresl i$ th- yshii period

of 9anun and Sao. The cab period of Mood wfH soaaaeaee

from 13-1-1980 and will continue opto 15-8-1981. Moon a

the strong signilicator for the expected job. momrva' it is

also the cos pal sab lord both of 2 and 111. So the sub [■a-Mvi

of Moon is very favourable to the querent. Farther the gnrr^nt

will ran the joint period of the signific&tors Saturn, Moon and
Mars (owning 2) from 2-3-1980 to 5-4-1980. Mars is in its

own star owning 2 and in the sub Jupiter owning 6. Hence if

is likely that the querent might get a job of his expectation

•during this time.

The querent informed me by his letter dated 15-4-1980

from U,S.A. (received by me on 24-4-1980] chat he was called

for an interview on 24-3-1980 and be was offered an esceHent

post of his expectation. Thus the event occurred during the

joint period of the significators Saturn, Moon, Mars and Keen

(23-3-1980 to 25-3-1980).

Transt/s : On 24-3-1980 Sun Pisces 10* was in the star

Saturn the period ruler. Mars Leo S'-SO' was in the star Keto
the sookshma period ruler. Ketu Aquariucs 4° was in the scar

Mars (he inter period ruler.


Transits And Nativities

1. Transit in star : Satum transits In one star for about

13 months. Rahu or Ketu 8 months. Jupiter for about 5 mootha

and 10 days. Mars for 20 days or so. Mercury and Venus are
not uniform in their motion. Sun is very regular in raolion and
•(ays in one star for about 13 days. Moon stays for about 24-
hours in one star.

Transit in sub : Saturn while transit ting Ihrough one star

remains in one sub for many weeks. Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter
remain in one sub for many days. Sun remains in one sub for

one day to three days. Moon for about three hours.

2. Observe the influence of (he traniitting planets Too

every yenr, espccisUy (he transit of Saturn, because it is for

a longer duration, If (he transits of RiihU| Kolu and Jupiter

get coincided in their infliifncc with that of Saturn, there la »

greater poMibiliiy of a particular happening

What is noi indicuird in the binli map canno't be oxpec(e<t

to makriflllie during the period of (he iruni/lting planets, to

(ho extent deiircd,

It Is generally a pru tico to observe the e/fects of (raDglig

In lelation lo the Joint period rulers nccordjng lo liic cfaibtt'

•ysteiri. Thin method of itamvih hua been discussed In my book

'Nakahatru Chinlttmuni/

3. Here hi) tit tempt bus been made to read solely tbD'

cumulative influence of the slow moving planets in transit eg,

Salurn, Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter, TJitir elTectg during tho ipreid.

over of 5 to 13 months are observed.

In (be birth horoscope some planets are ibe significators

of mtrrioge (2, 7, 11), some of money {2, 6, 11). some of losg.

In money (8,12). some of .iclcntsi (6, 8# mjt some of occuoetian


(2, 6, 10) and so on. The stronger the signiflcators are, the-
greater is the possibility of their icmlti daring a particular year

under review.

Suppose ail the above transitting planets are moving in

the stars of the significators of money (2, 6, II) and also in
the subs connected with 2, 6 and 11 in the birlh map. Then
they become coincided in their influence. So your monetary
condition may improve during this pnrt of the year. But during
the time when the above transitting planets move in the subs
connected with 8 or 12 and not 2, 6 or U in the birth map,
it is likely that you may lose money or you may have (o spend
much money on any account. When the above situation arises

in a particular month, you will find thai Sun might be

tranaitling in the star or sub of (he lignifiontor of 2, 6, 11 or

8, 12 in the birth map. ns (ho case may be. If the above
situation occurs on a pnrliculnr day Moon might he Iransfitmg
In (ho sfnr or nub of (he signlflcator of 2, f*, 11 or 8, 12 in

(ho birth rnap as (he ense may he.

Suppose (ho above Imnsltting planots move in the slarn of

llio ilgnlficalorn of 2, 6 <md 11 during n partloulnr year under

review. Hut (hell Mar lordr. remain in rcirogrude inothm far

some timn. Then It will mil bn poMtblo (o p*pcci any desired

result till (hoy become direct In motion. More so, if (hey be

In the retioyrnde subs.

1. Publicttions

1, In (his bluh horoscope we may read (he Influence of

the tiansittlag Snlurn, Rahu and Ketu during 1979 and 1980,.

In respect of the publication of books.


' Fxt'.'if&kviS

Male Birth Sunday; S^2 P.M.I.S.T: 23v2, 72e3S;

Aianamia 22*32'.


Capricorn 12*25

I Uran, 9*37^

Aquarius 19*44- — Sagittarius 15.44 12

Moon 21*49
Rahu 24-36
3 Pisces 25*44■ • Scorpio 21-28 11
Jup. 14.2r

4 Aries 25.44- ■Libra 25*44 10

Sat. 7*30
Taurus 21*28- Virgo 25*44 9
Ketu 24*36

Plu. 6*28
Gemini 15*44 ■Leo 19*44 8
Sun 22*33 Mars MO
Vcn. 23* 0

Ncp. 0*39 Mer, 13*2

Cancer 12*25

PI Si. Su, Sign/fies PL Si. Su, Signijies

s J Sa. 3j 6, 8, 10t 12 V J Sa. 3. 5, 6, 10,12

M Me, S 2, 6. 7. 9 Sa. S K 1. 2, 4, 6, 8
Ma. K V A 6, 7. 8. 9, 11 R Me. R 2, 3. 6. 7, 9.12
Mr. Sa. R 1. 2,4. 6, 7, 9 K Ma. R 4.6, 7, 8,9,11
J Sa. R 1, 2, 3, 4,10, 12

2. In 1979 Saturn Leo 20#25fff - I3#37'n - VJrgo 3*30',

(Rahu Leo 27*46' - 8*29f, Ketu Aquarius 27*46' - 8*29',

In 19S0 Saturn Virgo 3*30f - 3*32'r-Lcd 26'41#I, - Virgo

15*59', Rahu Leo 8*25' - Cancer 19*15', Ketu Aquarius 8*25fl

Capricorn 19" 15'.

