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Methods of Data Presentation

There are various ways of presenting the data after collecting it. The method depends
on the type of data. For example, if data about age of the respondents was collected, it’s
meaning, effect, or impact in the study cannot be understood if the raw data is being
presented instead of a systematic presentation like table or graph. Hence, the importance
of data presentation. The following are the methods used in presenting a set of data:

Methods of Presenting Data:

1. Textual Method- a narrative description of the data gathered.
2. Tabular Method- a systematic arrangement of information into columns and rows.
3. Graphical Method- an illustrative description of the data.

1.3.1 The Frequency Distribution Table (FDT)

An FDT is a statistical table showing the frequency or number of observations contained in
each of the defined classes or categories. For example, if a certain epidemiologist wants to
present data on COVID-19 by age of the respondents, FDT can be used to present the data.

Parts of a Statistical Table

1. Table Heading- includes the table number and the title of the table.
2. Body- main part of the table that contains the information or figures.
3. Stubs or classes- classification or categories describing the data and usually found at the
left most side of the table.
4. Caption- designations or identifications of the information contained in a column,
usually found at the topmost of the column.

Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Staff Perception of the Leadership Behavior of the


Perception of Leadership Behavior Frequency
Strongly Favorable 10
Favorable 11
Slightly Favorable 12
Slightly Unfavorable 14
Unfavorable 22
Strongly Unfavorable 31

1. Qualitative or Categorical FDT is a frequency distribution table where the data are
grouped according to some qualitative characteristics; data are grouped into non
numerical categories.


TABLE 2: Frequency Distribution of the Gender Respondents of a Survey

Quantitative FDT is a frequency distribution table where the data are grouped
according to some numerical or quantitative characteristics.


Table 3. Frequency Distribution of the weight of the respondents in kilograms


1. Determine the Range (R)

R=highest value−lowest value

2. Determine the number of classes (K)

K= √ N

where N is the total number of observations in the data set.

3. Determine the class size (c) by calculating first the preliminary class size (c’).
' R
Preliminary class size c’: c=
Conditions for the actual c:
a. It should have the same number of decimal places as in the raw data.
b. It should be odd in the last digit.
4. Enumerate the classes or categories.
5. Tally the observations.
6. Compute for values in other columns of the FDT as deemed necessary.

Other columns in FDT

1. True Class Boundaries (TCB)
a. Lower True Class Boundaries (LTCB):
LTCB=¿− unit of measure
b. Upper True Class Boundaries (UTCB):

UTCB=UL+ unit of measure

2. Class Mark (CM) – midpoint of the class interval where the observations tend to cluster
1 1
CM = ( ¿+UL ) ∨CM= (LTCB+UTCB)
2 2
3. Relative Frequency (RF) – the proportion of observations falling in a class and is
expressed in percentage.
frequency frequency
RF= %RF= x 100 %
4. Cumulative Frequency (CF) – accumulated frequency of the classes.
a. Less than CF (<CF) - total number of observations whose values do not exceed the
upper limit of class.
b. Greater than CF (>CF) – total number of observations whose values are not less than
the lower limit of the class.
5. Relative Cumulative Frequency (RCF)
a. Less than RCF (<RCF)
b. Greater than RCF (>RCF)

Example: Construct the FDT of the given data set.

Age (in years) of 40 patients confined at a certain hospital.

5 15 23 27 33 38 44 52 10 20 25 31 35
5 15 24 30 33 40 45 53 42 50 57 13 21
7 20 25 31 34 42 45 55 26 32 36 43 51 57

1.3.2 Graphical Presentation of data

There are information or data that can be presented better by using graphs. A
graph or a chart is a device for showing numerical values or relationships in pictorial


1. main features and implications of a body of data can be seen at once

2. can attract attention and hold the reader’s interest
3. simplifies concepts that would otherwise have been expressed in so many words
4. can readily clarify data, frequently bring out hidden facts and relationships.

