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——_, DEPERNO LAw OFFICE, PLLC ~~ MATTHEW S, DEPERNG, J.D. LL.M. ATTORNEY AT LAW 951 W. MILHAM AVENUE PO Box 1595 PorTace, MI 49081 April 7, 202 Michael P. Asheraft Pe Plunkett Cooney 38505 Woodward Ave., Suite 100 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Re: Thomas L. Leonard, HT Dear Mike: Your office was first retained by my insurance provider (biBERK) to represent me in July 2020 regarding the MAGC sanction investigation in Todd Courser v Detroit News et al. When insurance limits were reached, I retained Plunkett Cooney to continue representation. As part of that representation, we have talked about other investigations and issues including Skandis and Moffit. In July 2021, I announced my candidacy for Michigan Attorney General for the Republican party, In September 2021, Mr. Tom Leonard announced his candidacy for Michigan Attorney General for the Republican party. Mr. Leonard is an attorney with Plunkett Cooney. On October 21, 2021, I further retained Plunkett Cooney to represent me regarding the MAGC investigation into the case of Bailey v Antrim County et al. As we have discussed, we both agree that these investigations are complete nonsense; yet we were required to respond. In both cases, Plunkett Cooney has submitted responses stating that I have not violated any ethical rules and that my conduct complied with the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct. On March 25, 2022, Mr. Leonard starting attacking me verbally and in writing related to the Antrim case and Courser case. We both know the political climate I face regarding the MAGC. Indeed, you have stated that both the Antrim and Courser investigations were iated by Michael Goetz, as Grievance Administrator, rather than any individual complainant (or at least we don't presently know the complainant). The working theory has been that Mr. Goetz read news articles about me and decided to open investigations. Mr. Leonard knows, or should know, that his statements about me are false. Nevertheless, it appears that his comments include information about investigations he should not discuss, in violation of MRPC 1.6. Under no circumstance should one of my lawyers publicly attack me, regardless of whether the information is false. Further, he knows that (as a client) I have no interest in making these investigations public; yet he has publicly called on me to release information, making them public. This is an egregious violation of the standard and duty of care. At this time, I have several issues: 1. As we discussed last week, I talked to Nathan Pitluck and he stated that the Antrim investigation was initiated by the Legislature. Mr. Leonard is the former Speaker of the House. It appears he used his association with his elected friends in the Legislature to cause the MAGC to investigate me (one of Plunkett Cooney's clients and therefore one of Mr. Leonard's clients), for political reasons. 2. __ Ifit is true that the MAGC can simply investigate an attorney based on news articles, then Mr. Leonard's comments about me (which are false) which have been publicized, put me (as one of Mr. Leonard's clients) at risk. Apparently, Mr. Goetz simply has to read a news article which includes Mr. Leonard's statements and use that article as justification for opening an investigation. Mr. Leonard owes me an apology. He also must make a public statement (verbally and in writing) acknowledging his duty to me as a client of Plunkett Cooney. He must retract his false allegations and allegations that put me at risk. It is time Plunkett Cooney conduct (1) an investigation into the source of the Bailey MAGC investigation and (2) an investigation into Mr. Leonard's present comments. During that time, Mr. Leonard should be placed on leave or terminated. 2|Page

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