3. In ibis birth map the publication of books is indicated.

•Mercury (writiogs), Jupiter (publications). Mars (printing), (h«

Jbouscs 3 (writings), 9 (publications), 13 (publicity) and 11 (succ»
ess) ate connected with writings, publications and printing.

Sun, Venus and Jupiter are the significators of 3 and 10,

they are inter-related with one another. Rahu and Mercury are
related with each other and they both are related with Jupiter,

they are the significators of 9. Ketu is the significator of 9 and

11, it is connected with Mars and Mercury. Moon is also the
nignificalor of 9 and connected with Mercury, Jupiter and Mara.
'Hence the writings and their publications are promised. So all

these planets are the significators of the publication of boobs.

4. When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu simultaneously transit In

the stars and subs of these significators of writings and publi-

•cations, during a particular year under review* the affairs of

writings and publications will be active.

5. In this birth map during 1979 Saturn transits in the star

"Venus; from 4-10-1979 in the star Sun and from 20-1(M980 in

■the star Moon.

During 1979 Rahu in the star Sun; from 22-1-1979 in the

-alar Venus; from 1-10-1979 in the star Ketu and from 9-6-1980

in the star Mercury.

During 1979 Ketu in the star Jupiter; from 28-5-1979 in the

•star Rahu; from 3-2-1980 in the star Mars and from 12-10-1980

in the star Moon,


Thu« ihc iratuita. of Sa(um, Kahu unJ Ketu coincided in.

their InfluciK-e und lhe> were «'«»« nub^ of theso elgnifi^
afon. Mrncc hooka.1 of fbe naii^c were printed and publlabed

during and 1980.

6, It was obseivcd that i( the planet in transit be retrograde,

there was retardation in the progress of publications. In this case

Salurn was retrograde upto 10~5'1979, so the printing work w«a
slow. But thcfcaftcr it was very swift and the books were comp-

letely printed by November 1979,

Another book was under print during November 1979. In

this case Jupiter in Leo was retrograde from 27-12-1979 to-

26-4-1980, Mars in transit remained in Leo from 7-11-1979-

upto 28-6-1980 and it turned retrograde from 17-1-1980 to

7-4-1980. Saturn in Virgo became retrograde from 7-l-198(>

and Saturn in Leo was direct from 23-5-1980. Though they'

were retrograde, they were in the stars of direct moving planets.

So the printing work was not completely slopped. However, the

composition work was very slow and it was going on inter*

mirtently due to the shortage of employees in the press.

2. Death

1. In this birth horoscope we may read the influence of tbo

(ransitting Saturn, Rahu and Ketu from May 1977 to February

1978 in respect of the serious sickness of (he native.

2. Saturn Cancer le^'-Leo 6'43#?# - 4*48R^ Rahu Libra

OV - Virgo 15B3r. Ketu Aries 0V - Pisces 15"3r.

3. When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu simultaneously transit

in the stars and subs of the badhaka and maraka significators

in the birth map during a particular year under review the-

ntive is likely to suffer from serious sickness.


J. Death

Mile. Birth 22-9-1921 Tuesday; 10-27 A. M. I. S. Tj

23W 2, 72® 35; Ayananna 22*43'.

Libra 28-0

Mood 24-13
Sat. 18-49
Vcn. 14-33

7 Scorpio 27-17. >Libra 217 12

Jup. 20-14 Sod. 3-57

3 Sagittarius 28-17 'Virgo 3-17 U
Capricorn Man 3-3
Ketu 8-56
Mer, 23-36
4 Aquarius 1-17 ■ -Leo 1-17 10
Ncp. Q-56

Rahu 8-56
Uran. 0-33/, Cancer
5 Pisces 3-17- "Gemini 28-17 9
Plu. 21-52

6 Aries 2-17 •Taurus 27*17 8

Arits 28'0

PI. St. Su. Signifies PI, St, Su.

s s Me. 10, U V R K 1, 8. 9, 12

M J Me. 2, 5, 12 Sa. R M 4, 9. 12

s Sa. 2, 6. 7. 10, 11 R Sa. V 4.9,12


1.8,9,10,11.12 E S V 3,10, u, 12
Me. V Sa,

i i- 'V^; 1
* ' !f3

ta- Vr . . -d 'Sef
... .Jf.;'-v di*d i ■ /;. '*''"• •-'>-i>77 fft

r\ td ;ir. *• ■' ' '*!, ; i/J

*' »*• ^

v/i. ,r' Ai" • * *« •'« * ?A r,f 2,7 i

jurt-ii w< i-' < 'xt.t'JVkx,, U'rt. n~9~tm Ift

^ V/ -X '. Vt ; r ^''' '•' • " 2 12

; .. v 1/i; >" . - Vd rt? U^vvf> f&«

^ »4 «<* ^ ' ■-— -''-t-iyK -s w taiMi-

Uve'.v' '/ i

Ttvi iA '^iXi.'U v? y'*j.-y Jit'j kUi« u>iad^U4 i#

twr t^C u-t; iivj m fi-c: iuto of UtC |U>&VD

7'« it**:>c fell bcrjoutiy j'1 fro® Miy 1977

be oc 1 2-197^.

3. be^tb of the Hoshiod

1. io ibs» birtb horoscope we may read the ioflueooe of

ike toUHiiirg Saturn, Rahu acd Kctu from May 1977 to Feb-

ruary 1978 in reipeci of (be serious ttckaeie of Ike native'*


2. Sacuro Cancer 16* ll'~lto 6* 43/-4# 48V Rahu Libr»

0"6'-Virgo 15' 31't Ketu Ariel 0* b'-Piscei 15* 3l#.

