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Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes: Current knowledge and future


Article  in  Fungal Ecology · August 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2015.06.002


58 2,605

4 authors:

Sofia Duarte Felix Baerlocher

University of Minho Mount Allison University


Cláudia Pascoal Fernanda Cassio

University of Minho University of Minho


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Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes: Current

knowledge and future perspectives

Sofia DUARTEa,*, Felix BARLOCHER b
 udia PASCOALa, Fernanda
, Cla


Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA), Department of Biology, University of Minho Campus de
Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Department of Biology, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 1G7, Canada

article info abstract

Article history: Since Ingold’s (1942) initial description, mycologists have been interested in deciphering
Received 2 March 2015 global distribution patterns of aquatic hyphomycetes, a group of fungi that play a key role
Revision received 26 May 2015 in plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters. However, many questions remain largely
Accepted 5 June 2015 unanswered. In this review, we used distribution data of morphospecies from studies
Available online 1 August 2015 throughout the world in an attempt to better understand the magnitude of global species
Corresponding editor: richness, patterns of biodiversity and the extent of cosmopolitanism versus endemism.
Lynne Boddy Sampling efforts have varied among geographic regions, and correlate significantly with
species richness. Community similarity decreased with geographic or latitudinal distance.
Keywords: Species richness was highest at mid-latitudes (temperate streams), and high community
Aquatic hyphomycetes similarities were found between geographically distant locations in similar climatic zones.
Biogeography Studies relying on morphotypes have undoubtedly provided relevant information on the
Phylogeography geographic distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes. However, metagenomic approaches
Metagenomics combining taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity in coordinated surveys will be
Morphospecies the best option to better decipher diversity patterns of these fungi and their functional
Genetic diversity roles at a global scale.
Next-generation sequencing ª 2015 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.

Introduction spanning more than 50 mm) of two predominant shapes:

branched and often tetraradiate or multiradiate (stauroid),
Fungi are widely distributed across all biomes and play a and sigmoid or worm-like (scolecoid) (Gulis et al., 2005;
major role in the recycling of organic matter with more than Shearer et al., 2007) (Fig. 1). Much of our knowledge on aquatic
600 species reported from freshwaters (Wong et al., 1998; hyphomycete diversity in freshwaters emerges from species
Shearer et al., 2007). Ingoldian fungi or aquatic hyphomycetes classification based on their characteristic conidial shapes.
abound in well-aerated waters and are regarded as the dom- Though slightly heavier than water, conidia are readily trap-
inant microbial decomposers of leaves decaying in streams ped in foam or scum, which accumulates in streams (Ingold,
€rlocher, 2016). Members of this ecologically defined group
(Ba 1975). Conidia can also be sampled from the water column by
regularly sporulate under water, and have large conidia (often filtration or from naturally colonized submerged substrata

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Duarte).
1754-5048/ª 2015 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.
170 S. Duarte et al.

(e.g. leaves, twigs) and substrate baits after inducing spor- is of interest to know if they are of wide occurrence”. In sub-
ulation in the laboratory (Gulis et al., 2005). sequent years, he found identical or similar spores in samples
De Wildeman (1893, 1894, 1895) was the first to recognize from many regions in Britain (Ingold, 1943a,b), and other parts
some of the typical conidial forms of aquatic hyphomycetes of the world, including Europe (e.g. Switzerland: Ingold, 1949),
and described species of several genera (Clavariopsis, Lemon- Africa (Nigeria: Ingold, 1956, 1959; Uganda and Zimbabwe:
niera and Tetracladium) (Fig. 1). However, these fungi only Ingold, 1958; Swaziland: Ingold, 1973), North America (Canada:
gained relevance nearly half a century later when Ingold Ingold, 1960) and Caribbean Islands (e.g. Jamaica: Hudson and
(1942) described 16 forms of conidia and traced them back to Ingold, 1960), thus demonstrating the world-wide occurrence
mycelia on decaying alder leaves in a stream near Leicester, in of aquatic hyphomycetes. Studies by other researchers con-
England. In the first of many papers devoted to aquatic firmed their global distribution (e.g. California: Ranzoni, 1953;
hyphomycetes, Ingold (1942) wrote: “My observations on Japan: Tubaki, 1957; eastern USA: Petersen 1962, 1963a,b;
aquatic hyphomycetes have been limited, so far, to the Scandinavia: Nilsson, 1958, 1964; South Africa: Greathead,
immediate neighbourhood of Cropston in Leicestershire, but it 1961; Australia: Cowling and Waid, 1963; Cuba: Marvanova 

