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ADF Basics

Jdevloper 12c

Weblogic inbuit

MVC Archetechture

Business components

1.ADF is rapid application development tool

2.Drag and drop tool

ADF business components:-

1.EO----Entity objects-------Tables,Synonyms,Sanpshots,Views

2.UVO---Updatabale VO -----Upadate,Insert and delete from database

3.Read Only VO----Only to read the Database

Application Module:-It is one of the component.

Commit,Rollback and savepoint transactions.

Business rules are defines(Constraints).

Custom Business Rules---you can define the custome business rules.

Standarad Business rules can't be updated.It can come with database.

Represents Tables,Views,Synonyms and Snapshots

All the entity naming convention end EO
if you create the Entity objects the jdeveloper automatically creates .xml file

If PK is not available then Row id is the primary key in the EO

Dveloper Guide

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