3. When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu simultaneouily traotit ha

the start and subs of badbaka and maraka srgoificatora of tho

hoabaod in the birth map, during a particular year under rcvtcW'

the cathe's busbaod it likely to rafTer from terioua illncit.

4. In this binh map from May 1977 Saturn traori^ hi

«be tear Mercury the itroog tignificator of VIII (destb)

7-9-1977 in the star Ketu Ibc tlrong rigpifir8*01,

^ tta badhaka and rnariki bmiaea of the husband.
$ %f tiut Hu J-tard

tirc&'A Sti:a >32 ThufvS^; ti A,M f^.T: 2i,v'i

' >.C, A/iT,4T»^

/>/•. ^ «

?Vf> JrX-iA
;^ r i2 |

v;u 2 i-ji rfjOKW 7 !* ;2 vj

Mv^'j >2'J r\v. t i4

IX 3 £&rfl ru- -Oemmi (.11 1! v

Vca. in

X 4 Scorpio 5'i 1 -Taurus 5'11 l*j XV

Sim. 8'2£
Mcr. 2742

XI 5 Sagittarius^-] 1 - vlrtV# 311 9 111

Uran 27-
XII 6 Caprtcornl-W -P/ffc« 311 8 n
Sat. 7-28
Rahu 20-8
Aquarius 5-58
Husband's ASC
PI Su. Signifies PL 51. Su. Stgni/tes

s Sa. V VII, XII. I V Ma. V VII, IX

M S V VI, vii. vin Sa. S K vn, xn, i

Ma K Me. VII R J J n. vu
Me. Me. J VIII K V J ix, vn

J S M n, vii.

From May 1977 Rahu »n the star Mars the strong

significator of VII and from 23-9-1977 in the star Moon the

significator of VI. VJI and VIII of the husband.

From May 1977 Ketu in the star Mercury and from

10-1-197S in the star Saturn the strong badhaka and maralct

significator of the husband.

Thus the transits of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu coincided in

their influence and they were also in the subs of the above

signiticatcrs. The native's husband fell seriously ill from May

1977 and he died on 1-2-1978,

4. Service Joarney Marriage

1. In this birth horoscope we may read the influence of

the transitting Saturn, Rahu and Ketu from January 1979 to

March 1980 in respect of the service, long journey and marriago

of the native,

2. Saturn Leo 20* 25^- 13* 37'D - Virgo 3' 32'R-Loo

28' 52'*, Rahu Leo 27' 46/-3• 39'. Ketu Aquariui 27# 46' -

3* 39'.

3. When Saturn, Rahu and Ketu ilrauKaneoutly tramil la

the 4lar< and suM .r/f (he lignificators of finance (2, 6, 11, 10),

Urtg, journey n, 9f J2) uni marriage (2, 7, ])) to (he blrlb

map during « pnttkuhr y«ir under review, the native (• likely

fr* VI reftfilts in thcm; affaire

4 In this hinh rnup Solum from JftDUgty 1979 to 4 10-

1979 »nd Rehu fr^n 22 1-1979 to 1-10-1979 both (raailt Jn

(be Venus the strong sigoiflcator of 2, 6, 10 end II.

Ff0m January 1979 to 28-5-1979 Ketu in the star Jupiter (be

strong sSgoiflCMOr of 2. So the native got a vary good Job on

2-5-1979 during (he (ransiti of Saturn In the Kar and tub


-4. Service, Journey, Marriage

Male. Birth 14-7^1952 Monday; 0-55 A^M.LS.T; 2JW 12,
72£ 52; Ayanamsa 23-5'.

Aries 9.43

Jup. 22*52
Mood 23«51
2 Taurus 10-45 - Pisces 1.45 12

Rahu 0-3
3 Gemini 5-45 •Capricorn 28*45 II
Uran. 21-35
Sun 28-13

4 Cancer 0-45 Capricorn 0-45 10

Ven. 3-27
Met, 24-46
Plu. 27-6

5 Cancer 28-41 -SagiUarius 5*45 9

KBIU 0- 3

4 Virgo 1-45. • Scorpio 1045 8

Sa(, 16- 1

Nap. 25.54
Man 14-42

Libra 9.43
PI .V/. Su, Signiftn Pi. St, .Vw. Signifies
8 j V 1, 3.'>.12 V Sa. Si 2,4.6. 7. 10.11
M Mc Ma. 3,4. 5.6. M Si M S;» 4, 5,6, 10, t (. IS

Mu. R K I, 7. B. 10, II Hi Ma. Mc. 1. 7,8. 10. 11

Me. Me. R 3, 4.6 K K K. J

i V Ss 1,2. <7.9, 12

Venus; Rahu in .Hn Venus and .t. Ihe sub Jupiter an*
Keiu in (he star and sub Jupticr,
S From 4-10-1979 Saturn transit m the star Sun the
strong sign if ica tor of 3. 9. 12; from 1-10-1979 Ratm in the

5tar Kclu the rcpreseolalive of Sun and from 28-5-1979 Kotu

in the star Rahu the sigoificator of II (meeting the kith and
kin) and S (12th from 9 i.e. homeland). So the native started
from U.S.A. on lfi-12-1979 for India to meet his parents during
the transits of Saturn in the star Sun and in the sub Saturn
(owning 11): Rahu in the star Kctu and in the sub Jupiter
(owning 9)'. and Kctu in the star Rahu and in the sub Jupiter.
6. He also got married during the transits of Saturn in
the star Sun and in the sub Jupiter the siiniiicators of 2 and

7; Rahu in the star Kctu the significator of 5 (love affair) and

in the sub Rahu the rignificator of 7 and II; and Ketu in the
star and sub Rahu the significator of 7 and II in January
J9S0. It may be noted that Rahu and Ketu cause sudden



Aspects Signs Degrees Ef/ea Orb.

