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1. Introduction
- Vinamilk Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company is a company that
manufactures and trades dairy products and dairy products. Currently,
Vinamilk is the leading company of the dairy processing industry in
Vietnam, accounting for 54.5% market share of liquid milk, 40.6% market
share of powdered milk, 33.9% market share of drinking yogurt, 84 .5%
market share of edible yogurt and 79.7% market share of condensed milk
across the country.
- After nearly 45 years of being introduced to consumers, up to now Vinamilk
has built 14 production factories, 2 logistics factories, 3 branches and sales
offices in Vietnam. The principal activities of the Vinamilk are to produce
and distribute condensed milk, powdered milk, fresh milk, soya milk,
yogurts, ice-cream, cheese, fruit juice, coffee and other products derived
from milk.
- Vision: To become a world grade brand in food and beverage industry,
where people put all their trust in nutrient and health products.
- Mission: To deliver the valuable nutrition to community with our respect,
love and responsibility.
- During 45 years of establishment and development, Vinamilk has become
one of the leading brands in Vietnam and expanded business globally. They
understand that people are the key factor to growth and success. At
Vinamilk, they believed that employee career will be developed together
with company's ongoing sustainable growth.

2. Why is it important to conduct training and

development programs?
- Training and Developing human resources are one of the company's
prioritized strategies invested for future success. Therefore, they
considered training and coaching sales staff is an extremely important
profession that most companies must have. Because in the operation of an
enterprise, sales staff plays an extremely important role. This is the team
that brings revenue and profit to the business.
- Vinamilk's extensive network is an essential factor to its success in
operations, allowing Vinamilk to capture a large number of customers and
ensure the introduction of new products and effective marketing strategies
across the country. . Vinamilk has sold products through more than 220
distributors and more than 141,000 sales points in all 63 provinces and
cities of the country. Vinamilk branded products are also present in the US,
Canada, France, Russia, Czechia, Poland, Germany, China, Middle East, Asia,
Laos, Cambodia...
- Training and coaching salespeople is the best solution to help them
communicate with customers regularly to help companies and businesses
develop more. In particular, An experienced sales team of 1,787
salespeople across the country has supported distributors to better serve
retail stores and consumers, and promoted Vinamilk's products. The sales
team also serves and supports distribution operations and develops
relationships with new distributors and retailers
3. Recruitment process
- Once the company implements a new business strategy, the functional
directors/heads determine whether the department's current human
resources can meet the company's strategic implementation activities,
thereby Determining the needs of your department, long-term or short-
term. This recruitment demand is based on the number of existing
employees, workload, and production and business strategy of Vinamilk.
When determining the department that needs more staff, the
directors/heads of the department make a recruitment request form
including details of the position, recruitment time and place of work, type
of contract, reasons for hiring.
- Human Resources Department based on the human resource needs of the
required department to develop a recruitment plan and submit it to the
General Director for approval. The recruitment plan includes the following
+ Salesperson position.
+ Total number of employees available
+ Quantity to recruit
+ Recruitment time
- Determining human resource recruitment: Vinamilk attaches importance to
available resources within the company rather than external resources. The
recruitment specialist will announce the recruitment on the company's
internal website, including the following contents: vacancies, recruitment
quantity, job description, requirements, time, working conditions, and
benefits... these job postings are intended to inform staff members of the
company about vacancies and encourage employees to apply.
- However, depending on the position to be recruited, the human resources
department will select the appropriate recruitment source. For example, on
the biggest job search platforms today: top CV, careerbuilder,
- After the application is sent to the HR department, the selection specialist
will select and classify the candidate's profile based on the recruitment
requirements, the job description of the salesperson position, and the
capacity and experience are shown on the profile. The estimated time for
the selection of dossiers is 5 days after the end of receiving dossiers.
- After selecting the most potential candidates, the recruitment specialist will
schedule the interview about the content, time, interview council, notify
the candidate about the interview time via email and phone call. Notify
candidates at least 2 days before the interview, and then conduct a face-to-
face interview when they have prepared all the necessary contents.
- For sales positions, the content of interview questions is often related to
professional skills related to the job position, soft skills such as
communication, supervisory skills, coordination, .... Through The interview
council will then assess the suitability of the candidate.
- Through interviews, find out the candidate's job search motivation, check
professional knowledge, ability to cope, communicate, commit to long-
term work, .. give them a try.
- After the probationary period, the department evaluates the candidate's
ability and decides to sign a labor contract with the candidate or quit if
4. Profession training process
Training and coaching sales staff is a process that requires managers to
grasp professional expertise according to the following steps:
- Step 1: Training to improve product and business knowledge
 A good salesperson must know the product and the business to
promote information and knowledge to customers. Therefore, this is
an indispensable knowledge that needs to be equipped for sales staff
right from the beginning of joining the system.
 As soon as they are recruited, HR needs to have an appropriate
training program available so that sales staff have the opportunity to
approach and understand the regulations and Vinamilk culture to
determine employee loyalty and capture information on products,
- Step 2: After the sales staff has acquired product knowledge about the
business, Vinamilk will design a training program and train the sales staff in-
depth in skills so that the employees can apply in combination with the
knowledge learned and associated with practice.
 Skills that salespeople need to be trained in include:
 Resolve conflicts and react to customer's objections skills
 Product introduction skills
 Greeting creates sympathy skills
 Negotiate on price skills
 Ask questions to discover customer needs
- Step 3: salesperson's specific characteristic training
 Have a clear sales target, monthly kpi and commit to following
through to the end
 Take responsibility for your own end results
 Patiently advise to sell goods
 Always create positive energy for yourself in the sales process
- Step 4: Experience
 Listen and empathize with consumers' shares
 An attitude of intimacy and closeness and openness
 Speak to create trust and express with the mind of the seller, not to
5. Strengths and weakness
 Strengths
 Sales training programs are customized to work effectively with a
specific company’s products and services.
 Support and create all favorable conditions for employees to attend
courses training to improve professional knowledge, service.
 Training and arranging human resources in accordance with the
development situation of the Company to increase both quantity and
 Weakness
 Longer recruitment process and more training costs
 Bias may occur in the recruitment and training process, leading to
factions, causing internal conflicts, affecting the management and
quality of work.
 Focused too much on cost issues in recruitment and use labor that
forgets that every step of the process is an important factor leading
to the success of the salesperson

