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Writing short communicative

An email
Your task : Reply the email in about 80 words. Write your email on the slide with your name.

Hi Susan,

I suggest you to give me a trip to Sabah. I realy need a vacation to escape from
this city air and also chill myself. I think I dont need a new phone cause my phone
is still fine. I hope you can join me in the trip. Thanks for the present, I realy
appreciate it.


Hi susan,

I suggest you to give me the new smartphone like redmi note 10.I really need the
phone use to pdpr class and playing mobile game.I think a trip to sabah is not
impotant to me,I hope u can give me the new phone.Thanks for the present.


Hi Susan,
I suggest you to buy online shirt for me. I think a new handphone is not suitable
for me because i just bought a new phone last month. Go trip to Sabah is good but
i need more budget. Furthermore, shirt look simple but nice to me. Besides, i
know you are my best friend so how about if you buy shirt with add our photos and
name at the shirt. I’m pretty sure it will be my best present ever. that ‘s all from me.

Love, Jenny.
Lau Jin Chun
Hi susan,

Im very happy that you remember my birthday,What i want is just a congratulate from you or
maybe a little gift,like a personalised mug from you. I don't think a trip to Sabah is suitable
because Malaysia is during FMCO for COVID-19 pandemic now.By the way a hand phone is
good but my hand phone is working well so I don't need a new one for a while. Moreover, a
personalised mug is affordable but still thoughtful. Beside i know you are very creative on DIY
thing so I think you are not having any problem coming up with a beautiful mug.

From, JinChun.

Hi Susan
I suggest you to bring me to trip to Sabah. I can also learned something new
in over there. I also can release the pressure from school. I don’t think I need
new hand phone. Because my hand phone is quite new. I hope I can enjoy the trip
over there.

From you friend

Hi susan,
I suggest you to give me a trip to sabah for my present. because
since I’ve got a lot of my homework so I think I need some break.
moreover, I think I don't need new headphone because I already have
one. I hope you can join me in trip. thank you for present I really appreciate it.

from, ain
Syuhada syafia
Hai Susan,

I suggest you to give me a trip to Sabah for my present.This is because,I want

to vocation with you and I want take a break from doing homework. About the
discount, I think I don’t have the item I want to buy because I have a lot of item in
my house..Also,I don’t want you to give me a handphone because I already have
a phone.Finally,I hope you can join me for a trip.Thank you for your present.


Hi Susan,

Sounds good because you want to give me a gift. I am very happy and excited. I think, I don't need
a smartphone because i already have one. I also don't need a smartphone much as there is no
other use for me to use it. I chose to go to trip to Sabah because I have never been to Sabah
before. I can also clear my mind when there. I also don't need an extra gift because going to Sabah
is enough for me. I am really grateful.

Hai Susan,
I suggest you to give me a trip to Sabah as my birthday present. This is because,
since I’ve got a lot of problems so I think I need some vacation to chill myself.
Moreover, I think i dont need new handphone because I already have a new one
that I just bought last month. Then about the discount, I guess I didn’t have new
things to buy for now. In addition, I should start to stop shopping for the things that
i dont actually need. Lastly, thank you so much for the present!

Love, Fitrah.
Guh Yen Shin
Hi Susan,

I suggest you to have a memorable and fun trip to Sabah during my birthday.
Besides, I think new handphone is useful and good but it’s still cost a fortune and i
already have one of it. For your information, I never go to Sabah before so this is a
chance for me to know about how beautiful Sabah is. Moreover, we can take a lot
of picture of ourself and scenery in Sabah then put it in a photo frame as our
happy memories during the trip. It will be the most meaningful and happier day to
me! I think it will be my best birthday present ever in my life. Thank you!

From: Jenny
Ain Syaffiah
Dear Susan,
Both present that you suggested me are incredible, but it is too expensive. As for
myself, I think that I want to have my own manga collection, it's a Japanese comic
book. For at least, it takes forever for a manga to get animated.By reading the
manga, it will save up my time, plus it helps to understand the storyline more.
Lastly, I hope you don’t mind the choice I want. Thank you.


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