Conjunction 0 0 Mixed 8*
Semi-sextile 1 30 Slightly good 2*
Semi-square 45 Slightly bad 4*
Sextile 2 60 Good 7°
Square 3 90 Bad 8*
Trine 4 120 Very gdod 8"
Sesquiquadrate 135 Slightly bad 4r
Quiocunx 5 150 Slightly bad 2'
Oppoiitioo 6 180 Very bad 8*

When the aspect is formed between Sun or Moon and '

another planet 10* orb may be allowed; and between Sun and

Moon an orb of 12s.

When two planets occupy the same degree of declination,

whether north or south, they arc in parallel position. Like the
conjunction, its nature is variable and an orb of T only is


A .separating aspect is stronger than an applying one,

because its effects have already manifested; while the effects of
en opplying aspect have not yet fully materialised.

One can resist against the evils of a separating bad asp-

ect, but it is not possible to resist against the evils of an
applying- bad aspect.

A planet in bad aspect is termed as a planet in affliction

or afflicted or afflicting.

Any nirayana horoscope may be judged according to the

principles of the western system of Astrology.
Planers : The human mind is influenced by planets accord-
ing to their inherent tendencies and this influence works in
every walk of life. Desirable influence is felt-under good asp-
ects, while undesirable influence is experienced under bad aspects
or (afflictions.

Signs: They indicate the trend and quality of human mind.

They confer power to resist against odd environments or circu-

mstances. The majority of planets in the triplicities signify the

(rend or element or direction or sphere in which the mind will

work; when in the quadruplicities the planets denote the type

or quality of the mind.

Houses: They denote the environments, circumstances and

conditions of human life. Each house hss its own speciality.


Each J*n !s a c.^ntcnl and ciich house is a {ranspiranl recepta-
cle Thi^ ^ntent when put into the house juves a special
i)UllltV 10 it.

The majority of pUncts in angles, aoove the horizon and

oncntal or rising give puMicity, power and good position; if they

are CAdent, belo.v the horizon and occidental or setting the

native nerds the hjcl;iag of others for success in life. Rise in

life is laic; if (bey are in succedent (he progress is slow but

steady. The cardinal, fixed and mutable signs will have the sama
effect as aogte^ succedcot and cadent houses respectively.

Aspects : They indicate opportunities and situalloQSg either

easy or difficult, which arise in life. Good aspects bring favou-

rable opportunities or situations; while bad aspects create diffi-

cult situations. But (hey do not obstruct progress or success in


Sun, Moon% Asc , Mc : Consider them for all spheres in life.

If Sun and Moon are well placed by sign, house; well aspected

and not atfiicied by malefics, they denote a progressive and

prosperous life.

If the Asc. and Mc. be well aspected and not afflicted by

malefics, it is a sign of good fortune.

The ruler of the Asc. is very important, if it be wealo the

native falls in the back-ground and he lacks proper self-expression

If it be uoaspected by any planet, the native will have to depend

upon his own abilities, no help may be expected from others.

It should be in any aspect, whether good or bad.

Nature of Planets : Sun gives vitality and pours life in every


Moon effects changes and srowth in


Mcrcmy is a planet of reason, cxprestion, knowledge and

oommunicahons of all types >

Venus brings harmony and unity in every walk of life.

Mara energises is constructive if well aspecting

and destructive if afflicting.

Jupiter develops and expands all cur activities. There is

much pomp, show and excess if aihicted.

Saturn stabilises, disciplines and balances ever) thing. It

brings difflculliei, causes; delay and limitations if aflliciing,

Uranus is a planet of innovation, deviates from established

conditions, works suddenly. It gives sudden gain if well aspected.

It brings sudden fall and unexpected adversities if afQicted.

Neptune is limitless and undefined in its action. It works

mysteriously. It causes chaos, treachery, fraud and deceit if


Pluto is a planet of regeneration and transformation. It

over throws the old and replaces the new. It first destroys, then

regenerates. It creates sudden disasters with no definite aim.

Directions : The aspects formed by the progressed bodies to

the radical (birth) bodies are known as 'Directions*. An orb of

only one degree on either side (i.e one degree before and one

degree after the formation of the exact aspect) should be allowed.

It should be remembered that what is not promised in the birth

horoscope should not ba predicted under directions.

If the radical Asc., Mc, Sun, Moon and planets are well

aspected by the progressed bodies, the period will be favourable

according to the strength of the radical planets. The inharmooi--

ons aspects to the progressed bodies will denote unfavourable -


During the year when there ii no direction formed Co the

Sun. Moon, Aic., Mc. or by the progressed Sun to the

rad c 'J planch, the effects of the traosittiog major planers should
be observed^ and also the effects of the aspects formed every
monib by the progressed Moon should be noted.

Transits and directions of the same nature produce marked


Transits : The transits of the major planets vir. Pluto,

Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars (especially when
retrograde and stationary) their conjuctions in transit and eclipaet
over the places held by Sun, Moon, Mc. and Asc. in the birth

horoscope have appreciable effects on the life and fortune of a

person. The transits over the important planets in (be btrth
horoscope have also marked effects. Oppositions, squares and

trincs are in their order of importance.

When the transitting planets and the birth (radical) planets

have the same declinations, the effects are appreciable.

An orb of not more than two degrees may be considered

on either side.