Fig. 1 e Conidia of aquatic hyphomycetes. A, Alatospora acuminata; B, Anguillospora filiformis; C, Articulospora tetracladia; D,
Clavariopsis aquatica; E, Collembolispora barbata; F, Dimorphospora foliicola; G, Dendrospora erecta; H, Flagellospora penicillioides;
I, Heliscus lugdunensis; J, Heliscus submersus; K, Lemonniera aquatica; L, Lunulospora curvula; M, Tetracladium marchalianum; N,
Tetracladium setigerum; O, Tetrachaetum elegans; P, Tricladium attenuatum; Q, Tricladium chaetocladium; R, Tricladium
splendens; S, Varicosporium elodeae; and T, Ypsilina graminea.
Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes 171

and Marvan, 1969 and Malaysia: Nawawi, 1985). Compared to molecular approaches may deepen our knowledge in deci-
other freshwater fungi, the distribution of aquatic hyphomy- phering biogeographic patterns of stream dwelling decom-
cetes is relatively well studied and several data compilations poser fungal communities.
exist based on morphospecies (taxonomy based on morpho-
logical differences of the conidia) (e.g. Ingold, 1975; Webster
and Descals, 1981; Marvanova  , 1997; Santos-Flores and Current knowledge of geographic distribution of
Betancourt-Lo  pez, 1997; Gulis et al., 2005), although studies in aquatic hyphomycetes
tropical latitudes have been less common (e.g. Sridhar et al.,
1992; Goh, 1997; Marvanova  , 1997). Comparable communities Based on data from 352 publications (Supplementary Appen-
exist in temperate zones on both sides of the equator; streams dix 1) documenting 335 morphospecies (Supplementary
closer to the equator are represented by a characteristic Appendix 2) on a wide range of substrata, we confirmed that
tropical mycoflora, which nevertheless contains many species aquatic hyphomycetes are indeed very widely distributed
common to temperate zones (Wood-Eggenschwiler and (Fig. 2), as stated previously (Ingold, 1975; Webster and Des-
Ba€ rlocher, 1985). In fact, many species of aquatic hyphomy- cals, 1981; Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher, 1985). Not
cetes have been found in stream foam collected in different surprisingly, the most intensively studied geographic regions
parts of the world (Ingold, 1975; Webster and Descals, 1981), include temperate zones of the Northern hemisphere (mid-
suggesting that the distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes latitudes), particularly in Europe (Fig. 2), where Ingold con-
might follow the hypothesis of Baas Becking (1934). This ducted his first surveys (e.g. 1942, 1943a,b) followed by many
hypothesis postulates, with respect to microbes, that “every- other authors (Supplementary Appendix 1). Other well-stud-
thing is everywhere” and that small organisms (<2 mm) ied regions include North America (Northern Temperate e
capable of dispersal have cosmopolitan distribution and are USA and Canada), the Tropics (Venezuela, Brazil and Puerto
found in suitable habitats with little or no evidence of his- Rico) and Asia (Tropical Asia, in particular India) (Fig. 2). The
torical constraints, but with the important qualification that least studied regions are in Africa, with the exception of South
“the environment selects” (Baas Becking, 1934). Consequently, Africa, and the polar regions, where only a small number of
different contemporary environments should maintain dis- aquatic hyphomycetes has been reported (Fig. 2; regions
tinctive microbial assemblages (Martiny et al., 2006). defined by the geographic location plus climate influence as in
However, questions regarding the magnitude of global Shearer et al., 2007). In fact, parts of Africa have been largely
species richness, patterns of alpha (local) and beta (degree of neglected for many fungal groups (Crous et al., 2006). It has
community differentiation) diversity and the extent of cos- been widely recognized that our perception of the geo-
mopolitanism and endemism of aquatic hyphomycetes graphical distribution of fungi is inherently biased due to
remain largely unanswered. The most convincing approach to region-specific sampling efforts by mycologists (Wood-
answer these questions would be to perform coordinated and Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher, 1985; Shearer et al., 2007; Raja
systematic surveys in different geographic regions, however, et al., 2009; Ba€ rlocher, 2010). A fundamental pattern in eco-
to our knowledge the largest study surveyed only 4 countries logical studies is an increase in the number of observed spe-
over 5 latitudes and one stream per location (Jabiol et al., 2013). cies as the sampled area increases (Zinger et al., 2014, see next
Alternatively, species distribution data from the literature can sub-section). Ecologists often use such speciesearea curves to
be used (e.g. Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba €rlocher, 1985; estimate the minimum size of a sampled area necessary to
Shearer et al., 2007). In an attempt to improve our knowledge adequately characterize a community, by plotting a curve and
on the geographic distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes, we estimating the area after which more sampling adds only “a
gathered data on species distribution in freshwater ecosys- few more species” e the minimum area (Scheiner, 2003). We
tems from different types of substrata (natural or artificial plotted a curve with our data (Fig. 2), and used the number of
foam, scum, water, and decaying plant litter). Studies that studies, which is related to the sampling effort, as a proxy of
surveyed aquatic hyphomycetes in terrestrial environments the sampled area. The data were fitted to a rectangular
or temporary aquatic ecosystems (e.g. tree holes, stem flow, hyperbola (analogous to the MichaeliseMenten equation).
rain drops, rainwater from trees; see Chauvet et al., 2016) Based on this model, at least ca. 29 papers per region would be
were excluded. The selected data were published between necessary to document 50% of the actual number of species,
December 1942 and October 2014, and included those avail- and 275 papers to achieve 90% (Fig. 3). Of the 15 geographic
able in the “Web of Science” database, as well as others in regions surveyed, only Northern temperate and tropics
national journals, theses and taxonomic guides. The search (western hemisphere) and Europe temperate and tropical Asia
terms used in the Web of Science database were: “aquatic (eastern hemisphere) meet the 50% and none meets the 90%
hyphomycete” or “Ingoldian fungi” or “water borne spora” or target. Other speciesearea curves yield lower estimates
“water borne conidia” or “water borne fungal spores” or (Zinger et al., 2014), but Fig. 3 clearly suggests that for most
“water borne fungal conidia” or “water borne fungi”. Aquatic regions, there is only preliminary information on the true
hyphomycete species names were validated using the Index diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes. Nevertheless, the large
Fungorum (, because names dataset created in the current review allowed us to test several
of some species changed after their first description (up to 34 ecological concepts on aquatic hyphomycetes: taxaearea and
species) (Supplementary Appendix 2). In addition, we distanceedecay relationships; the influence of latitude on
attempted to assess to what extent DNA-based techniques species richness and of the geographic region/climate in
have helped to elucidate the phylogeography of aquatic structuring aquatic hyphomycete communities in world
hyphomycetes, and we speculate how recently developed freshwaters. Since the classic indices of compositional
172 S. Duarte et al.

