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Aditi Shah

Assignment 1

Theory of reasoned action

The theory of reasoned action is used to predict how individuals will behave based on their

pre-existing attitudes and behavioural intentions. It determines a relationship between the

attitudes and behaviours within the human action.

I interned for a company for fours and earned a small stipend which I used to buy a portable

Bluetooth speaker for myself. I had found myself in need of speakers since my old ones had

stopped working. I therefore purchased the Bose Soundlink Colour II and it set me back Rs.



My attitude while making the purchase was positive since I was in need of a good Bluetooth

speaker. I have always needed speakers with me since I like listening to music or even

hosting. Since I was about to leave for college it became even more important since I would

have the need to listen to songs with my friends or even watch movies with a group. Bose is

extremely popular and recommended for sound, thus that was the first brand that came to my

mind. Although it is one of the lower end models for Bose, it was the most expensive speaker

I had purchased yet. However the service and sound quality was worth the price for me. And

needless to say I end up using my speaker quite a lot, making the expense worth it. The

speaker has great sound, is water resistant (a factor which is imperative in a college dorm)

and has a very good battery life.

The model of attitude used was (C-A-B) : Cognition – Affect – Behaviour.

In this model, the consumer first thinks about the object and their feelings towards it before

taking a final decision.

Cognitive – Although Bose products are heavy on the pocket, they have extremely good

sound quality which is both loud and clear.

Affective – Loud and clear sound quality. Hosting friends and listening to music with them or

even watching movies in a group is important to me. It is something that makes me happy

and thus having a good portable speaker is important.

Behavioural – I have been using speakers since 5 years, ever since I started inviting people

over to my house. I will use it more once I go to college and am always surrounded by


Subjective Norms

In my family, my father has always sworn by Bose for sound. Therefore, growing up, I have

tried my father’s gadgets. They have extremely high sound quality. A lot of my friends too

have Bose equipment. Apart from that, having speakers is something universal in all my

circles and we cannot imagine not having good sound and music when we meet. All of these

factors have contributed towards making me purchase it.

Behavioural Intention

Behavioural refers to the motivational factors that influence a given behaviour where the

stronger the intention to perform the behaviour, the more likely the behaviour will be


In my case, my attitude towards the product and the brand is extremely positive and even the

subjective norms linked to it urged me to purchase it. The recommendations, quality and

service thus made it a very easy purchase for me.

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