Eclipses : The effects of the Solar eclipse last for as many

^ years as the eclipse is hours in duration; while those of the

Lunar eclipse for as many months as the eclipse is hours in

duration. During these eclipse periods the effects are felt when
directions or transits excite the eclipse point. When the eclipse

falls in angles, in conjunction with or in affliction with the

important planets in the horoscope, it is most adverse. The eclipse

which falls upon Sun, Moon or Asc. or in affliction with them

.affects the health and life under severe directions.

lofmat MorUJitf

Sun is vitality and the physical cocsiitatioo* Moon goverm

the functional system of the body, n it most imporiani io the
case of a child and also for the female, Asc. and its ruler denote
bodily strength and power of leiiatancc. In judging the length
of life comider their atrengtb by sign, bouse and aipecli.

Aries, Leo, Libra aad Sagittarius are strong vital signs.

Taurus. Gemini. Virgo and Scorpio are moderate vita) signs.

Cancer, Capricorn. Aquarius and Pisces are weak vital signs.

If the majority of these are strong by sign, bouse and well

-as pec ted life is long, if the majority of these are afflicted in the
4tb (end of life), 6th (sickness), 8th (death) and 12th (bospitali-
satioo) or afflicted by the malehcs in the 4th, 6(11, 8th and
.12th or afflicted by the rulers of the 4th, 6tb, 8th and i2th or
-afflicted in or from angles and are in weak signs and not well
.aspccted by the benefics, (he child may die in infancy.

Observe the planets to which Moon applies by aspect after

»birth. A Solar or Lunar eclipse denotes short life. Affliction

from Mars to Moon and that from Saturn to Sun arc very bad.
Affliction from an elevated planet is bad. If Mars or Jupiter
be the ruler of (he 4th, 6tb, 8th or 12th, it becomes weak

in idflnence. Any aspect from Mars and Son gives vitality to

resist against disease. The good aspects from Mars, Jupiter

-or Venus help to save life*

•Health & Disease

1. Sun, Moon, Asc., (be ruler of the Asc., the ruler of the
<6(h and planets io the 6th are the significators of health.

If these significators are free from affliction, welt placed by

aign and house, and well aspected. The health will be good.

2. The signs occupied by them denote the delicate parcs-

of the body. If Sun or Moon be afflicted by the malcfics, the

signs occupied by the makGcs indicate the delicate parts of the


3. The parts of the body denoted by the sign in or from

which these bodies (signiheators of health) are heavily afTiicted^.

become sensitive and easily subject to disorder.

Afflictions in cardinal signs Affect head, stomach, kidney and*

skin. Fixed signs throat, heart, urino-genital organs and blood;

while afflictions in mutable signs affect lungs, intestines, nerves

and digestion.

4. If Sun, Moon and (he ruler of the Asc, be in the 4th,.

6th, 8th or 12th they indicate weak health throughout life. If

(hey are in conjunction with the rulers of 4, 6, 8 or 12 tho

health is poor, if they are afflicted by the rulers of or tho

planets in 4, 6, 8 or 12 these afflictions are worse than from

other planets or positions.

Directions : If the progressed malefic forms bad aspects to th&

radical Asc. or the ruler of the Asc. and the afflicted malefic in

(he birth horoscope, the period is not good for health.

If the progressed Sun forms bad aspects to the radical Sun;

which is afflicted by malcfics, also to the radical Asc., 8tli CDsp>

ruler cf the Asc., Mcon and malcfics, the time i> bad for health.

If the progressed Sun or Asc forms bad aspects to the

radical malcfics which are in mutual afflfction, the time is bad

for health.
Meatoi Qealities

Sun (inner nature'. Moon (manners), Asc. aad its ruler

(ttoogJFs) denote the type of character. Moon, Mercory

aai planets in the lit, 3rd and 9tb (mutable and airy

signs) influence the mind. So consider their stgn, posuions.

and aspects. The quality shown by squares and oppositions ia

marked in the bracket as under:
Signs : Fire-inspirative; Earth-practical; Air-intellectual;

Water-emotional; Cardinal-active and ambitious; Fixed-patient

and adamant; Mutable-adaptable and vacillating.

Aries-enterprising (impulsive); Taurus-patient (obstinate);

Gemini-adaptable (restless); Cancer-careful (sensitive); Leo-
lordly (autocrat); Virgo-discriminative (critical); Libra-judicious
(indecisive); Scorpio-penetrative (vindictive); Sagittarius-frank
(exaggerative); Capricorn-cautious (suspicious); Aquarius-broad^

minded (unoonvenlional); Pisces-imaginative (timid);

Aspects: Sun or Moon in aspect to Mars enterprising

(combative), Jupiter generous (vain), Saturn patient (selfish),

Uranus strong-willed (uncontrollable), Neptune imaginative

(superstitious), Pluto daring (rash).
Mercury in aspect to Moon imaginative (also excitable).
Mars dexterous (also sarcastic), Jupiter judicious (prejudiclous),

Saturn precise (crooked), Uranus iQveDtive(also eccentric), Neptune

artistic (deceptive), Pluto sharp (crafty).

Venus io aspect to Moon afTectionats (lavish). Mercury

amiable (easy-going). Mars demonstrative (passional). Jupiter
chastening (excessive), Saturn loyal (perverted), Uranus romantic

(inconstant), Neptune devoted (sensual), Pluto artistic (sensual).

Mars in aspect to Jupiter enterprising (reckless), Saium

courageous (violent). Uranus fearless (head-strong), Neptune

intuitive (also self deceptive), Pluto adventurous (despotic).

The above characteristics will be more expressed if aspects

are dose and formed in the angles and in the Ist. 3rd or 9th.



1 Sud general prosperity, iroportanl for the female), Moon

(general prospcritv tfuporiaol for the male), Jupiter (progress),

and Venus (iiappioeis) are the natural sigoificators of mooey.

Planets id the 2nd (self earned money), 5tb (speculation),

gib (lost but icgaoea, inheritance), 4tb (landed citates). llth

(aucccsi income from business; or their rulers denote gain or

loss through these matters.

When all these are wel) placed by sign and boose, la mutual

good aspect and not aftlicted by the malefica (he monetary

condition ii satisfactory.

