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Group Q&A 2. Why do we need to learn about culture when we do business overseas?

First and foremost, cultural considerations have a significant impact on business. Everything
from how personnel are managed to the pace at which business is performed, how negotiations
are handled, and how risk management is implemented is influenced by local culture.
Employees' values and priorities have an influence on how they are managed. It also has an
influence on the marketing, sales, and distribution departments. It can have an impact on how a
firm analyzes and decides how to join a new market. As a result, in order to conduct business
internationally, a thorough grasp of culture is required.
Next, individuals' feelings about their professions and their workplace expectations are often
influenced by societal ideals. In order to successfully attract, retain, support, and interact with
international personnel, human resource teams must be aware of these cultural variances.

We need to learn about a culture when doing business overseas since its influence is extensive.
Culture influences how people interact with each other. It impacts everything like decision-
making, behavior, thinking patterns, values, negotiation, and business relationships. Therefore, a
new business overseas may be struggling if not understand the new culture. Each country has
distinguishing cultural characteristics so the success of any potential foreign business partnership
depends on the awareness of and respect of those differences.

The influence of local culture is widespread. It affects everything from the way employees are
managed to the speed at which business is conducted, the way negotiations are handled, and the
way risk management is implemented. These differences range from common greetings to
scheduling business meetings and everything in between—each of which can make a huge
difference when interacting with foreign partners, clients, and customers. An in-depth
understanding of local business practices is therefore crucial to international business success.
For example, culture has a strong influence on how employees react to a management role. In
countries like Japan, where social hierarchy is valued and seniority is valued, older employees or
those holding senior management roles often expect a certain degree of formality in
communication and respect from their subordinate colleagues. And if we work in this
environment, we need to follow this culture and adapt to the environment.
Working abroad can be intimidating, especially if international candidates have not been exposed
to the cultural norms and ways of life of their host country before. They’re surely prone to
undergo the phase of “culture shock” due to not taking a grasp of local laws, customs and
cultural nuances carefully. What’s more, cultural learning can enhance cultural sensitivity,
competence and most importantly eliminate the risk of major miscommunication. Lastly, by
becoming a culturally competent individual, candidates are demonstrating that they have the
willingness to want to learn, adapt, and abide by local cultures and traditions.

Entering the international market, we have to face challenges in a new place. Cultural
differentiation is a common aspect. Culture influences how people interact with each other. It
impacts everything like decision-making, behavior. A successful company can create strong
and long-lasting relationships with customers in foreign countries hinges critically on an
understanding of the business culture in those countries. Thus, when we do business overseas,
we need to research culture in order to ensure a successful international business deal.

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