b1p Writing

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1 EXPLOREWriting Goal

1 How do you make decisions about: write a book review for a website

• where to go on holiday?
• which books to read?
• which TV shows to watch?
2 Look at the cover of The Book Of The World.
1 What do you think you’d find in the book?
2 What information do you think it gives about places?
3 Who do you think might buy it?
3 a Read two online reviews of the book and check your ideas.
b The site uses a five-star rating system. How many stars do you
think each reviewer gave the book? Check your ideas on p118.

My favourite book, 14 Jun 2010 Coffee table book, 14 Aug 2010

By L A Seadan ‘LAS47’ By Aliya Bakaev
See all my reviews See all my reviews

This is an absolutely amazing book. If you are This is nothing more than a coffee table book. It
interested in seeing people around the world and contains some absolutely stunning photos and a
their ordinary but colourful lives, then this book 1
quick guide to each country, which is probably all
is definitely for you. Its organisation is especially you can expect from a book featuring every country
clever: it organises countries from A to Z, rather than in the world.
grouping countries by region, which means that you I browsed through it in a shop and was about to add
see a completely different part of the world every it to my gift list. But when I went to the entry of my
time you turn a page. It does something quite special country of birth – Kazakhstan – I was disappointed to
– it exactly captures the mood of places I have been see that the main picture (taking over half the page)
to, which is very unusual in my experience. It is
was taken in Tashkent, 2 which is in Uzbekistan.
written by travellers for travellers, not for someone
It’s amazing that a travel book can get this kind of
doing a geography project.
information completely wrong! It made me doubt all
It’s really easy to read and still fascinates me. I love the other information in the book.
reading it, especially when I’m feeling bored of life
This book isn’t especially helpful if you want to plan
or when it’s raining outside. It’s a wonderful source
a trip, but it’s a really nice book to get a snapshot of
of inspiration as well. After reading it, my list of
a country. Or you can just get some inspiration from
must-go-to places has tripled! This book deserves to
the photos. They aren’t your usual postcard shots,
be treasured by anyone interested in travelling the 3
which is refreshing to see.
world, seeing its sights and meeting its people.

4 Find the adjectives which go with these adverbs in 6 a Write four sentences recommending one or two
the reviews. books. Try and use the language from 4 and 5.
absolutely amazing / It’s an absolutely amazing book. The recipes are
especially / really easy to follow, which means you can cook lots
completely / of dishes straight away.
really /
b Look at your sentences together. Would you like
5 Look at the which clauses in the second review. to read the books your partner recommended?
1 When is which used to:
7 a Write a short book review for a website.
a add extra information?
b say what the writer feels or thinks? 1 Choose a book to write about.
2 Find one more of each type of which clause in 2 Think of positive and/or negative things to say
the first review. about the book.
3 Where do you put the comma (,) when you use
b Read some other students’ reviews. Which book
which clauses like these?
would you most like to read?

3 EXPLOREWriting Goal
1 Talk together. take notes

1 When do you take notes?

• taking a phone message • in a lecture • getting directions
• in an interview • listening to the radio • in a meeting
2 Do you use any specific note-taking techniques?
2 1.30 Listen to part of a job interview. Answer the questions about Olga.
1 What kind of job is the interview for?
2 What experience has Olga got?
3 What product is she most proud of?
3 a Look at note-taking tips a–f. Which do you follow when you take notes?
a use section headings and subheadings d use abbreviations where possible, not full words
b list points under each subheading e revise your notes as soon as possible
c don’t try to write every word f don’t worry about correct spelling and grammar
b Look at the interviewer’s unfinished notes about Olga. Match 1–4 with tips a–d above.

Interview for product development manager: Olga Petrova, ←1

1. Experience: ←
- 12 yrs exp. in ←2
- ICB: ←3
- developed West range ←4
2. Strengths:

4 a In pairs, say what you think these abbreviations mean.

1 yrs 3 8.00 5 pm 7 C21st 9 vs. 11 pw
2 75 g 4 no. 6 w/ 8 etc. 10 approx. 12 PTO

b 1.31 Listen to check.

5 a 1.32 Now listen to the first part of the interview again. Complete the interviewer’s notes about Olga.
b 1.33 Listen to the next two questions the interviewer asks Olga. Make notes about her answers.
c Compare your notes with a partner. Did you write down the same details? Then check your notes in
script 1.30 on p149.

6 Work in A/B pairs. A, you’re going to take notes in an interview for the post of student representative in a big
international college. B, look at these five questions for the interview and think about your answers.
1 How long have you been at the college?
2 What experience have you got of dealing with people?
3 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
4 How much time can you give to the job? Interviewee 1
5 What can you bring to the job?
7 Take turns to interview each other for the post Experience:
and take notes about each other.