similarity are quite sensitive to sampling size, especially for indicators of spatial turnover (Zinger et al., 2014). The former
assemblages with numerous rare species, which was the case can be expressed as S ¼ k*Az, where S corresponds to the
of our dataset, Chao’s abundance-based index was used in all number of species, k is a constant that is empirically derived
species turnover analyses (Chao et al., 2005). from the taxon and the specific location, A is the sampled area
and z the rate at which species increase with area or the rate of
Taxaearea and distanceedecay relationships species accumulation (Zinger et al., 2014). If “everything is
everywhere”, almost all species in a community would be
When assessing biodiversity, taxaearea and the dis- expected within a very small area and few, if any new species,
tanceedecay relationships are the most informative would be discovered by sampling larger areas (Bell et al., 2005).

Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

Aquatic hyphomycete

400 sub-Arctic Tropical

species richness

Boreal sub-Tropical





Northern Temperate

Southern Temperate

Europe temperate

Northern Africa

Tropical Africa

Temperate Africa

Tropical Asia

Temperate Asia
Mid East

Fig. 2 e Distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes (335 species) and species richness in 15 geographic regions in the western
and eastern hemispheres (defined based on the geographic location plus climate influence; Shearer et al., 2007). Data were
retrieved from 352 diversity surveys based on morphospecies (i.e., morphological differences in fungal conidia). Different
colours depict different climatic influences and bicolour dots are climatically intermediate locations. Details on the surveys
are in Supplementary Appendix 1.
Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes 173

400 distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes suggests excellent dis-