Sun or Moon in good aspect to Jupiter, Venus and Saturn;

Jupiter or Venus in good aspect to Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

i» good for wealth.

2 When these bodies arc in cardinal signs easy earning

and fait spending, iuccoss throogb enterprise; lots if they are

olHicicd. If in fixed signs slow earning but much saviogi success

in estnblishcd concerns, steady income; sudden loss if (bey are

ufTlined. If m mutable signs gain by service and gain from more

than one source, fiuctuntlng income, earning by the support of

others; loss due to lack of wisdom if (hey are afflicted,

3. If the progressed Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter form

conjunction with or good aspicts to the radical (birth) Asc., Mc.

cuvp of the 2nd house and Fortuna, (ben (bis period will be

favourable und prosperous. It should be remembered that all

these bodies should be well aspected at birtb, otherwise we

can't expect much during directions.

If the progressed Sun and Mc. form good aspects to the

radical rulers of 10, 2, 9 and (he planets in 2. 6, 9, 10 and

11 the period is favourable for occupation and service.


The roajonfy of piaQetaio AHfiicities and quadrupliciiiet;

signs occupied by the Asc.. Mc, the plaicl ia the lOtb, the

ruler of the )0th and Sun; the planet in close aspect to the San

sod Mc. (he planet in (he 10th and the ruler of the lOtb; the
prominent planet in the horoscope have influeoce on occupation.

The occupation is to be jadgtd from the whale horoscope.

Signs: Fire-cnergclic actmty; field-worlc of any type; work

-connected with adventure, danger, fire and metal. Earth-manaal

labour, activities which nourish, clothe and shelter (be phyxkaJ

body. Air-activities relating to cpeecb, writings, literature, inte-

llectual affairs, art and science. Water-activities connected with

liquid, social welfare, public, spiritual, jmaginalive and emoti-

onal faculties.

Cardinal-skilful, initiative and diplomatic type of work.

Piled-rout ice work requiring judgment, decision and labour.

Mutable-intellectual and manifold nature of work.

Include the ligni on the Asc. and Mc. in the triplicities

-and quadruplicities along with the majority of planets.

Planets : Sun-power, government and political activities.

Moon-liquids, social activities and food-stuff.

Mercury—literary, commercial and intellectual work; means

-of communications and transport.

Venus-fine arts, artistic and pleasurable pursuits.

Mars-medicine, army, iron, machinery, cutlery fire and

dangerous pursuits.

Jupiter-education, learnings, law, religion, sports, and

ibcnevoleot activities.

Saturn-poWlical, mineral, labour and responsible type of


Uranus-politics, highest authority, government, scieoce,.

inventions, propaganda, occult science etc.

Neptune-spiritualism, fine arts, imaginative faculliei, vol-

atile mineral oils, alcohol, gas, drugs, occuItii-m and sea activities.

Pluto-gcologj, archeology, submarine life, atomic energy,

space explorations, neMcsi researches.

Rahu-governmcnt, power, folilics, mesmerism, jugglery,

robbing, theatrical profession.
Kctu-occultism, spiritualism, religion, sinful professioo,

kilns, tannery, alcohol, decoity.

Planets m geed aspect decole success ard refined occupations,
while bed aspects shew laborious cccupatlrns, troubles and



Venus (love and attraction towards the opposite sex), Moon

(wife in the male's map), Sun (husband in the female's map),
Mars (sex in female), the planet in the 7tb and the ruler of the
7ih (marriage, husband or wife) are the significators of marriage.
Less likelihood of marriage. When these significators of

marriage ate in barren signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and

Capricorn), are afflicted by Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (which
delay or deny), arc in cadent houses and are weaker there i>

less likelihood of marriage.

Circumstances other than these do not deny marriage, they

may delay it,

Venus in any a>pect to Mars (io both the sexes) and Mart

m any aspect (o Sun (in (he female's map) indicate the poui-

bility of marriage.

If the sigoificaton or marriage are m mutual good aspect

and not afflicted by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune the possibility
• of marriage is iodicated.

Harmony with the opposite sex. Venus, Moon and Sun art
the natural significators of marriage. So the good aspects between
Venus-Moon, Venus-Sun, Venus-Mars, Venus-Japiter, Venus-
Saturn. Venus-Uranus, Venus-Neptune. Moon-Sun, Moon-Jupiter,
Moon-Siturn; Sun-Mars, Sun-Jupiter and Sun-Saturn denote
harmony in love and married life.
If these planets be in the 7th or Sth (love) or if they are
the rulers of the Asc, 7th and Sth and in good aspect they
add to the harmony in love and married life.

Disharmony with the opposite sex. Venus, Moon and Sno

when afTlicted by the malefics create disharmony in love and
married life.

When these planets are in the 7th or Sth; or when they

.are the rulers of the Asc, 7th and Sth and in affliction they
add to the disharmony in love and married life.

Mare than one marriage. If Sun (for the female). Moon

(for the male), Venus, the planet in the 7lh and the ruler of
-the 7th be in dual or double bodied signs (Gemini, Sagittarius
or Pisces) or if they be in aspect to the planets placed in dual
signs, there is a likelihood of several marriages.

Time for marriage. When the progressed planets form good

aspects to the sigsiliGators of marriage or the 7th cusp in the

birth map, marriage takes place.

When the progressed Venus or Moon passes through the

.^th or 7(h house in the birth map, it denotes marriage.

When the progressed bcncfic passes through the 7th oc

/onus good aspects to the ruler of the 7tli and / or the planets

placed in .he 7.h tame in the bir.n map. marriage is indicated.

When the pIOgreSSed Vemrs forms conjunctioo with or

good aspect to the radical Asc, Sun or Moon, marriage is

brought about.

