Asnt CP 105 2016

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ASNT STANDARD 2ANO EDITION TOPICAL OUTLINES FOR QUALIFICATION OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING PERSONNEL ‘The American Society for ne ndestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT..Creating a Safer World!® : Ss eee Pcie gaan | 201 eomon TOPICAL OUTLINES FOR QUALIFICATION OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING PERSONNEL ‘ican Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT...Creating a Safer World!* Copyright © 2016 by Tao American Society for Nondestuctve Testing ‘he Americen Society for Nondestructive Testing, ine. (ASNT Is nol responsible forthe authenticity or eccuacy of information herein. PubIshed opinions and slalements de no! necessary rellect tne opinion of ASNT. Producis cr services that are cdvertsed or mentioned do not cary the endorsement or recommendation oF ASNT. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted h any form, by means electtonic or mechanical inciuding photo- copying, recording or otherwise, withou! Ine expressed por witten permission of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, he IRRSP, NDT Handbook, The NDT Technician ond ate trademaris of The American Society for Nondestnctive Testing Inc. ACCP. ASNT, Level il Study Guide, Materials Evatuation, Nondestructive Tesing Handbook, Research in Nondestructive Evaivation and RNDE are regiterec:lrademnaris of The American Sociely for Nondestuctive Testing, in. fist printing 03/16 ebook 03/16 rota, if cvciloble for tis exinting, may be ablained trom ASNT's web sile, wwww.asnt.og. ISBN: 978-1-57117-975. ISBN: 978-1 lps 7117-381-2 ebook) Plinted in the United Stotes of America Publched by: ‘The Ameticon Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. 1711 Atlingote tone Columbus, O# 43228-0518 ew 05.09 Eaited boy: Cynthia M, Leeman. Educational Materials Supervisor Te Jor Senior Manager of Pubiications ASKT Mission Slatoment: [ASNT exists to create safer world oy promoting the profession end technologies of nondestructive testing. ANSASNT CP-105-2016 American National Standard ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for ‘ualfication of Nondestructive Testing Personnel Secretariat ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc Approved October 26,2015 American National Standards Institute Abstract “This standard applies to personnel whose specific tasis or jobs require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles underlying non- destrvtive testing (NDT) methods for which they have esponsblities within the scope of their employment. These specific tasks or jobs include, bot are not limited to, performing, spect ating NDT work, ng. reviewing, monitoring, supervising, a ‘To the extent applicable to the standard set forth herein, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) does not assume the validity or invalidity, enforceability or unenforceability of patent rights, registered trademarks or copyrights in connection with any stem referred to in tis standard, study materials, or examinations. Users ofthis standard, study materials, or ecarsinaions are futher ‘cautioned and expressly advird that determination of the validity or enforceability of any such patent rights, trademarks or copyrights, and the risk ofthe infringement of such rights through misuse of protected materials are the responsiblity ofthe user. Reference to or pic- ‘wxial depiction of specitic types of products or equipment are for purposes of illustration only and do not represent the endorsement of such products or equipment by ASNT. Employers or other persons utilizing nondestructive testing services are cautioned that they retain full esponsibility for ultimate determi- ation ofthe qualifications of NDT personnel and for the certification praces, The process of personnel qualification and certification as detailed in the standard does not relieve the employer of the ultimate legal responsblity to ensure that the NDT personnel ure fully quali- ed forthe tasks being undertaken This standard is subjoct to revision or withdrawal at any time by ASNT ANSI/ASNT CP-1 American National Standard ‘American Notional Standard Approval ofan American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for de process consensus, and other criteria for approval have heen met by the standards developer, ‘Consensus i established when, inthe judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by dlicectly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement meens much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. ‘Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward thee resolution. ‘The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does notin any respect preclude anyone, whether they have approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing or using products, processes, or products not conforming. tthe standards ‘The American National Standards Tastitute does not develop standards and wil inno eiscumstances give an interpretation of aay ‘American National Standard, Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to fsue an interpretation of an American National Standard i the name of the American National Standards Institte, CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at anytime, The procedures ofthe American National Standards institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard, Purchasers of American National Standards may receive curren information on all standatds by calling ox writing the American National Standards FOREWORD (This foreword ts not part of American National Standard CP-105-2011.) An essential element inthe effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) is the qualificstion ofthe personnel who are responsible for and ssho perform nondestructive testing. Formal traning Is an important and necessary eloment in acquiring the skills necessary to effectively perform nondestructive test. ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) hes, therefore, undertaken the preparation and publication ofthis standard, which specifies the body of knowledge to be used as part ofa training program qualifying and certifying NDT personnel ASNT CP-105: ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel was initially processed and approved {or submittal to the American National Standards Insitute (ANSD by the ASNT Standards Development Committe. This revision was processed by the ASNTT Standards Development Committee. Commitice approval ofthe standard does aot necessarily imply that all ‘committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the Standards Developmeat Comsmittee had the following members Michael E. MeDantel, Chair Ronald Nisbet, Vce-Chale Matthew L, Patience, CP-105 Chait Charles Longo, Secretary Amy Beeson, Ex-O! Paul E, Deeds, J William C. Plumstead, Se. Michael J-Ruddy Rick L. Ruhge Henry M. Stephens Marvin W. Tela ‘Michael L. Tumbow David H. Vaghn Sharon I. Vuklich ‘The outlines contained inthis American National Standard were approved by the ASNT Technleal and Education (1%KE) Council through its method committees. At the time the standard was approved, the T&E Council, Methods Division had the following members: ‘Methods Division Joseph. Mackin, Chair avid G, Moore, Vice Chair Acoustic Emission Commies Laverence W. Gill, Chair Gerard Hacker, View Chair Joba C. Duke Je. Allen T. Green Edmund G. Hennoke Erie VK. Hill David L. Kesler Margarit G. Lozev Ronnie K. Miller James R Mitchell Adsian A, Pollock Jack C. Spanner, Ir. Sotiros Vahaviolos Electromagnetics Commitiee Mark A. Johnsen, Chait ‘Michael C. Smith, Vice Chae Albert $. Burks Micheel C. Brown James R. Coll Robert £, Cameron James F. Cox ‘Claude D. Davis Darrell W. Harris Xiaowei He Gary E. Heath William G. Hoffmann Bharath Kumar Kedumura Mactia C. Lug Joseph L. Mackin David D. Mackintosh John A. Markanich Allan F.Pardiai Michel J. Ruddy ‘Ward D. Ruramel David F. Russell lassein M, Sadek Roderic K. Stanley ‘Ankit Valpayee “Andrew P, Washabaugh Ground Penetrating Radar Committee Lawrence W. Gill, Chair Morteza K Jafar, Vice Chair Reaty A. Davis Jones, Secretary Sreenivas Alampalll Peter A. Annan James B. Cook Linda R. Davis James S. Davis Michael J. Diaz Juan R. Diaz ‘Christopher C. Hawekotte Joshua R-ones Raymond G, Morasse