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Ingles B1

Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Production.

Leidy Carolina Chirivi.
Cristian Andrés Cuero.
Elizabeth Patiño.
María Magdalena Marino.
Luz Marina Muñoz Huertas

Alcides Javier Hoyos.

Group No.: 900003-77


May 7 del 2020.

- Evidences from the individual.
May 7, 2020 Duitama Boyacá
Subject: job application.
Dear: garden of Mount Zion.
I address you with cordial respect.

I would like to share with you my desire and interest in being part of your work team as a
professional in children's pedagogy. currently published on the website.

I am a graduate in child pedagogy, I have the skills and experience necessary for the requested
position. as a teacher of early childhood, I have six years of work in this field; I am characterized
by my dedication in the teaching-learning process, my professional training with a high degree of
values allow me to perform the tasks required for the position, leadership in work groups,
management of dynamics in the school and community context.
I am dynamic teacher who is always looking for ways of making my class engaging to my
students, I love learning, so that, I constantly try to learn new things in order to grow both
professionally and personally. besides. I have experiences working on educational researches
and I know how to solve problems related to the learning process of my students. for the above, I
am sure that I match with the mission, values and goals of your institution.
While much of my experience has been in the children’s education, I understand the social value
of the young people, and my experience will be an asset to your Garden. I am an efficient person,
that works with the ludic-pedagogical components in all the lessons, maintaining a high standard
of quality and ethic. Also, I think that is important to develop activities related to the games,
sports, and cognitive knowledge’s. Finally, is very important generate trust each other middle the
teacher and the students, and I have the enough experience for this job.
I hope to be involved in the selection process.

without further ado, I appreciate your time and consideration.

very truly yours:

Cristian Andrés Cuero
Tel: +573224581692
Duitama (Boy).

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