Qualities of a Good Graph:

1. It is accurate.
2. It is clear.
3. It is simple.
4. It has a good appearance.

Common Types of Graph:

1. Scatter Graph – a graph used to present measurements or values that are thought to be

In this example, the study time and math grade are presented for possible
relationship. It forms a line that inclines to the right, which implies a positive
relationship. The more time a student devotes in studying, the higher the grade in math
can be achieved.

2. Line Chart – graphical presentation of data especially useful for showing trends over a
period of time.

3. Pie Chart- a circular graph that is useful in showing how a total quantity is distributed
among a group of categories. The “pieces of pie” represent the proportions of the total
that fall into each category.
4. Column and Bar Graph- like pie charts, column charts and bar charts are applicable only
to grouped data. They should be used for discrete, grouped data of ordinal or nominal

Graphical Presentation of the Frequency Distribution Table

1. Frequency Histogram – a bar graph that displays the classes on the horizontal axis and
the frequencies of the classes on the vertical axis.
2. Frequency Polygon- a line chart that is constructed by plotting the frequencies at the
class marks and connecting the plotted points by means of straight lines.
3. Ogives- graphs of the cumulative frequency distribution
a. <Ogive- the <CF is plotted against the UTCB
b. >Ogive- the >CF is plotted against the LTCB

Practice Exercise 2.3:

Direction: Answer the problems as indicated.

1. A survey taken at a hotel in Malate indicated that 40 employees report to their

respective works via the following modes of transportation:
car car bus plane train bus bus plane car plane plane
bus plane car car train train car car car car plane
plane car bus car bus car plane car plane plane car
car car bus train car bus car
Construct a categorical distribution showing the frequencies corresponding to the
different modes of transportation. Interpret the results.

2. The following are the body weights (in grams) of 50 rats used in a study of vitamin
136 92 115 118 121 137 132 120 104 129
125 119 115 101 129 87 108 110 133 124
135 126 127 103 110 126 118 82 104 113
137 120 95 146 126 119 119 105 132 95
126 118 100 113 106 125 117 102 146 148
Construct the FDT of the given data set and write a brief report about it.

3. The following are the number of customers a restaurant served for lunch on 60
50 64 55 51 60 41 71 53 63 64
49 59 66 45 61 57 65 62 58 65
55 61 60 55 53 57 58 66 53 56
64 46 59 49 64 60 58 64 42 47
59 62 56 63 61 68 57 51 61 51
60 59 67 52 52 58 64 43 60 62
Construct the FDT of the given data set and write a brief report about it.
4. Construct a graph for the given FDT and write a brief interpretation.
The 2019 Purchases by A Car Rental Agency


1. Chevrolet Cavalier 45
2. Ford Mustang 30
3. Ford Taurus 60
4. Pontiac Grand Am 15
5. Toyota Camry 30


To know more about data collection and presentation, you may check the following links:

1. Supplemental video about different types of graphs:

2. Charts in excel:

3. Pivot tables and charts in excel:
Answer to Practice Exercises in Chapter 2.

Practice Exercise 2.1:

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B

Practice Exercise 2.2.1:

1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True

Practice Exercise 2.2.2:

1. Systematic S 6. Convenience S
2. Convenience S 7. Expert S
3. Simple RS 8. Systematic S
4. Stratified S 9. Simple RS
5. Cluster S 10. Convenience S
Note: S – Sampling; RS – Random Sampling

Practice Exercise 2.3:

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of the means of transportation preferred by the guests

in a hotel in Makati

Interpretation: Most of the employees report to work by means of car corresponding to 45% of
the total number of respondents. On the other hand, the least of the respondents prefer train,
corresponding to only 10% of the total respondents.

Interpretation: Most of the rats used in the experiment are weighing between 115-125
grams, corresponding to 30% of the total number of rats. While the least of the rats is
between 148-158 grams. The average weight of most of the rats is 120 grams.


Interpretation: The greatest number of customers is between 56-60 which happened in

18 days, while there are between 71-75customers which happened only once. The
average number of customers is 58.


Interpretation: The most purchased car in 2019 is Ford Taurus (33%) and the least
purchased car is Pontiac Grand An (8%).

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