Ricky L. Morgan ‘Thom Schafer Khosrow Tabrizl Guided Wave Testing Glean M. Light, Chair Jason K. Van Velsor, Vice Chair Andreanne Powvin, Secretary David Alleyne David R. Bajula avid R Dechene ‘Mark vans [Nat ¥. Faransso Huidong Gao Kevin Holt Frederick S. Hoyt Paul Jackson, Danny L. Keck, Doron Kishor’ Donald D. Locke Peter J. Mudge Lawrence E. Mullin, Sr Michael J Murray Ronald T. Nisbet Kevin R Ostergren Michael J. Quarry Reyaz Sabet-Sharghi Dirk Schumann Michael G, Sens ‘Terry M, Webb Infrared/Thetmal Committee 1 Terry Clausing, Chale Albert A. Ohiger, Vee Chair Daniel R Ryan, Secretary Gary Orlove ‘Steven M. Shepard Robert W. Spring Laser Method Commitiee Roger Gregory, Chair Bennett Feferman, Vice Chair Flynn Spears, Secretary Gavin Bristow Michael R. Collingwood ‘Matt Crompton Edgardo D. Ferrer Paul f. Kulowiteh Eberhard Moser Andrew L. Murray John W. Newman. Tey R. Tamberg Rick D, Wallen “Andreas Welz Leak Testing Committee Mark A. Johnson, Chair Anthony. Heinz, Viee Chair Micha! J. Bolton. award J. Briges Gary R Fkier Darcell W, Hares Dietmar F. Heaning David M. Kuh Michael V-McGloin Kane M. Mordaunt Venkat N. Raman ‘Todd E. Selmer Donald J Trapp ‘Magnetic Flux Leakage Martin T. Anderson, Chair “Timothy Scott Rach, Vice Chair David R Baja Darrell W. Harris Danny L. Keck Joseph 1. Mackin (Chris I, Pankrate Microwave Committee Marvin W Trimm, Chair Jack R Lt, J, Viee Chat Robert J. Woodward, Secretary Jacques L. Brignac Toseph T. Case William A. Elingson Ryan Goitia Brian J. Gray Shant Kenderian Jou: Koivwmaki Ken Murphy ‘Wiliam Neyer Kar F Schuh Fr Jeficey Sengenberger Robin Sloan James F. Tedesco Larry Weigel Mq/PT Committee Lise M. Price, Secretary ‘Tracy L Alger Raymond D, Bery, Ll Richard A. Bordelon Liss Brasche John C. Breusch Mare Breit Gina R. Cavell Brenda L. Collins Paulla J Daily Claude D. Davis Charles W. Bick Nat ¥.Faransso Panrsh A. Pure David Geis Edvard J. Gosselin Donald E, Harvey Saravel C, Heller, IL Lisa Heary Eric D. Henry Steve L. Herfurth George M. Hopman Bruce G. Isaacson Akin AdifKoksal Douglas G. Krauss Ronald W. Kruzic Brian D. Lite “Thomas J. Larkin Joseph L, Mackin James A. Mactilan ‘Arnold G, Marquez Eugene G, Miller Douglas C. Miskell David G. Moore Wiliam E, Moce Ronald D. Mosburg Thomas A. Mullen L.Nelson Kayle Page Jonathan Pasqua Las A. Payano William C. Plomstead, J Robert F, Plumstead Ward D. Rummel ‘Richard [Seals Robert Siegel Tamie R Simmons Lorie Walter Michael L White Kevin D. Wolosayk Penetrating Radiation Committee “Trey Gordon, Chai Scott MeChin, Vice Chair ‘Karen L. Brues, Soeretary Lance K. Armistend Loke K. Banks John P. Barton Hassina Blhewx Edward , Briggs Scott P. Cargill David L. Culbertson Harold D. Egbert Gary R Flder John P. Ellegood Nat ¥,Faransso Robert A. Feole George K. Houlges jim F. Kelly ‘Claudia V. Keopas-Hughes Kevin L, MeClain Michael V. McGloin ‘Gregory A. Mohr Robert F. Plumstead William C. Plumstead, J. James E,Prindtille Rick L Ruhge Bryan K, Shumway, J. Kyle D. Stoll Kyle R Thompson Ray R. Toukimra Jeflrey T, Wiswesser SNT-TC-1A Review Committee Michael J Ruddy, Chair Robert E. Cameron, Vice Chair Charles P. Longo, Secretary John how Michael W. Aligaier Bill L. Baker Robert C. Barnett Karea 1. Broer Eugene |. Chemma L.Terry Clausing David 1, Culbertson Claude D. Davis David R Dechene INatY, Faransso Jerry Pali Darrell W. Harcis Paul E. Hartbovter ‘Morteza Kfar ‘Walter R. Jeter, Jr Jim. Kelly Doron Kishont Joseph 1. Mackin James A. MacMillan Ronald R, Mika Raymond G. Morasse Ricky L, Morgan ‘Wiliam C, Plumstead, ‘Wiliom C, Plumstead, Sr Mack R Pompe Scott D.Ritchelmer Rick L. Rubge David T. Sanders Lawrence H, Strouse ‘Marvin W. Tela Ray R. Tsukimura David H. Vaughn David . Vigne Uttrasonics Committee Doron Kishoni, Chait icky L. Morgan, Vice Ch David Alleyne David R. Bajula ‘Yosegh Ber-Cohen KaydellC. Bowles John A. Brunk James R. Cabal Eugene J. Chemma ‘Andriy M, Chertov ‘Thomas N. Claytor laude D. Davis David R.Dechene Robert D. Dille B Boro Djordjevic James B. Elder, I Louis J. Blot. Nat ¥, Faransso James H. Fauth Philip E. Fish Jerry Fain Parrish A. Fare Michael Gardner Matthew [. Gois Donald # Harvey ‘Amot E. Holt ‘Mortera K.Jafart Danny L. Keck John J, Kinsey Brian D, Laie Glen M. Light Eric A. Lindgren John A. Long, Joseph L. Mackio David A. Mandina Thomas E. MeConomy Michael A. MeKinley Scott D. Miller Billy G, Musgeaves Ronald T. Nisbet Luis A. Payano Robert F. Plumstead Mack R, Pompe Tay C. Richardson Scott D. Ritzheimer Robert L. Saunders Simon D, Senibt Andrew D. Smith Graham H. Thomas Rolando J. Valdes, Sr. Brad S. Whiteleather Andrew J. Woodrow PEEGineee Vibration Analysis Committee Kenneth Starry, Chair award E, Nolte, I, Vie Chale James Berry James Briceo Keith A. Bvans Frederick M, Gallardo Brian Grancy Gregory Lee Robert D. Miller Albert A, Obliger Carey Repase ‘Michael Sigler vil Visual Testing Committee Robert E, Cameron, Chaie ‘Michael W. Allgaer, Vice Chair James H. Amy “Terence M, Browne John W. Cale ‘Rich Crandall Bruce G, Crouse Claude D. Davis Roger W. Engelbart, Nat Y. Baransto Jack K. Harper Dietmar F. Henning Richard 6, Hooper (Gregory A. Hudkins Steven C. Johnson, Sr Gary D. Larson Joseph 1. Mackin Walter, Matulewicr ‘immothy W. McAnally William C. Plumstead, St Lawrence H, Strouse David J. Vigne Paul D. Vona, Je CONTENTS AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD «0 "ASNT Standard Topical Qutfines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel seu. Acoustic Emission Testing (AE) Topical Outlines. Acoustic Errission Testing Level | Topical Quliines. Bosic Acoustic Emission Physics Course .. Basic Acoustic Emission Technique Course ‘Acoustic Emission Testing Level i! Topical Outi ‘Acoustic Emission Physics Course. Acousilc Emission Technique Course. Acoustic Emission Testing Level Il Topical Outtine. . E ‘Acoustic Emision Tesing, Level I, and il Traning Reterences.. Hectromagnetic Testing (ET) Topical Outlines.. Allernating Curent Field Measurement Testing Level | Topical Outiine. Theory Course Technique Course Atemoting Current Fed Measurement Testing Lovell Topica! Outing. Principles Course Techniques and Applications Couns, Eddy Curent Testing Level | Topical Outiine Theory Course Basic Technique Course Eddy Curent Testing Level Topical Outline Principles Course Techniques and Appications Course... Remote Field Testing Level | Topical Outing Theory Course Bosic Technique CouBe Principles Course Remote Fieks Testing Levell Topical Outine.. Techniques and Applications Cour... Electromagnetic Testing Level Il Topical Qutine Eddy Curent Testing Remote Field Testing Allerating Curent Feld Measurement Testing Btectromagnec Testing Method, Level, and Il raining References ‘AdHONO! POPET nnn Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Topical Outlines ... ‘Ground Penetrating Rador Level | Topical Outline... Theory Course.. Basic Techniques Course. ‘Ground Penetrating Radar Level Il Tapical Outline Principles and Applications Course w Ground Penetrating Radar Level il Topical Outline ‘Theory Cours Applications Course. Ground Penetrating Radar Method, Level | I, and Il Training References Guided Wave (GW) Topical Outtines. Guided Wave Level | Topical Outline sn.eninnssoe : eet 23 Guided Wave Level Ii Topical Outine smn . st 23 Guided Wave Level Il Topical Outing . . Pea sncDA Guided Wave Testing, Level, and ll Troining References...nss-snsonnrnnnnnonnnone 25 Laser Methods (LM) Topical Outlines. Laser Methods - Holography/Shecrography Level I Topical Outline wreninsian sponse DT Basic Holography/Shecrography Physics Course. Basic Operating Course Basic Applications Course. Holography/Shearogrophy Testing Level ITopical Outing Intermediate Physics Course . Intermediate Operating COUE anenn Intermediate Applications Course. Holography/Shearography Testing Level It Topical Outline... Holography/Shecrogropty Testing, Level I. anal raining References 2m... sunnannnn Laser Tesiing ~ Profilometry Level | Topical Outline ... seo 35 Laser Tesiing - Profiiometry Level ll Topical Outline... . 2 eee Laser Testing - Profilometry Level ll Topical Outine. i see arene, Laser-based Proflomeiry Testing, Level | I, and lil Training References Leak Testing (L1) Topical Outlines .. Leak Testing Level | Topical Outten nanan Fundamentals in Leak Testing Course 37 Safety in Leak Testing Course a 38 Leak Testing Methods Course 38 Leak Testing Level I Topical Outline. 