persal abilities (Ba € rlocher, 2009), which would tend to flatten

Species richness S
the relationship between species richness and sampled area
300 (Ba€ rlocher, 2010). Although the diversity of aquatic hypho-
mycetes is high in pristine habitats (Krauss et al., 2011), some
200 species are remarkably resilient and can occur in harsh
environments, such as in streams with high levels of metals
(Krauss et al., 2001; Sole  et al., 2008), and/or high nutrient
loads (Pascoal and Cassio, 2004; Pascoal et al., 2005; Duarte
r = 0.9252 et al., 2009), and even in sulphur springs with temperatures
0 reaching 36.5  C (Chandrashekar et al., 1991). Constraints due
0 50 100 150 200 to substratum specificity should also be less stringent, since
Sampling effort SE most aquatic hyphomycetes are capable of colonizing a wide
range of deciduous leaves (Webster and Descals, 1981), though
Fig. 3 e Relationship between aquatic hyphomycete substrata such as wood and grass appear to be more selective
species richness and the sampled area. The number of (Gulis, 2001). On the other hand, streams within the same
studies, which is related to the sampling effort, was used region but with different physico-chemical conditions har-
as a proxy of the sampled area for each geographic region bour different communities (e.g. Pascoal et al., 2005; Castela
(see Fig. 2). Data were fitted to the MichaeliseMenten et al., 2008; Sole et al., 2008; Duarte et al., 2009). This suggests a
model in Prism 4.0 for Windows (GraphPad software Inc., degree of selective colonization and niche differentiation by
San Diego, CA, USA). aquatic hyphomycetes.
The distanceedecay relationship indicates how similarity
in community composition changes with geographic distance
between sites, and represents the compositional turnover rate
(Green et al., 2004), and any effect of richness (e.g. Legendre,
For example, Fenchel and Finlay (2004) found as many mor-
2014). We found that aquatic hyphomycete community sim-
phospecies of protists in a single lake as previously described
ilarity based on morphospecies negatively correlated with
from the entire world. Earlier studies suggested that z for
increasing geographic distance (Fig. 4B). However, the dis-
microbial taxa (ca. 0.002e0.07) falls well below that observed
persion of our data was high (r2 ¼ 0.065), in part because
for taxonomic groups of larger organisms (ca. 0.1e0.6) (Bell
conidial abundance in streams is strongly affected by natural
et al., 2005; Zinger et al., 2014). However, more recent evidence
or anthropogenic factors, which can fluctuate on a daily or
suggests that the rate of species increase observed for plants
seasonal scale. These factors include temperature (e.g.
and animals may also be found for certain microbes (ca.
Chauvet, 1991; Ba € rlocher et al., 2011), pH (e.g. Ba € rlocher and
0.3e0.6) (e.g. ectomycorrhizal fungi, Peay et al., 2007; marine
Rosset, 1981; Casas and Descals, 1997), conductivity (e.g.
bacteria, Zinger et al., 2014). By using the number of studies,
Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher, 1983), altitude (e.g.
which is related to the sampling effort, as a proxy of the
Chauvet, 1991; Ba € rlocher et al., 2011), differences in riparian
sampled area, at a regional scale (70 regions that corre-
vegetation (Ba € rlocher and Graça, 2002), and presence of vari-
sponded to different countries except for USA, Canada and
ous pollutants (e.g. metals, Sole  et al., 2008; high nutrient
Russia where 3 regions were defined), we calculated a z of
loads, Pascoal et al., 2005; Castela et al., 2008; Duarte et al.,
0.6923 (Fig. 4A), which is quite similar to that found for com-
2009; Schoenlein-Crusius et al., 2009). These confounding
munities of larger organisms (e.g. Bell et al., 2005). However,
factors might blur overall patterns of aquatic hyphomycete
we are not able to conclude that some aquatic hyphomycetes
diversity distribution. In bacteria, the relative influence of
have a restricted geographic distribution, due in part to the
historical (natural barriers) versus environmental factors
uneven number of studies conducted in different regions. In
seems to be related to the scale of sampling (Martiny et al.,
addition, some of these studies were conducted many years or
2006). Communities separated by only a few kilometres (up to
decades apart, which may bias our analysis. For instance,
10 km) were structured by environmental factors (Kuske et al.,
most of the data obtained for the African continent rely on
2002; Horner-Devine et al., 2004), while at intermediate scales
very old studies and many aquatic hyphomycetes were not
(10e3000 km), significant effects of distance were detected
identifiable to species at that time (e.g. Ingold, 1956, 1958,
(Green et al., 2004; Reche et al., 2005; Yannarell and Triplett,
2005). On the other hand, at an intercontinental scale, bacte-
Recently, Sato et al. (2012) hypothesized that the biogeo-
rial assemblages in hot springs were differentiated by distance
graphic distribution of microbial species depends on their
but did not correlate with any environmental variable (Papke
colonization ability and degree of isolation of suitable hab-
et al., 2003; Whitaker et al., 2003). A similar pattern was found
itats; species that experience negligible constraints for colo-
for fungi from wetland sediments in China; variation in fungal
nization may have broader distribution (e.g. root-inhabiting
diversity was driven by natural barriers at a regional sale
fungi with low host specialization) (Queloz et al., 2011) than
(1000e4000 km) and by environmental factors at a smaller
those with strong colonization constraints (e.g. host specific-
scale (<1000 km) (Wu et al., 2013). In fact, environmental
ity) and habitat isolation (e.g. ectomycorrhizal fungi: Sato
factors influence the composition of aquatic hyphomycete
et al., 2012; Tedersoo et al., 2014a,b; hot-spring cyanobacteria:
communities at small spatial scales (2.9e100 km) (Pascoal
Papke et al., 2003; Whitaker et al., 2003). The wide geographic
et al., 2005; Castela et al., 2008; Sole  et al., 2008; Duarte et al.,
174 S. Duarte et al.

