Computer Assignment: Made By: Hasham Sadique Student of D6 Sec-A 70077202

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4/10/2022 Computer


Made by: Hasham sadique

Student of D6 sec-A 70077202
Q.No.1: How are computer technologies being used to train surgeons?
Ans: The computer technologies are being used to train surgeons in the
following ways:
- Computer technologies provide interactive programmes and media
presentations more interesting and teach more than just an old film strip.
- It provides an option of virtual reality so that the surgeon get an opportunity
to work in virtual reality environment without risking anyone's life while
performing surgeries.
- Computer technologies also provide teacher behaviour taxonomy by using
stimulated teacher technique. This is eminently sensible.

Q.No.2: List five tasks a user may be responsible for, when working with a
personal computer?
1. Saving the file.
2. Back up the file.
3. Setting up the software.
4. Antivirus systems.
5. Updation of softwares.
In pc programming, a project is a primary unit of programming that a running
machine controls.Task is a time period used to explain a software program
application or phase of an application this is strolling in a multitasking
environment.Tasks assist the consumer and pc perceived among every one of
the applications strolling at the pc.
Q.No.3: How does a mechanical mouse works?
Ans: When you move the mouse, the ball rolls beneath it, pushing the two
plastic wheels/rollers linked to it in the process. One of those wheels detects
side-to-side movement (x-axis wheel) and the other (y-axis wheel) detects
movement in the up-and-down direction. Both of these wheels consist of
spokes that ‘break’ a thin light beam inside the mouse. The number of times
the beam breaks helps to calculate how far the mouse has moved.
Mechanical mice were quite popular in the past decade, but due to their
clunkier design and relatively lessened durability, they were quickly replaced
by optical mice.

Q.No.4: Most standard keyboards include five major groups of keys. List
The keys on your keyboard can be divided into several groups based on
 Typing (alphanumeric) keys. These keys include the same letter,
number, punctuation, and symbol keys found on a traditional typewriter.
 Control keys. These keys are used alone or in combination with other
keys to perform certain actions. The most frequently used control keys
are Ctrl, Alt, the Windows logo key Picture of the Windows logo key,
and Esc.
 Function keys. The function keys are used to perform specific tasks.
They are labeled as F1, F2, F3, and so on, up to F12. The functionality
of these keys differs from program to program.
 Navigation keys. These keys are used for moving around in
documents or webpages and editing text. They include the arrow keys,
Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Delete, and Insert.

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