8 a Get into separate groups, As and Bs. Tell each other about
the person you interviewed, using your notes to help you.
b Decide who’s best qualified in your group to get the post.

5 EXPLOREWriting Goals
1 Read the emails between Kyoko, Maya and Melissa. make offers and promises in emails or letters
refer back in emails or letters
1 What does Maya promise to do?
Does she do it? Kyoko
2 Where is Kyoko going to stay? Maya
3 What does Kyoko offer to do? Catch up
4 Who’s Melissa? What does she
recommend? Hi Kyoko
Great to hear from you. It will be so nice to catch up after such
a long
time! 1About the schools – 2I’ll get back to you on that. I have
a friend
who teaches in one – 3I’ll ask her about it. By the way, we have
spare room if you need somewhere to stay.
Maya x

a lot.
Thanks, Maya. That’s great that I can stay with you – thanks
The info about the schools would be really helpful. Speak soon.

Hi Maya
Haven’t heard from you for a while. 4 You were going to send
something about schools in the area. Have you heard anythin
Did you manage to talk to your friend? Don’t worry if not. Is
anything you’d like me to bring from Tokyo?

Hi Kyoko
been a
Sorry I haven’t been in touch. My son’s been ill so things have
bit difficult. I spoke to my friend, Melissa, some time ago, and
6 get in touch. About
her to contact you directly. I’ll remind her to
me some
bringing something from Tokyo, do you think you could get
green tea?
Kyoko, from Tokyo, is going to Dublin to study Maya
English. She’s just emailed her old college
friend, Maya, who lives in Dublin.

Dear Kyoko
2 Match highlighted expressions 1–9 in the emails Maya asked me to contact you
with categories a–d. about schools in this
area. Here is some information 8
, as promised.
Referring back in an email or letter: I teach at Addison’s Language
Centre. It’s small and
a to a topic (x3) About ..., friendly, with excellent teachers
b to a promise (x3) 9
As far as Business English is
concerned, the
Making offers and promises to: best place is probably Westbro
c write back with more information (x1) ok’s (information
attached). Look forward to mee
d ask somebody to do something (x2) ting you in April!
Best wishes,
3 a Write three requests for a partner. Melissa

b Read your partner’s requests. Respond using

language from 2.
Could we do our homework together?
b Work with a new partner, in A/B pairs. Use the
Sure, if I’m free. I’ll get back to you on that.
expressions in 2.
c Read the responses. What do you think of them? 1 A, write an email to your friend explaining your
Talk together.
2 B, read your friend’s email. Reply and offer to
4 a Work in pairs. Imagine:
help in some way.
1 an old friend from another country is going to 3 A, remind your friend what he/she promised to
visit you to do a language course. do and offer to do something in return.
2 you’re going to visit a friend in another country 4 B, reply. Explain what happened and say what
to do a language course. you have or haven’t done.
What could you offer to do to help? Is there 5 Read another pair’s emails. What did each person
anything your friend could do for you? offer to do? Did they do it?

7 EXPLOREWriting Goals
1 Discuss the questions. compare and contrast two alternatives
organise ideas 1
1 Do you travel for work and stay in hotels?
2 What are the most important features of a
hotel for you?
2 Katherine and Mauro are organising their
company’s annual conference in Buenos Aires.
Read Mauro’s email and complete Katherine’s
list of the pros and cons of each venue.

Possible venues Pros Cons

The Excelsior more Katherine Mauro
4 Complete an email from Katherine to another
The Hotel Arts good food colleague, Belinda, with the highlighted
expressions from the first email.

FROM: Katherine
TO: Belinda
SUBJECT: Annual conference

Hi Katherine Dear Belinda,

I’ve visited the two hotels we’re considering for the
Mauro and I would like to go ahead and book the Hotel
conference. They’re lovely and would both be fine.
However, there are some differences that are probably Arts, Buenos Aires for the conference this year. 1 ,
worth thinking about. we feel it’s the best venue. It has really lovely conference
The Excelsior is much bigger (24 floors!) so it’s got rooms 2 internet facilities in every room.
more facilities for guests. Although we’ll probably be 3
it wasn’t the cheapest place, it’s perfect for
working too hard to use the swimming pools and tennis our needs and is close to the airport. We felt that the
courts, some people might appreciate the shopping Excelsior was just too big really, 4 the Arts is
arcade. On top of that, there are plenty of places to eat,
actually quite cosy. 5 , you have the last word on
including a buffet Italian restaurant as well as a more
this, so have a look at the websites and let me know if
formal dining room and a café with Wi-Fi access.
you disagree.
The Hotel Arts is very different in size and style. It’s
much smaller but has a large conference room (seating Best wishes
160) which would be fine for us. The business centre Katherine
isn’t quite as well equipped, though I think it would be
sufficient for our needs. There are fewer places to eat
but the food sounds good. It’s a beautiful place in an art
5 a Work in groups. Imagine you work for a large
deco building, quite stunning in fact. international company in Dubai and you have to
organise a business trip over a weekend.
As for price, the Excelsior offers some pretty good
discounts, but the Arts is slightly cheaper. On balance, 1 What does your company do? What’s the aim
I have to say I’d go for the Arts. The Excelsior is so of the weekend?
enormous that it might feel rather impersonal, whereas 2 Look at the facilities in two different venues on
the Arts feels a bit more special. p124. Which would be best for your weekend?
Anyway, let me know what you think, and please pass Why?
on your ideas to Belinda for her final decision.
b Write an email to another colleague comparing
Best wishes
and contrasting the hotels and saying which you
think would be best.