Community similarity CS
6 1.0
A B CS = -1.183*10 *GD + 0.4687
r = 0.06530

Species richness S
0.8 P<0.0001


(log) 0.4
logS = 0.6923*logSEf + 2.739 0.2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Sampling effort SEf (log) Geographic distance (km) GD
200 S = 64.71/(1+((L-41.26)/ 1.0 CS = -2.042*10 *L + 0.4397

Community similarity CS
(-36.89)) ) r = 0.06457
Species richness S

r = 0.08394 0.8

-90-75-60-45-30-15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 50 100 150
Latitude L (º) Pairwise latitudinal difference L (º)

25 60
Cosmopolitan species

Endemic species

20 0.02076*S
SE = 2.046*exp
richness SC

richness SE

40 r = 0.8112

5 SC = (27.34*S)/(30.18+S)
r = 0.7555
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Species richness S

Fig. 4 e Relationships between: sampling effort (SEf ) (number of studies) and species richness (S ) (in 70 regions) (A),
geographic distance (GD) and community similarity (CS ) (B), latitude (L) and species richness (C), pairwise latitudinal
difference and community similarity (D), species richness and cosmopolitan species (SC ) (E), and species richness and
endemic species (SE ) (F). Linear regression models gave best fits for the relationships in (A), (B) and (D). Non-linear
regression models gave best fits for the relationships in (C) (Lorentzian model), (E) (MichaeliseMenten model), and (F)
(exponential model). Similarity analysis of aquatic hyphomycete communities in (B) and (D) were assessed with Chao’s
abundance-based Sørensen index in EstimateS 9.0 for Windows (Colwell, 2013). The incidence of each species was based on
the number of times it appeared in the 352 publications surveyed. Regression analyses were performed in Prism 4.0 for
Windows (GraphPad software Inc., San Diego, CA, USA).

2009). In 16 streams distributed by 4 geographic areas in barriers limiting the dispersal of aquatic fungi (there are sev-
France, Germany and Switzerland, community similarity was eral species with cosmopolitan distribution, i.e. identical
highest within each region and clear differences between species occur in different continents and in geologically young
regions were found (Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher, islands), but that their community structure is strongly
1983). But in Australian streams, separated by up to 175.7 km, influenced by complex biotic and abiotic factors determined
the distance between streams accounted for a small portion of on a regional basis (Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher, 1983).
the variability, while altitude, followed by temperature had Therefore, a global scale analysis with substantial sampling
the most pronounced impact (Ba € rlocher et al., 2011). Thus, effort is needed to elucidate the relative influence of con-
previous studies suggested that there are few geographical temporary and seasonally fluctuating environmental factors
Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes 175

versus the legacies of historical events/natural barriers on 2013). Graça et al. (2015) hypothesized that lower turbulence
present-day distribution patterns of aquatic hyphomycetes. and nutrient concentrations in many of the examined trop-
ical/subtropical streams and the presence of more highly
Latitude and climatic influence defended leaves may have contributed to the lower diversity
of aquatic hyphomycetes.
An increase in species richness from higher (polar zones) Kennedy et al. (2012) recently hypothesized that diversifi-
towards lower latitudes (equatorial zones) is the oldest and cation of ectomycorrhizal fungi may be more rapid in tem-
most fundamental pattern of the distribution of life on earth perate than tropical habitats, but at a global scale the
and a widely documented macroecological pattern, in partic- latitudinal patterns of diversity of soil fungi were similar to
ular in terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. Rosenzweig, 1995). In our those of plants and animals e a decrease was found towards
study, aquatic hyphomycete diversity was lowest at lat- the poles (Meiser et al., 2014; Tedersoo et al., 2014b).
itudinal extremes and peaked at mid-latitude regions (tem- Aquatic hyphomycete community similarity decreased
perate streams) (Figs. 2 and 4C), as found in previous surveys with the increase of latitudinal difference (Fig. 4D). This lends
(Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher, 1985; Shearer et al., 2007; some credence to Ingold’s (1966) statement “I think I could tell
Jabiol et al., 2013), but diverging from the conventional mac- my latitude with an error of 15 by examining the aquatic
roecological pattern with higher diversity in the tropics. The spores in a sample of stream foam”, and emphasizes the
latter was confirmed in a recent study on freshwater lig- impact of latitude on the distribution of aquatic hyphomy-
nicolous fungi (Hyde et al., 2015). Shearer et al. (2015) exam- cetes. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling analysis (MDS)
ined the distribution of freshwater ascomycetes along an based on the occurrence of the 335 aquatic hyphomycete
elevational gradient (as analogue of latitudinal gradient) in species in 15 geographic regions (definition based on the
Peru from the Andes to the Amazon lowlands. They found a geographic location plus climate influence; Shearer et al.,
slight peak at mid-elevations, however, in addition to altitude, 2007) (Figs. 2 and 5, Supplementary Appendix 2) suggests
pH had a strong effect on fungal communities. Shearer et al. higher similarities between geographically distant locations
(2015) did not specify the stream order of their collection sites; with similar climate (e.g. Tropical Asia and South America or
regardless of altitude, many physico-chemical and biotic Temperate Europe and North America or Temperate Asia and
properties change in a more or less predictable manner as one Temperate Africa). Wood-Eggenschwiler and Ba € rlocher (1985)
moves downstream (Vannote et al., 1980). reached similar conclusions based on the distribution of over
If real, the greater diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes in 150 aquatic hyphomycete species.
temperate streams may be explained by season due to more In our study, 4 species occurred in all 15 geographic regions
diversified ecological niches (Shearer et al., 2007; Jabiol et al., (Alatospora acuminata, Anguillospora longissima, Articulospora

