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As a matter of fact, Starbuck has more than 31256 stores. It has operations in
more than 49 countries and offers a wide range of coffee products. These include
deep brewed coffee, cold and hot drinks, salads, and other drinks. Starbucks
prides itself as the largest coffeehouse in the world. Therefore, to maintain the
quality as well as brand awareness, the company invests a lot of time and effort in
training their new hires because the quality of training that baristas receive is the
basis for the quality of service and products at each store.
1. Introduce
- The Barista Basics Training Program provides the initial training for a
newly hired barista on essential skills and knowledge required to the
barista role at Starbucks Coffee Company. Through the use of simple
and intuitive tools, skills are taught through one-to-one delivery and on-
the-job training.
- Starbucks is known to have the best management team and staffs
because starbucks number one mission statement is “provide a great
work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.”
Employees. Why is Starbucks different from other firms; Every partner
hired at Starbucks has to receive at least 24 hours of training in two
2. How does training work?
- When seeking to get a job at Starbucks, the applicant needs to begin
online by submitting an application form, which will contain all the
necessary details. The company’s website is the right place to visit to
complete your job application.
- During the job interview, interviewer will focus much more on past
experience based, much more on personality based. Starbucks is not
looking for someone who knows how to make every single drink and can
identify coffee by smell. They don’t need that. That’s something that can
all be learned after. So they’re looking to make sure that you can go in
there and deliver the core values that they have, which is service with a
smile. They did ask a lot of questions also focusing on like managerial
experience just to make sure that you could work as a team. Because it’s
a team environment, very rarely are you doing something
independently, everyone kind of works off of each other.

3. Training process
Starbucks barista training is a mixture of hands-on learning and book study with
materials like training manuals, computer modules, and videos.
- On the first day, you’ll be shadowing the Store Manager or Barista
Trainer all day, and will learn about all the drinks on the menu, watching
of a couple of videos on how to brew and taste coffee, how the store
- You cover the POS system, answering drive-thru, and basic cash
management. Proper coffee brewing techniques and what the hell is
each drink. Difference between latte and a cappuccino, how many
pumps go in each size, which topping goes on which beverage, what
gets whip cream or not, how to remain calm when being berated and
yelled at, all of it
- You learn the ounces in each cup, how to make frapps, how many shots
in each coffee (short, tall →1 shot; grande, hot venti → 2 shots, cold
venti → 3 shots, trenta→ none) pumps of syrups flavoring in each (short
→ 2, tall → 3, grande→ 4, hot venti→ 5, cold venti → 6, trenta (only
comes in cold)→ 7)
- In Frappucinos, the syrups are different. For the base, you have coffee
base and creme base. Cofee is for like Java Chip, while creme is for
Chocolate Chip. For the base, you only add in two pumps for short or
two for grande or venti. For the flavoring base, it’s the same amount as
the frap base
- The amount of ice that goes in is different for each one. On the very top,
there is a tiny one. That’s only used for smoothies. Then a slightly bigger
one that’s for stalls, and so on.
- Training Program Tools to Keep it Fun. Starbucks uses tools like “Drink
Dice” that trainees roll and the dice come up with size, iced or hot, a
beverage, a syrup, decaf or regular and the new barista must determine
how to write, say (Starbucks has their own language) and create that
particular combination.
- In addition, training materials include training booklets, computer
modules, the Coffee and Tea Passports, and the Green Apron Book.
+ Training booklets: Training booklets are used for self-guided study and
cover topics like bar training, coffee history, customer service, company
history, and the Third-Place model.
+ Computer modules: Modules cover topics such as safety training, how
to make customer connections, dealing with dangerous situations, and
+ The Coffee and Tea passport: Coffee and Tea Passports are little
booklets that fit into apron pockets and have pages about each coffee
and tea, with details about origin, aromas, and taste notes.
+ The Green Apron: It’s a short book that outlines the values and guiding
principles followed by Starbucks. The Store Manager or Barista Trainer
in charge of the new hires will check in frequently to see how the barista
is progressing with the self-study materials.
- You may also watch some videos that will introduce you to Starbucks’
history and culture, as well as the company’s social responsibility
- The training videos will tell you all about Starbucks coffee, where it’s
grown, the roasting process, and the ethical sourcing practices Starbucks
has to support farmers, communities, and the environment.