6 Read other people’s emails. Which is the most

3 Which highlighted linking popular venue? Why?
expressions in the email:
a add information? (x2)
Underline the information
which is added.
b contrast two ideas? (x4)
Underline the ideas which
are contrasted.
c conclude an argument? (x1)

9 EXPLOREWriting Goals
1 In your country, do most people you know: write a web posting explaining an argument
organise ideas 2
• own their home?
• rent their home?
What do you think are the pros and cons of
buying or renting your home?

2 Read the postings and the two comments.

1 What’s Tomas’s problem?
2 In the comments, who sympathises
with Tomas? Who doesn’t?
What reasons do they give? Tomas

3 Who do you agree with? Why?


Rights > rented property > comments

I’ve lived in my flat for twenty years. I rent it from someone who lives abroad and he’s always charged a
very low rent. The thing is, I’ve been here so long, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Anyway, I found out
yesterday that my landlord is going to double my rent from the beginning of next month. That means I can’t
afford to live here any more. As well as always paying my rent on time, I’ve also looked after this property
as if it was my own. It doesn’t seem fair that I’ve got no rights at all. Tomas
To post a comment click here


Sorry, but I think what the landlord’s doing is fine. You’ve not only had a very low rent but you’ve also
stayed in one home for twenty years. The point is not that you always paid your rent on time, but that it
was never your property in the first place. The fact that you’ve lived there for such a long time doesn’t make
it yours. To my mind, that’s a good thing – it’s neither your property nor your problem. I can see why you’re
upset, but I don’t think you appreciate how lucky you’ve been. Ian

What’s happened is just plain wrong. You’ve not only lived there for twenty years, but also been a good
tenant. It’s clear that the landlord either wants to sell the property or move into it himself, so he’s decided
to charge you a rent you can’t afford. Of course it’s his property in law, but at the same time he should be
grateful to you for looking after his flat all this time. To be fair, it’s both his and yours, and the law should
recognise that somehow. Amie

4 a Cover the texts. Can you remember how to 5 The flat needs redecorating. You either have to
complete expressions 1–7? paint it yourselves …
6 She’s really cross with him. It’s not that he
Linking ideas Contrasting two ideas broke the window, …
1 as well as … 5 not that … 7 As well as being a lovely flat, …
2 not only … 6 either …
5 Read another posting on the site on p118.
3 neither … 7 of course …
Write a comment in response.
4 both …
1 Brainstorm ideas in groups.
b Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 2 Organise your own ideas into sentences.
Then compare with a partner. Use the expressions in 4a.
1 Of course it’s important to fix things in your 6 a Read each other’s comments. Choose one to write
home, … a reply to.
2 Their home is neither big …
b Read the reply to your comment. Does the writer
3 He’s not only allergic to pets …
agree or disagree with your opinion?
4 The house belongs to both her brother …

11 EXPLOREWriting Goal
1 a Look at these aspects of daily life. In your country, which do write a factual report
you think men usually spend more time on? Which do women
spend more time on?
• commuting • domestic chores • social life • relaxation
• work • childcare • appearance • sleep
b Look at the table in figure 1 below. Do you think the statistics
would be similar or different for your country? If you’re from
Japan, do you think things have changed since 2001?