39 Principles of Leak Testing COUISe wanes 38 Pressure and Vacuum Technology Course. 40 Leak Test Selection Course : i son Leak Testing Level il Topical Outline : eee 4 Leak Testing Metnod, Level I, and lll Training References Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) Topical Outlines.. Liquid Peneirant Testing Level! Topica! Outine Liquid Penetrant Testing Level Topical Outline LUquid Penetrant Testing Level ll Topical Outine. Liquid Peneirant Testing, Level |, , and Il Trcining References. Contents Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Topical Outlines. nT ‘Magnetic Particle Testing Level | Topical Outline, 47 Magnetic Particle Testing Level Il Topical Outline... 48 ‘Magnetic Particle Testing Level Il Topical Outing 9 ‘Magnetic Particle Testing, Level I, and il Training References enn 49 ‘Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing (MFL) Topical Outlines. ‘Magnetic Fux Leakage Testing Level | Topical Outine.. Magnetic Flux Leckage Testing Level Il Topical Outline ‘Magnetic Fux Leakage Evaluation Course. Magnetic Flux Leckage Testing Level ll Topical Outline. Megnetic Fux Leokage Testing Method, Level | I, and Il Training References Microwave Testing (MW) Topical Outlines. Microwave Technology Level | Topical Outline. seamen TRE Ory COUTSE nnnnnnsnnsnnnnninmnnnn o 7 53 Technique Course sme eee pee) Microwave Technology Level il Topical Outline.. Rarer eee tee 53 Theory Course. ne i 53 Technique Course. sen fai se Microwave Technology Level It Topical Outine eee 54 Theory Course. ee : Technique COUrse wm : Microwave Technology Level I and ll raining References. Neutron Radiographic Testing (NR) Topical Outlines. Neutron Radiographic Testing Level | Topical Outline. Basic Neutron Radiographic Physics CUTE ..nmenmnasnsn Basic Neutron Radiographic Technique Course: Neutron Radiographic Testing Level I Topical Outine.. Neutron Radiographic Physics Course... Neviron Radiographic Technique Course.. . Neutron Radiographic Testing Level ll Topical Outine... eee Neutton Radiographic Testing, Level |, and Il Training References. soon raenenBl Radiographic Testing (RT) Topical Outlines..... Radiographic Testing Level | Topical Outline.. Basic Radiographic Physics Course... Radiographic Technique Course. Radiographic Testing Level ll Topical Outline Film Quality and Manufacturing Processes Couse Radiographic Evaluation and Interpretation Course... Computed Radiography Testing Level | Topical OUtING mm o Basic Radiographic Physics Course teste z Computed Radiography Technique Course... Computed Radiography Testing Level Il Topical Outline, Advanced Computed Radiography Course mn Computed Tomography Testing Level | Topical Outiine Basic Radiographic Physics Course : Basic Computed Tomograpny Technique Course xi ANSI/ASNT CP:105-2016 Computed Tomography Testing Level II Topical Outline .. Computed Tomography Technique Course snr Radiographic Evaluation and Interpretation Course. Digital Radiography Testing Level | Topical Outline Basic Radiographic Physics Course. 7 Basic Digital Radiography Technique COUrSE w.nn Digital Radiography Testing Level II Topical Outline Digital Radiography Technique Cours... Evaluation and Interpretation Course vannn Radiographic Testing Level It Topical Outine Basic Radiographic Topics. Radiographic Testing i : ees ‘Common Data System Elements and Digital mage Propertios.. 2 conan Ts Computed Radiography Testing Computed Tomography Testing Digital Radiography Testing ...nemsne : 74 Radiographic Testing, Level 1, and Il Tcining References . 7 74 Limited Certification for Radiographic Fim Interpretation Topiccl Outlines... 78 Radiographic Technique COUISE varnnan 75 Fim Quality and Monuiactuing Processes Course. Radiographic Evaluation and interpretation Course. Thermal/Infrared Testing (IR) Topical Outiines.... Thermal/infrared Testing Level | Topical Outtine. Basic Thermol/inftared Physies Course. Basic thermal/infrared Operating Course... Basic Thermal/infrared Applications Course Thermal/infrared Testing Level Il Topical Outline... | Intermediate Thermal/infrared Physics Course... Parser ae errant Intermediate Thermal/infrared Operating Course : a 78 Intermediate Thermal/infrared Applications Course. Thermal/inirared Level I Suicing Diagnostics Physics Course 79 ‘Thetmai/infrared Level l Byiding Diagnostics Operating Course eran 79 ‘Thetmal/infrared Level ll Bulding Diagnostics Applications COUISE mmm rn BD Eloctiical and Mechanical Equipment intermediate Thermel/nftared Physics Course 80 20 81 81 Intermecicte Thermal/Intrared Operating Course Intermeciate Thermal/Intrared Applications Course. Thermal/infrared Level il NDT of Materials Physics Course van : Thermal/infrared Level l NDT of Materials Operating COURSE enn a Thermal/infrored Level ll NDT of Materials Applications Course onnnnnne 82 Thermalfinfrored Testing Level ll Topical O1 Thormov/intrared Testing, Level I, andl Training References 84 Primary Body of Knowledge References Se etait eee ae al Buicing Diagnostics References Level aoe «84 Secondery References... 24 Contents 87 Utirasonic Testing (UT) Topical Outlines... Ultrasonic Level TOPIC QUIEN rrnmennsnnenennn ee ee 87 Basic Ultrasonic COURSE snannnsnnnnnnneninnnnnnnnnnn a 87 Uttrasonic Technique COuSe vawinenmennninininnaninininnnninninniininininnninnininn 87 Utrasonie Testing Level Il Topical Outline sn 8B Utirasoric Evaluation Course. Re aE ee ern BB Phosed Array Levelll Topical Outline on BD Phased Array Evalvation Course rnin sven ven BD Time of Fight Diraction Level ll Topical Oultne. 7 : ee ern 90 Time of Fight Diffraction Evaluation Course: 7 nnn 90 Utirosonic Testing Level il Topical Outline avneunnonn snnsnnennsnnnnn 7 nV Phased Array 7 7 sn oe 93 Time of Fight Diffraction... st sno 9A Utrasonic Testing, Level, and lf Training Reference: 95 Limited Ceriiication for Ulirasonic Digital Thickness Measurement Topical OUIINE srunennannsn es Umited Certification for Ultrasonic &-scan Thickness Mecsurement Topical Quttine. Vibration Analysis (VA) Topical Outlines... 96 Vibration Analysis Testing Level | Topical OUIIINE snasmnsnnnnn ST Basic Vibration Analysis Physics Course. - 9? Basic Vibration Analysis Operating Course. 97 Vibration Analysis Testing Level Il Topical Outine, on? Intermediate Vibration Analysis Physics COUTSE wm ‘ on? Intermediate Vibration Analysis Techniques COUrse ween Vibration Analysis Testing Level Il Topical Outfine...... somimiminnniininnnnnnmennnnsinn Vibration Analysis Testing Method, Level tl, and It Training References, Visual Testing (VT) Topical Outlines. Visual Testing Level | Topical OUtNe earn nenenennnnn Satie te eeee eee 101 Visual Testing Level Topical OUHINE .novionninsnnsnn osninnn 101 Visual Yesting Level Il Topical Outline .. ne 103 Vial Testing, eve! | I, ond II Training References : 104 Basic Topical Outlines . Basic Examination Level Il Topical Outline Bosic Examination Training References.. Personnel Quaification and Cerlifcation Programs ‘Common NDT Methods... Materlals, Fabrication, and Product Technology. Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Topical Outlines POM Basic Examination Level lll Topical Outline Bosics of Common PdM Methods Iraining References. 