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1. Theme - RESCUE WALL-E

2. Description
Week 3 Challenge - AIESECape Room 02 adopts the immersive format in
which every team takes part in role-playing challenges. Participants would
play detectives whose sole purpose is to rescue Wall-E from the evil thief.
The reports stated that Wall-E was kidnapped on July 1st, 2022 at the
courthouse on Axiom Street, other than that we unfortunately have no leads.
Therefore, each group of detectives is expected to gather as many hints and
clues about the thief as possible via solving problems and analyzing data.
Detectives must notice that the time limit is exactly 2 hours, otherwise
Wall-E will be gone forever!
3. Instructions
Detectives will work as a team with the support of companions and enter 6
rooms in total. In each room, they will be faced with di erent formats of
questions and should discuss how to solve the problems using knowledge
acquired in Week 1 and Week 2. After passing each room, each team will be
handed with A HINT & A CLUE
- HINT: to know what the next location is
- CLUE: preparing for the final room

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