Fig.1 Hours per day spent on Men
7 different activities in Japan by
adults (15 and over), 2001

Sleep Personal Commuting Work Domestic Childcare Rest & Social
appearance chores relaxation life

2 Read the report describing the table. Match a–d

with the four paragraphs. 1 Figure 1 shows the hours per day that men and
a time spent on responsibilities women spent doing different activities in Japan in 2001.
b a description of the table
c a summary of the main findings 2 According to the table, men spent around twice as
d time spent on leisure and personal needs much time working and commuting to work as women.
3 a Find expressions in the report to: Men spent nearly six hours per day while women spent
just under three hours. However, this pattern is reversed
refer to the table (x3) when it comes to housework and childcare, with women
refer to topics (x2) looking after the home and family for around three
approximate figures (x4) hours per day compared to only around fifteen minutes
compare and contrast (x4) for men.

b Cover the report. In pairs, try to describe the table 3 As the table shows, men and women spent about the
using expressions from 3a. same amount of time relaxing and socialising. However,
women spent almost one and a half hours on personal
4 a Work in groups. You’re going to write a report appearance in contrast to just over an hour for men.
based on a class survey. Choose a topic and write
As far as sleep is concerned, men slept for seven hours
seven or eight questions for other students.
and forty-nine minutes per day with women sleeping, on
Lying Is it OK to tell white lies? average, fourteen minutes less per day.
Family Do you have children?
Gossip Is gossip a good thing? 4 In conclusion, there are still significant differences
b Ask people in the class your questions and make between how men and women spend their time,
a note of their answers. particularly when it comes to the key areas of work,
home and family.
c Look at the information you’ve collected with your
group. Plan your report together.
1 Organise your information into three or four
2 Think about the expressions in 3a you can use. 6 Read each other’s reports. Which do you find the
5 Write your report. most surprising? Why?

13 EXPLOREWriting Goals
1 Discuss the questions. write a summary of information from different
1 What do you need to think about when you’re organising a write an email giving information
trip abroad?
2 Have you ever organised a trip for someone or had a trip
organised for you? Did everything go well?
2 Read the information Barbara has researched for Zoë’s trip to
Kraków. Circle the information you think will be important or
interesting for Zoë.

27.10.2010 28.10.2010 28.10.2010

direction Ottawa (YOW) – Toronto (YYZ) – Warsaw (WAW) - Barbara works in Poland. She’s
Toronto (YYZ) Warsaw (WAW) Kraków (KRK)
organising a trip to Kraków for a
departure time 13:00 18:25 11:35 colleague, Zoë from Ottawa, Canada.
arrival time 14:05 09:00 12:30

flight aircraft L04120 E90 LO0042

two changes Wierzynek Restaurant

With a tradition going all the
way back to 1364,
it’s hardly sur prising to find tha
t Wierzynek
Restaurant has become someth
ing of a
landmark in its own right. Its
location on the
cor ner of the Rynek and Grodzk
Hotel Bronislaw Kraków The journey by car from the airport a Street places
it right in the heart of Kraków
takes 15 minutes (Bus no. 100). ’s Old Town,
★★★ and makes it a favourite for visi
Our guests are a step away from tor
to watch the wor ld go by from s who want
Saint Bronislaw‘s Hill was chosen as the the centre and at the same time in their tables
overlooking the Market Square
site for the memorial mound in honour of a quiet corner far away from the . Thanks to its
exquisite traditional Polish cuis
the military hero, Tadeusz Kościuszko, noise of the city. ine, perfectly
trained staff, elegance and tim
because of its picturesque setting. In Meeting room for 40 people. eless charm,
Wierzynek was named the bes
the middle of the nineteenth century the To assist with your meeting the t restaurant in
Kraków by the prestigious Mic
mound was surrounded by fortifications, following equipment and services helin Red Guide.
which still exist today. It is a beautiful, are included: · flip chart and pens
historical and quiet location where guests · data projector · TV 7:30pm with
can rest in real comfort. · internet access.
ting Stefan Daszkiewicz
2:00 mee + Ela Górska

3 a Read the first three

paragraphs of Barbara’s
email to Zoë. Find and Zoë Weiss
underline all the information
in 2 that Barbara mentions
in the email.
b Complete the rest of the
email with information Dear Zoë
about the restaurant and I’m looking forward to meeting you in Kraków later this week. Here are some details of your trip.
Barbara’s notes. Your flight isn’t direct, I’m afraid. You have two changes, in Toronto and Warsaw. It leaves Ottawa at
13:00 on the 27th and you finally get to Kraków at 12:30 the next day! I’ve booked you into the Hotel
4 You’ve organised a Bronislaw. The hotel is in a beautiful historical location which is only 15 minutes from the airport.
weekend away for you The meeting will take place at 14:00 in the meeting room at the hotel. The meeting room has everything
and a group of friends to you’ll need: flip chart and pens, data projector and internet access.
celebrate your birthday.
I’ve booked a table at … for dinner at …. We’re meeting … there. It’s right in the centre … with tables
In pairs, look at the overlooking …. The food is … – it’s one of the … in Kraków.
information and notes on
So, have a good journey. I’ll be at the hotel to meet you on the 28th.
p132. In each section, circle
one or two important points All the best
to tell your friends. Barbara Koch

5 Write an email to your friends explaining what you’ve organised.

6 Read another email. Does it sound like a good trip?


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