1.5 2D Stress: 0.1

1.0 sub-Tropical
1 0.5 15 12 14
7 3 13
-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

10 9


Fig. 5 e Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) ordination diagram based on aquatic hyphomycete communities in
each geographic region (defined by geographic location plus climate influence; Shearer et al., 2007). Similarities of aquatic
hyphomycete communities were assessed with Chao’s abundance-based Sørensen index in EstimateS 9.0 for Windows
(Colwell, 2013). The incidence of each species was based on the number of times it appeared in the 352 publications
surveyed. Western hemisphere: 1, sub-Arctic; 2, Boreal; 3, Northern temperate; 4, Tropics; 5, Southern temperate; Eastern
hemisphere: 6, sub-Arctic; 7, Boreal; 8, Europe temperate; 9, Mid East; 10, Northern Africa; 11, Tropical Africa; 12, Temperate
Africa; 13, Temperate Asia; 14, Tropical Asia and 15, Oceania. Different colours depict different climatic influences and
bicolour dots are climatically intermediate locations. MDS analysis was performed in Primer v6 for Windows (Plymouth,
176 S. Duarte et al.

tetracladia and Lemonniera aquatica), 36 species occurred in 10 biogeographic patterns based on DNA data. Two studies using
of the geographic regions (Appendix 2), and 67 species were internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) barcodes from cos-
restricted to 1 geographic region. Aquatic hyphomycetes may mopolitan species with isolates from different geographic
follow a biogeographical model of restricted moderate regions, have somewhat contradictory conclusions (Duarte
endemism, as suggested by Foissner (1999) for small eukar- et al., 2012; Seena et al., 2012). Several ITS genotypes of A.
yotes; some species are cosmopolitan whereas others are tetracladia were geographically widespread (Iberian Peninsula,
biogeographically and ecologically limited. Jabiol et al. (2013) Central Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan) irre-
in a recent survey across a broad latitudinal gradient also spective of sampling time, substratum or location (Seena
found many species with cosmopolitan distribution from the et al., 2012), but Malaysian genotypes grouped in a different
arctic to the tropics (e.g. A. tetracladia, Flagellospora curvula), phylogenetic clade and were not shared by other countries
while others were restricted to single locations (e.g. Triscelo- (Seena et al., 2012). Duarte et al. (2012) studied ITS genotypes
phorus acuminatus and Triscelophorus monosporus were only of 130 strains from 6 species isolated from plant litter or foam
observed in the tropical location). One of the major con- in streams in Europe and Australia. Distribution patterns were
straints of aquatic hyphomycete diversity analysis based on species-specific: European and Australian genotypes of
morphospecies is that the probability of finding rare species Anguillospora filiformis, Flagellospora penicillioides, Geniculospora
depends on the approach used to document the occurrence of grandis and Tetrachaetum elegans were consistently different,
conidia. The simultaneous use of several methods e collection while those of Lunulospora curvula and Tricladium chaetocladium
of natural foam and plant substrata, and the use of artificial were intermixed in the phylogenetic trees. Similar genotypes
foam and substratum baits e will increase the probability of were found in both continents for T. chaetocladium, suggesting
finding rare species (e.g. Shearer and Webster, 1985; Pascoal intercontinental gene flow in this species (Duarte et al., 2012).
et al., 2005). In fact, while the number of cosmopolitan species On the other hand, a study with 97 isolates of T. elegans
(found in more than 50% of the regions) increased asymp- from 9 streams within a 1450 km2 area in Southwestern
totically with the total number of species found at a regional France showed that only 20% of molecular variance, assessed
