In Semester Examination, March 2021 Workshop/Manufacturing Practices-I

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In Semester Examination, March 2021

Workshop/Manufacturing Practices-I

YEAR/SEM: FE/ SEM I DATE:13/03/2021

BRANCH: FE ALL TIME: 10.30 AM to 11.15 AM

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Subjective Type Question (6 Marks)

Q2 Answer any 1 (3 Marks) MARKS
Q2.a Explain sheet metal operation along with its types. Draw neat diagram. 3

Q2.b Differentiate between a) electric welding & gas welding b) Soldering & brazing 3

Q3 Answer any 1 (3 Marks)

Q3.a Differentiate between thermoplastics & thermoset. 3

Q3.b What is injection molding, explain its steps along with suitable diagram. 3

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