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Vocabulary: simile and metaphor

As a painter uses brushes and paint to create an image, a writer also has tools to create an
effect. One of these tools is the use of figurative language, where the writer changes or
enhances the normal meaning of words. This enhancement falls into a number of
categories, called collectively “figures of speech.”
Among these categories, we find simile and metaphor.
A simile ‫ تشبيه‬is when you say that something - a person or place, animal or thing - is like
something else. A simile always uses the word ‘as’ or ‘like’
Examples: The film was as interesting as watching a copy of Windows download. (The film
was long and boring).
His face became as black as coal after being criticized.
His feet are as big as boats. (Feet and boats are being compared)

Similes Meanings

To drink like a fish To drink a lot

To eat like a bird To eat very little

To eat like a horse To eat a lot

To eat like a pig To eat impolitely

To fight like cats and dogs To fight fiercely

To sing like an angel To sing beautifully

To sleep like a dog To sleep well and soundly

As blind as a bat
As brave as a lion
As busy as a bee
As light as a feather
As proud as a peacock
As quick as a flash
A metaphor ‫استعارة‬
Makes an even stronger image in the reader's head. When you use a metaphor, you are
saying that a person, place, animal or thing is something else (not just like it!). Metaphors
are stronger images than similes and they usually use a form of the verb «to be”. The verb
can be in the past tense (was, were), the present tense (am, is, are), or future tense (will
Her home was a prison.
In the above sentence, we understand immediately that her home had some of the
characteristics of a prison. Mainly, we imagine, she could not leave her home. She was
trapped inside. Why it was a prison we do not know, but that would be clear from the
context- perhaps her husband forced her to stay at home, perhaps she was afraid of the
outside. We do not know, but the rest of the story would tell us. What is important here is
that in five simple words we understand a lot about her environment, how she felt and how
she behaved. In this sentence, "prison" is a metaphor.
Her voice is music to his ears. (This implies that her voice makes him feel happy)
Her hair is silk. Hair and silk are being compared.

Elephant and Blind Men

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