scale (Fig. 4E), the number of endemic or rare (found in less by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), was
than 10% of the regions) species increased exponentially explained by stream location (Laitung et al., 2004). Although a
(Fig. 4F). Species that are present but not captured lead to high genotypic diversity based on polymorphic microsatellite
undersampling or unequal sampling and are one of the major loci was found for 391 isolates of Tetracladium marchalianum
sources of error when estimating microbial diversity (Torsvik from rivers in Illinois and Wisconsin (Anderson and Shearer,
et al., 2002; Sato et al., 2012). Our understanding of the geo- 2011), stable genetic differentiation was only observed
graphical distribution of aquatic hyphomycete species would between the most distant rivers (ca. 450 km) (Anderson and
clearly benefit from more comprehensive sampling strategies Shearer, 2011). These studies suggest that environmental
that can capture a higher diversity. barriers to dispersal may play a role in the genetic structure of
aquatic hyphomycete species, but patterns were not con-
Contribution of DNA-based studies to reveal sistent and biogeography within aquatic hyphomycetes may
phylogeographic patterns be species-specific. In addition, the analysis of 96 strains of
T. elegans from a single site yielded 13 random amplified pol-
Since most aquatic hyphomycete species are believed to be ymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles and some genotypes were more
readily identifiable by their conidial morphology, ecological abundant on particular leaf species and rare or absent in
studies continue to rely on this straightforward approach to others (Charcosset and Gardes, 1999). Thus, the resource
measure fungal diversity (Gulis et al., 2005) (Fig. 1). Partly for quality (substrate type) may constrain aquatic hyphomycete
this reason, DNA based techniques were applied later to colonization.
aquatic hyphomycetes than to other morphologically less Unfortunately, the sample size of most studies was small
diverse fungal groups (e.g. Nikolcheva et al., 2003; Manerkar (number of isolates or spatial scale) and relied on DNA from
et al., 2008; Seena et al., 2008; Clivot et al., 2013). Using the pure cultures. This conventional approach is time-consuming
reproductive ability of a fungus as a proxy for its contribution and its success is greatly affected by the probability of getting
to ecological functions or overall diversity, presents a clear isolates from different geographic areas belonging to the same
bias in favour of prolific spore producers (e.g. Duarte et al., morphospecies (Duarte et al., 2012). Phylogenetic information
2009). In addition, accurate identification is often difficult or for many lineages, their abundances and geographical
impossible in species producing less differentiated conidia occurrence, and the associated environmental data are clearly
(e.g. scolecoid conidia). Many aquatic hyphomycete species needed to elucidate why populations of a given aquatic
appear to be cosmopolitan, but conclusions based on mor- hyphomycete (morpho)species occur and persist in a geo-
phospecies overlook cryptic species and may blur global-scale graphic region, but not in others (Ba € rlocher, 2010).
biogeographical patterns. Indeed, DNA-based studies in other
fungal groups are providing increasing evidence that not
“everything is everywhere” and that fungi do have a bio- Do molecular tools promise a deeper knowledge
geography (Hibbet, 2001; Dettman et al., 2006; Taylor et al., in deciphering the biogeography of aquatic
2006; Meiser et al., 2014). hyphomycetes?
At present, molecular studies on the phylogeography of
aquatic hyphomycetes do not allow any well-supported con- Molecular tools have dramatically increased our knowledge of
clusions, since very few attempts have been made to analyse Fungi in less than 20 years (Persoh, 2015), but many fungal
Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes 177