4. Training policies
- L&D leaders at Starbucks have created a new hire training program that
utilizes the 70/20/10 approach. This means that 70 percent of partner
training happens through on-the-job experience, 20 percent of training
is acquired from feedback and mentorship from coaches, and 10 percent
is learned through online e-learning modules.
- Starbucks holds a need analysis phase in their training process. They
identify the performance gap through the performance appraisal and
customer feedback. District managers, retail managers and shift
supervisors are responsible for evaluating performance of the
employees under them.
- Recruitment and training at Starbucks. Induction training is a process
where a business teaches its new employees how the business works.
One benefit of this is that it is a good way to provide the new staff with
the general information of the business, such as health & safety,
security, personnel and the departmental systems.
5. How long is Starbuck training process?
- The length of Starbucks training varies from one store to another based
on the manager’s preferences, but usually it lasts about two weeks.
- However, before you start your training, you’ll be asked to stop by
Starbucks for orientation, which can vary from one to four hours.
- During the orientation, you will be given your name tag and green
apron, you’ll also be told about the dress code and will usually take part
in a coffee tasting.
- The exact duration and content of the Starbucks Orientation also varies,
depending on the manager and the amount of time they can devote to
- Starbucks HR Training and Development Plan Assignment Help have
said: Nowadays, employment orientation program has become an
important part of the firms as it assists the new hire to adjust
themselves with the new working environment and organizational
- After orientation, your training will begin on your first scheduled day of
work, which can last from two to four weeks.
 In general, most new hires take at least one month before they feel
comfortable making all the drinks on their own, and until they’re
confident in their drink-crafting ability, they will be observed by
another barista or supervisor.
- Starbucks ' training and development mission: they are devoted to
supporting, engaging, and investing in the development of their
partners. Their goal is to provide our valued partners with learning
opportunities to develop skills, further careers and help partners
achieve their personal and professional goals.
6. Allowance
- The training process for baristas is scheduled and paid out like a regular
work shift, meaning candidates get paid for all their training hours at
regular pay rate. Starbucks barista pay typically averages $13.00 per hour,
depending on experience and location.
- However, the candidates have to remember to clock in and clock out in
order to get paid for all working hours.
- Additionally, they’ll earn tips based on the number of hours they work
each week, even during the training period, as all tips at Starbucks are
divided among the staff.

7. Strengths and weaknesses

 Strengths
- Starbuck is a fast-paced environment so this is considered an
opportunity for you to develop under work pressure. Practice teamwork
and specific work division.
- Its policy focus mainly on customer support so during training course it’s
teaching candidates the steps into helping customers, improving
communication and problem-solving skills. It plays a vital role for
following jobs.
- Quickly grasp trends in the F&B industry.
- Building personal network and relationship.
 Weaknesses
- There are competitive people and there are people who are not and this
fact can obscure the reality of a candidate's talent.
- Because it is mass training, the supervisor will not be able to control all
employees, especially in terms of personality type - introverted
employees tend to get overshadowed by the more extroverted, not
based on talent alone, making it harder for them to identify the
strengths of the less competitive or self-assured employees.
 That's easy so there's toxic competition between the hires.

8. Solutions
Starbucks recognizes that what it's been able to accomplish is due to the
people it hires. When you have talented and committed people offering
their ideas and expertise, success will follow.
- Offering workplace policies provide for equal employment opportunities
and strictly prohibit discrimination.
- The Starbucks corporate support center should offer a variety classes
ranging from basic computer skills to conflict resolution to management
- Continuously invests in training programs and career development

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