7 Machinery Technology, Problems and Corrective Actions Training References... APPENDIX A: Radiographic Satety «nnn Appendix A: Radiographic Safely Operations and Emergency Instructions Course. Radiographic Satety Operations Training References ssaeaeeaeE : EOCUZNinenek ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 1.0 Scope [LL This standard establishes the minimum topical outline requirements for the qualification of mondesteuetve testing (ND) personnel, 1.2. This standard details the minimum training course content for NDT personnel 1.3 ‘The amount of time spent on each topic in each method should be determined by the NDI Level Il and the applicable certification document, ‘These topical outlines are progressive ic. consideration as Level is based on satisfactory completion of the Level taining ours; consideration us Level Ils based on satisfactory completion ofboth Level I and Level traning courses, Topics in the outlines may be deleted or expanded to moet the employer's specific aplications or far Henited certification, vnlss stated otherwise by the applicable cerlication procedure or written practice EOSIN gee ae ‘Acoustic Emission Testing Level I Topical Outline Basic Acoustic Emission Physics Course LO Principles of Acoustic Emission Testing LL. Characteristics of acoustic emission 111 Continuous emission 112 Burst emission 1.1.3 Ensssion/sgnallevele and frequencies 12 Sources of acousti emission 1.211. Sources in crystalline materials ~ introduction 12.2. Sources in nonmetals~ introduction 123 Sources in composites ~ introduction 124 Other sources 13. Wave propagation ~ introduction 13.1 Wave velocity in materials 132 Attenuation 133 Reflections, multiple paths 1.344 Source input versus signal output 1A Repeated loadings: kalser and feliiy effets and flicty LAI In metals 14.2 In composites 15. Terminology (refer to AE Glossary, ASTM E 1316) 20 Sensing the AE Wave 2L Sensors 2.LL_ Principles of operation 2.12 Construction 213 Frequency 22 Sensor attachment 22.1 Coupling materials 22.2 Attachment devices Basic Acoustic Emission Technique Course 1.0 Instrumentation and Signal Processing LI Cables Tid Comal cable 11.2 Twisted pair cable 1.13 Noise problems in cables 114 Connectors 12 Signal conditioning 123 Fikes 124. Units of grin measurement 20 13 Signal detection 13. Threshold cofnparator 132 Units of threshold measurement 1.33 Sensitivity determined by gain and/or threshold LA. Signal processing 41 Waveform characteristics 142. Discrimination techniques 1.43. Distribution techniques 1.5 Source location techniques 151 Single channel location 152. Linear location 5.3 Planar location 154. Other location techniques 1.6 Acoustic emission test systems 1.64 Single channel systems 162. Multi-channel systems 163 Dedicated industrial systems 17 Accessory techniques 124 Audio indicators 172. X-¥ and strip chat recording 173 Oscilloscopes 174 Others Acoustic Emission Test Techniques 2.1 Equipment calibration and setup for test 2.1.1. Calibration signal generation techniques 2.412 Calibration procedures 2.13. Senor placement 2.14 Adjustment of equipment controls 218. Discrimination technique adjustments 22 Loading procedures 221 Type ofloading 222 Maximum test load 223. Load holds 2.24 Repeated and programmed loadings 2233 Rete ofloading 23. Data display 23:1. Selection of display mode 232 Use and reading of different kinds of display 24. Noise sources and pre-test identification techniques 21 Electromagnetic noise 242. Mechanical noise 25. Precautions aguinst noise 251 Electrical shielding 252 Hlectranic techniques 2.53. Prevention of movement 25 Attenvating materials and applications ANSV/ASNT CP-105-2016 | AE 26. Data interpretation and evaluation: introduction 2.61 Separating relevent acoustic emission indications from noise 262 Acceptieject techniques und evaluation eviteria Reports 27.1 Purpose 27.2 Content and structure ‘Codes, Standards, end Procedures 5.1 Guide-type standards (glossaries, calibration, ete.) 432 Standardized/codifed acoustic emission test procedures 33 User-developed test procedures Applications of Acoustic Fmlssion Testing (course should include atleast 3 categories from 4.1 and at least 4 categories from 4.2) ‘AL Laboratory studies (material characterization) ULL Crack growth and fracture mechanics 412. Environmentally aslsted cracking 413 Dislocation movement (metas) 4LLA_ Clarifying deformation mechanisms (composites) 415. Phase transformation and phase stability 416 Creep ALT Residual stress 418 Corrosion 419. Fatigue 411.10 Rupture 41.11 Ductile/brite transition 4.1.12 Other material characterization applications ‘Steuctural applications 421, Pressure vessols (metal) 42.2. Storage tanks (metal) 423 Peessuxe vesselsstorage tanks (composite) 424. Piping and pipelines 4255 Bucket trucks 426 Aircraft 427 Bridges 428 Mines 429 Dams, earthen slopes 42.10 Puenps, valves, etc 42.11 Rotating plant 4.2.12 In-peocess weld monitoring 442.13 Leak detection and monitoring 42.14 Other structural applications Acoustic Emission Testing Level Il Topical Outline 1.0. Principles of Acoustic Emission Testing. 1.1 Characteristics of acoustic emission testing Introductory concepts of source, propagation, measurement, display evaluation 141.2. Relationships between acoustic emission and coher NDT methods 1.13 Significance of applied load in acoustic emission testing 11d Basic math review (exponents, graphing, metric os) Materials and deformation 121 Consiitation of erystallin and noncrysaltine ‘materials 1.22. Stress and strain 1.233 Elastic and plastic deformation; crac growth Sources of acoustic emission 134 Durst emission, continuous emission 132. Bmission/sgnal loves, units of amplitude 1.33, Sources in crystalline materials 1.331 Dislocations ~ plastic deformation 13.3.2. Phase transformations Deformation twinning [Nonmetallic inclusions Subsritical crack growth 13351. Suberitical crack groweh under sncreasing oad 13352. Ductile tearing under increasing load 13353 Fatigue crack initiation and growth 13354 Hydrogen embritement cracking 13355 Stress corrosion cracking Souress in nonmetals 1341 Microcracking 1342 Gross cracking 1343. Crazing L344. Other sources in nonmetals Sources in composites 135.1 Fiber breakage 1352 Matrix cracking 1353. Fber-matrix debonding 1354. Delamination 1355 Fiber pull-out, laxation 1356 Friction Other sources 136. Pressure leaks 1362. Oxide and scale cracking 1363 Slag cracking 13.63 Frictional sources 1.365. Liquefiction and soi 1366 Loose parts, intermittent contact 1367 Flukls and nonsolids 1368 Crack closure ‘Wave propagation 14d Near-field impulse response 142 Modes of propagation 143. Mode conversion, reflection and refraction 144 Wave velocity in material TAS Anisotropic prepagation in composites 46 Specimen geometry effects ‘Attenuation 151 Geometric attenuation 2. Dispersion 153 Scattering, fraction L534 Attenuation duc to energy loss mechanisms 1.55 - Auenuatlon versus frequency 1.6. Kalser and felicity effects, and felicity eatio 161 Inmetale 1.62. Incomposies 1.63. nother materials 17 Terminology (reer to AE Glossary, ASTM F 1316) 20 Sensing the AE Wave 21 Transdeing processes (piezodletrcity, etc) Sensors 221 Construction Conversion efficiencies 2.23. Calibration (sensitivity curve) 23, Sensor attachment 2341 Conpling materials 23.2 Attachment devices 23.3. Waveguides 24 Sensor utilization 244. Flat reaponse sensors 242. Resonant response sensors 243. ategral-electronies sensors 244 Special sensors (directions, mode responsive) 243. Sensor selection Acoustic Emission Technique Course LO Instrumentat La Cables LL Coaxial cable 11.2 Twisted pair cable 113 Optica fiber cable 1.146 Nofse problems in cables 115 Impedance matching L116 Connectors 12 Signal conditioning 121 Preamplifiers 122. Amplifiers 123 Fikers 124 Units of gain measurement 13. Signal detection 13.1 ‘Threshold comparator 1.32 Units of threshold measurement 1.33. Sensioity determined by gain andfor threshold 1 Signal processing LAL Waveform characteristics TaL1 Amplitude analysis 14.2. Pulse duration analysis TALS. Rise time analysis ALL Bvent and event rte processing LALS) MARSE 1.42 Discrimination techniques 143. Distribution techniques 15 Source location techniques 13 Single channel location 152. Linear location and Signal Processing Acoustic E on Testing Topical Outlines 1.53. Planar location 154 Other location techniques 1.6 Acoustic emission test systems 1.6.1 Single channel systems 16.2 Mubi-channel systems 1.6.3 Dedicated industrial systems LP Accessory techniques 121 Audio indicators 17.2. XV and strip chert recording 173. Oscilloscopes 174. Magnetic recorders 175 Others 1.8 Advanced signal processing techniques 1.8.1 Signal definition 82 Sigral capture E83 Frequency analysis 184 Pattern recognition Acoustic Emission Test Techniques 2.1 Factors afocting test equipment selection 2d Material being monitored 2.1.2 Location and nature of emission 21.3 Type of information desired 2.14. Sizeand shape of test part 22. Equipment calibration and setup for est Calibration signal generation techniques Calibration procedures Sensor selection and placement Adjustment of equipment controls Discrimination technique adjustments 23. Loading procedures 231 Type ofloading 232. Maximum test oad 233. Load holds 23.4 Repeated and programmed loadings 255 Rate offloading 24. Special est proceduces 24. High temperaturflow