Entrepreneurship Assignment 1

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Assignment prepared by: Usman Aftab 180759 (BSAF 8-A)

How has entrepreneurship evolved over the years in the local
arena; state industry changes, and market trends. Make a
comparative analysis with the international market, stating
examples to explain your points.
Evolution of Entrepreneurs:
Locally, Entrepreneurship evolved over the years in terms of the
1. Technology:
Use of Technological tools has progressed rapidly, even if a business is
not a tech company, it still utilizes technological tools such as apps,
websites, blogs etc.
2. Diversity:
We are now seeing more Women taking in charge of the new startups.
Entrepreneurship rate of Women in local areas are rapidly growing
through the years, it won’t be long when they surpass Men and other
genders are also going to join the league for sure.
3. Entrepreneurial Education:
People are more aware of the term “entrepreneurs”, People are able to
educate themselves about this term through the internet and it is also
one of the reasons of why entrepreneurs are starting out young.
4. Location:
An entrepreneur can now work from anywhere around the world with
great internet speed.

Industry Changes:
The major changes in this industry are the following:
 We’re spending more on social media and digital marketing than
 Growth in new technology means it’s easier than ever for small
businesses to create their own programs, innovate, and
collaborate with specialized teams.
 Micro-influencers are helping drive sales.
Market Trends:
Following Market trends are currently in the entrepreneurs Market: -
 Business/Work from home
 Subscription based Business
 Getting involved in social media
 Increasing diversity
 Green/Environment friendly Businesses

Comparative analysis with the international market:

Entrepreneurs in Local market are actually moving along the
entrepreneurs of the international market, in my opinion international
market is what drives the local market as the process of educating
ourselves has never been easier, young entrepreneurs follow the
entrepreneurs of the international market because keeping up with
them is not difficult, thanks to social media.
I have made this statement because I have somehow experienced it.
For example, one of my friend started the hatchery business with a
small setup in his home, he followed the international methods that
were explained by international influencers, his sales are done online
using social media, he is earning good as a student,
I would also like to put crypto market as an example of international
market that is influencing our local young entrepreneurs.
Personally, I also tend to follow the international market education of

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