When Jupiter in transit passes through ihc 7tb house,

marriage taltes place.

Mood (inclination for child in the male and power of fertility

in the female), Jupiter and Venus (child birth), the planet ruling
the 5tfa and in the 5th and the planet ruling the 11 th and in-
the Uth (5th from the 7th) are the significators of child birth.,

Signs. If these significators are in fruitful (watery) signs'

(hey favour many issues; if in barren signs few children; if in

double bodied or dual signs twin birth is likely.

Planets. Venus, Jupiter or Moon in Sth or 11th favours-

(he birth of a child; Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are-


Aspects, Gccd aspects between Mcon-Venus, Moon-Mars,

Moon-Jupiter and Jupiter-Mars favour (he birth of a child.

Bad aspects between Moon-Mars, Moon-Saturn mod

Sun-Mars in the female's map denote iroibles in the uterus or

difficulty in conception.

Affiiction between Jupiler-Man endangers the life of a

If the significators of child birth are in congenial signs,
well placed by house, in mutual good aspect and not afflicted

by Mars, Saturn or Uranus the birth of a child is promised.

For the birth of a child it is desirable to consider the

birth charts of both husband and wife.



Moon (changes^ Mcrcurv uaclination tbr travel and the

natural mler of (he 3fd house/, Jupitci (the natural ruler of
the 9th house', the planet ru jog the ire and in the 3rd (short
journey) and the planet ruling the 9th and in the 9lb (long
journey or voyage) arc the significators of traveL

Signs. If these significators arc in cardinal or mutable or

watery signs there is even possibility of many changes, travels

or voyages.

Houses. If they are in angles or cadent houses travels are


Aspects. If these significators are well aspected travels are

fruitful and beneficial. If afflicted by the malefics troubles

arise on account of travels. If Moon and Mercury are well

aspected by Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune (hey denote many



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111 si
«9 u
K -

B 8 «« u u
<• — _ 1 §^ a
S E o « Q
.3 h-
8. > •-» » O ol O
rs «n
Sign Ifoure A«»|M < i >
Slgolflcatori !
whether in whether In WIIHIIO
i I

own fruitful angle fM 11111111 ill "(it ilfl III u '1 liv
exaltallon barren Kucccd^nt iiit|«v| In it, M, Mn,
detriment or dual or cadbil V, Mn, rnh'i V til |l
or full m phi Mi 1 In /
i i

\t 8ua (female
Minf (female)

2. Veaoi
3. Moon (fOiM)

4' Ruler of'7

St Planet'in 7
■ ~T
Sign ' House Anpnln
whether Id whether In Whrllin

own rraitful, angle In imitiml gnnd ulllli led

exaltation barren succedenl n(ip?«l to Vj inakllt
datrtmeot Of dual or cadont J, mlcr 9 or II.
01 fdll planet In 5 or II

1. Moon

2. Venua

3. Jupiter

4. Ruler of 5
Planet in 5

1 Ruler of 11
Iri 11

SfgD House Aspects

whether in whether in whether

cardinal angle well aspccted afflicted by

mutable or by J, V. malefic
or cadcnt Uran, Ncp,

1. Moon

2, Mercury W

3. Jupiter

4 Ruler of 3
Planet in 3

5. Ruler of 9
Planet in 9

Sub sob in each Sob

(a) Each 'sub' is further divided into nine parts. This sub
division is termed as 'sub sub*. It is based on the following

' * Dash a years of each planet + the total number of Vimsho*

tturi dosha years x Each sub area - The longitude or extent or
area of %Sub sub* for each pi met in each 'Sub'."

(b) The above formula of deriviDg 'Sub sub' in eacb 'Sub*

is illustrated as under

1. The sub area of Kelu is 0*46' 40"= i-|-. In sub Kctu

Area of sub sub /Cetu j' 0 ■ X 2* 43"

Area of sub sub Venus vab 7 47 and so on.

2. The sub area of Sun is 0*40' =40'. In sub Sun

Area of sub sub Sun 130 x =0* 2' 0"

Area of sub sub 3 u piter X *a- =0 5 20 and so on,

3. The sub area of Rahu is 2* 0' 0"=120#. In sub Rahu

Area of sub sub 5,atur«~TMo x-f^==0' 19' 0"

Area of sub sub AfercurvYj^f x =0 17 0 and so on.

4. The sub area of Saturn is 2' 6' 40"=. In sub Saturn

Area of sub tub Venus x ®|* =0* 2l' 7"

Area of sub sub Afaon^VS x-fi|5=0 10 33 and so on.

Obtain the area of 'Sub sub' for all planets in each 'sub*

in this way, A table showing 'Sub sub area* in each 'sub area'

is given here under :


Sab sub area in each Sob

1 Sub Venus 3. Sub Sun
J . Sub Ke(u
enb suh suh sub sub

0" 1' 43" V 0' 22' 12" S 0* 2' 00'

V 0 7 47 S 0 06 40 M 0 3 20
S 0 2 20 M 0 11 07 Ma 0 2 20
M D 2 54 Mn 0 07 47 R Q 6 00
Ma 0 2 43 R 0 20 00 J 0 5 20
K 0 7 00 .1 V 17 47 Sa 0 6 20
J 0 (i 13 So 0 21 07 Mo 0 5 40
Si 0 7 23 Ma 0 18 53 K 0 2 20
Me U b 37 K 0 07 47 V 0 h 40
0 40 40 *■> 13 20 0 40 00
4. Suh Moim 5. Sub Mars 0. Sub KaSu
sub sub tub sub sub tub
M 0'' 05' 33" Ma 0' m■»# 43** R 0' 18' tu
Ma 0 03 54 R U 7 00 J 0 16 0
R 0 10 00 J 0 6 13 Sa 0 19 0
J 0 OS 53 Sa 0 7 23 Me 0 17 0
Sa 0 1Q 33 Me 0 6 37 K 0 07 0
Me 0 09 26 K. 0 2 43 V 0 20 0
K 0 03 54 V 0 7 47 S 0 06 0
V 0 11 07 S 0 2 20 M 0 10 0
S 0 03 20 M 0 3 54 Ma 0 07 0
1 06 40 0 46 40 2 00 0
7. Sub Jupiter s. Sub Sal urn 9. Sub Mercury
sub sub sub sub sub sub