temperature tests 242. Interrupted tests (including cyl fatigue) 243 Long-crm tsis 2.4.4 Tests in igh noise environments 25 Data display 25.1 Selection of display mode 252 Use and reading of diferent kinds of display 26. Noise sources and pre-test identification techniques 261 Electromagnetic nolse 2462. Mechanical noise Precautions against noise 27.1 Hlecteical shielding 272. Flectronic techniques 27.3 Prevention of movement 274 Attenuating materials and applications 28. Data interpretation 28.1 Recognizing nose in the recorded data 262 Noise elimination by date filtering techniques 283. Relevant and aontelevant acoustic emission 29 Data evaluation 29.1 Methods for ranking, grading, accepting ejecting 29.2 Comparison with calibration signals 2.93 Sousce eaation by complementary NDT methods 210 Reports| 2.10.1 Purpose 2.102 Content and structure 3.0 Codes, Standards, Procedures, and Societies 3. Guide-type standards (glossaries, calibration, ete) 32 Standardized/ codified acoustic emission test procedures 33. User-developed test procedures BAA Societies active in acoustic emission 40 Applications of Acoustic Emission Testing (course should include at least 3 categories from 4.1 and atleast 4 «categories from 4.2) 41 Laborstorystadies (material characterization) 411.1. Crack growth and fracture mechanics 4.12. Environmentally asisted cracking 413 Dislocation movement (metals) 4114. Clarifying deformation mechanisms (composites) 415 Phase transformation and phase stability 416 Creep, 417 Residual stress 418 Corrosion AIS Fatigue 4.110 Rupture 4111 Doctile/beite transition 4.1.12 Other material characterization applications 42 Structural applications 421. Pressure wesels (metal) 422. Storage tanks (metal) 423. Pressure vesels/storage tanks (composite) 424 Piping and pipelines 425. Bucket trucks 426 Alrerft 427 Bridges 428 Mines 4.29 Dams, earthen slopes 42.10 Pumps, valves, ete, 42.11 Rotating plant 42.12 In process weld monitoring 4213 Leakdetection and monitoring 42.14 Other structural applications Acoustic Emission Testing Level III Topical Outline LO Principles and ‘Theory LA Characteristics of sconstc emission testing LLL Concepts of source, propagation, loading, measurement, display, evaluation 1.12. Proper selection of acoustic emission as technique of choice . L121 Differences betwaen acoustic emission testing and other techniques 12 3 L122 Compiemectary roles of acoustic Se end other methods 1123 Potensia or conflicting results botecen methods LLL2A4 Factors that qulify/disqualify the se of acoustic emission testing 113 Math review (exponents logarithms, metric units, and conversions) ‘Materials and deformation 1.2.1 Materials constitution 121.1 Crystalline/nonerytalline 121.2 Motals/composites/other 1.22 Stress and strain (including trial, residual, thermal) 1.23, Elastic and plastic deformation; crack growth 1.24 Materials properties (strength, toughness, etc) Sources of acoustic emission 131 Broadband nature of source spectra 132. Emission/signal levels, units of amplitude Dislocations ~ plastic deformation 1332 Phase transformations 1333, Deformation reinning 1324 Nonmetallic inclusions 1335 Suberitical crack growth 13351 Subertical crack groweh under mereasing ond 13352 Duct tearing under increasing dead 1.3353 Patigue crack initiation and grove 1.3354. Hydrogen embritlement cracking 13855. Suess corrosion cracking 1.34 Sources in nonmetals 134.1 Micvoeraeking 1342. Gross cracking. 1343 Crexing 1344 Other sources in nonmetals 5 Sources in composites 135. Fiber breakage 1352 Matrix cracking 1353. Fiber-matrix debonding 1354 Delamination 1355. Fiber pull-out, relaxation 1356 Friction 136 Other sources 16. Pressure leaks; cavit 1362. Oxideand scale cracking 1363 Slag eracking 1.3464. Frictional sources 1.385. Liquefaction and solidification 1.366 Loose pars, intermittent contact 3667 Huds and noneolide L368 Crade closure 1389 Corrosion 16 ry ‘Wave propagation LAL. Near-field impulse response 142 Modes of propagation (inchoding lamb waves) 143. Mode conversion reflection and retraction 144 Wave velocity in material (including velocity dispersion) 145. Anisotropic propagation in composites 1A6 Specimen geometry effects tion 151 Geometric attenuation 152 Dispersion 153. Scattering, difraction 154 Effects of contained fluids 1.55_ Attenuation due to energy loss mechanisms 1.86. Attenuation versus frequency Kaiser and felicity effects, and felicity ratio 16.1 Tn metals 1462. In composites 163. Emission during load holds ‘Terminology (ele to acoustic emsion glossary, ASTM E1318) Equipment and Materials 2 22 23 2d 25 “ransducing processes (iezoelecticity, ete) Senso 22:1 Constraction 221, Single ended 2212 Disirentl 2213 Testenvizonment considerations 2214 Wave mode sensitivity 222 Conversion effiencies, temperoture ces 223 Calibration 223.1 Methods and significance 22232 Calealatons from absolute sensitivity 224 Reciprocity Sensor attachment 23.1 Coupling materia selection and effective use 232 Attachment devices 23.3, Waveguides desig considerations fect on signal Sensor utiiaton 2a Flt response sensors 242 Resonant response sensors 24.3 Intogrl-clectroncs sensors 2A Special sensors (directional, mode responsive, accelerometers) 245. Sensor selection Simulated AE sources 25:1 Hsu-Nielsn source (lead break) 25.2 Pieuoletnic transducers end associated electronics 253. Gropet 25:4 Other devices Cables 26 Cable types 26.1.1 Coan 2612 ‘Twisted pait 26113 Multisereened n Testing Topical Outlines 26.14 Optical 261.5 Others 2.62 Shielding and other factors governing cable selection Cable length etfets Noise problems in cables CCables as transmission lines Impedance matching Connectors 27 Signal conditioning 2.7.1. Preamplifiers (dynamic r capability, ete) 2.72 Amplifiers 27.3. Filters: selection, rall-off ates 27.4 Units of gain measurement 2.75. Electronic nolse 28. Signal detection 28.1 Threshold comparator 282 Unite ofthreshold measurement 283. Sensitivity determined by gain andfor threshold 284 Use of floating threshold 285 Dead time 29 Signal processing 28,1, Waveform characteristics 29.1 Amplitude 29.2 Pulse duration 29.13 Rise time 291.4 Signal strength (MARSE) 28.15 Threshold crossing counts 29.1.6. Hit versus event processing 2.10 Souree location 2.10. Single chenne! location 2.10.2 Linear location 2.10.4 Hit-equence zonal location 2.10.5 Other location methods 2.10.6 Guard channels and spatial tering 2.11 Advanced signal processing 21. Data fering 211.2 Signal definition 2.11.3 Signal caprure 2.11.4 Frequency analysis (fourier theorem, theory of spectrum) 2.11.5 Pattern recognition 2.11.6 Source function determination by aeconvolution/Green’s function 2.12 Acoustic emission text eystems 2.12.1 Single channel systems 2.122 Multi-channd systems 2.123 Dedicated industrial systems 2.124 Interpreting and writing system specifications 213 Accessory materials 2.13.1 Audio indicators 2.18.2 X-¥ and stip chart recording 2.13.3 Oseillesopes 2134 Magnetic recorders 2.135 Computers and their use 213.1 Operating systems 2.135. Data storage and transfer 2,135.3 Data output 213.6 Others cable drive EOSIN ike 2.14 Factors affecting test equipment selection 2.14.1 Material being monitored 2.142 Location and nature of emission 2.143 Type of information desired 2.144 Size and shape of test pact 3.0 Techniques 3.1 Equipment calibration and setup for test 3.141 Calibration signal generation techniques 2 Calibration procedures 3113. Sensor selection and placement 3.14. Adjustment of equipment controls 3115. Discrimination technique adjustments 32. Establishing loading procedures 321. Type ofloeding 3:22. Maxiroum test load 323 Load holds 3.24. Repeated and programmed loadings 325 Ralcof loading 133. Precautions against noise 33.1 Noise identification S..11 Electromagnetic noise 33.1.2 Mechanical noise 332. Noise elimination/discrimination before test 3.32.1. Fletsical shielding 3.322 Grounding 23. Frequency filtering 3324. Gain and/or theeshold adjustment 3.325 Floating threshold 33.26 Atenuating materials and applications 3327 Prevention of movement, friction 3328 Guard channels, spatial filtering 3329 Time-based and losd-based gating $ Discrimination based on waveform characteristics 3.4. Special test procedures S41. High temperoture/low temperature tests 3.42. Interrupted tests (ircluding eylic fatigue) 343. Long-term