Final Self-Evaluation Essay Paper Assignment

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Final Self-Evaluation Essay Exam - 100 points Name___________________

L. Watkins – Public Speaking MC____________________

This final self-evaluation is an opportunity for you to reflect upon your performance in speech class.
Consider this self-evaluation as a feedback session with your instructor. Your honest input is valued.
Additionally, this essay exam gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your grasp of excellent speech
writing and speech delivery.

Follow the format below to write a typed, single-spaced document with 7 pages, each with a separate
purpose. Please utilize page breaks and include headings on the following pages:

Page 1) Cover page (1 page)

Include assignment title and your name.

Page 2) Peer rating form (1 page)

Page 2 of this document; either flip and include this sheet of paper or copy and paste this content and
include as page two of your essay exam.

Page 3) Ceremonial speech evaluation (3/4-1 page)

After viewing your speech, type a one-page, single-spaced, 4-paragraph self-evaluation which
includes the following: 1) I liked… 2) I disliked… 3) Next time I will… 4) How will this
work for a real-world presentation? 5) Am I more comfortable in putting together a speech
on short notice? 6) Any surprises?

Page 4) Group analysis (1 page)

1. What worked well?
2. What challenges did you face?
3. How did you overcome them?
4. What lessons did you learn from working with others?
5. What roles/behavior did individuals assume?
6. What would you do differently if you had the opportunity to do the project again?

Page 5) Conclusion (1 page)

1. Provide a review of the class—your expectations, fears, discoveries, challenges, and reaction to
the class format (graded speeches, peer critiques, self-critiques of video speeches, quiz
performance, and attendance requirements). Check the syllabus to review requirements. How
did you measure up?
3. What did you accomplish during the semester? How satisfied are you with your progress? Did
you work as hard as you could have?
4. Based upon the information above, assign yourself a realistic grade for the class and provide a
rationale (reasons) for your grade.
5. List your goals for continued improvement in public speaking.
6. Who was your covenant partner? How did he or she serve you? How did you serve your
7. How did the Schultze text work for you?
8. How did the speech recording work? How helpful were the peer comments? Sufficient depth?
9. Other thoughts or comments?  Suggestions for the class?

Group Name/Title of Movie _______________________________

Group Members Being Rated: Rate Yourself As Well

#1____________________________ #4______________________________
#2____________________________ #5______________________________
#3____________________________ #6______________________________
Rate each person: 10 = excellent, 1 = very poor

Group Member  Maximum Score

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Attitude/Contributions 10
Meetings/Attendance 10
Cooperation 10
Quantity of Work 10
Quality of Work 10
Met Group Deadline 10
Leadership 10
Maintenance Functions 10
Kept Group Goals in 10
Intellectual Depth and 10
Assignment Focus
Total Points 100

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