J 0' 14' 14" Sa 0' 20* 03" Me 0* 16' 02"

Sa 0 16 53 Me 0 17 58 K 0 06 37
Me 0 15 07 K 0 07 23 V 0 18 53
K 0 06 13 V 0 21 07 S 0 05 40
V 0 17 47 S 0 06 20 M 0 09 26
S 0 05 20 M 0 10 33 Ma 0 06 37
M 0 08 53 Ma 0 07 23 R 0 17 00
Ma 0 06 13 R 0 19 00 J 0 IS 07
;R 0 16 00 J 0 16 53 Sa 0 17 58

1 46 40 2 06 40 1 53 20

Stars, Subs and Sub subs

y 1. Star. Ketu : Aries, Leo, Sagitiariui 00* 00' to 13* 20'

I. Sub Xeiu 2. Sub Venus 3. Sub Sun

sub sub sub sub sub sub
K 0' 00' 00'' V 0* 46' 40" S y 00' 00"
V 0 02 43 S 1 Ob 52 M 3 02 00
S (1 10 30 M 1 15 32 Ma 3 05 30
M 0 12 50 Ma 1 26 39 R 3 07 40
Mu 0 1« 44 R ) 34 26 J 3 13 40
R 0 19 2? i 1 54 26 Sa J 19 00
2t 27 SB * 12 13 Mo 3 25 20
J 0
S* 0 32 40 Ml 2 33 20 K 3 31 00
Mi 0 40 04 K 2 52 13 V 3 33 20
0 46 40 3 00 00 J 40 00
4, Sub A/con 5 Sub Mars 6. Sub Kaku
sub sub sub iub sub sub
M 3* 40 00" Ma 4* 46' 40" R S' 33' 20"
Ma 3 43 33 R 4 49 23 J ? 51 20
R 3 49 27 J 4 56 23 Sa 6 1"" 20
J. 3 59 27 Sa 5 02 36 Me 6 26 20
Sn 4 08 20 Me 5 09 59 K 6 43 20
Me 4 18 S3 K 5 16 36 V 6 50 20
K 4 28 19 V 5 19 19 S ?
10 20
Y 4 32 13 S 5 +■ t 06 M ?
16 20
4 43 20 M 5 29 26 Ma
5 " 26 20
4 46 40 5 33 20 7 33 20
7. Sub Jupiter S. Sub Saturn 9. Sub
Sub sub sub sub sub
J 7" 33' 20" Sa 9* 20' 00" Me n* 26' 40"
"Sa 7 47 34 Mc 9 40 03 R H 42 42
Me S 04 27 K 9 5? 01 V U 49 19
K 8 19 34 V 10 05 S 12 38 12
8 25 47 s 10 26 31 M 12 13 52
8 43 34 M 10 32 51 Ma 12 23 18
M 8 48 54 Ma 10 43 24 R 12 29 55
Ma 8 57 47 R 10 50 57 J 12 46 55
ft 9 04 00 J 11 09 47 Sa 13 02 02
9 20 00 11 26 40 13 20 00

2. Stir. Venus ; Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 13* 20' to 26' 40'

i. Sub Venus 2. Sub Sun 3. Sub Moon

Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub

V 13# 20' 00" S 15* 33' 20" M 16* 13' 21/'

S 13 42 12 M 15 35 20 Ma 16
U S3
M 13 48 52 Ma 15 38 40 R 16 22 47
Ma 13 59 59 R 15 41 00 J 16 32 47
R 14 07 46 J 13 47 00 Sa 16 41 40
J 14 27 46 Sa 15 52 20 Me 16 52 13
Sa 14 45 33 Mc 15 58 40 K 17 01 39
Me 15 06 04 K 16 04 20 V 17 OS 33
fC 15 25 33 V 16 06 40 S 17 16 40
15 33 20 16 13 20 17 20 00
4, Sub Mars 5. Sub Rahu 6. ,Sub Jupiter
Sub Sub Sub :Sub Sub Sub
Ma 17* 20' 00" R 18* 06' 40" J 20* 06' 40"
R 17 22 43 J 18 24 40 Sa 20 20 S4
J 17 29 03 Sa 18 40 40 Me 20 37 47
Sa 17 35 56 Me 18 59 40 K 20 52 54
Me 17 43 W K 19 16 40 V 20 S9 07
K 17 49 50 V 19 23 40 S 21 16 54
V 17 52 39 S 19 43 40 M 21 22 li
s IS 00 26 M 19 49 40 Ma 21 31 07
M IS 02 46 Ma 19 59 40 R 21 37 20
18 06 40 20 06 40 21 53 20
7, Sub Saturn 8. Sub Mercurv
m 9. Sub Ketu
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
Sa 21* 53' 20" Me 24* 00' 00" K 25* 53' 20"
Mc 22 13 23 K 24 16 02 V 25 56 03
K >2 31 21 V 24 22 39 's 26 03 50
V 22 38 44 S 24 41 32 vM 26 06 10
s 59 51 M 24 47 12 Ma 26 10 0*
M 23 06 11 Ma 24 56 38 •R —26 If 47
Ma 23 16 44 R 25 03 15 J f6 10 -47
R 2? 24 07 1 25 20 13 Sa 26 - 26 00
J 23 43 07 Sa 25 35 22 Mo 2<r 33 ^
24 00 00 25 S3 20 26 Iff ®
/ 1

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