tests, permanentcontinuous monitoring 344. Tests in high noise environments 35. Data displys 35.1 Purpose and value of different displays 35.11 Time-based and load-based plots Location displays 435.13 Distribution functions 3514 Crosplots 3515 Other dspleys 352. Selection of displays 40 Interpretation and Evaluation 4.1 Data interpretation 4.1. Relevant and nonreevant AE response 4.12 Recognizing noise versus true AB inthe recorded dota 4.1.3. Distribution fanction analysis: ALA Crosaplot analysis 60 70 ise eiinstion - data fering techniques S151 Spatial Bering 44152 Fitering on waveform characteristics 4153 Time based and paramettic-based filtering 42. Data evaluation 42.1 Methods for ranking grading, accepting/ejcting, 422 Comparison with calibration signals 423. Source evaluation by complementary NDT methods 43, Reports 431 Purpose 43.2 Content and structure 433 Developing standard report format Procedures 5.1 Guide-type standards (glossaries, calibration, et.) 52. Standardized/codified AE test procedures 5.3. User-developed test procedures 54 Societies active in AE 35. Inlerpretation of codes, standards, and procedures 56 Developing and writing AE tet procedures 57 Training and examining Levelland II NDT personnel ‘Safety and Health G4 Hazards assocised with structural fare during test 62. Other hazards associated with AE testing 63. Importance of local regulations Applications 7.1 Laboratory studies (material characterization) Crack growth and fracture mechanics Environmentally assisted cracking Dislocation movement (metals) (strain rate and ‘volume effects) 7A Clarffing deformation mechanisms (composites) TAS. Phase transformation and phase stability TAS Creep TAT. Residual stress F18 Corrosion 719 Fatigue 7.1.10 Rupture 7.1.21 Ductilefritle transition 7.1.12 Other material characterlaton applications 72. Siructural applications 721. Pressure vesels (metal) 722. Storage tanks (metal) 723. Pressure vesel/storage tanks (composite) 724 Piping and pipelines 725 Bucket racks 726 Aircralt 727 Bridges 728 Mines 7.29 Dams earthen slopes 7.2.10 Pumps, valves, ee 72.11 Rotating plant 72:12 In-process weld monitoring 7.213 Leak detection and monitoring 7.2.14 Other structural applications Acoustic Emission Testing, Level |, Il, ‘and Ill Training References sual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 03.03, Nondestructive esting. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials Latest edition.” SNT Questions & Answers Book: Acoustic Emission Testing, Colurnbus, OH: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Ss Latest Edition.” egham, A.H., CW, Ekand LR. Taner, eds. Acoustic Emission ing of Aerial Devices and Asioclated Equipment Used tthe ty Industries - STP 1139, Philadelphia, PA: American Society + Testing and Materials. 1982. er and Pressure Vessel Cade, Section V, Articles 11 and 12. New sok, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Latest edi Ss Drauillard, 1. Acoustic Eosion: A Bibligraply with Abstracts, ‘New Yorks Plenum Press. 1979, ial of Acoustic Fission. Volume 8, Number 1-2. Los Angeles, ‘TA: Acoustic Emission Group. 198. Mathews, LR. Acoustic Fmission (Nondestructive Testing ‘-xographs and Tracts, Vol. 2). New York: Gordon and Breach, ‘Since Publishers, Inc. 1983, Acoustic Emission Testing Topical Outlines Miller, RK. and EN:K. Hill ech. eds, P.O. Moore, 2 Nondestructive Testing Handbook, third edition: Volume 6, Acoustic Emission Testing. Columbus, OU: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Ine, 2005." ‘Monitoring Structural Integrity by Acoustic Emission STP 571, Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials, wis, Nicoll, AR. Acoustic Emission, Germany: DGM Metallurgy Informationsgeselechat. 1980, Nondestrictive Byaluation afd Quality Controk Metals Handbook, Ainth edition: Volume 7. Betas Park, OH: ASM International, 1989 Sachee, W., K. Yamaguchi, and J. Roget, eds. Acoustic Emissions Current Practice and Future Directions, STP 1077. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1991." Spanner, J.C. Acoustic Emissions: Teelniques and Applications, Evanston, IL: Intex Publishing Co. 1974, * valle fom The American Society for Nondestusive Testing Icy Crabs, OF. Ce Gse 10 Electrom Alternating Current Field Measurement Testing Level | Topical Outline Theory Course LO Introduction to Flectromagnetic Testing LI. Brief history of testing 12. Basic principles of NDT testing 20 Hlectromagnetic Theory 21 Bédy current theory 21.1 Generation of eddy currents by means ofan AC field 2.12. Effects of fields crested by eddy currents 243. Properties of eddy currents 2.13.1. Travel in circular direction 2.132 Eddy current distribution 3 Bifets of fit off and geometry 34 Relationship of magnetic feld in relation toacurrentin coil Effects of permeability varstions ia ‘magnetic materials 2:16 Effect of discontinuities 21.37 Relationship benween frequency and dept of penetration 2.138 Seandard depths of penetration 22. Flux leakage theory 224 Terminology and units 222 Principles of magnetization 222.1 BH cue 222.2 Magnetic properties 222.3 Magnetic fields 222.4 Magnetic perracabilty 22.2.5 Factors affecting magnetic permeability 23, Basic electrical theory 231 Bosic units of electrical measurement 2:32 Direct current circuits 233 Ohmslaw 234 Paraday’slaw 2335. Resistance 236 Inductance 23.7 Magnetic effect of electrical currents Technique Course 110 Alternating Current Field Measurement Theory 20 30 40 50 60 ld 12 13 14 Production of uniform fields ‘Current flow, Bx, 8, and By relationships Relationship of the Bs, Bz, and butterfly plots Other sources that isluence the signals “Types of Probes al 22 23 24 25 (Coll arrangements 2.1 Primary induction coil 212 Brand By sensor coils Cal factors it off) ‘Theory of operation Applications Limitations Probe markings Probe Software 3 32 33 robe software versions and compatibility Manufscturers’ sensitivity settings 321 Gain 322 Sealings 4323. Relitionship between gsin and current settings Sensitivity checks Factors Affecting the Choice of Probes a1 a2 43 a4 ‘Type of part to be inspected ‘Type of discontinuity tobe inspected ‘Speed of testing required Probable location of discontinuity ‘Types of Hardware and Operating Software Applications 51 Choice of systems for specific applications (Choice of software for specific applications 5.2 Depth and length sizing capabilities 522. Probe resolution 5.23 Costing thickness ‘Scanning for Detection 61 62 63 oa 65 65 07 Initial set up Setting position indicators Probe orientation Scanning speed Scanning pattern for tubulars and pipes Scanning pattern for linear sections Scanning for transverse cracks ANSI/ASNT CP-105-2016 | ET 70 Signal Interpretation 21. Review of display format 72. Detection and examination procedure 73. Crack signals - linear eracks, angled cracks, line contacts and multiple cracks, transverse cracks 74. Other signal sources ~ liftoff. geometry, material, ‘magnetism, edges, and corners Alternating Current Field Measurement Testing Level Il Topical Outline Principles Course 1.0. Review of Electromagnetic Theory LL Raddy current theory 112. Alternating custent feld measurement theory 13 ‘Types ofalternating current field measurement sensing probes 20. Factors that Affect Depth of Penetration 24 Conductivity 22 Permeability 23. Froquency 24 Coilsize ‘30. Factors that Affect Alternating Current Field Measurement Testing 3 Residual fields 32. Defect geometry 433, Defect location: scanning pattern for atachments, ‘corners and ratholes 34. Defect orientation 355. Distance between adjacent defects Techniques and Applications Course 1.0, Software Commands 11. Probe file production 1.111. Selection of gan and frequency settings for specific applications 1.12. Selection of eurvent for specific applications 1113 Selections of sensitivity settings and scalings for specific applications 12 Standardization settings 1.21 Alem settings 122 Butterfly plot salings 13 Adjustment of communication rates 20. User Standards and Operating Procedures 2:1. Explanation of standards applicable to alternating carent field measurement testing 22 Explanation of operating procedures applicable to slternating curren field measurement testing 2 Eddy Current Testing Level I Topical Outline Theory Course 110. Introduction to Eddy Current Testing LL. Historical and developmental