6. Solutions
- Conduct a re-evaluation of the quality of human resources, rearrange
working positions
- Propose suitable promotion routes for qualified personnel, offer monthly
bonus regimes to stimulate competition.
- Sales training executives must be sent to study regular training courses,
 The sales executive plays a key role in the sales management
structure. Simply put, “The most important role of a sales executive
is to manage the sales team. Sales managers must have a method to
increase the efficiency and capacity of the sales team.
 These are people equipped with advanced and systematic knowledge
already. Thay often have a flexible view of market needs and
businesses, so they have the ability to change the old way of doing
business without fear of the reaction of everyone in the organization,
they bring "new vitality" to the company intelligence and dynamism,
skills, and ability to absorb science and technology applications in
7. Sale forecasting
- Sales Forecast is a specialized term that represents an estimate or forecast
of a company's sales volume. Sales Forecast can be expressed in terms of
financial figures, or product quantities. Sales Forecast, after being
calculated, will be included in the marketing strategy support system of
- Basically, Sales Forecast has a certain importance in the sales and
marketing work of Vinamilk.
+ Firstly, through Sales Forecast, Vinamilk can determine the volume to
produce products based on available resources. Such as capital, machinery,
and equipment, human resources, production space, etc.
+ Secondly, Sales Forecast helps Vinamilk managers forecast or estimate
the sales of an item. That becomes a commitment, a target to push the
department responsible for sales to ensure achieved within a certain
+ Thirdly, through Sales Forecast, Vinamilk will easily make strategic
decisions on whether to adjust, change or expand in the mixed production
process, or proceed to choose an alternative product to produce export.

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