species remain to be discovered (Blackwell, 2011). There is no distributed OTUs may be rare in fungi (Meiser et al., 2014). In
doubt that molecular techniques provide powerful tools to fact, only 14% of the fungal species overlapped in soil samples
reveal stream-dwelling fungal diversity more deeply and collected at a distance of 1 m (Taylor et al., 2010). Similar
widely than ever before (Ba € rlocher, 2010, 2016). Understanding results were found in pyrosequencing studies of other
the biogeography of aquatic fungi will continue to benefit microbial eukaryotic communities from the deep-sea (fungi,
from these methodological advances. nematodes, protists) (Bik et al., 2012; Creer and Sinniger, 2012)
Different molecular tools have been applied to assess and protozoa from soil, freshwater and marine sediments
stream-dwelling decomposer fungal communities (DGGE: 5 (Bass et al., 2007). A few taxa were cosmopolitan, but the
streams in Northwestern Portugal, Duarte et al., 2009; 5 majority showed restricted and/or patchy distribution.
streams in Northeastern France, Clivot et al., 2013; 9 streams NGS technologies will continue to improve both accuracy
in South-central Sweden, Bergfur and Sundberg, 2014; clone and throughput and, in the near future, benchtop sequencers
libraries: 5 streams in Northeastern France, Clivot et al., 2013; will become standard equipment in individual labs. Amplicon
and 454 pyrosequencing: 30 streams in North-western and analyses are expected to become a rapid screening technique
-eastern Finland, Tolkkinen et al., 2013; Heino et al., 2014; 5 in preparation for more detailed metagenomic studies, rather
streams in Northwestern Portugal, Duarte et al., 2015). In these than representing the final stage in ecological analysis
studies, aquatic hyphomycete communities were structured (Nikolaki and Tsiamis, 2013). While NGS technologies may
by similar environmental drivers, regardless of whether they inform us that different geographic regions harbour different
were evaluated by conidium identification or genetic diversity aquatic fungal communities, they will not reveal much about
(e.g. pH, nutrients, fluvial geomorphology) (Duarte et al., 2009; their function. This will require the application of functional
Clivot et al., 2013; Bergfur and Sundberg, 2014; Duarte et al., metagenomics, i.e. analysis of the complete genetic informa-
2015). But studies relying on 454 pyrosequencing detected tion including the relative abundance of all genes, allowing a
differences at the genetic level; for instance, A. tetracladia description of the functional potential of each community
operational taxonomic units (OTUs) on decomposing oak (Chistoserdova, 2014). Coupling metagenomic analyses with
leaves differed among streams along a gradient of eutrophi- extensive cross-site sampling efforts led to a more compre-
cation (Duarte et al., 2015). In fact, intraspecific traits of hensive picture of biogeographical patterns in diversity,
A. tetracladia modulated the effects of biodiversity on eco- community composition and functional attributes of soil
logical processes (e.g. plant litter decomposition) under stress fungal communities (Fierer et al., 2012). New approaches
conditions (Fernandes et al., 2011). Next generation sequenc- exploiting NGS technologies and single cell genomics (char-
ing technology promises a higher resolution for testing the acterizing genomes of uncultured phyla from single cells
degree of differentiation between communities. obtained directly from the environment; Lasken, 2007) may
An additional advantage of pyrosequencing is its sensi- target genomes and associate them with quantitative meas-
tivity to detect very rare species recovered as “singletons” i.e., urements in particular geographic regions. This approach
unique sequences that may be informative of exclusive line- potentially targets all active members (abundant and rare) of a
ages in “rare biospheres” (Zhan et al., 2013). Rare taxa may given ecosystem, quantifies the transcribed genes, and
contribute disproportionally to overall metabolic activities obtains complete genomes (Nikolaki and Tsiamis, 2013). Sin-
(Jones and Lennon, 2010; Campbell et al., 2011), carry out gle cell genomics have been employed to investigate the bio-
unusual metabolic functions (Galand et al., 2009) and show geographic distribution of uncultured marine Flavobacteria
distinct spatial distribution patterns. Applying Next Gen- and marine bacterioplankton (Mason et al., 2012; Woyke et al.,
eration Sequencing (NGS) to cDNA (the synthesis of cDNA 2009). The application of this methodology to stream-dwelling
from RNA is only possible in metabolically active species) (e.g. decomposer fungi seems feasible because a single spore can
Kuramae et al., 2013) will provide greater insights into meta- be used as a source of DNA (Ba € rlocher et al., 2010).
bolically active species.
To disentangle the relative importance of local versus Outlook and perspectives
regional factors in structuring aquatic hyphomycete com-
munities in world freshwaters, repeated, multi-scale sam- A central question in ecological research is how biodiversity is
pling is crucial (Heino et al., 2014). In fact, the pyrosequencing structured by spatial processes and environmental factors.
of soil samples from 365 globally distributed sites allowed, for The conventional view in microbial ecology emphasized that
the first time, integrating fungi into a general macroecological “everything is everywhere, but the environment selects” (Baas
framework (Tedersoo et al., 2014b). Environmental parame- Becking, 1934), implying that microbial species occur at sites
ters weakly explained community composition of plant- of suitable conditions instead of occurring at specific geo-
associated fungi (endophytic, root-associated and soil), and graphic locations. It has been assumed that aquatic hypho-
effects were inconsistent at local and regional scales in met- mycetes have a world-wide distribution (e.g. Ingold, 1975;
a’omics studies (Persoh, 2015). But decreased community Sridhar et al., 1992; Marvanova  , 1997), but relevant informa-
similarity with increasing distance from local to global scales tion is still scarce partly due to uneven sampling efforts in
seems to be due to the inability of fungi to establish them- different geographic regions (Jabiol et al., 2013). In addition,
selves at a particular locality (i.e. via environmental filtering or most surveys have been based on the morphology of detached
competitive exclusion), rather than to spatially limited dis- conidia, which can be ineffective or misleading when dealing
persal (Per soh, 2015). This is in accordance with a meta- with closely related or morphologically convergent species.
analysis of fungal communities from phyllosphere and soils DNA-based studies might avoid the pitfalls presented by
based on 454 pyrosequencing suggesting that globally studies based on morphospecies. Recent sequencing efforts
178 S. Duarte et al.

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