process dt Founding fathers: Arago, Lena, Faraday, Maxell 1.1.2 Advances in electronics 1.2. Basie physics and controlling principles 12. Varying magnete fields 122 Bectromagnetic induction 123 Primary and secondary force relationships 2.0. Electromagnetic Theory 2.4 Eddy curcent theory 2.) Generation of eddy currents by means of an AC eld 212 Effect of fields created by eddy encrents empedance changes) 24.3. Effect of change of impedance on insttumentation 2A. Properties of eddy current 2141 True in circular direction 2.4412. Strongest on surface of test material Zero value at center of solid conductor placed in an alterating magnetic field 2.1.44 Strengtb, time relationship, and ‘rlentation as functions of textsystem parameters and test-part characteristics 2.145 Small magnitude of current flow 2.14.6 Relationships of frequency and phase 2147 Electrical effects, conductivity of materials 2148 Magnetic effects, permeability of terials 2149 Geometrical effects 30 Lab Demonstration 3:1. Generation of Z-curves with conductivity samples 3.2. Generation of liftoff curves Basic Technique Course LL Types of areas LILLL Probe coils L1AL2. Encircting coils CLUS Inside coils 1.12. Modes of operation 1121 Absolute 1122. Differential L123. Hybrids 1.1.3 "Theory of operation Hall effect sensors L141 Theory of operation 1.142. Differences hetwece coll and hall-element systems 119° Applications 15.1 Measurement of material properties 152. Flaw detection 1.153 Geometrical features LAs Advantages LL? Limitations 1.2 Factors affecting choice of sensing elements 1 Type of part tobe inspected 122 Typecof discontinuity to be detected 123 Speed of testing required 124 Amount of testing (percentage) required 1.25. Probable location of discontinuity 20 Selection of Inspection Parameters 2.1 Frequency 22. Coil drive: currentvoliage 23. Hall element drive: current/voltage 24 Channel gain 25. Display sensitivity selections 26 Standerdization 27. Fikenog 28. Thresholds 3.0 Readout Mechanisms 311 Calibrated or uncalibrated meters 3.2 Impedance plane displays 321 Analog 322 Digital 33. Data recording systems 34 Alarms, lights, ee, 35. Numerical ceadouts 36 Marking ystems 37. Sorting gates andl tables 38 Cutoff saw or shears 3.9. Automation and feedback 49 Lab Demonstration 4. Demo filter effets on rotating reference standards 42 Demo lift-off effects 43 Demo frequency eects 44 Demo rotational and forward speed effects 45. Generate a Z-curve with conductivity standards Eddy Current Testing Level II Topical Outline Principles Course LO Review of Electromagnetic Theory Li Raddy current theory 12. Types of eddy current sensing probes 20 Factors that Affect Coll Impedance 21 Testpar 21.1 Conductivity 21.2 Permeability 213 Mass 2.44 Homogeneity 30 40 60 Electromagnetic Testing Topical Outlines 22 Test system 221 Frequency 222 Coupling 2.23. Field strength 224 Test coll and shape 225 Hall elements Signal-to-Noise Ratio 3.1 Definition 3.2 Relationship to eddy current teting 33. Methods of improving signal-to-noise ratio. Selection of Test Fraquency 4.1 Relationship of frequency to typeof test, 42. Considerations affeting choice of test 421. Signal-to-noise rato 422 Causes of noise 412.3, Methods to reduce noise 423.1 DC saturation 423.2 Shielding 423.3 Grounding 424 Phase discrimination 425. Response speed 426 Skin effect Coupling 5.1 Fill factor 52 Liftoff Fleld Strength and its Selection 6.2 Permeability changes 62. Saturation 63. Bifect of AC field strength on eddy current testing Instrument Design Considerations 2.1 Amplification 72 Phase detection 73. Differentiation offering Techniques and Applications Course 10 20 User Standards and Operating Procedures ILL Explanation of standards and specifications used in eddy crrent testing Inspection System Output 21 Accepttejec criteria 2.1L. Sorting, go/no-go 22 Signal dasiiction processes 22.4 Discontinuity 222 Fhw 23. Detection of signals of interest 23 Near surface 232 Farsurfice 24. Flaw sling techniques 24.1 Phaseto depth 242. Volts to depth ANSI/ASNT 2.5. Caleulation of flow frequency 2.6. Sorting for properties related to concictivity, 27 Thickness evalvation 28 Measurement of ferromagnetic properties 28.1 Comparative circuits Remote Field Testing Level | Topical Outline Theory Course 10. ntroduction to Remote Field Testing LL Historical and developmental process LLL. Founding fathers: MeLean, Schmid, Atherton, and Lord 11.2. The computer age and is effect on the advancement of remote fel testing (RET) 12. Dasicphysies and controling principles 121. Varying magnetic elds 122 Electromagnetic induction 123. Primary and secondary field relationships 20. Electromagnetic Theory 2:1 Generation of eddy currents in conductors 22 Eddy current propagation and decay, standard depth of penetration 23. Near field transition, and remote field cones 4 Properties of remote eld eddy currents 2.41 Through-transmision nature ‘Magnetic (ux is predominant energy ‘The fecrous tube asa wave guile Strength of field in three zones “External field i source of energy in remote field actors affecting phase lay and amplitude Geometric factors: il factor, external support plates, tube sheets 248 Speed of test, relationship to thickness feequency, conductivity, and permeability 249 bec of deposits, magnetite, copper, cakium 2-410 Remote field testing (RET) in nonferrous tubes Basic Technique Course 1.0. Types of Remote Field Sensing Flements LL Probes LL Types of arrangements LLL Absolute bobbin coils 11.12. Differential bobbin coils 1.13 Amays 1.1.2. Modes of operation 112, RFT voltage plane and reference curve 11.22 X-¥ voltage plane 1.123 Chart recordings 1.1.3. ‘Theory of operation 114 Applications Heat exchanger and boiler tubes 14 1142 Plpesand pipelines 143. External and through-teansmission probes Advantages LLL Equal sensitivity to internal and external flaws 1.25.2 Easy to understand: increasing depth of flaw signals rotate CCW 1.1.6 Limitations LAG. Speed 11.62 -Dificlt to diferentateInespal versus external aes 1.1.63 Small signals om small volume flaws L164 Finned tubes 1.2 Factors affecting choice of probe type 1.2.1. Differential for small volume flaws (ex. itd) 122. Absolute for large area defects (eg, steam ‘erosion, feting) 1.23 Test (probe travel) speed 1.24 Single versus duel exciters and areas of reduced sensitivity ‘Bobbin coils and solid-state sensors Finned tubes 2.0 Selection of Inspection Parameters 2d Frequency 22. Coil drive: currentvolage 23. pre-amp gain 24 Display gain 25. Standardization 30 Readout Mechanisms 31 Display types 3.1 RET voltage plane displays 3.1.2. Voltage vector displays 32. RFT selerence eure 33. Chart recordings 24 Odometers 3.5. Storing and recalling data on computers Principles Course 1.0. Review of Electromagnetic Theory LL RFT theory 112 "Types of RET sensing probes 20 Factors that Affect 2a Test part 211 Conductivity 212. Permeabilty 213 Mass 214 Homogeneity 22 Test system 22.1 Frequency 22.2 Coupling (il actor) 2.23. Field strength (drive volts, frequency) 224 Coil shapes il Impedance 3.0 Signal-to-Noise Ratio 3.1. Definition 32. Relationship to RET testing 23. Methods of improving sgoal-to-noise rato 331 Speed 332. Fil factor 333 Frequency 334 Fikers 335 Drive 336 Shielding 337 Grounding [(6) and (7) also apply to other methods), 40 Selection of Test Frequency 4.1 Relationship of frequency to depth of penetration 42 Relationship of frequency o resolution 4.3, Dual frequency operation 4 Beat frequencies 43. Optimam frequency 50 Coupling 51 Fillfactor 52. Importance of centralizing the probe 60 Field Strength 64 Probe deve and penetration (62. bifect of increasing thickness, conductivity or permeability 163. Position of receive coils versus fel stength ‘TW Instrument Design Considerations ‘Amplifiation| 2 Phase and amplitude detection (lock-in amplifier) 73 Ditleeatiation and filtering Remote Field Testing Level II Topical ‘Outline Techniques and Applications Course ‘Le Equipment LL Probes LLL Absolute bobbin coils 112. Differential bobbin cols 113 Arrays 4 Dual exciter or dual detector probes TA5 Solid-state sensors LLG External probes LL? Effect of fll factor 1.18 Centralizing the probe Li9 Quality ofthe “ride” 1.2.40 Cable Iength considerations ELM Pre-amps internal and external 22 Instruments 2.1. Measuring phase ancl amplitude 122. Displays: remote field testing (RET), voltage plane, impedance plane diferences Electromagnetic Testing Topical Outlines 12.3, Chart recordings 1244 Storing, retrieving, archiving date 125 Standardization frequency 1.3. Reference standards 131 Material 132 Thickness 133 Size 134 Heat treatment 135. Simulated defects 136 ASTM E2096 137 ow often to standardize 2.0 Techniques 30 2.1 Factors affecting signals 2.1. Probe speed/smaothness of travel 2.412 Depth, width, and length of law versus probe footprint 2.13. Probe drive, pre-amp gain, view gain, ters 2.14. Position of daw versus other objects (eg. support plates) 245 Bill actor 2.16. Signal-to-noise ratio 21.7 Thickness, conductivity, and permeability of the tube 24.8 Correct display ofthe signal 22 Seeotion of tet frequencies 22 Single oF dual or multi-frequency 222. Sharing the time slice 223 Number of readings per cycle 2.2.4. Beat frequencies, harmonics, and base frequencies 225 Optimum frequency 226 Saturating the input amplifier large volume defects) 2.27 Small volume defects: optimizing the settings to detect Applications 3.1 Tubulars using internal probes BLL Heat exchanger tubes 312. Boiler tubes 313 Pipes 3.14 Pipelines BLS Furnace tubes 3.2. Tubulars using external probes 32.1 Boiler tubes 322 Process pipes 323 Pipelines 324. Structural pipes 33. Other applications 33.1 Flat plate 3.32. Finned tubes 333. Hydrogen furnace tubes 334. Nonferrous tubes and pipes 335. Castiton water mains 336. Oilwell casings 8 ENeenaness 40. Inspection System Output 41 Acceptiroject criteria 411 Customer epecified or code epeciied 42. Signal classification processes 421 Discontinuity 422 Flaw 43 Detection of signals of interest 43.1 Nearfunder support plates and tubesheets 43.2. Flaws inthe free span 433. Intemal and external las 43.4 Recognition of signals ftom non-faws 444 Signal recognition, data analysis, and dlase-sizing techniques 44.1 Understanding the RFT reference curve and using it for fla sizing 442. Using phase angle to calculate flaw depth on the XY display 4413. Coil footprint comsiderations Electromagnetic Testing Level III Topical Outline Eddy Current Testing 10 Principles Theory LL Eddy current theory LAL Generation of eddy currents 1.1.2. Effect of fields created by eddy currents (impedance changes) Properties of eddy currents 1131 Travel mode 1.132. Depth of penetration 1133. Bflects of test part characteristics = ‘conductivity and permeability Current flow Frequency and phase Effects of permeability variations ~ noise $ffects of discontinuity orientation 113, Lisa 1135 1136 137 2.0 Equipment/Materials 16 24. Probes ~ general 2ALL Advantage/limitations 22. Through, encircling oF annular coils and hall elements 22. Advantagesimitationsdiferences 23. Factors affecting choice of sensing clements 231 Type of part tobe inspected 2.32. Type of discontinuity to be detected 233. Speed of testing required 234. Amount of tesing required 235. Probable location of discontin 234. Applications other than discontinuity detection 24 Read out selection 241 Meter 242 Oscilloscope, X-Y, and other displays 243. Alarm, lights ete 30 40 30 25. Tnstrument design considerations 25.1 Amplification 252 Phase detection 2.53 Differentiation or filtering 25 Thresholds, box gates, et. "Techniques/Calibrations 3.1, Factors which afect col impedance 34d Test part 312 Test system 32 Selection of test frequency 3.21 Relation of frequency to typeof test 322. Consideration affecting choice of test 322.1, Signalto-noise ratio 8.22.2. Phase discrimination 32.2.3 Response speed S224 Skin effect 33. Coupling SA Fillfactor 332. Lif-ott 34. Field strength 34. Permeability changes 342 Saturation 343. Effect of AC field strength on eddy current testing 35. Comparison of techniques 3 Standardization 3.6.1 Techniques 362. Reference standards 87 Techniques - general 37.1 Thickness 372 Soning 373. Conductivity 37.4 Surface or subsurface Naw detection 375 Tubing Interpretation Evaluation 41 Flaw detectlon 42 Sorting for properties 43 Thickness gaging 44 Process contrat 43. General interpretations Procedures Remote Field Testing 10 Remote Field Testing (RET) Principles and Theories LL Three zone fx RET LLL Near field (dire eld) 1:12 Transition zone 113. Remote field zone 12. Through-teansmission nature of REP 1.3. Standard depth of penetration factors 131 Thickness 132. Permeability 3. Conductivity 134 Frequency 135 Geometry A. Sigoal analysis 5. Display options 151 Voltage plane (polar coordinates) 152. X-¥ display (rectilinear coordinates) 1553 Chart recordings: phase, log-amplirade, magnitude, XY ‘Advanced applications 152 Array probes 162 Large pipes 163 Flat plates 164. Nonferrous applications 165. Efects of it and shields 166 Eilects of cores and magnets Codes and Practices Woiting procedures ASTM E 2095 SNT-TCIA 23, Respoasbilty of Level IT Supervision and training Administering exoms Ethics Reports estentsl elements, legal responsibility Aiternating Current Field Measurement Testing LD Principles and Theory LL Generation of eddy currents 1.2. fect of fields created by eddy currents 13. Properties of eddy currents 1.31 Depth of peneiration 13.2. Effects of test part characteristics 133 Current low 134. Frequency 135. Effects of permeability variations 136 Effects of discontinuity orientation Alternating current measurement probes general 24.1 Advantages and Timi Factors affcting choice of prabes 221 Type of part tobe inspected 22.2 Type of discontinulty tobe inspected 223. Speed of testing required 22.4 Amount of testing required 225 Probable location of discontinuity 226 Applications other that discontinuity detection “Techniques(equipment sensitivity 23.1, Selection of test frequency 232, Selection of correct probe sealings in relation to the tet 2.35. Selection of correct communication rates Interpretation and Bvaluat 31 Flaw detection of Signals 40 Procedures Electromagnetic Testing Topical Outlines Electromagnetic Testing Method, Level |, I, and Ill Training References Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 03.03 Nondestructive ‘Testing. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. Latest edition.= ASNT Level Ll Study Guide: Electromagnetic Testing, Columbus, (OH: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Latest, codition.* ASNT Questions & Answers Book: Electromagnetic Testing. Columbus, O1: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc, Latest edition.* ASTM 690 - 10 Standard Practice jor Tn Sim Blectromagnettc (Eddy-Current) Examination of Nonmagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes, West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International 2010* Beissner, RE, G.A. Matzkanin, and CM, Tell, NTIAC-0-1, NDE Applications of Magnet Leakage Field Methods, January 1980 Bray, D.B. and D. McBride. Nondestructive Testing Techniques New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 1992. Ceeeo, VS. G, Van Drunen, and FL. Sharp. Fddy Gurvent Testing, US Fition, Columbia, MD: Nichols Publishing Ine. 1987 (AECL: 1503) Igor, RJ. and S, Ramchandean, “Remote-Field Eddy Current ‘Testing of Small-Diameter Carbon Steel Tubes,” Materials Evaluation. Vol. 47, No.1. 1989. pp 32-36" Libby, HLL, dntroduetion to Electromagnetic Nondestructive Test ‘Methods. Huntington, NY: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co, 1979. Mackintosh, D.D., DL. Atherton, and P.A. Puhach, “Hhrough- Transmission Equations for Remote-Field Eddy Current Inspection of Small-Bore Ferromagnetic Tubes.” Materials valuation. Val 51, No. 6.1993. pp 744-748." Mackintosh, D-DD. Atherton, TR. Schmidt, and DE. Russel “Remote Feld Eddy Curren for Examination of Ferromagnetic “Tubes” Materials Evaluation, Vol. 54, No. 6. 1996. pp 652-657." ‘Materials and Proceses for NDT Tecknolugy, second edition, Colurbus, OH: The American Sacety for Nondestructive Testing, Te. 2016." Mordiin, L Handbook of Reference Data for Nondestructive ‘esting second edition, West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International. 2002 Sadek, H. Electromagnetic Testing Classroom Training Book (PP Series). Columbus, OF: The American Society for Nondestructive “Testing, Inc, 2008," Schmidt, T.R. “History ofthe Remote Field Eddy Current Inspection Techniqus,” Materials Bvaluation, Vol, 47, No.1 1989. pp le-22" W ee

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